Windows 10 discussion and unfucking

Anons, I'm making this thread for those still on Win7, but are hesitant on upgrading to Windows 10 due to all the telemetry shit on it.

I've managed to obtain a legitimate ISO of Windows 10 Enterprise, and I'm testing it on an old laptop. I've followed the guides provided by Microsoft to corporations to lockdown the OS and disable telemetry.

I also followed the guide Hotwheels posted in removing telemetry from Windows 7 systems that had the updates on it. MS was lazy and used the same task scheduler bits in sending telemetry. So you can remove those from it on Windows 10.

Another step I did was disabling and breaking Cortana. This is the process that runs in the background and send data back to MS on a constant basis. This is what lights up wireshark when anyone began to type or do anything on Windows 10. In the above MS guides they tell you to block SearchUI.exe on the firewall to block all outbound connections. However this still leaves it running taking up resources. I simply took ownership of the folder that contained this file and renamed it and the file itself and that broke Cortana, and it no longer appears as a background process.

This also does break in-system search, but installing classic shell explorer returns the old search function from Windows 7 and 8.1.

I'm still testing it on my laptop to see if any updates from MS will restore any of the default settings. However if nothing is changed I can safely upgrade my main system. I do not know if that can be done on Pro, but the Enterprise version is the only one I've tried this on.

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This is good interesting information, but
v i d e o g a m e s

All new games will be running on DX12, and that was only made available to Windows 10.

This doesn't really affect Holla Forums, as most people here don't play new video games.
Or video games in general.

Well if you have some computer skills you can tweak win10 into win7 easily enough. It takes about 1-2 hours the first time.

Cortana, Store and all the media shit can be exorcised. Computer management is still the same. Telemetry can be minimised.

It's all doable. Win10 is remarkably a lot like previous windows versions.

oh really, damn, would you care to name a few of these awesome dx12 games?

Most games will not be using that. Only some over budget fail projects will be.


People said this about DX11 and it took 5 years for games to start using it.

Friendly reminder, windows 10 is programmed to corrupt other partitions on your hard drive that it doesn't have access to but can detect.

PC gamers are the biggest shit eaters, steam and windows are my proof.

nice try M$

Let us know then user.I'll cling to Windows 7 until i can,and if it goes fro the worst, i'll just install W10 and use it without internet.

Just use Win 7 or 8.1 if you can be bothered and run with it until the end. If there's no viable Win alternative that's better than 10 without its shit, jump ship to Linux /w VM shit + GPU passthrough.

There needs to be more shit for Win 10-tan though.

Nice try Microsoft!

Assuming you aren't a faggot, the only thing Windows 10 taught me is that I better get comfy with my old shit because I'll never have fun with new shit ever again.

never ever

Can't you just use Aegis to easily remove telemetry on Windows 7?

Most of japanese games won't be using dx12 for a while. Or not at all, since they all run at dx9, sometimes with winXP support.

Also i still hasn't finished my snes/psx/ps2 backlog.


I fucking love my linux mint.

Windows 10 sucks, offers nothing but autists a newer codebase, has shit UI

can someone set up a GPU Passthrough guide for retards? we'll probably have better results if linux switchers didn't have a fuckload of problems trying to set up a virtual machine with gpu passthrough. the guides now are so convoluted that it's retarded.

I like it

And I sure love not being able to play ArmA 3.

But user I like Total War


Shogun 2
Rome 2

There's Medieval 2 Total War somewhere, since linux version exist.

A lot of popular pc games were ported or remade natively for linux. A fucking ton of them. And there are tons of games that work under wine flawlessly.


Well the Enterprise version is the only decent option and it's not available to the general public.

But user, there's always at least one game I can't play on Linux and as a real gamer you shouldn't have any principles in the way of playing them, even if it means supporting companies that are the cancer of gaming.

Where's Attila, faggot

Show some self control. If a jew will wiggle at your face last hamburger on earth, you would probably eat it too for exchange of your dignity as a human.

Soon they will start jailing people for being white straight males on the internet, and telling to preserve your own kin would be a major terrorist crime. Desktop screenshots of windows cucks will be used as an evidence in the court. Would also get jail time for pedophilia for accidentally clicking spoiled CP spam.


Never fail to impress.

Why did you pirated this particular video game in your utorrent browser, young man? Do you understand its a punishable crime to pirate video games? Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Actually i noticed linux is getting popular. Once on Holla Forums almost half of the entire board suddenly been revealed to sit on mint.

