I know it's published by Kalypso and has pre-order content announced already, but, there's a chance this game could be good, right?…
I really want it to be, politics and citybuilding and eras, sounds like a great idea.
I know it's published by Kalypso and has pre-order content announced already, but, there's a chance this game could be good, right?…
I really want it to be, politics and citybuilding and eras, sounds like a great idea.
No love for city builders?
Dropped. Just pirate tropico OP.
Like I haven't played Tropico to death already. But it's not exactly deep, by the time I finished the campaign I was sick of it. (I know, that's probably not the best way to play the game).
Have you played the Anno games they are more of a jewing simulators then city builders but they aren't that bad except the new ones.
I played the two most recent ones (future based) and I didn't like them so much (enough to finish them just because I'm desperate for tycoon games). I'm not super interested in pre-industrial based games, might sound a bit arbitrary but I can't really get into them usually.
Can anyone post torrent of this hebrew machination of a game?
Release is in january
Looks interesting enough for my usual routine I.E. pirate it and then if I enjoy it then buy it on sale. I'm sure some salty faggot is going to pull some leftist quote or shit from it though and shut down discussion on Holla Forums
Depends on Denuvo doesn't it?
What about cities skylines?
Are they going to be able to crack other games, or was RoTR just a one off?
Man made disasters are more fun tbh.
From what I understood denuvo uses some sort of triggers and the game files need to be wiped clean of them.
wait for launch. early adapters are like 90 pound males in prison showers.
Well wasn't gunna preorder obviously. Just hoping it's good.
Eh the last expansions haven't added much.
Cities Skylines is okay but there's still an emptiness/shallowness to it that doesn't make it feel like a real city. It's something that Simcity 4 seemed to get much more right.
It honestly might be as simple as human city councilors telling you what you're doing wrong/right instead of flavourless tooltips that makes the difference, I don't know.
Councillors are one part, but another is just how it lacks the charm of the SimCity series. I know, this is probably just nostalgia fagging but Twitter-like chats are not a substitute for the off-the-wall humour and zany characters SimCity had over its past iterations.
Reticulating splines pls.
But it's still a decent enough city builder in this day and age, and certainly miles better than the abortion that was SimCity 2013.
But you get to be a turbojew instead!
I would probably go back and play SC4 again today if it weren't for the hassle of trying to download all the mods again. Sucks that my giant old city is lost to time.
SimCity is, IMO, the only pure "city builder" series of games. Everything else has always been trying transform the genre into mass appeal by adding more stuff to it and making a "city builder plus", arguably to the detriment of the city-builder portion as games are usually zero-sum.
SimCity 2013 is a "city builder plus multiplayer".
Cities Skylines is a "city builder plus traffic simulator".
The Anno and Settlers series are "city builder plus RTS"
Cities XL is a "city builder plus sociology".
Any of the variety of similar-genre mobile games are "city builder plus microtransactions".
Whatever is in the OP is a "city builder plus politics", which as noted is also what Tropico was.
I've played many of these games, and while they are fun, it's never the same. I always feel as if I'm being retrained by something that prevents me from just making a city. That's my only interest.
Play Tropico 1 and 2. They have actual fucking difficulty to the point where you might lose.
It's Kalypso they've been repackaging the same game for the past 7 years.
Anno series is not a city builder tbh. It is a trading game plus city building. Trading comes first, the city building is the backdrop for the reason of products to be consumed.
I'm having a hard time enjoying Cities: Skylines, through I'm not sure why. Part of me says art style ain't doing it and another part says lack of isometric view point. Through, I haven't played it since release but I could only muster through 10 hours of it before I uninstalled it. I should give it another shot. I just want a remake of SimCity 4 with bug fixes, rather than having to run 20 mods to make the traffic not suck. Oh and fix the damn UI when you have more than 30 buildings to scroll through.
Hold up.
Are you telling me there's a game that allows you to city build through different ages? Watch your city evolve through time?
I think you're right now that I look harder at the screens. It does just look like a reskin of Tropico. That's dissapointing. I don't really consider Tropico a proper citybuilder, more like a game like Anno.
Fuck it, I'm just gonna install SC4 again and plow though however much work to mod it up.
i'm excited and hope that it is more than just tropico in the city
nice trips
I don't have much trouble with traffic in SC4 with just the bare-bones NAM, but that might be because I rarely make cities with more than 100,000 people in a large tile. I'd imagine if you're making a skyscraper forest the traffic becomes more difficult to manage.
