Overwatch: Helden sterben nicht Edition

Also: Best girl edition

Other urls found in this thread:

youtubedoubler.com/?video1=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I&start1=19&video2=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8yh83jlXg&start2=311&authorName=it ain't me

bumplock when?


Is there anyone who was rank 65ish as damage/tank season 1 who wants to queue with me as support for PTR placements? I'm looking to see how my placement rank compares to someone about the same skill level support vs damage in the same games.

Well, i constantly went between 55 and 64 in the first season and i mostly played d.va, zarya and tracer. If you want to play just give me your tag.


friends are seperate on ptr from main btw

Are private servers a thing yet?
I just can't give money to blizzard

somebody draw Mercy as Ragyo on this cover please. She's the Villain of the Overwatch Lore anyway

I won't argue with that, but who's best male?

I´ve sent a friend request. Do you want to play right now?

drawthread is right this way >>10452248

Roadhog, obvs.

how is she the villain of the story?

No thanks

eventually there will be a character who can slow enemies at range. what will be the point of mei then?

tell me, how much Blizzard is paying the kike to keep up daily thread of their games?



he does it for free

no wait, he does it for -$60


enjoy your vaccinations goy. make sure to pump your baby full of chemicals so they can grow up relying on expensive perscriptions

it would be kind of fun if they actually went in that direction with mercy though

also don't forget that currently a spic and a frog are the only people doing outright "bad" things in this lore right now

At least you hippie faggots will die off.

try washing your hands you spic. theres only one vaccination you need

Which is who?




blonde hair blue eyes, it's close enough.


I thought she was Swiss?




Hi, reddit

Thank you user



Enjoy your bans, reddit

we here at blizzard and friends would hate if you freely advertised our game for us. do not post porn
-t. person who finds several of the characters in overwatch attractive





reaper and widowmaker

for a moment i thought he was referring to lucio. because for whatever reason hes got a lot of frog paraphernalia

What did i miss?

Update's coming out tomorrow that nerfs Genji and gives Hanzo his truck sized hitboxes back.

Oh god why? I thought that genji getting shot in the dick meant I'd finally be free of two of the biggest cancers in this game.

But I meant the thread. What happened in the thread?

Good threads

There was a spammer here. He's gone now.
Genji play won't be down at all after the patch, the nerf is pretty minor and probably won't even be noticed by the majority of the fags who play him.


Oh, someone spamming Gondola webms.

They're reverting Hanzo because now he requires actual skill to play, and anyone that can play him well can play McRee better.

yeah, theres still going to be those genjis who do nothing but poke away, reflect when theyre in trouble and can only kill you when they have their ult up


and with their ult nerfed by 25% duration, they won't be nearly as much of a threat.

The melee combo genji's were the worst. Even if they still play, they took out the melee combo, so I'm good.



by only kill you when their ult is up, i mean you specifically, the one thing on your team thats keeping you in the game.

6 seconds is less time that I have to run away and survive. I'm mercy/support main btw so not like I'm gonna kill him.

Alright thanks for that.

I placed 3202 as Mercy, he placed 3242 maining DVa. Not really surprising he did a little better since I got shit on for a couple of rounds, but we both ended up in diamond and with a pretty small gap. Seems pretty reasonable compared to the S1 ranks (I had a high of 68 myself, but I only placed 55).

is mercy gud again in the ptr don't feel like downloading it

Her faster healing means that her ult charges way faster than before. So you can res spam a bit more again, but she´s still the worst survivability of all healers. But i think she could return to the meta, at least i hope so.

I thought this game died a month ago.
Are the Twitchfags still making the normalfags hold on to it?

Break the CD, delete your account



does anyone actually watch those schmucks

I thought you got banned a week ago.
Are the redditfags still making shitposterfags hold onto it?

Meh, the image itself isn't that bad.

why would they do that shit? theres gotta be better ways to buff her withing that cancer coming back

its great, but at some point its just attention whoring

It is

Shit that's wrong with Overwatch:

1. The hitboxes. These are without a doubt the most broken aspect of this game as it stands currently, they are so large and forgiving that they lower the skill cap to the point where calling it "Competitive" is a joke. You can hit someone when their character model is all the way around a corner and not visible. You can get headshots with a shotgun by aiming at the torso. They're fucked.

2. Headshots for every hitscan weapon. Why do we even need this? You can't try to increase the skill cap when you're already fucking it over with terrible hitboxes, and headshots are a pretty shitty way to increase the skill cap. All it means is that you have to aim slightly different from where you'd normally aim to hit someone, which is fine when you're dealing with weapons that already require precision (sniper rifles, revolvers), but why the fuck should shotguns–weapons already designed to deal massive damage in a single shot–be able to get headshot bonuses? It makes no fucking sense from a game design perspective.

3. HP pools and healthpack availability. 90% of the healthpacks in this game are placed in completely unusable spots, meaning that the vast majority of the time you'll either fight till you die, or wait for your healer. Fighting till you die won't take long either, because everything in this game kills you near-instantly unless your name is Lucio, Reaper, Zarya, Roadhog, D.Va, or Reinhardt. There is almost zero room in this game for a specific player to shine through skill, as it takes maybe two shots to eliminate them before they can even really respond. Hope you like respawning, because you'll do a lot of it.

4. Reaper's shotguns versus Roadhog's shotgun. The former is infinitely better than the latter. There is no sense to this.

5. Genji.

You realize that there are different hitboxes for Hitscan and projectile weapons, right? The hitscan box is pretty much the actual ingame character, while the projectile hitboxes are slightly larger, but i wouldn´t say that they are fucked. Considering that most projectiles in this game fly rather slow.

ok i'll bite

this is mostly correct for projectiles. they reduced projectile sizes in the previous patch, and are now probably reverting it for god knows what reason. it's fucked up. hitscan is fine in this regard.

roadhog's m2 makes roadhog threatening at a range where reaper is a non-issue as well as having hook

getting nerfed heavily in next patch, although who knows if every nerf will make their way out of the PTR

This is untrue. The character hitboxes are the same and very close to model right now, ever since ana released.

Projectile hitboxes in game are very accurate as well, with some notable exceptions like roadhogs hook. They are actually reverting this, my assumption is because there were some hit detection problems with extremely small projectile boxes. The PTR hitboxes for projectiles however are NOT significantly bigger to be called broken.

Many, MANY people are complaining about hanzo's arrow hitbox on PTR, however any controlled tests will show that his arrow hitbox is extremely reasonable. Side-by-side comparison requires a close look to even tell which one is PTR.

Most of what you said is either old news or stuff that's aready been fixed, or is completely retarded. Please update your shitposting regiment.

Nice copypasta

True dat. I probably confused tf2 and overwatch because in tf2 the projectile hitboxes for characters are actually larger than hitscan hitboxes.


You're right guys, the character model hitboxes are great! I love blizzard's cock!

i still appreciate you for putting more effort into this than posting "cuck" repeatedly. have this image of a rabbit as thanks.

Do you have actual proof or do you just link videos without context?

