The coming 5G horror

The 5G cellular spectrum rollout is happening NOW. The FCC has declared that they aren't going to wait for the science to provide even indications of health effects of this new spectrum, but instead we will be guinea pigs so we can download our porn faster. Even the 2.6Ghz spectrum used for 802.11b has demonstrable effects on the ability for children to concentrate, but higher frequencies have been shown to effect microcellular activity, the immune system (everyone finally has AIDS), arrhythmia in rats and frogs, hotspots in eyes and skin (sweat pores act like antennas for these frequencies), breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, adverse effects on cellular growth in both mammals and plants, and ecological effects such as disorienting birds.

You'll soon see small antennas installed on EVERY telephone pole with mast-to-mast communications happening at 27-40Ghz and beyond. 5G frequencies to devices will be in the 3.5-4.2Ghz range. These antennas can focus electromagnetic energy as well in order to improve signal, but this also requires constant tracking and perhaps could be used to fry your ass. Also, this will allow for smaller 3mm-sized antennas to be embedded in everything from your toothbrush to your glasses to every article of clothing.

Verizon has already announced partial rollouts for later THIS YEAR so the only option you have to avoid this shit for now is to move to the sticks. It's a $7 trillion industry and we're not going to right that ship until the tumors are well underway. The effects of the roll out I predict will be both near and long term with the near term effects on AIDS-ridden confused, neurotic city slickers only getting worse and longer term increases of rates of cancer, bacterial & viral born disease, weird skin conditions, & aging going through the roof 30 years from now.

All the US-based studies on cellular radiation I've seen thus far are pretty shit. They show a small correlation with brain cancer, but they also only study lower 2G/3G frequencies which are mostly 800-1200Khz and have no relevance to millimeter-sized wavelengths.

Other urls found in this thread:!0aIBEL6Z!Wep5nNVjSOlQPZwwYleWoA <::AID-BEM1026>3.0.CO;2-3/full

But is it free as in freedom?

free tumors

citations needed

This is Verizon we're talking about

What's going to happen to 3G and 4G bands?

almost first moishe

i'm in

Here are materials (videos, slides, papers) on a recent conference on electromagnetic effects on health including neurological effects and genetic damage:


When they fry your brain, there will be no sadness about what was lost, because you'll be too dumb and veggied to even tell.

At least all the city dwelling jews, leftists and shitskins will be poisoned first.

this is actually fucking amazing. "horror"? you can now go off grid with zero downsides whatsoever

On top of all this we have the political effects.

This is the same spectrum used for the RF-based crowd control devices.

These frequencies can also map surroundings due to measuring the relative absorption rates (the new antennas can 'aim' the radiation to improve signal) and thus detect things like metal objects on one's person like guns. These imagine devices are in development and use the same frequencies.

Finally, having every part of your life under surveillance will finally have the infrastructure to make that possible (pic related)

literally why? I'm in a fairly populated area on the mid-atlantic and I still get shitty 3g coverage rather than 4g. And when I'm on 4g, it's plenty fast enough for anything you'd be doing on niggertech. How about these faggots focus on spreading decent 4g coverage out beyond the cities more instead?

To all the naysayers, I used to install commercial APs.
When the new ABG and early draft N routers came out, they shipped with warnings that radios are disabled from factory and to not be within 50cm during operation.
Reason they were disabled was so that I wouldn't get hell doses while plugging cables in and getting off the ladder…
They knew about this in mid-late 00s already.

Cisco knew already then so what do you think they know now after a decade?

I don't think you understand, user. This bandwidth is for them to download you, not the other way around.

its easier for your phone to upload everything about you without you noticing

I remember when 802.11b was first rolled out that two of the engineers Apple was working with had cancer.
But there was a LOT of money to be made! They didn't even wait to make a half-decent encryption standard which is why we ended up with the broken WEP standard. Time is money and they want to cash in NOW

Only plebs haven't read this book


Technology was a mistake. The Amish were right.


nigger I live in the fucking boonies, microtown with 600 inhabitants is the only piece of civilization near me, and I STILL get 4G coverage here

Nice conspiracy post, Moishe.

