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no man's sky is a meme.



Please someone post that Jurassic Park webm

How anyone can go outside while thinking a beard that out of control is acceptable in public is beyond me.

They think it make them look "manly" without actually being manly


Hi, reddit! Greetings from Poland!

I have pre-ordered No Man's Sky, and I must say it really was worth the weight! The sheer amount of things you can do in this game is staggering. The world generation is even more intrique than Dwarf Fortress, I say! On top of all, the procedurally generated graphics and music really stand out, on top of 18 sextillion planets you could also generate 18 sextilion songs with this game! Sean and friends really outdid the rest of the gaming industry with this one.

The haters are just angry manbabies who can't get laid and must vent their frustration on the internet. Everyone says how the PC port is bad, but I don't see the problem. It runs with a silky smooth 18-24 fps on my beefy rig, it just works for me. This game really ought to be rewarded. Sean really worked his ass off for NMS, but everyone treats him as a fraud and liar when he deserves better. Make no mistake, haters. You are not welcome here and we will punish you. We won't let you bully innocent developers any longer. Sean never went back on his words or promises. DLC is a good thing, and lets us experience more of the game. You just don't know anything about games or real life.

Recent info, not everyone watched it. There are 255 galaxies, not 13. On 255 galaxy called "Yilsurussimil" game stops generating new shit and constantly returns to Yilsurussimil.

No secret ending, no congratulation for exploring and visiting all galaxies, nothing.

You're not fooling me this time, Peter Molyneux.

So, what happened to the guy who had to reach the center of the galaxy? 13 times over?

Does the game have a proper ending after that?

You have to do it 255 times, actually.

For who i posted this ?


shame, I hoped the game would pull a Pacman there and generate completely glitched universes (more glitched than they already are)

Are the planets named according to the same mental yoke that makes people sperg aobut goymerglobbers?

Fucking incredible. I wonder if the autists who are still playing will one day reach the end and finally realise what happened to them.

i genuinely hope sean murray kills himself.

So, what is at the centre?
Why does it reset you?
Why does it mutate the animals?
Did they ever even have idea for what the fuck was there and hoped they came up with something before release?

This thing really gets worse everytime I read anything new about it. Now just need confirmation the whole thing is entirely unmodable and we can officially call it the worst turd in entire gaming's history

The soundtrack is pretty good.

Sure. In fact, have some OC.

Too bad user, its actually modable.

Sentinel removal mods came out almost instantly.

It looks like those two planets are about to fug or something and that third planet in the back is a cuck watching on.

Got'chu fam

they're about to, but they never will because they're fixed in place

they're doomed to eternally be close enough to fug but never actually fug

it's like a greek tragedy

more like no guy buy




Gonna love all the mods those faggots are making. This surely makes the game "better".

Randomly generated species is pretty cool no matter what though. It's just the game is shit.

Could anybody post some (preferably video) reviews of NMS that just fucking tear into the game?

Only if they done right, like in this video.

Can I be FUCKING real for a second?

This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.

A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.

Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?

Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but…"

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.

Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.

If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.

Right or wrong, it's still interesting to see.

Well shit this might actually be decent eventu-


Best mod so far:

It takes literal seconds to trim a beard, the lazy faggots.

I see nothing wrong with this.

Yeah, you guys are complaining way too much about a minecraft mod; the graphics were way upgraded to at least be half life one tier instead of pixel shit, there are multiple worlds that are interconnected via a very well done nether portal mod that lets you go to different servers entirely, the pigs were suped up to look different on every server you go into, and the crafting system was optimized. Stop complaining shitlords.
Dunno if this is bait, might be serious summer cummer, might be copy pasta, but here's your reply

There's no need to remove them, if they don't spawn they'll just never spawn on that planet.

You know, this copy pasta was spammed so much, that its you who is probably summerfag at this point.

Lurk moar.

Hello, Mr. Shillington
How much are they paying you?

It's a fucking copypasta.

I didn't know that and maybe that makes me lucky

This game is exactly what the developer said it would be, you have a huge galaxy to explore with limitless variations, The fact that you name every planet and animal you find is just incredible,The game is randomly generated and looks stunning.

Ignore all the bad reviews from gamers with no imagination looking for a cod style shoot em up in space, base building promised in free updates.


The performance and survival aspects are utter shit though.

Hello there, notSean

People need to make more Druid edits.

people were hyped for this video more than the game.

The two games have one thing in common. Both don't have Druids in them.


Forgive me kek, for I have sinned.