Thanks for actually trying to make a point instead of just shitting on the game without reason.

The hitboxes have been fixed so you can't hit someone around corners anymore, and as for the shotgun comment, it's probably because the spread is causing a few pellets to hit the head.

Letting every weapon headshot increases skill ceiling which is something this game needs.

The healthpack placement is usually convenient for attackers but inconvenient for defenders, so that attackers can wear down the defending team and get a push since they retreat for health.

Reaper is an offense hero/flanker where Roadhog is a tank, so it makes sense to me that Reaper's shotguns should be a bit better, especially since they are Reaper's only way to deal damage since he can't hook like hog.

Git Gud

I've heard people say this because of Ana, but I just checked in training and it turns out Ana has fucking aim assist for allies, it's retarded.

And yet players still can't heal with her worth a damn.

Ana's aim assist while scoped in is pretty forgiving to say the least.
I'm pretty sure that unscoped she doesn't get any aim assist because it's projectile based.

I think she does, but it will be harder to prove.

It gets in the way as much as (or more than) helps, when you want to snipe someone and a full-health teammate blocks the shot from a mile off.

Because they seem to think you have to magdump into the cluster of allies to heal people, but that actually is counter-intuitive because the shot could hit an ally that doesn't need healing before it hits the ally that does need it. If people want to heal with Ana they have to actually pick out the most prime heal target and focus on them and shoot. Once they're healed up go and find another ally to heal or provide long range support. You also always have your E to heal, as well.

on top of her hit box for healing being huge, and some how anas still aren't doing their job

Ana is great if you can aim at least. I have beaten with her other teams who had a Lucio and Zenyatta combo, although i was the single healer in my team.

She does, I can heal the friendly bot in pic one, but can't damage the enemy in pic two.

Junkrat is flat out insane, while Roadhog is at best an anti-villain. Symettra works for a ridiculously evil corporation and justifies it as "For the greater good," which is the most basic villain personality you can have.

Reaper and Widow are the only EEEEEVIL ones, but there's multiple characters that aren't good.

Pic unrelated, new reaction image I liked.

junkrat and roadhog did nothing wrong, they just want to make australia great again

Explosions ARE awesome.

Did you not watch the fucking video?

I feel like I still experience this pretty regularly when shooting other people, but that's more than likely due to bad lag compensation than it is to bad hitboxes at this point.

Those probably should not count as headshot damage then. It's basically like saying "here, have this weapon and aim somewhere generally towards the top of the body for FREE DAMAGE". It's not a skill reward if the player isn't even intending to hit the head.

I agree that the game needs a higher skill ceiling, but headshots only increase skill ceiling for maybe 1/3 of the weapons in the game. For everything else it's either not applicable or just a crutch for bad players. It shouldn't be applied universally.

Half the maps I couldn't even tell you where the fuck the healthpacks are because they're so obscure, and people aren't going to leave the front lines to go grab one when it's more effective to just stay and fight until you die.

Hook deals almost no damage (if any, I can't even recall if it does) and hog's shotgun is literally his only source of damage, just like reaper. The difference is that hog's weapon spread is massive, which makes his left-click worthless at anything over point blank range, and his right-click doesn't actually burst into spread until it's at mid-range already, meaning that his overall damage output is negligible unless you are A. At point blank, or B. Get a headshot with the right-click projectile before it bursts. Combine this with the fact that roadhog only gets four very slow shots before having to reload, and that his reload animation is long, means that his kill potential when his hook is on cooldown is pretty fucking low.

Compare this to reaper, who has two movement abilities, double the shots per reload, tighter spread per shot, and heals after every kill (making roadhog's heal not much of an upside), and it's no fucking comparison. The only thing that roadhog has going for him is a higher health pool and that the hook can displace enemies. Otherwise reaper is a better choice in almost any teamcomp.


Firstly, Roadhog can hook and one shot most heroes in this game. If anyhting he´s slightly op right now, because of this. And secondly, healthpacks are in obscure regions, because they are meant to be picked up by flankers and not by regular team members. That´s why Healthpacks generally are placed along flanking routes. Normal team members should get their heals from the healers.

You realize the damage for shotguns is spread out into a bunch of pellets right? One or two pellets getting lucky only increases the damge for those pellets, It's not as though it makes the entire shot deal headshot damage from those few pelets.

How? The only way I'd agree with you here is for Hanzo since they just spam and don't aim.

I'd suggest playing Tracer or Genji to learn healthpack placement, it's a crucial skill for both of them.

Bullshit. Backing off for 5 seconds to heal to full is better than dying, feeding ult, waiting to respawn then walking 30 seconds to the point.



wow, fucking shitlord. they're not "criminals" they're "australians" you bigot.

As much as I've defended the hitbox, that's actually a very accurate image to describe it. It's not extreme like hitting around corners and headshotting someone's feet, but it is kind of big.

The hook does do damage. I've finished off squishies at low health just by hitting them with the hook.

I fucking suck at first person shooters, and I feel like I'm not getting any better. How do I into aiming?

I want to suck cocks

Get real.

The irony in the racism within the game is that the Swedish character is the most racist one out of all the characters.

It makes perfect sense, though: in the future Sweden uncucked itself and realized that the omnics would only culturally enrich them. Of course Torbjorn wouldn't want to go back to the dark ages.

Are you sure he beats Zarya?

TFW you fight tooth and nail to hold a point for 7 minutes only to be rewarded with a Draw that counts absolutely nothing to your rank and isn't even worth keeping as a data point in testing rank changes.

you can get draw games in overwatch? i've never seen or head of it happening till now

Wish I could refund this game. Bought it, played it for like 2 days, then completely lost any interest.

Total waste of great characters, dumping them into a brain-dead, shitty FPS.


PTR for season 2. They've removed sudden death entirely.

ah gotcha, i haven't bothered to use the PTR yet

i didn't play much comp in season 1 as is because i'd only play it if i had a few buddies on, otherwise i'd just solo que in quick play to work on my aim with whatever characters needed work

Wheres the porn?

Just had a game on numbani in ptr competitive where both teams finished with just over a minute left. In the second set of rounds both teams managed to cap the point and push the cart almost all the way to goal in that minute

Never thought something like that would be possible. When the enemy team got it almost to goal on solid overtime I was wishing for a forfeit button, but then we took the first point in 20 seconds and won.

funny you say that when scatter arrows exist, its like they thought of wonky huntsman hitboxes and thought 'how can we make this bullshit into an ability?'.
by the way, it even used to be able to headshot.

el reapo and windowmaker dont specifically target omnics

The artbook was the only good thing from the Collector's edition that I got. The statue's okay. The other bonuses I could care less about tbh. Box looks good tho.

Time to install this game later tonight and maybe play it. I'm expecting a TF2 experience, since I played it alot, and will be very disappointed if I don't get something like that.

Any tips? If it was as straightforward as it seems, I feel like I would be improving faster than I am.

First person shooters in general right, not just overwatch?

The best aim practice I ever found was in Unreal Tournament 2004. 2 ways to do it, both involve the slomo cheat.