Same thing that happened to 2G, gets dropped.

While true, the shorter wavelengths have shorter ranges. 4G can still run on 800Mhz. It doesn't always run on 2.7Ghz.

Where are the citations though?

2G got dropped Jan 1 this year. The original iPhone, for example, now no longer works. The old frequencies are repurposed for newer multiplexing and networking standards.

The newer frequencies will however require all new hardware. Cell towers will be decomissioned as the new tech uses more numerous smaller antennas on every structure on every street.

The V-MADS crowd control system uses a 90Ghz beam. This frequency is within the 5G standard (not deployed now, but in the near future say two years) which goes up wot 100Ghz

This is the first I heard of this 5g thing. Supposed to be a minimum of 100mbps and maybe a lot more then that…holy shit. That's damn fast.

As someone who has used the 'net from since before http, I have to say don't fall for the bandwidth jew.

Old way: Reading documentation over 1200 baud

New way: Watching a video over broadband

Hell, some instructions aren't even in written form anymore (and it's fucking annoying!)

One psychological effect is that the human brain is geared to be far more discerning when it comes to dialog or the written word as opposed to a visual because in the millions of years man has evolved to this point lying by words has been trivial but it was virtually impossible to lie via images (thus, "seeing is believing").

If you see it on TV, it's automatically believed as it bypasses any scrutiny in the brain. The visual parts of the brain are directly wired.

So now is a good time to market hats with copper mesh in them so we can all be tinfoil without looking retarded?

Some more food for thought on what 5G means:
Privacy (including the IoT or Internet of Things, i.e. what is going to be using that 100Mb of bandwidth, uploading your life to your owners)
Health concerns over deployment:

tin foil doesn't foil wifi very well.

I think some companies sell silver mesh caps which absorb cellular and wifi. Not sure what frequencies are covered, however. Some people who are RF sensitive swear by them

Oh fuck off with this bullshit.


In case you didn't know the 5G standard is the one where you can utilize radiation to cause microwave pain beams and cook you alive with radiation. This can also penetrate car windows so you'd be helpless against it.

Funny how people shy away from radiation unless they here it dressed up in different yet technically correct terms.

I don't care I want my 5G

Indeed all frequencies are dangerous at a given wattage and duration. The question is what are the effects of being blasted by, say, 500mw of 6ghz with CDMA switching or 100mw of 50Ghz.

We don't know, and the fucks at the FCC are too busy counting their kick-backs to care!

Radio frequency microwaves is already classified as 2B carcinogens. Incidentally direct contact with skin, body or face is exceeding the limits of safe exposure for a smart phone.

The big thing with 5g adoption is that the antennae are small and need to be placed everywhere, on top of that it's a concentrated beam meaning the does from these antennae must be greater. Combined with multiple sources and not just one beam and you've got a recipe for your health being murdered right under your nose. You're going to have refit the outside of your house with lining to keep the beams out just so you have a safe haven from it all.


How many feet of concrete would I need to block the majority of cell and radio?

Reported for being a fed


consumerism, and
I mean, 5G is like 1 more than 4G so it must be better.

Look at how the N standard came around with all those pre-draft devices hitting the market before the standard was even complete yet. They can NOT wait.


Actually let's say I have a single room that's 6x6x6 feet. How would I go about making it a faraday cage without compromising air supply? Foil most places and wire/mesh on the air vents?

Is 802.11b turning young women into monsters?

And I don't think people realize what 5G really is. Once the system is in place they can disable anyone within range of The System remotely. Within the 5G range resistance against the people in control will be pointless.