Holla Forums is a board full of normalfags and redditors who generally know nothing about technology and use windows because linux too hard or "commies XD"

Yeah man. Just lemme dive in this here library hell so I can play the game I want.
Lemme just waste extra resources on a windows vm.

The only "decent option" is to not use windows 10.

user, you disgust me.

I see nervous Holla Forums user who doesn't know shit about how secure Holla Forums users are.

except the ones that post photos of their rooms in specific threads…

The average Holla Forumsedditor prefers windows to linux because of an insecurity that they believe using linux is communistic because it is free.

Just turn off updates and keep it off.

You don't visit Holla Forums at all, my dear baiter. Also you are the only person who uses term Holla Forumsedditor, i know your shitposting. You better to fuck off to reddit yourself, with your shitty baits.

We recently had bunch of few linux related threads on Holla Forums and everyone there is redpilled enough to stay away from windows, or at very least w10.

Reddit confirmed

You wanna unfuck Win10? Install Win7. That's literally it.

fuck off

You might be onto something.

Before switching on mint i had like turned off updates and pirated copy of w7 with tons of stuff that won't even make updates work at all. They didn't work since the very installation of it.

But then i downloaded some installation of .net framework and it updated it. Be aware that things you download from microsoft website might contain w10 installation or windows update files, that might turn on your updates.

Until they backport in the spying in the new update release cycle.

its pretty amusing to watch microsoft shoot themselves in the dick like this.

vulkan is not only superior to dx12 but it increases market share for developers. No one wants to fucking use win10.

Surely you realize even without the spying Windows 10 is a downgrade from 7?
You're literally getting rid of something you paid for and replacing it with free garbage.

You could just get a console like a normal person.

I'm not "hesitant" to upgrade, OP, I simply refuse to upgrade. I'm not interested in your roundabout shilling.


Good thing Windows 7 lets you choose which updates to install, then.

That's bullshit, it's been out for almost a year now and very few upcoming game engines are using it when Vulkan is designed to work on everything.

What developer would spend years of development time and millions of dollars on an API that's locked to the failing Microsoft ecosystem? Their tv box/console isn't doing well and they've got nothing in mobile which is replacing PCs for younger demographics. Meanwhile Valve and Google are moving towards GNU/Linux and Sony and Apple are using FreeBSD. Microsoft is stuck with an OS that nobody wants to use and is tied to a dying platform.

The writing is on the wall for Windows exclusive games that aren't financed by Microsoft. Every major game nowadays is multiplatform as it costs nothing do do. That's why they've practically given up on controlling the consumer market and are focusing on cloud business to business deals.

Very easy to do if your hardware supports it.

With this setup you can run XP/7/10 inside Linux with almost similar performance. There's also Wine for older games, with PlayOnLinux getting most games to run is as simple as a few clicks. The way things are going soon it'll be easier to do PC gaming properly on Linux than in only Windows. GPU driver support isn't an issue with PCI passthrough in virtualization.

'Stick with 7' seems to be the advice I hear everywhere but newer hardware won't support it soon. You can still keep it around in a VM while avoiding W10 instead.


Windows 10, not even once.

I'm just going to make sure my hardware is PCI-Passthrough compatible next time I upgrade.

OP, no matter what you do MS will keep updating and breaking your shit.

The only way to get rid of Windows 10 shit is to DBAN that drive and install something else.
alternatively you could disconnect it from the net and airgap it, but it'd be an almost useless OS that way

You can use that, but Aegis (as in the shield) is designed to protect you from getting that telemetry shit installed in the first place. If it already got in, I'd format and Aegis the system before connecting it online again.

I've just been pirating Win7 for years.

Is this preferable or equally dumb beyond the bonus of getting to dodge 10?


Just because we already have AIDS, doesn't mean we shouldn't mind getting cancer.

Another reason I'm testing the Enterprise version is that M$ gives companies the option to turn off updates.

No one is going to use Vulkan as there is zero support and it underperforms DX12. It's hard to even find docs or tutorials for it, and those that exist are streetshitter quality and poorly explained.


nigger, i don't even want to install windows 10. it's fucking sluggish as hell.

windows 8.1 was okay depending on how you like metro, but it had better boot times and had better memory management.

windows 7 was very stable and great for old and new games.

all future OS that i will install will be linux. not like i'll be missing much since i am not even slightly interested in the new games


It goes as fast as win 7 once you've found and disabled the crazy amount of bullshit like their anti-malware thing that eats 100% CPU for several minutes every time you start things they didn't bless. Still, I'd stick with win 7.