What's wrong with Dark Souls.

I never thought one of the manly icons of manliness could be rendered into such faggotry. Maybe this is why SJWs wish to destroy masculinity so much, they're lashing out at their pathetic failed attempts at manliness which is why they all sport that numale beard.

tl;dr Enjoy your neckbeard non-game because everyone who plays numale sky is a neckbeard. Neckbeards.

Don't tell me you started browsing yesterday.

if 255 universes is true then this means multiplayer would be completely pointless anyway unless everyone sticks to the very first one

Maybe he just wasn't around yesterday. Did that not occur to you?


You don't deserve those dubs.





Anyway, how much has this shit sold already? Will they be able to make Joe Danger 3 now?


Not as much as I was afraid for how much hype it got.

OK, m9.
I picked up this game to see how bad it could be, thought that most of it was just random complaints did not see much of the game.

But here is my experience playing on a ps4. I see star systems and I see random names, I think OK. What should I do? I just push x.

start off with problems with the spaceship, I thought OK now it planetary exploration time, use the multi-tool,after an hour fucking around my inventory is full and the multigun does not work, I go into the menu its a clusterfuck worse than that Bungie game.

See that I can't go off planet because I need to fix the engine or something. My inventory is full again, so throw some shit I don't think I need. I start to build the parts so the spaceship can work and then I realize, the upgrade takes a space in the inventory, so i need to get some some fuel, get some fuel.

Take the spaceship to another planet, it took me 2 minutes if not longer. the planet looks exactly the same. Stop playing because, when inventory management is total shit and when I start to think about Fallout4 having a bad inventory management, Fallout 4 had so much better inventory than no man's buy. So installed fallout 4 to see if I was just over-reacting nope, it was better. It was in fact so good. I would recommend people to buy that game instead.

In fact Fallout 4 should be seen as a master piece if one has played No Man's Buy.

Don't forget the PS4nogames owners.

All of them probably bought it because they're starved for games.

Assuming that's just PC, that's at least 44 million dollars.

So yeah, Joe Danger 3 when?

Well, I have a PS4 too but I don't feel the need to buy shit I don't want because I haven't been using it.


I see no reason to think otherwise, considering how fucking amateur this whole thing turned out.

Gotta' justify buying a current gen console somehow right?

You're forgetting sony and steam shares.

I wonder how much they spend on marketing since that was the only thing this game was riding on

You got somethin' against Comic Sans, pal?

It wasn't really DRM free either.

Then why was there a torrent of if up the day it launched without the need for a crack?

But if you torrent it, you won't get multiplayer features!


It said connected to online servers with the torrent I used so thats not even the case.
I still wouldn't have even uploaded all the shit I found if they didn't give a monetary incentive to do it, let alone bother naming all the shit.
I paid so little attention to the pop ups about what shit was called that I wouldn't have even noticed if someone had already discovered an animal I scanned and named it penisaurus rex or something.

No, I don't want to waste allot of money to play PC games, since I either need to buy a gpu or buy a new PC all together, so from my financial point of view, its better to buy a console and buy what seems interesting, sometimes when a game get so much shit, I just need to see why..

Its nothing about hur there is no games. Its more like games on PC if I don't play old games there is no use. If I buy new games its either indie shit that is not interesting or buying the same game I would have bought on consoles.
So you tell me, should I buy a gtx 1080 and see if my computer will work, or buy a new PC with a 1080 just to get muh master-race bullshit, when I know for a fact, I would just fuck around in Skyrim and a game engine or play a total war game if not just using the same machine to shitpost on the internet.

Klamstvo Nomansky

7/10 pretty good


Can I be FUCKING real for a second?

Baneposting is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled small guys.

Nolan made an entire universe for you to explore. He made it for YOU, and he's going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying all of it, this community of "baneposters" picked out the 3 or 4 things at the beginning of the movie and have sperged out about them for years.

Guess what? The plane scene epilogue was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a meme.

What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just watched it for the 13th time and it was exactly that. What more do you want?

Is CIA missing? Sure. Is Patrick Bateman hogging the spotlight too much? Maybe. Not enough planes crashing with no survivors? Sure, fine.

But holy shit what does Nolan OWE YOU?

How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite meme universe and then say "yeah but…"

We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering Bravo Nolan with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring movies in recent memory.

Nolan doesn't owe you the world. If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never baneposters in the first place.