It is interesting. I've always found it peculiar that I would have much stronger emotional reactions to what I watch in a movie as opposed to when I see something in real life. Andy Worhol even said something to that effect after he got shot and I think it is because he experienced the same thing. That watching someone get shot on TV felt more real than him getting shot for real.


The human brain has a lot of unique mechanisms. For example, it has the ability to virtualize much like running a virtual machine on your computer. The VM has access to all the same sensory data like webcam, audio, keyboard, mouse, etc. and a computer program doesn't know whether it is running in the VM or bare metal. In the same way, it's difficult for the conscious mind to know the difference between fantasy and reality. The evolutionary advantage humans have here is we can visualize different potentialities and better prepare for what may or will happen. Athletes use visualization before an event, for example, as preparation.

The problem is that a lot of people end up schizophrenic due to this ability.

We see more subtle manipulation of this in higher brain functions when we see narratives being created that have no tether to objective reality. What we know is based first on what we choose to believe, and often for emotional reasons in the limbic system that the neocortex is unaware of. This explains the cult of social justice in part.

dude calm down


Foil isn't that good, you might need actual lead in your walls. However
So just get low emissivity glass and put it in all your walls and slap an antennae outside set to receive 5G signals for you.
But what do I know, you might actually need to lurk communities for RF sensitive people to start getting ideas on what to do.

Christ we're in an age where you have to turn your house into a faraday cage just so you can guarantee the safety of your own health. At least with a phone you could throw layers of clothing on it and keep it at the opposite side of the room.

So you gotta put a farraday cage around your entire house nowadays

They're not "omnidirectional" antennae. Read the spec.

(even a dipole isn't truly omnidirectional, and multiple dipoles used in situ can direct signal strength)

Everyone carries a phone.

You know what I'm not going to spell this out because you fucking shills know that in fact cell towers work on the principle of targeting on individual devices, which everyone carries 24/7.

This is true. Did not know about the multiple antenna spec.

Well I was throwing the idea of lining the walls, celing, floor, with chicken wire or similar around. Mite work if it's conductive.

"Three Dimensional Beamforming (3DBF): utilizing hundreds of antennas at base station which performs in millimeter wave spectrum results in a highly directional antenna beam that can be steered to a desired direction which optimizes some performance metric of the network."

there are none. emf sensitivity is a meme. it's low energy microwaves. the sun and deep space gamma rays pose an exponentially greater threat.


If you want to construct a faraday cage you'll need to do some research.

I have an ambulance where I had to install wifi on the outside because it almost kills the 2.7Ghz signal. However, it doesn't block my cell phone which is like 800Mhz.

Thank you Agent Schlomo

no such thing. years of research has demonstrated all reported rf sensitivity is psychosomatic. they put "sensitive" people in faraday cages and randomly blasted them with massive amounts of rf. not one could report when it was on.

you're not from here and you're not welcome. filtered.

This has been out in Aus for 3-5 years.
I always thought you yanks had the better cell networks.

Children have been shown to be sensitive to wifi (presumably due to having thinner skulls). The symptoms are often difficulty in concentration

Thanks to anti-trust laws, we are I believe 28th in the world in terms of bandwidth availability.

You don't actually filter anyone you rat. Your superiors would never allow it. Go to hell kike.

Yeah, the North American infrastructure isn't exactly top of the line despite the heavy investment in military hardware and hobbyists forming communities for things like 3D printing. North Korea's EMP plan is a legitimate threat that would actually work, and I'm not surprised Russia surpassed the US in electronic warfare.

Then how come your post reads like a Snopes article

Mind if I ask, what pages do you draw this info from? I'd like to look into it a bit more, this topic's interesting but I can't put full faith in without a source of some sort

wrong. no such controlled study (in a faraday cage with controlled, random intervals of RF) have been done in children. only self reports which is complete dog shit

Fuck, I bet their EM beams could take out an apache; maybe even a F35 (they only claim drones). Apaches are so sensitive they don't even allow them to land on ships due to EM radiation.