Source 2, Unreal 4, and id Tech 6 support it natively. A few other games have already been ported. Anyway, the 1.0 spec has only been out for around 6 months.

Provide a source or commit suicide.

And I end the decades old practice of security-patching Windows.
They basically canceled extended support for Windows 7 and 8.
Now you run unpatched, just like with Windows XP.

And what's the point? It gets re-enabled after the next forced update.

got a guide for Kubuntu


Using Windows 10 is't going to kill you

If you don't like its telementary shit than don't fucking use it, its not that hard

If you want a Windows OS that is still being supported and not going to be full of fucking security holes then get Windows 8.1

If you don't like Windows 8.1s interface then get classic shell

If you have to use Windows 10, then, again, its not going to fucking kill you to use it and you're just being fucking autistic. Whatever info Microsoft has of me they're not going to be able to do shit with. I've been using it for well over a year pirating and seeding all my fucking games and I'm still not v&. But if you have to use it and are still genuinely autistic then there are ways around the "spying" shit but I seriously don't think you'll be any safer on Windows 7 at this point

Or you can just get GNU/Linux, but this is a video game board so I'm sure nobody here wants to go that route

First it's not "inside" Linux, but beside Linux. You don't understand virtualization.
Second there is no point in doing that other than doubling the effort for everything (maintaining and unfucking two OSes instead of one).
And doesn't work. It's like PS2 emulation.
Yeah SteamOS might be a great game console in the far future, just like FreeBSD is for Sony. But it's still useless for anything else. It's also useless for proper PC gaming, stuff like simulators which requires a proper ecosystem for peripherals beyond an Xbox 360 controller.
A PC is great, because it is a general-purpose computer, because it not only runs games, but also other useful stuff. Every contender is interested in killing GP computing including Microsoft itself, because they want to sell "cloud services".
You don't have to buy newer hardware.
But why? What's the point?

It's unstable shit, aka everchanging botnet, which suddenly breaks your PC over night with some botched update.

Not an

You go be retarded somewhere else too faggot

It's still as broken as emulation shit.


Enjoy your rootkits user. Windows 8.1 is the minimum

Maybe I'll just wait until they declare 10 a disaster and launch 12

user entirely misses the point of running Windows 7:
It just werks.
Win10 is unstable and broken by design (even if you don't care about tinfoil shit)
Linux is unstable and broken and has no gayms.
WINE is unstable and broken for gayms.

I really hope Microsoft comes to their senses and realizes Windows 10 was a fucking PR disaster and backs the fuck off when they release its successor.

Do you have a single fact to back that up? Because it seems fairly stable for me and I run it regularly on 3 different computers, an AMD Jaguar based machine, an Intel i7 Skylake, and an Intel Bay Trails Atom Chinese computer. The only one that has given me stability issues was the Intel Atom and it was because of a broken wifi module on the ACPI/UEFI level that caused bluescreens. A BIOS update was issued that fixed the problem, however

Wow, they really do test windows 10 on a lot of machines

That's the definition of unstable.
You know that a Win7 box runs rock solid and doesn't get broken by random forceds updates.

I'll bite, what makes the Enterprise version acceptable over any other version?


did you mean to say "not available to anyone who doesn't know how to use bittorrent"? because I saw that shit being seeded over a month ago of course I ignored it, because Windows 10.

windows 11 won't even let you use it unless you have an RFID chip on the palm of your hand and get circumcised.

things only get worse.

It supposedly lets you disable all the spyware shit permanently

Also if you use an SSD, Windows 7 will probably kill it faster because SSD optimization didn't happen until Windows 8

Hello Microsoft shill.

I'm still not going to install your shitty new OS.

sure it does goy

It allows companies to disable telemetry and turn off forces updates.

It's not sold to the public. only to corporations and the government. But ISO's can be found on various torrent sites. I just managed to acquire a legitimate copy and I'm testing it to make it as close to Win7 as possible.

I was responding to what he was asking user, stop getting your panties in a twist. Does it really disable spyware shit? I don't really know but I don't think Microsoft would lie to their Enterprise customers either

we had to set a GPO to turn off auto updates because it was blue screening their computers because windows 10 would fucking restart the computer on its own when they were running batch jobs at like 3 AM.

what i think is funny is that there thread after thread about this shit were most of you are happy to use google knows like 10 times more shit about you than MS would even dream to know

how in the fuck do you think google knows your relative location even when your system doesn't have GPS ? thought your IP address.