"slomo .1" in console (no quotes) sets the game speed to 10%, and you can incrementally increase it from there as you get comfortable. You could even increase the speed up to 200% with slomo 2 if normal speed wasn't good enough.

Anyway, two different ways to do training. First is with shock combos. Get a shock rifle, throw out multiple orbs (right click), move around a bit and try to combo them all (shooting them with left click). If you can handle that you can always speed up. Loaded and allammo cheats come in handy

Second method is to just practice vs a god bot with slomo. That's a bit more strategy and less aim though.

Also, there are target practice "games" online, but since they don't put you in an FPS enviornment or perspective I don't really find that they work nearly as well. aim400kg.com/ for all your needs there. I still recomend the UT method though.

There was also a trick in overwatch specifically where you could play vs AI with all the bots being Ana and set the game to headshots only skirmish rules. Since ana can't headshot you basically have a moving target to practice on that can't do anything else. I heard they fucked up her AI with a patch though so it doesn't work well anymore.

if I wasn't clear with shock combo training you shoot 2-3 orbs in different directions while moving, then try to combo off of them all. "While moving" means they will end up moving at an angle from you instead of straight away.


you have a knack for this comedy thing

The Ana comic showed 76 without the visor and he had eyes

If you want to learn to aim in overwatch there is this specific tip flowing around, where you go into a custom match full with ana bots as McCree and set it to headshots only. So you really learn to aim for the head.

supposedly they fucked her AI so now all she does is run away and hide, so it doesn't work very well anymore.

Really? I should try it out.

I'll try out UT, then, thanks.

Can you not use someone like Winston? Or can he actually get headshots somehow?

Winston doesn't exist yet in AI.

Zarya technically works by that criteria, but her AI isn't ideal. She rushes right at you rather than strafing around and moving to cover like Ana did, plus the shield gets in the way.

seems like ana still works OK. Not as mobile as I'd like though.

wait why ana, cuz she doesn't have headshots so the player is invincible?

it seems like it woudl be more valuable to practice against faster characters

Points I need to make:

A: The hitboxes need to be ridiculous in this game because there's only like 3 characters that actually need to aim and they are completely 100% useless if they aren't given enormous leeway. Like why would you ever pick Widowmaker when you can just pick Junkrat and jerk off in their general direction, or pick Genji and just span right click, or Reinhardt/Pharah/Bastion/Symmetra/76/yougettheidea. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This isn't counterstrike where everyone needs to randomly roll headshots amidst the wasd/jump fiesta. This is a game where needing to aim is a specific character trait. And why would you take such an objective disadvantage when you can play someone without it at no penalty?

B: Lucio needs his basic attack damage nerfed. Period. He's been the strongest hero in the game since the game launched and they've been looking for ways to change it. This should be fucking obvious. Establish Lucio as the quintessential "aura" character just as Mercy is the quintessential "healer". Gut everything that isn't his aura. That includes his ult, too. Shave like 100 health off of it so that he actually needs to time it rather than spam it at the start of the fight.

C: Junkrat needs all his damage cut in half given that he's the least interactive character in the entire game. You can't carpet bomb and have every single one count as a Pharah direct hit.

After playing my ass off this Olympic season and earning 10 crates, I still havent found Tracer's Sprinter skin.
Im mad as shit, Im not giving Blizz money and falling for their gambling scheme.
Why is it that the one thing you want the most is so far away while you get shit you dont care about.

At least I got the Weightlifter Zarya, even though its kinda shit.

Pic in was me after that happened. Why didn't I try playing as him sooner?

I want that skin so bad, I have the other one, but the colors there really make her figure look way better.

I'm hoping they make those skins either unlockable through regular crates, or able to buy afterwards. But knowing how they are with Hearthstone cardbacks, fat chance of that happening.

I'm with ya on the tracer skin though. first crate I get is Lucio's (which i don't even play as) and the only other ones I've gotten were Zarya's and widowmaker's

You didn't know? they are going to the vault and will never be available with credits as far as Jeff Kaplan is concerned.

Life is good

That's why I wish I could have mods sometimes so I could actually modify my less favorite skins onto the good ones.

i've been playing this game way too fucking much this weekend trying to get that last skin, at least i got nihon genji which i like

junkrat is so much fun, especially if you play him like a bit of a madman, a good move is to use your mine to launch over rein shields and shiit into the cluster below you

worst case scenario some one shoots you out of the air and your death-bombs rain on them as well its fantastic

i'm going to be so mad if they either lock them out completely, or make them cost real money. i haven't payed more than the initial 40bux for this game and refuse to give any more than that

i have a feeling they might lock them out till the next event, then add some bullshit trading system once they have more skins and shit available

I thought this general was just an excuse to wait for more Overwatch porn?

I doubt they are going to do trading ever. They've kind of been phasing that out of all of their games, even WoW seems to have less of it with each expansion.

I'm not sure which 3 characters you're referring to, but if McCree or Tracer are included, they're most certainly not useless. The thing with taking a junkrat and spamming in the enemy's general direction is that while it's pretty effective in certain chokes, the aim characters excluding widow have a much more flexible kit.
That's why you don't see junkrat that much in the higher ranks, he gets shit on by anyone with decent aim. His projectile is dodgeable, hitscan is not.
What the fuck are you on? He has a slow as shit projectile, even a good player can't have a very good hit rate with it. The damage is fine. You pretty much have to hit the quad headshot in order to win against anyone. Nerfing the damage would make his primary fire completely useless.

Wait. Are Tracer's panties actually visible in-game when you wear that skin?

You need something like 7 headshots to kill with lucio's gun, or basically the whole clip on body.

Junkrat actually made a comeback in Pro. The late season meta had Pharah out of the picture and AoE damage is still valuable.

no that's a shop

Hanzo, Widow, and Ana need to aim. EVERYONE else has a way to get around being a retarded 6 year old with no ability to shoot whatsoever. EVERYONE else either has a literal lock on weapon, Hindenburg hitboxes, or fires so many shots that they could have a 5% accuracy rate and still deal 200 dps.

Define "more flexible". I don't feel like a scouting arrow and wall climbing is more versatile than CC, displacement, and a zero-synergy-required AoE instakill as large as a fucking objective. And for the record, this "hitscan isn't dodgeable" meme needs to die. You mash wasd, and your unpredictability literally adds an element of rng to whether your opponent can hit you or not. Maybe it's not a "dodge", but it's "forcing them to miss".

That's the point. They did exactly that with Pistol Mercy because having fun is illegal. Why would they not do it for the purpose of genuinely trying to reduce the power of the strongest hero in the game? And like everyone else, he doesn't even aim, he just weapon sprays in the general direction of a teamfight because he can. Any damage he does is just icing on the cake for pressing E and healing as much as a Zenyatta ult. Being able to just dps and heal at the same time at no cost is overpowered. He needs to pick one, and he needs to pick heals. Because that's what he does.

I'm not sure what I did wrong.

Skirmish mode
No bots on your team

t. Hanzo main

That explains it, I'm an idiot. Thanks.