I'm sure our trusty government is only concerned about hardening their own bunkers. They'll let cities burn just like they do now with niggers and stand-down orders. Let the entire country go to Detroit for all they care.

because im phone posting. im not going to type a cited essay, but i know for a fact, having done the research, rf sensitivity is not real. look it up yourself if you dont believe me. or don't and be afraid of shadows i don't give a fuck

Because he pretends not to care yet he obviously has a bested interest in convincing people that 5G is safe (no studies have shown it to be harmful goys so it's safe).

Go stand next to a utility mast during a full power test and try telling me that.

Then when people get sick, they can be like HOW COULD WE HAVE KNOWN? Fucking juden.

I'll help you out
look for controlled studies conducted in faraday cages. you'll only believe it if you do the reading and work yourself.

No they'll do like Monsanto and say "ayy goys it's not our product giving you cancer the doctors just have new cancer detection technology, up for some chemo?"

The cellular phone industry is jewish top to bottom. The unhealthy air wave exposure, the unhealthy habits encouraged, the ungodly bills. You know Verizon is an Israeli company? A fucking kike company controls much of America's communications. Fucking sickening. They need to be broken the fuck up along with Kikecast.

Watch out. This is a classic shill tactic. The shill says "research it goy" and hopes to get an you out of the conversation as you go waste your time.

I told you, go stand in front of a utility antenna during a full power test. Do it please. You'll make the world a better place.

I can second this, We used to roast snags in front of mobile network backhauls when I was working at a wireless ISP, given this was the better part of 10 years ago but I doubt EM has magically changed in that time.

Verizon is going to buy either Comcast or Charter within a few months

✓ ✓

I'm guessing that's slang for sausage?

Google, Apple, and Amazon will end up buying all the data companies. Amazon will buy Wal-Mart. Google will buy Tesla. The future is giant jew megacorps ruling with an iron fist.

till they get gassed

So far my only big problem with Amazon is they have started to pull books on historical revisionism.

Ultimately it may be cheaper to print products than ship them which will destroy Amazon. In the meantime, if they perfect drone delivery they'll even take out a good chunk of FedEx.

With this 5G system people would have to have fire proof, bonbardment proof, faraday cage, bunker systems in bumfuck. They'd need vehicles with complete faraday cages to leave, and to fight on foot out of the cars they'd need full faraday suits probably with a powered exoskeleton because they'd be heavy as fuck. 5G changes the game.



rodger dodger, would take between 3 and 5 mins to cook them.

Trump can't win a second term. No matter what he does the media has moved the margin just far enough that he'll barely lose no matter what. President 46 will be handpicked by the jews, (((chosen))) to start WWIII soon after inauguration or at the end of Trump's term after elections.

You might as well be an sjw, you have the same mental bug


Ah, I get it. Start off normal, then demoralization propaganda. At least you waited longer than the Endchan guy usually does to blow your load.

Gay ass post, but you got trips. Could be Kek testing our intuition.

No thanks

What do you say? Shall we switch continents with the negroes? They can have all this shit while we rebuild Africa.


lost interest there, the world does not revolve around your niggerdom

thanks for making it obvious you don't belong here, nobody thinks its getting better at all and historical context shows us that is has to get much worse before it gets any better.
If you want to put words in peoples mouths, at least try and make it believable.

it most certainly will not be. every radio in every phone will run proprietary firmware botnet that cannot be removed or analyzed. the 5g bands themselves will only be accessible to government and the few major cellular monopolies, any private person will be fined to literal death for attempting to use them on their own, the same as 3g and 4g.

It's a sad attempt to fuck up our resolve. Not going to work, especially this soon after seeing a mega-kike like Sarah Silverman pleading with white nationalists to relent.

Can I just point out how you're rattling off other posters' points by calling them shills, beforehand trying to make a tinfoil room, then after all that you spread demoralization?
Those trips are wasted. Trump will win 2020 if we meme it.>>10460728

I've already reported him. If he's genuine, he needs to shut up and lurk. If he's a shill, he also needs to stand in front of a full power directional antenna.
Sage because this thread is such a fucking shitshow.