That's a big pasta

Does anybody else find the nomansky Reddit cringeworthy? It's like it was astroturfed to all shit, deleting every contrary opinion of it

but then that's reddit for you

gurwa x—DDDD

I don't know how to write in polish.

i have a dream that one day people will make a game and it will be bug free and actually fun for more than two hours

Considering that reddit is overrun with shills 24/7 it was only a matter of time before there were only the goodest of goyim left.

Funny, I had that same dream for Warframe.

Good try, 9/10 for effort.

Klamstvo is in slovak or czech?

Funny how the tranny is the only one in the photo who isn't happy about finishing the game.
Probably depressed because it had to work with all those cis white males.

Please user, it hurts.

tell me how its not a waste of money. You have to remember that some countries just some PC parts actually costs more than a console.

You could have bought a ps4 with fallout 4 for less money than a gtx1080, since amd is shit, they had good processors at one point in history.

If not play a flawed game like Rome 2 even than the original Rome was a better game, one can have fun with it for many hours.


You realize one of those total betas is a woman right?

Bullshit, really?



the second total beta to the right with the glasses is a womyn or tranny.


Yeah, it's the one to the immediate upper right of the disk.

I should have saved the pics I guess, im sure some user will post them shortly

Isn't that Evan whatshisname, the fuck who plays devils advocate and the world's most punchable face?

All the hate for No Man's Sky. If you got a problem with it keep it to your selves. Some of us enjoy the game so crying like butt hurt bitches only makes you guys look retarded.

Grooming is fucking manly. A well-trimmed beard or a clean-shaven chin. Not this unkempt bullshit.

I don't understand numales.

Kill yourself.

I know, that's why people need to buy a superior game also known as fallout 4, I remembered trying to get all of the 200 endings of fallout 3.

15 million people will watch the new episode of Family Guy, but Family Guy will still be shit.


Grooming takes effort. Look at the effort they put into their game and tell me if you think these retards put effort in their daily lives at all

We're not going to be taken down. We're not going to stop playing NMS. We're not going to listen to you troll kids anymore. If you try to fuck with Hello Games I will fucking kill you. I will torture you. I will make people vomit at the sight of what I fucking do to you.


But I'm a NEET piece of shit and I still take care of myself. How do these assholes find the motivation to make a gayme, even a piece of shit like NMS, and not have a little bit left over to run a trimmer over the scraggly mess on their chin?

Cool autism, bud.

Stop living in a third world piece of shit and move to a real country.
Actually, stay there. No one imports literal garbage.

Okay, have fun not evolving as a human being.

You're a fucking retard

Ever heard of Western Europe, user?


Oh right.
No one gives a shit about Europe.


Nope, I don't want to waste 935.61 dollars for a gpu also last a checked my country was not a shithole, it only has allot of taxes.

tell me how its not a waste of money to pay 935,61 dollars for a cpu, so please enlighten me. Also if I would just go for regular motherboard with a great cpu and enough memory it still would have cost more than a console. So its not retarded it actually quite practical to go with a console.

And there is not allot of PC games that interests me either. DOW 3 looks like its going to be shit and the indie crap I've seen being recommended are meh games.

How does it feel having been born with only half a brain?


I can understand enjoying Arkham Knight. There's an actual game below the labyrinth of frame dips and glitches that you can bypass by configuring the game in an extremely specific way that only a handful of people will be able to achieve. I did it and the game is fun as fuck.

But this No man's garbage… No amount of configuring will make the game have actual meaningful content.

If you are going to build a PC at-least have it last 3 years, instead of 6 months and go hur need to buy a need gpu and memory.

If one really fucks up, you buy an OK motherboard with an OK cpu.and gpu. and maybe I might be able to play some old pc games, but forget about doing fun things with the PC like open up some game engine and having multiple screens for several cam-hookers.

Yes, its not a shithole, Can drink fresh water with no chemicals and have a walk in the forest.


Whatever shithole you're posting out of really doesn't produce smart individuals.

Kill yourself.

We taking bets? My money's on Sweden.>Can drink fresh water with no chemicals and have a walk in the forest.

that sounds like the deepest ending of all

first of all, it is called Nomansky!

second, nobody is crying, we have fun you sad little puppy.

third and last one, kill yourself.

What is the most utterly retarded thing you've seen posted about No Man's Sky?
This has got to take the cake for me.

Your mams hairy puss doesn't count as a forest bruv

a lot of posts talking about batman lately. what gives?

They're going all out.


This game is literally broken. It's so bad. Just fucking shit.

I haven't seen such a high concentration of nu-males since my drawing class in university.