I disagree. Hanzo can be pretty useful even with shit aim if he's just spamming chokes. I agree on widow requiring aim. Ana has a very forgiving aim assist on allies, but requires aim to damage enemies. She also has the projectile sleep dart. Most hitscan heroes require just as much aim as widow, although some of them have crutches to help the a bit. A player with 5% hit rate is never going to be an effective dps player.
You can mash wasd and force the enemy to miss, true. It is also true for projectiles though, and in addition to that, you still can dodge them at longer ranges.

all i got was default skins. why would i want junebug dva?

if you like shiny spandex maybe.

Sprinter tracer and Champion zarya are definitely the best. Nihon genji is OK but Chrome is at least as good. Amiricree is more of a joke then an actual good skin, but it's worth it for that.

Of course, since I pretty much only play support and I think Mercy's and Lucio's skin's are shit, I didn't actually want any of them. I ended up with skins for every character except lucio and genji.

it's probably his best palette for his standard skin because the red visor looks great

his current "rare" skins are a fucking joke, they're terrible considering how solid his standard design is


I started playing the first day of the summer games and got all the good summer skins - both tracers, burger mcgee, /fit/ slav… I feel bad for older players who still didn't get them.

Yeah, friendly hitboxes for ana are hugely increased.

tfw he'll get nerfed
Honestly I think that the nerfs are a little too much. I want to see how the meta would look with just the discord orb nerf and Mercy/Mei/Hanzo buffs, since I believe that Genji is only as strong as he is at the moment due to the other meta picks and his counters being awful. (except for Winston, but he isn't an optimal pick in the Zenyatta infested meta)
I think the ult nerfs are justified and won't affect my play too much, combo will take away tools vs tracer and make playing genji more clunky due to the removal of the melee cancelling. Triple jump removal (ledgegrab reset) is a hard hit. You basicly have to play like an ult bot now and melee range plays become much more dangerous, due to your setup and gtfo tool being ripped from you. Considering that opening with swift strike is pretty foolish unless someone is in execution range or alone and using swift strike to reach vantage points basicly makes you sit out 6 seconds of cooldown you're pretty much locked out of another option. I feel like taking Genji's options away will make him much more one dimensional and less fun to play. Personally, I want them to buff Winston, Mei, Mercy and Hanzo, nerf Zen and then see how Genji fares, since honestly if a hero's counters suck ass, he will seem much more OP than he actually is.

Exactly because of that. There are faster characters in this game, but they all can land headshots on you. And also Ana´s AI is actually quite good for practicing because she´s constantly strafing around the player, while standing still once in a while.

This feels intentional

at least you get skins, all I get are voice lines, sprays and player icons.

So Mercy now seems to be a must-pick for season 2… Good, I like playing her more than Robo-monk.

If you're gonna post a ten year old boy, at least make it /ss/.

are the rio loot boxes continuing through tomorrow or ending tonight?

Here's your (You) and some /ss/

tracer is a pedophile

typical brittish, fucking little boys

Bumplock when?


The more I play this game the more I wish they went with the original idea of having hero loadouts.

I'd gladly trade Widowmaker's sniper rifle for shorter ability cooldowns.

id like to think im past the point where an attacking team wont get aggressive until overtime but apparently i am not

So that Mei summer skin should be out any day now right?


yeah probably, i mean they dont have much time left unless they want to make a sexy santa mei

last day the crates are out too


Theres some low quality ones and some shadman, so thats the only good ones out there.

Fucking hell, they need to reduce the amount of arrows scatter arrow releases.


u mad

They can never make a skin of Mei that doesn't have a thick coat.
If they show she's not an obese monstrosity tumblr and the blogs will throw a shitfit. If they make a skin that shows her as a landwhile, it won't sell.


no more competitive mode so i can't earn crates fast enough anymore.
quick play is not fun to play

Life is suffering.

I have that skin though it's trash and only redditors like it.

Looks cool to me

The actual reason is probably retaining a clearly readable silhouette.
Kind of the way they took away her big freeze gun 'so she doesn't look like Zarya'.

I mean, just look at pic related, people could totally mistake her for another character if che didn't wear a coat.


this is probably dead on, if they radically change the silhouette with a skin it would ruin the design principles that this game did get right

I think the hitbox would be an even bigger issue.

Irrelevant though, because no matter what, Mei is a fat slut.

Also, her silhouette would be altered and that would upset the balance of the game, you know, cuz otherwise it would look like some other hero.

Wait. When did Reaper become a Spic? Is it because of the Skin (which i like)?

he was always a spic, his name is Gabriel Reyes, you can see it in his "origin" skin too

his mariachi skin is fantastic though

No kidding one of the better skins I seen in a long time. And nothing flashy about it too.

What if his ULT voice changed to the LA dub for that skin?

i guess they made him all-english to reinforce his edginess and the fact he's a key player in the story

Speaking of loot boxes I have to confirm a theory I have, even though the contents of a box is set when you get it, apparently it gives you better quality items the more you hoard them before unboxing, when I opened 13 boxes I had a few days ago, the first bunch gave me some gold and purple items while the later ones gave me crap (blue mostly), I am sitting on 13 boxes right now, I will save as many event boxes as I can until the even ends and then see if I am correct.

horrid fucking system, does anyone know exactly when the event ends? i wanna go watch some anime or play a different fucking game but i'm playing this like a mad cunt hoping i get that one skin i want


>you will never have a robot ninja brother to make love to passionately
why live

Jeez man we haven't seen you for a few threads, we wondered if something happened to you.



i just need a damn purple for americree and i'llbe happy

i know blizz is gonna fuck us once the event is over

I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices the absence of certain anons in recurring threads. I was genuienly worried when the >>>/suicide/ spamming user didn't show up in 4am for a while.

Is it too much to ask to have a higher drop rate of skins?

I have 1855 coins Blizz, I dont any more.
Just give me the damn qt Tracer skin.

its a shame that skin is no where near as cute in game

I honestly just thing it's multiple anons considering the filenames for the image the go home overcucks guy uses will change, also the bumplock when guy said was was sick a week or so ago whjen I asked why he missed a thread, so possibly someone took his place too considering he has not used that stock photo in a while.

Can anybody who knows Nip translate what Genji is whispering there?




fugg i meant oniimono

Or its oniisha

I cant learn japanese

post all you got

I think it's "お兄(can't make out the kanji under that. Could be "者"?), く, あ, あ,"
"お兄" means "older brother", so he's saying something about his brother and "く, あ, あ," just looks like onamonapia for moaning/grunting.
I know very little Japanese, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

H-how do I join?

youtubedoubler.com/?video1=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ec0XKhAHR5I&start1=19&video2=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8yh83jlXg&start2=311&authorName=it ain't me

Mute the video on the right.

You're mostly right, but the first character is あ, not お. The kanji are 兄者, which is just an honorific form for older brother. There's a small や after, which is just an extension of the last sound in the word. Everything besides that is just moans and grunts.

あ、兄者ゃ くっ あっ あっ


fug I meant ア not や


i'll never get americree

Do we know what time the event ends? I might try to grind out a couple more boxes.