In Soviet Russia, soldiers manning unheated radar stations (often mobile) in some God-forsaken frozen landscape would warm themselves up by standing in front of the dish. Probably didn't bode well for their fertility.

Goyim are good for testing. How is this confusing?

user, stop. A single layer of reflective foil bests even the huge truck mounted systems. There is a reason that the military spent a fortune on these and then never deployed them. the really high frequency range has essentially no barrier penetration which is why they'd need so many more emitters for 5g cell coverage. Your car is already enough a shield to protect you from the weaponized frequency (the frequency that excites water molecules to generate heat).

Higher frequency = less penetration = easier to protect yourself from

Its not ionizing radiation that's throwing particles at you, its sound waves

I remember in the oldschool conspiracy communities there was talk about how you could block most high-frequency directed energy weapons with a trash can lid. A weapon, but not a great one. Like a trash can lid.

I heard that same story being told with U.S. soldiers stationed in Alaska. Cold War Conspiracies.

So what you're saying is that mass sickness will take over everyone using a cellphone?

Call me a kike but I'm old enough to remember parents telling kids that staring at the TV too long will make you go blind and microwaves are going to give everyone breast cancer.

I don't know what to believe since I'm not a scientist. But killing all your costumers seems far fetched.

Are there any studies i could read about the effects of radio waves on the human body? I often heard that mobile phones can heat up your face if you talk to long but never looked into it, i just keep my phone 2m away from me.

I think its more about ignorance and greed. The same reason they put chemicals in every food, chemicals that are proven to cause harm. But its easier to bribe your way out of the discussion then to look into better ways of preserving foods.

I have d'loaded pdfs on here of govt research docs on exactly that, change to a new vm every couple of weeks though so don't keep too much.
Might be worth having a look over in >>/pdfs/

I'm not entirely sure this isn't the case, I work 8+hrs a day in front of a screen and in the last 5 years my eyesight has gone to absolute shit from being perfect 20/20

Did you find anything interesting on that topic? If so, can you give a short summery?


This type of shit is why I live on a fucking island, anons. Niggas is crazy.

ok then, kike.

dont let the oven door hit you on the way in, dont mind that hissing sound.

The problem with the "heat" metric is that it discounts the effects that electromagnetism has on signalling and controlling cell-reproduction. I.e. They measure EM's harm on biological organisms based only on whether the "heat" that the cell receives is damaging, not on the effects that the signal itself can have on cell reproduction.
For a good overview of this, I recommend reading "The Body Electric". In short, it was a MD who successfully ran DC current to the periphery in order to boost bone regeneration. Talks about other effects and experiments he did with EM, all the while being jewed by establishment medicine.

You don't watch 10 worldstar youtube videos at once while listening to Dre?

Found two of the docs I was thinking of. First one is a patent app on modifying nervous system behaviours with EM fields, the second is a story on a jewgle branch co talking about doing similar but from within the body (nanobot type shit).

Im getting cucked by Holla Forums though trying to tell me .pdf is an unknown extension.
In addition to nerfing the reading threads have they killed pdf support on Holla Forums too?

I can upload somewhere if you let me know where you are happy d'loading them from.

I know the ID is a loon at best but really? You guys are failing to ride the tiger.
Bannon was a last straw for many republicans I know so their support is out. If Trump wins a second term it's only because every other candidate is still worse then him. Counting on him to help you is being unable to see the forest for the trees, the only savior for your situation when SHTF is yourself and what you've done beforehand and during the anarchy.

I can't even fathom watching two shows at the same time on the same screen. One show on at a time is good enough for me.

That sounds like like there isn't much official info then.