Isn't there a new game coming soon? Or maybe it's the telltale series that's being released in episodes or something, so I guess there's probably some covert shilling going on


It was on sale for $15, I think. I steam shared it from my bro. Shit fun as hell after you finally figure out what the fuck to do to make it stop crashing. seriously, you have to edit a lot of shit in the systems file and change some setting about physx or whatever in the nvidia control panel.

It made me real angry to find out how cool the game was. It could have been THE best batman game if it wasn't for the stupid port issues.

That comic is pure fucking gold

well im glad people finally got the damn thing working.

The Peasant



So not only did they create a universe with 18 quintillion planets, but they also created a novel physics model that would allow such planetary formations to exist! They even invented new fundamental physics that leads to a new periodic table ( )!
Wow, my mind is blown! Sean Murray should work at NASA and CERN!

at the end of the day people will play fo4 over no mans sky
todd won

Truly amazing!

Well, even if it's dumbed down as fuck, at the end of the day, Fallout 4 actually has gameplay.


I giggled.



So cute.


EYE alpeady did that and did it right, though. NMS was just developer incompetence.



huh, nowadays dev do rly put themself in postion where they not belong.

look, i make music, i am an astronaut

But there is no muse in that game. The bunch of flavour text there is either trite or too meta to muse about.

Todd is actually a pretty good looking dude. Sean looks like some kind of gremlin - rodent hybrid.

Pull your fucking heads out of each other's asses, you pretentious hipster faggots. It's a fucking video game. Or at least, it was supposed to be. But this shit is just a walking simulator. When will this "guffaw, I say, this video game is quite high art indeed!" mentality get the fuck out of my hobby?

shaking my head to be honest, family.

its for burgerland not having chloride
in the water.

I wish, but nope there is nice salmon river with some few pikes. Can go hunting about a mile from where I am, kill some moose or whatever I see fit,

Not really retarded but future proof is what I call it,

And was a PC gamer before console gamer, I thought that consoles where generally shit until I was annoyed with using allot of money on my first build that lasted 6 years. second build from 2012 which works for every game up to date. My third build which was only 2013 later was for stress-test on some physics shit and fucking around in game engines, plus using maya, never for vidya.
So the gpu got overheated in the summer, never looked back on PC gaming since I was perfectly happy with consoles. I did not need to spend money on PC anymore, it was a fun hobby until there was nothing but survival games, no fun RTS or games my autism could go deep inn.

I recognize that number. I'm shocked they would use such a low limit in the current year.


Would you say that:

They are low energy ?




IIRC Sony covered marketing costs. That was their part of the "deal" with Hello Goyms.

Hm… wasn't this pasta posted before?

If the game had an actual game I would even find the retarded animal simulator even amusing, but nothing else in the game looks interesting enouth to buy it. Not that I have a ps4 or my computer could stand it, but still it looks like shit.

Just in case you never put two and two together.

Come on, we've all learned about binary limits from the 4th or 5th generation of consoles, right?

Nah, I know. 65535 is 16-bit.
Powers of 2 and all that.


Good. We'll be watching you.

I can't grow a full beard just patches but, I leave it because it hides my ache and if i shave it will only make it worse. I really don't know what to do at this point.


Since 2007 the years have beem worse and worse and you want to play on a future proof system. You chose the Playstation 4 as a future proof system.
Sorry, man, but you're retarded.

You can stop being 15, for a start, and then stop being a woman and get some testosterone in your body.

I'm trying. I read that red meat helps. Is there anything else that works?


Someone label the disc "Kira evidence" and put Bite Za Dusto in their eyes.

Stay away from soy and blame your parents for giving you shit genes.

Regular semen ingestion. The fresher the better, it's easier for your body to properly digest all those proteins and lipids and shit.

pls respond

Holy shit


this video has brought me more enjoyment in 45 seconds than 5 hours of NuMaleSky

i pirated it, dont worry

Well do

Thanks /fit/


Capped off reddit less than a minute ago.

NuMaleSky is the redditor distilled into a single game. Easily impressed, emotional, no sense of value, etc.

Can't say as I really blame Sean "Monyleux" Murray for taking advantage of them.

like what you're doing now?

That's not fair though. Fable might have been a cheap bait and switch, but at least it was a game proper.

His "dick in a box" thing on the other hand is inexcusable, so, now that I think about it, I do agree, Sean is as slimy as that surrender monkey.

Oh I never played Spore. Is this what I'm seeing on the video in the actual game?

That was what was promised, then we got the actual game.