Best Girl: Zarya




im not the best mercy because im not used to her gun, but every time i play her it pisses me off how many mercy players there are that have trouble healing allies who need healing, or how to prioritize heals on those in danger.
you know, maybe the reinhardt at 400 health with his shield up doesnt need heals as much as the mccree at 100. its so fucking simple but it eludes practically everyone

Dubs of blondness.

I think it's the TF2 mentality of "stick to the big guy and occasionally toss a pity-heal to those around you" that bogs down a lot of shit-tier mercy players.

On the subject of Mercy, I wish Blizzard would just remove the heal request voice lines entirely - I can already see everyone's health, I don't need some faggot reaper on the other side of the map spamming requests because his health dropped below 90%.

It pisses me off when people bitch at you for doing anything but holding heal on them. You try to eke a win out of a shitty encounter with some damage boosts or pistol fire and they bitch and moan that you weren't just mindlessly healing them. No other character gets backseating like that but apparently everyone thinks they're a pro Mercy, which begs the question why they're instead being a useless piece of shit on some other character instead of gracing the team with their top 500 Mercy play.


which isnt even what youre supposed to do in tf2 either

well shes boring as hell all she does is erase mistakes

All the more reason why people shouldn't bitch when someone else is nice enough to play Mercy for the team.

Is there anything more satisfying?

Usually I just get 1 or 2 with it, though.

Getting PotG for resurrecting your team after half of it was wiped by McCree's ult.


if shes shitty she should get chewed out. healers dont deserve special praise

I agree, but only if you apply the same metric to everyone.

I rarely, if ever, end up on a team where our Mercy is the only and -worst- player on the team, there's usually at least two people that are infinitely more deserving of any sort of ire.



The voice acting / effects are not on par with the original.

Wiping out the entire enemy team with McCree's ult. The closest I've ever seen anyone from this thread get is me, and I got five kills rather than a sextuple. I was too excited about what happened to really notice the Genji kill me with his ult. I'm not counting eliminations or kills done after firing, even though the game includes a period where any sort of elimination occuring briefly after your Deadeye shots adds to your ult kill counter.

Funnily enough I've had a fair amount of McCree POTGs in which I kill Genji and at least half of his team ever since.

Tight Body is good, but Large girl is best girl.

Another good one

Large is acceptable, but I prefer a cutie with a booty.

Tracer and Zarya are probably the only girls in the original cast I would not fuck.

What about a super tight, fit Tracer?

That just looks trashy.

Am I supposed to fap to her abs?

If it was better drawn, sure.

Alright. What about feet?

End your life

Oh god, it's like marvel comic art.

Can someone post that copypasta of all the characters who are basically dead and why it's all mercy's fault or something to that effect

I stopped playing because the Community turned quickplay into a dumping ground of retards.

I'm sorry…

Apply yourself.

i bet it would be a tight fit

Just got this. I'm beyond excited

user you son of a bitch. I've been grinding to get that skin

If this game is anything like Paladins I have no idea how you people paid 40 dollars for this.

But they already have alternate official Mei artwork to be mad over.

He gets a lot of frog paraphernalia because he was supposed to be Canadian.

Lucio doesn't speak a word of Portuguese in game, his legendary costumes are a Deadmau5(Canadian) reference and a hockey reference. The frog was supposed to be his thing like Deadmau5, just with frogs instead. And maybe there was some French-Canadian thing in there, who knows.

Of course, all that was butchered because they realised they didn't have any characters from South America, and muh diversity :((((( Obviously the solution is to just take a pre-existing character and change his skin colour and say he's from Brazil now, right? Everyone knows it doesn't matter what country you're from, we're all the exact same including culture.

Honestly, there's so many almost but not quite good characters. So much stuff that just doesn't quite fit.

Zarya, the strong Russian woman, which would be a perfectly acceptable trope if they didn't make her fucking Tumblr incarnate. They also seriously missed an opportunity on not making her sit emote be a slavsquat. The closest thing you have to a squat in the game is Reaper's western spy squat.

Why is Zenyatta's sport Taekwondo, when that's a Korean martial art, and you have a perfectly good Korean in the game? Why is her sport cycling? Where did that come from?

Fucking Torbjorn, the Swedish dwarf who sounds Italian. His legendary skins are also ugly as fuck, whose idea was it to give him a bunch of fucking facial piercings for the pirate skin? How many pirates with piercings do you think there are? Have fun having your shit rust inside of you due to the salt water faggot.

So much questionable shit in this, man.


That was a good match of Nepal, I got two death blossoms that wiped most of the enemy team, and I only died a couple of times that match. It was too bad every match after went to hell in a handbasket; I kept getting dual snipers on both defense and offense.

what about el reapo and the upcoming sombrero?
hes got a robotic claw arm, i dont think a piercing is a big deal to him.

People have bought hundreds of loot boxes and still didn't get it, don't be mad.

You assume Blizzard has knowledgable people about these things. These people live and work in California. Right near San Fran.

For example, Ubisoft released The Division, in-game the entire population of NPCs in New York is a 25-25-25-25 split of White/Black/Asian/Spanish. Saying "GamerGate" is filtered by in in-game profanity filter.

NPC women wearing headscarves regularly show up in-game, but they never really gave it more thought than that since the NPC dialogue assigned to them will have them sometimes discuss that time they got wicked drunk.

BIg Game companies do no more in backstory than the bare minimum for demographics and good press.

Been grinding for the last couple of days to get it. I was this close to buying loot boxes to get it.


1. People move way too fucking fast and unpredictably in this game to make 100% accurate hitboxes be viable while still having the game be playable at a casual level. Sure they could be reduced and tweaked a little, and they have been, so I don't really see the issue.

2. Because it requires more skill. That's the justification. You'll be more efficient shooting the head, which is a smaller target than the body, thus making it harder.

3. No real argument from me there. The healthpacks are kinda poorly placed, and the HP tools might do with some tweaking. A lot of it is just about using the survivability you have, though. When you start getting good with a class, you can survive for a long-ass time. Genji's and Tracers have super low health pools, yet people that are actually good at them can zoom around and barely get touched. Roadhog has insane survivability from the get go, probably the best of any single character imo.

4. Roadhog's shotgun:
9x25 = 225 damage
1 shot per second, for a total of 225dps

Reaper's shotguns
7x20 = 140 damage
2 shots per second, for a total of 280dps

It's really just the age old question of higher dps or base damage. There are many heroes roadhog oneshots that reaper doesn't. Especially with his combo of hook>shoot>melee which does 285 damage without them being able to do anything about it if aimed perfectly.

However, the two are entirely different characters with entirely different toolsets and playstyles, so it's kind of a moot point.

5. Genji is kinda ridiculous, yes. He's being nerfed in the next patch, so it's kind of a moot point.

Mexico is not in South America. Besides, he's an American, silly :^) hispanics are just as American as you and me.

Maybe not, but it should be to the creators of the skin if they're going for a pirate theme. It also looks like shit.

That is actually kind of hilarious. This is what liberals actually think.