I don't know if you can really compare every day electrowaves to lab experiments. Radiation is also bad but we get hit by it all day long. My interest is very specific on electric devices, i know that standing in a microwave is bad for your health.
I would definitely still take a look later if you can upload then to mega or zippyshare, but i don't really care as long its easy to download.

The more bandwidth available means more to allocate a portion of it to real-time mass surveillance tools. Much easier to obscure a lot more "telemetry" data as you casually use your device.

>That sounds like like there isn't much (((official))) info then.
Read this abstract. Considering that the "sciences" still deny the existence of these effects, what's stated "officially" has very little credence.

I am aware of that, i meant there is not much reliable information on it for me to read. I don't expect a link to but there doesn't seem to be any conclusions from any independent researchers. I'm just a guy skeptic of his cell phone.

The oven.

Just put some porn in the oven and leave the door open

Them dubs are good enough for me

Tinfoil kike can go fuck off back to disinfowarz.

You need a faraday cage with hole diameter smaller than the wavelength of the EM radiation you're blocking. 2.4 ghz is .125 meter wavelength, or 12.5 centimeters.
Put up some chickenwire for your faraday cage and you should be ok.
t. drunk scientist.

Does this mean on the next iphone generation we can make apps that shoot heat rays and invisibly give brain cancer to all the people we don't like?

My wi-fi router has 5G too. It's a dual frequency one. Am I slow cooking my brain?

By 5G, I assume you mean 5Ghz, about a 10th of the proposed 5G cellular data frequency ~50Ghz. I would be more concerned about 2.4Ghz than 5Ghz because signals with longer wavelengths / lower frequencies can penetrate much better than signals with shorter wavelengths / higher frequencies. Real world testing shows that signals of 60Ghz from the latest WiFi standard that just came out IEEE 802.11ad have extreme difficulty penetrating objects such as a cardboard box. This new 5G data at 50ish Ghz to me seems like a useless standard because you'd immediately loose signal when you enter a building. Dual-Band 4g LTE used by more modern countries would be a more practical way to speed up America's aging cellular infrastructure.

Verizon: crap coverage, awful customer support, doesn't use a SIM card and charges more. Worst network imho.

What else do they use to get subscriber access? Witchcraft?

You don't get it, do you? Trump is one of them. He always was.!0aIBEL6Z!Wep5nNVjSOlQPZwwYleWoA

One of them is a patent regarding using monitors and contains some very specific data so sounds like something along the lines of what you are after.

Thank you for that, will take a look.

There's nothing you can do goy

Boy, that's scary shit. As far i understand its primarily about visual signals. Anyone know what the effects would be of visual pulses?

Nvm, its about EM waves.

You know it's probably because of screen glare and not the screen itself? Do you know nothing about screens?

Right now, download flux and get yourself one of these (pic related)

Also, consider champagne colored glasses (even if there's no prescription).

You mean 4g right, not 5g

sounds like a scam

You sound like a dumb negro

It just sounds like one of those shitty informercials, though if I'm wrong then I guess I'm wrong

Guys this link in the op has links to many studies going back to the 90s and beyond. It has exactly what everyone was asking for. And it was in the fucking OP. Everyones brain is already fried it seems.

It's not the light that damages your eyes. It's the fact they you're focused at a set distance for an extended period of time.
The Iris is a muscle. Like any other muscle, staying at a constant flex level (or lack thereof) for long periods of time throughout several days is not good for it.

what about building a Faraday cage?

The coming EMF cancer wave will be a hundred times worse than the nutional deficiency cancer wave that has already killed millions of americans. All you need to know is that the ghz band resonates with DNA and effects cell activity.

One out of two people will be diagnosed with cancer.
More than 11 million Americans are living with cancer or the prospect that cancer may return, and 1.5 million more may get new diagnoses of the disease this year, driving total cancer care costs above $100 billion a year. Nearly one in four Americans are projected to die from cancer.