The UI is a pain when you have a lot of mods, though. Most modders have them go into the parks menu, so mine takes like ages to scroll all the way through, as there are probably over 100 items in there. It reminds me of SC3K where a cheat/dubug command allowed you to plop literally any building in the game, but shoved them all into the Landmarks menu in an gigantic list with no logical order.
any other games like tropico??
The reason I couldn't get into c:s is because the whole time I was thinking, "this makes me want to play some sc4".
And it's not like it wasn't a fairly well done game, because it was, but the entire genre is just cursed to live deep within simcity 4's massive shadow.
It would be nice if we could get a tech/bug update. But short of some violent coup liberating the source code and IP from EA, I doubt it'll happen.
It absolutely does and despite the shallow gameplay SimCity (2013) offers, they did at least fix the UI. Too bad the rest of the game stinks to high heaven.
Spot on. SimCity 4 is god damn master piece and while Cities: Skylines came close, it did not offer any alternative take on the genre, hence why pay or play a substitute for SC4? But with every Paradox title, it is a DLC fest. Maybe 5 or 6 DLCs later it will be amazing? I don't know, I can only hope. Just sucks that every developer has this mentality of "we can fix it later".
Sage for offtopic.
Yeah, there's also that.
I heard whisperings of an open-source SC4 clone being put together on Simtropolis ages ago by a team of modders, but I don't know what if anything ever came of it. The community became insular and miserly and I've been avoiding them for years.
Shit, now I want to play SC4 again.
Last time I tried it, though, I realized it doesn't into modern systems. Is there a fan patch or something that would allow me to run it well? Preferably in 1080p…
I pirated a cracked version (only time I've ever LEGALLY pirated something… since I own a physical copy) from KAT a year or so ago, and it runs flawlessly on Win7 64-bit. I had to add a command to the target line to force it to run on one core, but other than that, no issues.
I don't think 1080p even applies to games that old.
I felt robbed of the experience
Last time I launched it I had a bunch of issues with stuff not rendering right.
On the neighborhood map, and when zoomed out 2 or more times, stuff would flicker, basically, anytime there was movement. So if I tried to scroll around the map, all of the buildings and cars and whatnot (words and borders in the neighborhood map) would just flicker out/in until I stopped moving.
And I figure people have cracked other games to find a way to 1080, even for stuff as old. Wasn't sure if someone thought to do that with this. I'd love to have SC4 in high quality like that.
Hm. I've never had a problem with that. Have you tried switching it from hardware rendering to software rendering in the options? Pretty sure modern graphics cards don't like the game any more than modern processors do.
You can have private healthcare in Tropico 5, not sure about food
I did the same thing, I tried to play from my legit Spore disc but when I wanted to get online it said I needed to install through Origin, and my code didn't work on Origin.
The code should be on the back of the case or in the instruction booklet or somewhere. Maxis games always had this kind of copy-protection.
Anyway, I read that a lot of the crashing issues people have with SC4 is the game attempting to read data from the disk and getting interrupted (by literally any other process your computer might be doing in the background) resulting in an instant memory-dump and CTD.
This is why getting a cracked no-CD version solved all crashing problems for me.
Please don't…
I know it's not really a great game and a lot of wasted potential but the space stage can be kind of fun.
It's equal parts fun and annoying to me with stuff like constantly getting called to colonies to fight off pirates or prevent natural disasters or whatever (plus I had crashing issues that never occurred in any other stage) which isn't the kind of game experience I like. I also felt the whole what-do-you-mean-they're-not-the-Borg thing was forced. I don't want a galactic war! I just want to farm my spice in peace!
Also, the Civilization stage didn't have any real city-building elements which was a huge disappointment.
finally someone understand
simcity 3 advisors where one of the best things that ever happened in a game, simcity 4 was also very good, it's graphics are 10 times better than cities shitlines.
simcity was good too, if only the map was bigger……
game is lame as fuck, uses the tropico engine, it's just a reskin!!!
The policies you can issue in tropico are merely tools to use, they hardly constitute politics on their own, and the elections are merely a way to provide some sort of fail-state to the untimed missions, and realistically, only limit how greedy you can build early.
Sure it isn't a pure city-builder, but it's not a politics sim in any way.
This another simcity clone that does everything simcity does just under a different name?
Really? It might not be good but at least it's trying, pretty sure Simcity doesn't have city councils or local government, or era progression.
I just wish this game was on the same scale as Simcity and not a clone of Tropico.