Don't be silly, we all know the only reason Lucio is brazilian is "Wait, we made this perfectly fine character straight out of Jet Set Radio, how do we justify the fact that we use the exact same colors as Jet Set Radio?"

"They're also the colors of the brazilian flag!"

Why do people pick Ana when they can't aim for shit?

I'm not even sorry, I'm just sad I didn't get Symmetra's emote, best out there.

Where are the overwatch giveaways.

I didn't like the game enough to pay for it, would maybe play once a week if given for free.

Because she doesn't actually require you to aim proper.

Honestly they should make it so High Noon goes though shields. Genji's deflect should still work on it though.

Your fault for not buying with paypal

Yet they still fail to heal.

Also opened my last summer loot box and got the Zarya skin I wanted. I will go to bed a happy man.

IMO as a support player Deadeye is already too strong. In 1.2 seconds he can charge it enough to kill me from full health. Basically if I'm not ALREADY behind the reinhardt shield or similar cover, I'm dead, nothing I can do even as lucio with speedboost, simply not enough time to respond.

Teamwipes with deadeye are hard to get, I'll agree with that, but just killing the supports which is usually more than enough to assure a win in teamfight, is practically a guarantee with proper positioning. Zenyatta can ult, but it only saves himself. Lucio soundbarrier cast time is longer than the deadeye lock time.

What rank did you guys get this season?

Hit 60 two minutes before the season ended. Was 55 earlier that evening.
Am 8 points short of a golden weapon and these fucking idiots turn off the ranked que
I tried quickplay. No fucking way I try again

Guess that leaves Mercy who can zoom out the way but only if a teammate is in a good spot. All up to luck and how good the positioning of the Mccree is.

i recommend PTR comp then.

So this was taken out then put back in huh?

Good thing I got that refund.

68 at end of season, 69 highest

If you haven't played mccree much you should, just to learn how hard a good deadeye is to land.
You're correct in the fact that it does lock quickly onto low hp heroes, but it also makes you almost completely immobile, and for example a d'va can easily completely nullify your ult by just flying into you with shield up.
It's almost easier to kill you as mccree by just shooting.
t. McCree

I played mccree enough to know that I can't use him for shit, can't shoot, can't deadeye, can't anything.

Just the amount of times i've been solo ulted, or both healers and ONLY the healers have been ulted by him, with absolutely nothing we could do is staggering.

That's the worst thing about overwatch. If you play with shit teammates, you're fucked. No matter how well you support, if your dps players aren't doing shit, you're gonna lose. Most of my ults as mccree are indeed solo ults to secure an important kill. It does get way better in the higher ranks though, and the matchup starts going in the way of supports, because your team's dps and tanks will be quick to react to an immobile glowing mccree. Many times ulting as mccree is a great way to get instantly wiped if you're not behind a rein's or dva's shield yourself.

Not many characters can kill someone in 1.2 seconds, and even if he is glowing they still have to find the direction first.

I am a "higher rank" though, 68 was my season end.

Which server? My season high was 70 and I played mostly on EU, except for a brief stint where bnet was spazzing out and I had to play on the US server. I found it hard to almost ever land a good deadeye. I played a lot with 70+ averages, too. Maybe you're getting caught out of position or something? I've heard of people not cooperating well in the higher ranks too, though, so maybe you've just been unlucky.
As for not many characters being able to kill someone so quick, you'd be surprised. McCree can kill most people with 200hp in about that time by just left clicking. Soldier as well. Widow can obviously too, but she's not very popular right now. Then there's always Hanzo and the likes that are obviously very quick to kill you if they land a good shot. I'm sure at 68 this isn't news to you.


Then I'd have to attribute it to bad luck or a misplay on your part. I found US players to be way more communicative and teamplay oriented than EU.
t. europoor

This thread's level of skill sure has dropped.

58 highest and 50 lowest i dropped from 58 to 52 in a single day with zero wins all games had attack torbs, bastions that tired to spawn camp, meis that walled the worst possible places, reins that dont understand charging away from the group then walking aroumd with a shield up and dying isnt smart and every game always a hanzo and ganji

After that day i just called it and stopped playing for 3 weeks because it killed me, I was just angry and upset because of how awful the whole experience was
Constant abuse from utter fucking morons who didnt give a fuck about playing what's needed or whats good they just acting like picking widow and doimg their own thing and blaming everyone else while spaming I NEED HEALING

This game has such fucking shit netcode, it's an absolute joke of a competitive game.

Was always known and was mentioned numerous times, your own fault for buying it.

This is what playing Winston is actually like

I played the open beta and noticed those issues back there too. Of course the word gets out that "oh, it's just the 20 tick, it'll be better once they release competitive". Yeah I suppose, it's still fucking shit though. Originally I didn't mind because it was fun enough with friends, but as they stopped playing I started tryharding more, and as a Genji main about every second death is due to deflect or dash not registering in time, or someone shooting me from behind a corner. Now they're even nerfing him hard. I'm done with this fucking shit game and shit developer. Can't understand the amount of droning Blizzard gets, all this shit about taking a genre and "perfecting" it, my ass.

I need pictures of Dewritos Dva. I can't picture her as anything else than Umaru now.


Since they upgraded the servers to 60 ticks i never was shot behind corners again. And i play a lot of Tracer, who is probably even more affected by shitty netcode then fucking Genji.

Yeah, no. If the enemy team is half decent, most of the time you'll be getting kills or surviving by using a well-timed deflect, but because the netcode is so shit there is no chance of that happening - you have to anticipate, at which point you can only hope that the enemy is plain shit. The deflect can be up for 300ms or more and still not fucking register. Same with the dash, and you'll be using that a lot of times if deflect is down or you want to assasinate someone at the backline in a player cluster - but nope, some hitscan cunt always hits you even if on your screen you were concealed for a whole second already.

The netcode is fucking shit, deal with it buddy. This game is casual incarnate and on top of that it's pushing marxist bullshit.

This is an actual emote now?

I like playing as Genji, but

No one else finds that concept retarded? Just say that out load and see if it makes sense. It doesn't.

On PTR yes. It's coming.

Yes lets make shurikens unlimited too, not like the game is casual enough as it is.

Let's just make all the weapons unlimited, none of the reloads really make sense anyway they get their ammo from nowhere.

Great idea

Lets remove res time too

It would've made more sense to have most of the weapons be energy-based, that way they would have an excuse why ammo is unlimited. Maybe have a heat gauge so instead of reloading, they would have to wait for their weapon to cool off.

Or they could pull all the ammo out from their asses.

I think that might be literally where genji stores his shuriken when they aren't loaded in his arm.

great. And make the respawns randomly out on the map rather than a single designated spawn

Shots should also randomly crit

I think we're making real progress here guys, keep em coming

Is this the new Undertale?

Its the Track and Field version but still.

Was 55, stopped playing almost after getting my rank cuz it made me madder than regular quick matches.

and Ults should have a 200% faster charge rate.

nah just remove ults

remove objectives too.