Does nobody know how to use the perspective tool?

i tried using GIMP and i cried

Git gud faggot


I use I don't even know if there even is a perspective tool.

I made a template for you guys.

Someone should probably start a thread with it.

Tell me what magical hardware company made your supposedly future proofed console.


plugins, user :DDDD


Kindly fuck off back to plebbit and take your garbage posts with you

Would you be able to add grain on him?
He looks out-of-place without it.

Thank you.

user on a scale of 0/10 how bad was your life

Well, nevermind I think this thread is just fine.

I managed to imitate the pen with my 133t poopooshop skills.

Anyone got the mystery box edit?

I can't think of a single image that better encapsulates this shit.

It'll all make sense after you buy the DLC





In Czech its lež.

It broke my friend's PS4.
I warned him. I warned him about NMS, bro.

you can't be serious

>Effeminate beards

Oh so a feminine penis is 120% pants-on-head retarded idea that everybody on this board laughs but feminine beards are fine?

Man fuck you.


That man drinking his beer knows it's a failure.

Wait what?


Wait, what?!

Just like one of those NISA games bricking PS3s?

Oh shit, I thought that woman(?) on the right was that smug cunt from that one gaming website that always takes the worst sides in an argument like "Yes, Sim City should be online-only".

So not only did they create a universe with 18 quintillion planets that simulates novel fundamental physics, but the game is shaping true reality as well? Truly amazing, my mind is blown!


As far as I know, it corrupted the hard drive or something.
It keeps saying it needs to check the libraries or something like that. Meanwhile, he can't sync any of his controllers, or connect it to the internet.

oh kek

All equivalences are not the same. Extremist muslims and extremist christians are too different. One of them wont chop off your head.

Someone who uses "feminine dick" is just a homosexual in denial. "feminine" beard is something very stupid that some faggot just made up. A beard is masculine. It's just that pretentious, faggot hipsters made it a fashion sense and now it could be considered a pretentious faggot thing to have a beard.


find them all

Makes a bit of a difference I guess. The guys gonna stand out, he's black and white surrounded by beta faggots

That's fucked up. Spread this everywhere, people need to know.

I've been encouraging him to spread it around himself, but he's thoroughly fucking embarrassed, as he should be.
I told him that if it's happening to him, then it's happening to others, and that he shouldn't get his hopes up, but that this game is so fucked and filled with lies that he might be able to get some lawsuit money out of it.


not going to open another thread for this, i just relize something. Since the game is released they still advertised it with the trailer full of lies!

That sounds like it fits. The game is pretty fucking ausgeglichen.

What the fuck doesausgeglichen mean

That's to get you to buy their newest console, goy



people still have mixed reviews at this point.png

Well never mind then, what would be an accurate german word to describe this game and how shit it is


How do I make it stop asking for a .dll that I don't need?

Nothing. It's legitimately one of the best games in the past 10 years, but hipsters will always shit on something that has become popular.

you play a better game bitch

Nigger what?


He's retarded and thinks you're trying to play NMS

>only $25 but still in early access hell

Seriously, why wouldn't people just pirate space engineers to satisfy their space lust? It doesn't have an ending, but it's still infinitely better than numale's sky.

But Nu males sky doesnt have an ending either

Yes, but the point is that everything people thought they would get from numale's sky, they can get from space engineers, and people are actively modding it since the devs let the game go open source albeit under a restrictive license.
I refuse to pay for yet another incomplete product, but if they ever do complete it, I would happily buy it for all that it offers. Until then, yar har.

I thought the only difference between ships in NMS were the item slots and the lasers, that they all flew the same?

how does he have a toaster that can run the game?

What is the implication here? That Sean Murray stole Weather Reports Stand?

Holla Forums server when

These are the same people who think unironically being ironic is some sort of new form of intellectual pursuit.

I wouldn't be surprised if they did all fly the same, I think the speed thing actually relates to "jumping" to other systems, but I don't fucking know I wont touch NMS with a ten foot pole.

They never learn do they


Someone edit Whitesnake behind Murray here


Posted these already somewhere. But again for the no meme thread.



Episode 3 was pretty good.

you install .net runtime

Yeah, it's the warp speed or whatever it's called.

All ships fly the same, so your starting ship and that sweet looking "fighter" you bought all have the same maneuverability and speed, the only difference being inventory slots and the strength of the guns.



Shave the beard and wash your face twice a day. Eat healthy.