Health care is never free. Even in my rich and civilised country I pay €95 per month.
If health care is free I guarantee it's gonna be shit.
Both food and healthcare can be paid in 5 by edict.
Please tell me somebody still has Oldshoes plugin pack.
Port Royale 3 and Patrician 4 were ok. Certainly not as good as the originals, but still decent to play. Tropico 5 was fun, havent played the other Tropico games. I dont have high hopes for this game, but I might try it out sometime.
Well I wouldn't call it stolen. I work in a hospital, I know how much cancer treatments costs.
I'm willing to pay taxes for it because being a socialist isn't a crime here, but it sure as hell isn't free.
Single payer systems and strong government controls produce better outcomes.
I find it's plenty big enough; I just stitch multiple maps together in a region if I want more sprawl.
Most of what I like to do is micro, anyway.
I'm guessing he meant Simcity 2013
SimCity 2013 was a pile of crap. A larger map size would only allow you to create larger piles of crap.
Does anyone have a link to a SC4 mod 'starter pack' or something I can use to install all the essentials at once?
Why have its graphics aged so well?
the list goes on
the point is libertarians sperging out when people say 'free healthcare' when we all know what is meant by that, free at the point of use, they're just being autistic
breadsticks aren't free to produce but they're free at the point of service to the customer at olive garden
I'm in the awkward boat where I love managing cities/etc. but I'm not very creative and have a ton of trouble actually designing them. I've yet to find a game that has a strong focus on the actual management aspects over actually designing the city/business/ect. itself.
how i wish there was more games like tropico
when do i get to build a humorous fascist dictatorship in europe?
without the micromanagement of a GSG
Isometric with 2d/pre-rendered sprites is the greatest of all vidya graphic styles.
They all aged amazingly well.
we can always dream user
I think a first world country not have socialised healthcare is retarded but at the same time I know how many people abuse this shit system and how long the waiting lists are.
image saved
Objectively false.
How do you lads even survive when you have a serious illness? At that rate you'll be dead from your lung cancer before you even see a doctor about your shortness of breath.
Get back to Holla Forums, guys. Nobody cares about your misleading statistics.
I'd rather updated SC4 + Democracy 3 or something.
low quality bait bre
what's a good babby's first city builder? i asked this question before but when i came back for the answer the thread was dead and i didn't keep the tab open
Fuck off, leftytard. All boards belong to Holla Forums.
SC4 to be honest is the superior breed of the genre and it isn't that hard really, you might as well start with the best.
What the fuck man, I don't want to install a million things by hand. Does anyone have a pre-modded copy of SC4 in a torrent or something or the STEX collections?
I'd recommend starting with SimCity 3000, actually.
4 is the best as the other user said, but I think it would be pretty overwhelming for someone just starting out with the genre (especially stuff like taxes and ordinances). 3000 is essentially the same as 2000 but with a major graphical upgrade, and real music instead of chiptunes that turn into ear-splitting noise in modern machines.
Might be a bit of a chore getting it to run on said modern machine, though. Hard to say.
Nah, I'm sure it's on GOG or something.
I think I did start with SC2000 but I was never any good at it, by the time SC4 came out I was old enough to get it (12 maybe?) so I don't know if SC2000 helped introduce me.
so, all the plugin packs for SimCity 4 are gone now?
but SimCity 3000 has much more ordinances than SimCity 4, i find SimCity 3000 more complex
they were to ignorant ot take over /his/
Picked up Sim City 4 when I was 12 so it's probably fine.
Where did you get this?
Fuck yeah, got a torrent finally of all the STEX packs. Took like 18 hours but that beats sitting there and doing it all manually. It's called 'Simcity 4 Deluxe Edition + STEX collection (1~4)' if anyone wants it.
Man, I can't imagine how much crap is in that thing. I suppose you can toss out everything you don't want, but there's still gotta be gigs of dependencies. I avoid those like the plague. I get stuff that doesn't take up too much space because the more plugins you have, the slower things run. I've got a good variety of stuff for the cities I like to make, with less than 120mb of plugins.
If you mean the code, you can look them up online; just google search "simcity 4 serial code" and there's bunches you can try. So far as I know, they don't have to match the disk or anything like that in order to work.
If you mean that specific torrent, I got it from KAT… sorry dude. It's been years so I don't even remember the name of the group attributed to it, and the install file doesn't say. I'm sure you could find another one somewhere else.
Meh, I like having lots of variety and giant buildings, I can just play with my phone while it loads