Thinking about learning another character. Maybe Pharah since I love the Mechaqueen skin. Love flying in videogames too.

pharah looks weird, like somsone stretched her out or something

Please learn how to play almost every character or at least try them all and learn at least 2 in every category

The one hero I will never ever play, upvote or anything is the fucking but muh diversity dindu.

No fuck that.

I did that at first, though I never really could get the hang of defense heroes (including junkrat).

Then I learned that I couldn't aim on the same level that I could play support, and reinhardt is cursed.

Does a list of counters exist for each hero? I need to git gud. Did some practice for most of them in the shooting range. Roadhogs and Reints are tough to kill.

Competitive needs to come back soon. I forgot how shit people in Quick Play were.

Its worse than its been during when comp was alive. Everyone is in a party now.

Thats ok
All defensive heroes are useless

The new map is now available for testing in PTR. Seems a little convoluted, but that could just be the newness.

Thought this might interest you though.

My hopes for competitive this season is I get a good placement
Because I fear the drop again into where people are less cooperative or skilleful than people in normal games

Its good at least you cant drop out of brackets now


Fit tracer is actually a great idea, but this art is just disgusting. I hope some drawfag will actually make something good out of it in the near future. But for now i have to fap to Tracer to satisfy my tomboy lust and fap to Zarya for my muscle girl fetish.

Literally reddit garbage

Your matchmaking is still going to be based on your current rating and/or hidden values. The bracket is basically just aesthetic really. You get placed into diamond and then drop all the way to bronze and you'll play with bronze players, while having the diamond emblem. Probably.

I don't understand why these people are afraid to stand on a point to contest it. They're just meandering right outside the point border.

On the left side should be a bar with the heroes on it. The guides for them are decent. It shows the weaknesses/strengths as well as the neutral matchups

Forgot to link: furiouspaul.com/overwatch/

Well that's the only obvious meme/game refrence that I've found. Maybe there are others but they are either better hidden or I just don't get them. Lots of stuff is in german for obvious reasons.

There is a computer store, which looks out of place but I think it's to reinforce the point that this is still the same modern/future setting. The town has a medieval aesthetic but underneath it (was) a modern town.

Nope, guide is shit.

He is

Tracer is good against winston actually, something that a majority of high level players will agree with. She is able to blink and outrange him on a MUCH shorter cooldown than his leap, and her range and damage can easily kill him.

Winston's barrier will buy him time, but all tracer has to do is blink away and wait for him to leave it or for it to drop. He'll have no leap CD and no barrier CD, making him easy pickings.

Double winston has something of a chance of overwhelming tracer, but a single winston may as well just be ult food for her.

Winston is not supposed to kill her 1v1, she zones a Tracer or Genji away from the healers / team in general so they can't get easy picks.

This isnt a 1v1 game and god knows what you are doing chasing tracer around on Winston

Agreed. As someone who plays Tracer a lot, i fear Winston a lot less than let´s say Roadhog or Zarya. His range is so laughable you just can blink out of it with ease, but your weapons on the other hand will still make enough damage to hurt him really hard.

Zarya feels like I'm super weak against Tracer. If Tracer is good at jumping she'll never get hit by my balls and re-aiming the laser is a pain against a good Tracer.

By jumping I mean her ability.

I'm bored.
Left to right:
>Evacuation begin: 11.10. ()3 - 8:00 am One number in the year is missing
>Bottom right is evacuation order again

This is actually perfect german. I'm impressed, usually games fuck up other languages.

Since your out exploring, what do you think of the map layout? Is it convoluted like I said or is that just a case of not being used to it yet

Güte is just a name here I assume, but means something among the lines of goodness

The bread is saying tasting desired though I'm sure there's a more accurate way to translate

left side:

The chicken is just makeing the sound of a cock.

Haven't really payed attention, but there seem to be A LOT of options to go, wich seems odd for a payload map because they'll go mustly unused. But I never play flankers. Hell, I'm sure I haven't seen all of El Dorado

naturally Attacker's spawn

Literally newspaper

I also just realized the the futuristic city and target of "our" Bastion is Stuttgart

New reinhardt skin looks pretty good.

Why is he copying Bastion?

excuse me, theres 2 varients

It looks like they lifted it from a korean mmo

Guess that map tells us about what happened.


Because it's exactly the same condition of "overgrown". There are even dead bastion units right next to the armor on the map.

This is blizzard we're talking about. Where do you think the Koreans stole the design from?


>Computerword Von Ritgen Von Ritgen is just a name


Just because Blizzard stole their designs from shit like Games Workshop doesn't mean Korea didn't steal it from Blizzard directly.

Got source or you happy being retarded?



reading comprehension

pick one

Done I guess. Love the loading music.

When's the patch? I figured summer games would be over by now.

pick one

Sieg heil, Deutschanon. You're doing Gods work.

They end at like 3 AM EST on the 23rd.

Doesn't matter, new comp season doesn't come out until the 6th.

They might patch some of the PTR changes into live for QP before then though.

EU player here, is the US playerbase better than the EU? Seen some anons suggest this and im wondering if its worth sacrificing higher ping for it.

Likely that more people in the US play Overwatch.

Interested to know this as well, found it really hard to break out of upper 50s due to retards on EU servers.

I have the same problem on NA servers so I think everyone is generally retarded.

Why did it rank up so shittily? A loss would easily take an entire rank away, but winning by decimation when underdog barely gave you half?

Unless we're to think her stream is popular even when it's offline. That must mean she streams when she is in combat as well.

That may be the case, what if her audience think Overwatch is a game and she is not piloting a Meka?

Actually she does. Not games of course. According to the wiki "Recently, she has begun to stream combat operations to her adoring fans, and her growing following has turned her into a global icon"

It's a direct quote from the official hero page for her here playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/dva/

Ever seen a streamer play some random flashgame while in a que?
This is exactly what the emote looks like.

It's what we think after all.

I have played the new map and made a few pics for those of who are to lazy to download ptr.




So I went into a skirmish with the AI and set them to Ana to practice my aim, but they never come out of spawn

Are you spawn camping them?

I did head in that direction after I went around trying to find them

That tracer really looks like Vi.

Literally no similarity except big gloves. Kill yourself SJW lover.



confirmed for not knowing shit

all she has is tumblr hair, personality wise she's trying to defend her homeland against muh dindu omnics and is racist against those members of the cast

Can't really blame him.
Most people see her portrait in hero select and refuse to pick her right there and then.
Some will try her for a while, but not enough to hear those lines. Or enough to know how good she is at tanking.
I blame the tumblr presentation, but I'm glad I played her long enough to know her personality a bit better.
And to know that 100 charged beam can indeed, melt steel beams.

its not worth the fucking skin anymore i need a break

Anyone getting these "OUT OF SYSTEM MEMORY" errors while playing?

It keeps poppping up when I play, but I have 8 gb of ram. And even at it's most stressful, it's only 80% used.

I got another crash saying it was my VRAM but i have a pretty good GPU, that can't be it.

