Sanders released an op-ed
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Very good Bernie. The Democratic Party is a zombie though
breddy güd ::DDD
Glad he doesn't have to shill for hillary anymore, feels like grampa's back.
Unfortunately, as seems to be the case with everything this election, the people who most need to learn this lesson (hillary supporters), will just cry that he's in bed with literally hitler, and this is evidence of how horrible sexist and racist those bernie bros are.
he should've won
Sanders 2020
I wonder how many liberals this will wake up. You cannot fight fascism with liberalism.
I think he'll be too old to be up for it then. A more radical populist needs to arise to combat Trump.
Isn't it amazing Sanders is the one coming off like the president, while Obama and Hillary were just there sucking Trumps dick and saying "it's okay folks, lets just work with Trump!"
Literally the only person that has made me feel any sense of relief is Sanders.
Yeah, I mean I expected liberals to cave but not within 5 fucking minutes of Trump winning. Useless cunts.
Dad is great
I almost died trying to restrain my vocalized keks when Hitllary and Obummer saw Chump win the election, turn 360 degrees, and say "gud job boyo, I got faith in ya". Like, fuck off.
Sanders should make every effort to become a kind of unelected president, making frequent addresses to the nation and trying to unite social movements and steer them in a constructive direction. The people are turning away from the establishment. He should start to form a system of dual power. He is not ambitious enough to try this, but he should.
Jimmy Dore episode on this and explains why Obama and Hillary are like that and how weak of a president Obama actually was when push comes to shove.
He'll be too old
He will probably play a larger role in getting a coup of the DNC underway though
I'm not so sure. The Liberal establishment's most powerful, "qualified" candidate was blown the fuck out by a literal retard who probably wasn't even trying despite having the entire media establishment on her side as well as corrupt DNC leaders and even Wall Street bankers.
Liberals have lost literally all their credibility.
If Clinton could run while she was basically falling apart I think Sanders could run considering he seems pretty healthy
But I mean, if not him, who else? Cornel West? Killer Mike?
Actually the salvageable ones have been repenting. The PUMAs will (mostly) die of old age soon anyway.
I've had the same idea, but under a Clinton presidency, when that seemed inevitable. The most obvious way of doing that is to declare his candidacy very early on, but I think he'll at the least let the moderates lick their wounds for a little.
Lol Kanye won't run when he figures out it'd hurt his ego
Gabbard, Turner, Duckworth, Harris. Kaine might try and go for a Round 2, but I doubt it, and he certainly wouldn't have much success.
It's a shame he's like 76 years old. But it's also impressive he has so much stamina and will to do what he did.
pro-tip Bernie's brother actually said that if there is one way he would describe Bernie was that he is an athlete. I imagine he has lived a very healthy life and keep in mind Reagan was basically senile his entire presidency. Bernie could pull of maybe one term. His VP selection would have to be very important though.
I hear chelsea clinton is getting into politics
if she says she's running I will find her where ever she is and slap across the fucking face
Clinton's run was shit. Needs someone HIGH ENERGY and youthful. Like Pablo Iglesias
I mean he was pretty strong on neolib, necon policies.
He's pretty fit, and insh'Allah he lives a long life.
I saw one of those liberal t-shirt designs and it said "Michelle 2020 Michelle 2024 Chelsea 2028 Chelsea 2032 Malia 2036 Malia 2040 Sasha 2044 Sasha 2048"
These psychos literally want a celebrity dynasty
What makes you think he'll be too old?
Trump will be four years younger. What if Bernie was paired with a young, possibly minority VP?
Time to slam this quote on as many memes as I can.
I don't know why you guys have so much faith in a "progressive"
we have to believe
Well, that's not going to happen, at least not with Chelsea. The Clintons are fucking done in Washington.
Bernie essentially sold his soul to avoid being stamped into dust by the media.
With Hillary no longer running, he's free to criticize her as he sees fit and Trump as he sees fit.
Bernie's enormous millennial popularity will allow him to remain an influential figure for the rest of his life.
No. If he runs again, i doubt he would have the same amount of support as he did on the primaries.
The real conspiracy theory is that Bernie wasn't allowed to run because what he would lead to would have been worse for the establishment than a Trump presidency.
Really? I'd expect more support. There's precedent now. Before he was a no-name, and had to campaign from scratch. The people know he can seriously win now, which gives him both a head start as well as more pull with the voters too scared to pick him the first time rather than the establishment candidate.
That's not a conspiracy theory, it's common sense.
But he showed he cares more about the democratic party than his own values.
He cared more about stopping Trump than he did about his own ego.
He won either way, Trump doesn't get elected, crisis averted, or he becomes someone who was right about everything.
