Attention Fellow Patriots.
The man in this picture is Spencer Sunshine. He is someone you should know. He is a high up in the Antifa Organization. He is an enemy to every right leaning conservative and libertarian. He is the one that will label anyone who isn't a leftist commie a white nationalist and islamophobe bigot. At a speech he named Patriot and Proud Boy Jovi Val as a racist. A couple weeks later Jovi was attacked at a NYC Bar after the Milo Book release party and was scared. This man winds people up to commit violence but never get his hands dirty. He also has received money from the ford foundation through a website he writes articles for. Part of his power is that he has remained anonymous. I need researchers to make him famous. The best disinfectant is sunlight.
His Writings:
The Right Hand of Occupy Wall Street: From Libertarians to Nazis, the Fact and Fiction of Right-Wing Involvement
20 on the Right in Occupy
Drawing Lines Against Racism and Fascism
“Progressive groups should come up with their own criteria for people who want to move away from Far Right politics and toward progressive political communities. Recommendations for this include: 1) requiring the person make a public statement disavowing Far Right views, and posting it in their former group’s media; 2) turning over all Far Right books, t-shirts, buttons, etc. to antifascists—especially patches or other insignia of any organizations they were members of; 3) removing all Far Right contacts on social media, and not attending events (either social, cultural, or political) hosted by these individuals or groups; 4) making a sincere statement of why their former views were problematic, with apologies made to anyone hurt by their actions. (The letter written by former White nationalist Derek Black, son of Stormfront founder Don Black, is exemplary.23) If they want to become actively involved as progressive political organizers, they should also 5) be required to go through a debrief to provide information about their former Rightist group’s structures, membership, recruiting tactics, and beliefs.
The same approach should be applied to organizations and media with a history of providing a platform for Far Right and related (antisemitic, Islamophobic, etc.) figures. They should also be able to change policy, apologize for their past, and be treated as a regular publication or platform again.”
- Spencer Sunshine
The Continuing Appeal of Racism and Fascism
“Today, the U.S. government seems to agree with my assessment.”
- Spencer Sunshine
Profiles on the Right: Three Percenters
Gunning for Office: Oregon’s Patriot Movement and the May 2016 Primary
Coordination: How the Patriot Movement Re-imagines Governmental Ties
Right Woos Left: When Patriot Movement Groups Try to Recruit Progressive Activists
Trump’s “Second Amendment People”?: The U.S. Patriot Movement Today
Populism as Core Element of Fascism
His speech where he named Jovi Val a latino trump supporter. 2 weeks later he was attacked in a NYC bar.