You're the one that doesn't seem to understand what modern virtualization means. The VM'ed OS you run on top(or inside/beside) of the host OS has direct access to the hardware. It's built into the hardware to directly access RAM, CPU cores/cache and PCI/USB buses.

Older style virtualization was terrible for performance, this newer version is almost as good as the real thing. It's practically real time dual booting. If it works in

Also setting up Windows in a VM isn't much of a hassle at all with virtual drives. Keep a disk image of a periodically updated working install as backup and recovering takes seconds. It makes trying out new drivers or updates a lot less complicated when you can revert back completely in a few clicks. Booting into a fresh clean OS every time you want to run a Windows program is another benefit too.

Wine works for me and tens of thousands of other people for gaming. Again anything that's at least 10 years old should work fine. Justheck their Wine application database for compatibility before using it. It's nothing like PS2 emulation.

To have a fully customized OS to your liking that can also run the latest games? Not deal with viruses, rootkits or loss of private personal information by having a sandboxed VM? Considering how terrible modern games are maybe there isn't much point now. I still keep an XP VM around for rare occasions though.

Yeah there's a learning curve to all of this but it's worth it. You don't end up like some poor dumbass who has no choice but to use the latest version of W10 as his only OS.

1. there's a shit load of games that work natively on linux now, excluding the games freely available from various distribution repos
C) only arch linux is unstable
PS: there's enough games to emulate until I'm good and dead

wine's abilities can only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, because some games work flawlessly, like the sims 3 well only as flawlessly as it does on windows, so it has shit performance both ways, whereas space engineers wont function at all until they deliver on linux support as they declared would come after release
but this is the purpose of having the wine app database and playonlinux, for seeing what works, what doesn't, and what will make it work

You can't unfuck W10, and Linux/Vulkan is the fututre.

5 years isnt really that long in the grand scheme of things

why wouldn't they lie? if they discovered MS was still mining data there'd be a mumbled apology and a patch.

You're adorable. Google will obsolete it by 2020.

5 years is long enough that it won't be a relevant concern on your current build and OS. Like the people who bought an ATI 5870 thinking they'd be ready for the DX11 future but the card was obsolete years before DX11 mattered.

Stopped reading right there, go shill your shit somewhere else.

i have win 7 but have recently been given a win 8 disk
all i care about is vidya old and new and being able to play that vidya

should i make the leap?

If you only care about that, sure. You'll have to do it eventually, if you want to play without major problems.


ok ill do it then
i was a bit worried because for a time everyone was saying win 7 is the end all be all of game compatibility

This is true. I've actually used Win10 for about 5 months for purposes of getting a valid evaluation of the OS outside memes. You can remove the telemetry from Win10 and generally implement registry edits to bring back Win7 elements, but it doesn't really fix the fact that the OS is still simplified as fuck for normalfags and will insult any marginally tech literate user at every turn. Needless to say, I reinstalled Win7. Plus as other anons have noted Win10 removes any choice concerning when and what updates you get.

even though it's speculation, this

vulkan development is speeding up due to the looming threat of DX12, for starters, and i bet you anything that Microsoft doesn't like the idea that a competitor - even a small one - is growing. that said, i think microsoft is pretty aware of how bad their reputation is now, what with the failed kinect, the failed xbone, and with win10 being laughed at by everyone with a lick of sense

what i'm saying is i don't know if anybody is going to jump on the "dx12 exclusive" bandwagon anytime even remotely soon, except for shitty games you don't want to play anyway




I love Windows 10.

Who gives a fuck about a "fully customized OS"?
FULL HARDWARE ACCESS is what it means, idiot!
No, it isn't! It is a complete waste of precious lifetime to even care about that shit, that will be completely obsolete and forgotten five years into the future.

Wrong, even PS4 has more gayms.

Underage kids lurking Holla Forums are too young for that knowledge.
New API support is just interesting for actual game developers. The ATI 5870 only had DX11 support, so game developers could actually develop DX11 games on it. Of course it is outdated when these games finally release after 3-5 years.

But I like the Windows 10 GUI more than xfce,twm's, kde and all the other linux desktop environments.

All options are shit.

Windows is made by Jews.
MacOS is made by Jews catering to clueless faggots.
Linux is made by nerds who are too autistic and bitter to understand things like "user friendliness".

End it all.