"I strongly supported Hillary Clinton, campaigned hard on her behalf, and believed she was the right choice on Election Day."
Bernie openly supported his own opposition,he has no spine which is a shame
Two days ago I dreamt that Trump picked Sanders as his Health Secretary to work on a universal healthcare plan together.
how many people ever get elected at his age? anywhere in the world
It's not about his own ego. He asked his millions of followers who wasted their donations on HIM, to vote for the very person that rigged them out of a candidacy ON TOP of consistently shitting on them, writing bullshit articles about how they are all racist, sexist etc. for not worshipping Queen Shillary, and not even bothering one bit to earn their vote after she got nominated.
It's literally spitting in the face of your followers if you then tell them to vote for that person. There is no excuse.
Because when the DNC gave the nomination to Hillary he should've have come out and said: "Fuck you all and fuck this party. I am going to create my own party and run for presidency. See you on the debates war mongering bitch"
do you not understand the political reality? this way is better, if he had not given his support the clitonites would have blamed him for their loss and nothing would have changed. Now they can't blame him and he can take over the party.
But Bernie Bros are still being blamed by Hillarybots lol
They are being blamed though
Those are the easily convinced people that should be targeted tbh.
except they're loosing that narrative. Fucking Chuck Schummer is backing the progressive candidate for the DNC head, there are no major leaders left for the hillary and obama wing left, Sanders and Warren have the party now.
You are delusional if you think the DNC will magically "learn their lesson" and push an actual progressive next election.
They're ALREADY propping up Tim Kaine (you know, the cuck who managed to lose a debate against Mike Pence of all people).
I highly doubt they'll let give the election to a progressive, but I do think it's possible that a progressive will steal the election from them now that the female-magnet witch is finally out of the fucking way.
You think? I think they will built the 2020 election around Jim Webb
Webb was shut down because he's an old white guy who killed people in Vietnam, what's going to be different this time?
Tim Kaine isn't running for the DNC head. And yeah, it does seem that at least some of them have learned their lesson.
Really user? Have they rejected any blood money from the Clinton Foundation? Have they fully backed an initiative to implement measures so corrupt individuals like DWS and Brazile won't lead the party over a cliff again?
Until we hear a party-wide apology to Boynie and the Boynie supporters, I'm not buying their bullshit.
Fuck Bernie Sanders
Well if you think Sanders is a good candidate why not?
Goofy Elizabeth Waren literally fucking backed Shillary over Bernie when there was absolutely no reason to. Very likely because she was hoping Shillary would throw her bone in terms of power.
These fuckers are still just as corrupt as they've always been. The reason they're latching onto this natural movement that's centralizing around Boynie is because they're trying to desperately hold onto their power and maintain control of the narrative. Also, I'm not convinced that some of these protests aren't manufactured as we've proof from wikileaks that many 'activists' were bused in. If we let these cunts co-opt the movement again, we'll end up with another Obama that whispers sweet-nothings in our ears for the next eight years while Goldman Sachs and every corporation out there steals the rugs out from under our feet.
Are you suggesting Sanders is something more?
More likely Carson. Sorry man.
What makes you think Bernie isn't controlled opposition when they literally had an agreement for him not to win?
You need to go back
No. The Democratic Party is useless. Not American and I can see that.
Doesn't he advocate taxation based on biblical tithing? kek
I've just about enough of non-americans telling us what to do with our politics.
Implying us americans have not proven we need someone to tell us what to do with our politics
you sound like a liberal
No, she stayed out of it until the fix was in.
I get this feel from two angles, one with non-Puerto Ricans telling Puerto Ricans how to feel and one with non-Americans telling Americans how to feel.
My comment would have been more fitting if she had won.
What's wrong with progressives?
This is an edit right?
The meme isn't wrong, he did abscond with all those campaign funds.
He's too old, please. We need people who are going to have to live through sea level rise already.
he used them to build up political organizations, not to buy a lakehouse. Jane sold a house that had been in her family for a hundred years to buy that.
Some Clinton aide just had an absolute meltdown on twitter about how the left is full of evil sexists
Make sure to always archive this shit before the worms can hide their filth.
That's fucking disgraceful, no wonder their campaign failed.
Now you know how the rest of the fucking world fucking feels, faggot.
Some guy agreeing with him:
Holy shit I'm gonna be sick. There are seriously ppl who think she's good. What. The. Fuck.
Good reminder to never join twitter. Holy fuck.
Nah Twitter is great actually. Just make sure you follow the lefties and journos that take the piss out of people like that all day long.
Reminder that Peter Daou was a proud phalangist and very likely a war criminal.
lel no
I agree
all social media is cancer, comlad