I looked it up and apparently it was a common problem that was "fixed by updating windows" but i'm running windows 7 and i've purposefully disabled updates to fuck microsoft's telemetry jewishness. so what's the real fix?

Works on my machine!

Open up task manager and go to the processes tab. How much memory is svchost using?

now that you mention it, I have like 13 editions of svchost

And now, a poem I want to dedicate to all the Genji players. With love, from a Roadhog player:


Now for real, I fucking hate Genji. I don't even think he's OP. But everytime one appears, I gotta pick Hog and hook that weeb twink because noone else does it, until he gets the hint and switches to another heroe and I can play with the rat again.
Or they don't switch, and get mad in allchat.

I thought it was the windows update memory leak, but it might be something else, since for me I only had one instance of svchost that was using up three gigs of ram on its own. You should at least know what to google for troubleshooting now, though.

8/10, Pretty good.

laughed harder than i had any right to

Thanks. Personally, I wanted him nerfed just so people would play him less often.
I don't reall think he's OP. Genji is kinda like the new Bastion. People complained for a long time about him, until they figured him out and anyone can take out a Bastion these days. A bad Bastion.
Genji is kinda like that, but it's anoying since thge only hard counter is the Hog, with a soft counter being Symetra.
Everything else gets shit on, and I have no idea why people don't immediately switch to an Hog when they see one.
It pays off when they're Genji fanboys and refuse to switch.
"NO, THIS IS LIKE LEAGUE OF FAGS, I GOTTA PLAY NARUTO FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH" and then they hooked like a dead fish on dry land.

i'm a little bummed how everyone suddenly became a genji tryhard cuz i liked him because i like cyborgs, ninjas, and his mobility

is mobility nerf is a bummer, the other aspects i can live with

Genji is OP because the dash gets out of anything and combined with his ultimate 1-2 shotting 90% of the cast it creates even more problems.

If his dash wasn't a get out of jail free card he'd be fine… though I think having a 6 second ultimate sounds more fair as well.

When the fuck is the next season starting, double D.va is fucking cancerous

lol @ all the shitters who still think genji is OP

Learn to aim, people who're jumping have predictable falling paths

I'm not even sure I understand what they did to his mobility. What exactly was the nerf?
Also, didn't play him long enough to know his combo, so I don't really know what combo they removed either.

I think I only played him to get a feel on how Genjis enter fights and what they can do.
Would play more, but it's like you said. There's already too many Genjis, and nearly everyone is a tryhard with him. Shame, he seemed fun.
But Junkrat out-funs him by a large marging.

You've been spending too much time on Twitter.

from what i understand, he can't stack his double jumps and wall climbs anymore

so instead of double jump > wall climb > jump, you only get two jumps once you leave the ground so if you double jump into a wall climb you can't get another

Isn't that what it should have been doing in the first place?
I mean, wouldn't the pre-nerf movement allow you to chain doublejumps+wall climbs to climb infinitely?

the terrain on any current maps don't allow it, but it did give genji the ability to punch a pharrah in the face mid flight, and clear incredible distances and have fun

he's a ninja, i feel like nerfing his mobility shouldn't be necessary since he's already squishy especially once you blow his SS

That was the annoying part.
I mean, noobish Genjis would use that thing whenever it was on cooldown.
But any non-braindead genji would chip away damage with shurikens at range, then SS in, throw 3 stars and melle strike.
After the chip damage you took, that kills or nearly kills most characters.

So you had this annoying fly buzzing in the distance doing small damage and you got two choices: ignore him and focus on the objective but be killed when you get chipped down to 150HP or focus on him, and he accomplishes his target of distracting you by SS away from you.

He's fun to play as, but annoying to play against. The sugestion I gave on their forums was to make SS usable only when you target an enemy. Would make him a lot more agressive and less "Shit, they looked at me, gotta go"

just one more crate i tell myself as i join a KOTH game where my team is entirely hanzo

Earlier today, I was defending Hanamura.
Picked Symetra to cover that little hole up the wall for possible genji/widows.
Never did it before, but I decided to slap 6 turrets there to royally fuck with genjis for shits and giggles (expecting to lose because I'm not covering the point at all)

Enemy team picked 6 Hanzos.
They all climbed up there.
They all died.
Team Kill 30 seconds into the match.
They switched shortly after that.

No, basically what happened was you get a double jump and one instance of wallclimb, and the double jump would refresh, so you could walljump. You couldn't wallclimb again though, so you can't get a fourth jump.

Now, the wallclimb doesn't refresh the jump, so you can't walljump, and that's like half the fun factor of using him. This kills the muscle memory

Honestly, the only nerf Genji needed was to his ult.
As it was he could: 2 hit squishy, dash, 2 hit squishy number 2, dash, 2 hit healer, dash, 4-5 hit tank, dash, 2 hit squishy.
Literally 0 effort to wipe out an entire team if they don't have a McRee with his flashbang nearby or if he isn't dead already.
Also, it's not like the other ults with team wipe potential (McRee, D.va, Reaper, etc…) that actually require proper positioning and timing. Just flank, press Q and rape ensues.

What was dumb was that SS reset on activation.

This thread is so different from beta

i have never been so unreasonably angry at a game, call me back when sombra is out

It's like hearthstone all over again

this is literally the first blizzard game i've ever decided to buy and now i know why everyone hates them

i did too much solo que for this event, its not worth the suffering



eat my balls i'm fucking 25, i just don't like diablo or RTS games, or MMOs, or online card games.


ay fug u old man

My most played hero is D.va, of which I have 1 skin. I have been getting almost nothing but player icons since this event started and all I want is the stupid D.va one. I can't believe this shit is even possible.

Since the event started the only event skin I've gotten was Mercy's.
She is the only character I have 0 playtime on.

i didn't think that was fucking possible either, i was under the impression you only got one summer item per box

what a horrific system

buy boxes goy


you get at least one summer item per box, I think I've seen three in one before. The odds of getting doubles of summer items in one box are like a million to one, which as we all know means it happens like every third box.

Unboxed 16, nothing I wanted, kept playing with some friends, got an extra box, it was still an event box… this was a miracle.

still convinced that the more you open the worse your odds become so they can try to wring some shekels out of you

gratz Ditzy

I swear I've opened over 30 at this point and have 0 items I want, at the highest level of required XP too. I've mostly gotten duplicate event items.
It's bad enough they're timed and you can't buy them with gold but the fact you can get dupes is ridiculous, there's no way to guarantee I'll get what I want at all, even if I purchased boxes. This is frustrating.

I was trying to confirm my theory of getting better quality the more you hoarded, but only the first two boxes contained gold, the rest didn't even get many pink so it was debunked, yes, the more you open the lower your chances are.

I am not Ditzy, that's my friend, they watched a small stream I did with all those boxes that got me nothing I wanted.

I wanted Symmetra's emote and Mercy's skin, at least I got both Tracer's skins, D.Va's and a red Zarya.

Oh right, gold. I never got any until this event.

No, I mean gold, in like golden quality items, although I have to say, they all turned into currency.


Granted, the first skin I bought was her Winter Front one
Followed by a frog skin for the Nigger