I'm disappointed in you all

Fixed that for you.

Darwin and the terminal shit makes it less clueless faggot than windows, actually.

Also Stallman is a jew


Time to switch to TempleOS.

I had to use W10 if I wanted the drivers on the surface pro 4 to work. There are some features I enjoy (proper program window griding), but not nearly enough to run it raw.

Firstly, don't use anything but the Enterprise Edition. That's the only one with the option to turn off telemetry, but even then it still sends shit. So you've got to disable most of it manually, then I installed like 3 programs to "block" it more. I'm sure they're still spying though.

Goddammit linux, get more vidya marketshare already.

I disabled the telemetry months ago and checked to see if it was turned back on by now and it wasn't. So saying that hidden updates reenable it is a bit hyperbolic.

Then there's the anniversary update that combines search and cortana into one process so the best you can do is shut off the cortana process then download a third party search program.

The one game that was exclusive to dx12 and windows 10 just became unexclusive because it sold so poorly.
No game will be dx12-only for the foreseeable future and Vulkan continues to get more support as devs lose hope of MS untying dx12 from Win10.

DX12 might come to Win7 as a cumulative update tied together with telemetry shit.

Okay, but like, what the hell games do you plan on playing with it?

That is indeed a retarded and malicious move but on the other hand, personally, I try to practice software austerity and generally always know where my shit is located at.

Which counts as a win and cedes ground to Vulkan.

which is why the corporate edition of windows 10 let's you turn off automatic updates and disable updates all together.



Multiplat as in "windows/consoles". Hardly any games come out for linux or apple-os.



By pirating windows you're still giving them a benefit because developers have more of a userbase on windows.

You can't even play a lot of 2010s games on Linux.

OP make a step by step retard proof guide for this, please



Windows 10 telemetry is obfuscation to hide that you're connected to a system to mine bitcoins, hence why win10 uses inordinate amounts of CPU, ran, and GPU memory.

Meanwhile in the land of shitting streets:

3 years into jail just for downloading a .torrent file or viewing blocked url.

pajeets really have their shit together



List one console advantage.

They require less thinking in both maintaining the system and choosing games because there are none

Sounds like a shithole to me.

plug n play

that's literally it.
there is no other advantage to having a non-portable console.
it's a closed off PC with shit-tier everything yet it's still expensive.

gives me an idea of win10 -chans erotically "assimilating" win7 -chans
when your business strategy can be likened to rape maybe you're doing something wrong

Many governments and companies give out money in regular payments for support for XP because they think anything past it is garbage and intelligence agencies all use Linux. A lot of companies are also switching over to Linux because they don't want Microsoft to steal their data and then sell it.

So they're pretty much killing off the customers who matter, it's like they're selectively oblivious to the fact that companies are the biggest users of their older software.

The only reason Microsoft is staying afloat is because they essentially have a monopoly. Not even the people programming Windows know what the fuck is going on.

It makes sense that Enterprise would be more secure because confidentiality is a must in the corporate world and those are the sales that really matter to M$.


battered wife syndrome, there is no other explanation

Even if you run this under a VM on a Linux build you'd still have to take these steps as the VM will have access to your system.

that image has been debunked countless times. It might work for the braindead mental rejects that still browse Holla Forums but we're adults here.

don't know if he did this out of programer humor or pure autism. threw up in my mouth.

I've ran Windows 10 on my AMD Piledriver machine and I got microstutter out the ass on games that worked well on Windows 7 such as GTA IV or games that outright refused to work on Windows 10 such as Just Cause 2 and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine that I got fed up with it within 3 days and reverted back to Windows 7. Now that I'm back to Windows 7 I haven't noticed any of the performance issues 10 had.

As for total stability, I had Windows 10 bluescreen the first day I had it while my Windows 7 install never bluescreened in the past year. In addition RAM overhead was double that of Windows 7 and it fucked up my partitions to the point of where I had to later clean install Windows 7 in order to fix the partitions.


A plus only if you are a mouthbreathing retard. Countered by restricted console usability, if compared to a PC.

Almost no console exclusives lately, there are many PC-only exclusives among old games too.

You don't get it, do you? You aren't physically forced to use Windows 10, holy shit. When I say switch OSes, I mean SWITCH THE FUCKING OS AND STOP USING WINDOWS 10.

Just pirate Windows 7 and dualboot for the games that don't work on Linux. I've got it on an external drive (it has to be eSATA because Windows can't into USB boot) and I rarely even need it.