Eating healthy will make your acne go away, get you in better shape, make your farts not smell (I'm not kidding), make your breath not stink, and so many other benefits that there is no reason to not eat healthier. Spices and flavors are now readily available everywhere so cooking healthy food that tastes good is easy for anyone with intelligence. (unless you live in "lol local farm" communities where they don't import shit AKA living in europe sucked because I was forced to eat whatever the local "culture" provided)

Stop being gross.

If you have shit genetics you have to try twice as hard. Eating healthy is the main ingredient that will make a huge difference. FUCKING WASH YOUR FACE IF YOU DON'T.


DO NOT EAT MORE RED MEAT what kind of retard told you that? More testosterone? What the fuck?

Humans aren't evolved to eat red meat even once a day. Get a head on your shoulders.

How about you read some scientific articles instead of listening to some bodybuilder at the gym next in line for a heart attack?


Sometimes I think I might be too easily amused.

Now you know, don't hype out right, just wait for gameplay and I mean real gameplay from some non-affiliated person, not a commercial.


What's a scrag?

I am genuinely worried about how much misinformation you believe.

Working out and building muscle builds testosterone and it is even speculated that gaining testosterone too fast causes baldness.
Many bodybuilders have thin hair and massive scars on their chest because of heart surgery (photoshopped out).
Don't be an idiot.

Eat a healthy amount of calories for your daily activity and avoid fatty and processed foods. Eat fruits and mostly veggies. White meat. Avoiding meat and processed foods, when you have the option, will really make you healthier. Avoid red meat AKA animals that walk on four legs, except for when social situations force you to eat a burger or steak (which is so popular even though it's pretty bad for you).

If you are a prime specimen you can eat whatever you want and a few days of healthy eating will get you back to that prime. For the rest of us normal humans, we need to stick to a pretty strict diet to get to that prime.

I personally have lost 50lbs twice in my life and keep falling off the wagon, so my problems are more mental, but at least I know how it's done.

Wait I thought second from the right was female(?)

by "falling off the wagon" I mean I start drinking a lot and smoking weed and overeating.

When I'm sober the weight melts off because I'm not retarded when I'm sober.

Fuck off you hippie vegan


what kind of retard zone am i enterting in

guess I should have said "don't eat a lot of", but yes you are allowed to eat fat. Just like you are allowed to eat a reasonable amount of red meat.

Take my post with a grain of salt. Just don't eat like a retard. Glad you guys ask questions, unlike the guy I was trying to help, who believed dumb shit.

The non-/fit/ zone, any non-/fit/ board will of course have retarded opinions on food that they hold as absolute truth.
Just eat, do your cut/bulk and your squats and you'll be good.


At least Todd produced a game.


do you even realise how broad that term is
you're cutting out everything from cereals (not just children's cereals, but shit like bran flakes and oats as well) to milk

Well we can't all be a fucking nigger like you.

I'm stunned, I never usually join in the "Let's hate on this game because it will be shit" threads but everytime you all do it, it's almost always right. My only question is how?

I kek'd

Years of seeing our hobby go to the dogs and knowing full well there is nobody in the industry left with the talent to make good games.

Also, common sense.


user, it's really easy.

Simple say every forthcoming game will be shit.

Sage and spoiler because youtuber cancer shit even though I like some things he does. A real guy. But man, it's hilarious.

Nothing but ugly empty planets.

we are past 300 thread is going autosage

don't let autism die, th ememetic warfare has to go on!

making thread 2 now

Seconding this

Here comes the vegetarian cucks. Humans aren't evolved to not eat meat. Meat is necessary for humans to be healthy.

New Thread


pic related

You're fucking retarded if you think a natty can gain "too much testosterone". There is no such thing as gaining too much testosterone naturally, however much you gain it is good for you. The only way to gain a harmful amount is by using steroids. The ONLY way.

That's one reason I continue to like sips, despite him having some shit taste, he still knows when he's just been fucked by a game, even if it is too late to be unfucked.

Can somebody just post a link so I can acquire the game? I just wanna escape from my suffering for a couple hours and live another life exploring the universe.

You already are

That made me genuinely smile a bit
Thanks, user

Grab a telescope or better yet head to an observatory where light pollution won't fuck up stargazing.




I just realized the red clock on the right is a

Wait, you mean that I can't post not-Sean pics when someone writes copypastas?

not quite as lively, but somehow far more satisfying to explore.

Looks like no man's sky's studio is completely lacking of diversity despite all the strapping new non-problematic males. This is completely unacceptable. Some refugees who are members of glorious ISIS will fix this.