Of course nobody is interesting in curing or preventing cancer, because cancer treatment is a trillion dollar industry and growing. If you're not looking into "alternative medicine" you will die from chemo therapy, cancer therapy is the biggest soft-kill program in history that paves the way for the robot kill squads and the emf kill beams that make use of the existing cell tower technology. It's a a brave new world and ain't pretty.


Alright, just read that link, should have done it sooner. Looks pretty bad indeed, is it being implemented in Israel? Because
of Hebrew University argue against 5G. Also whats up with that LiFi, it is being argued as a healthy alternative at the speeds.

Cancer survivor here. You don't want cancer. Chemotherapy is jewish.


The millimeter wavelengths (like 40Ghz) are for tower-to-tower communications as per OP. You'll get exposed on the street.

I think the only country ahead of us in terms of adoption is Ireland.
Can't experiment on Africans so I guess they'll choose the next cheapest option humanity-wise. Wikileaks just released docs on how the CIA ran brothels and dozed the johns with LSD so why the hell not?

Beggorah, 'tis another potato famine.

does it still work if it's hit with an RPG?

But if you leave your GPS location on your phone it will already tell you your home, places you go on a daily and where you work.

If you aren't use to fiber

Actually it's already in use in parts of the U.K, Italy and China

Here how to fight this.
Buy a ladder.
Buy insulated gloves.
Buy hammer or mallet or anything else.
Climb ladder.
Destroy that shit.
Repeat when needed.

And that's how you stop a trillion dollar company from giving you cancer.
By destroying their shit.


in other words, stay a foot and a half away from towers and you'll be fine.

Free cancers for everyone.

Does the F35 have electronically primed ammo also?

Had no idea about this.. rather interesting.

No, it's because your eye muscles relax at the same focal distance. Look around, focus near/far frequently and you won't have issues. As long as you are properly set up ergo/light wise too (background lighting).

Wait does it affect the people with the heart conditions?

Different antennae have difference distances.
PtP dishes have far higher concentrations etc so you could be 100m away with the same exposure…

Every time they release new wireless technology they claim it takes years before they know if the effects are harmful. Then as soon as research starts coming out showing that it causes cancer they just release new technology and say they won't know if it's harmful for 10 years.
>oy vey don't let your right wing conspiracy theories stand in the way of (((progress)))
>sure it causes cancer but we need to make sure we can provide free wifi to (((marginalized communities))) so don't talk about it or you're racist
>there haven't been any (((reliable scientific studies))) showing that it's dangerous so that means it's safe
It's almost like the only people who have the money and resources to conduct massive studies on EMF radiation are wireless companies who have a vested interest in telling you that it's safe. It's the exact same thing as Monsanto. There are no (((reliable studies))) showing that glyphosate causes cancer because only Monsanto has the resources to pay for research. It's not cheap to get thousands of people to expose themselves to shit that's probably killing them in a lab setting. Plus hush payments to keep their families quiet after people start dying.

So chdren getting cancer from living near cell towers is psychosomatic?

> <::AID-BEM1026>3.0.CO;2-3/full

Not unless your heart is outside your skin.

Whelp the elections for this November can change things. A thread about it died before it hit page 5 (pruning mechanism) though so I don't know if anyone even cares.

Why do you think the wifi symbol is 3 parentheses?

I still use only cords. I don't need wireless internet for anything.

Those fuckers are doing it on purpose!!!!

Rampant wireless was a mistake. An old red pill, but still a good one.
Plastics, Jew controlled Genetically Engineered foods with no oversight, radiation poisoning from Fukushima and poorly processed Jew owned coal plants, and among other things now we have aidswave communications.

I'm shocked there is actually paint that blocks EM waves.

Technology is fine. Our problem is parasites have control over its implementation and development.

Dumbass the end goal is 100G which is basically installing a death ray on every rooftop.

It's obvious the anti-cellphone pseudoscience is meant to distract and discredit. The danger in cellphones isn't physiological, but philosophical and legal: the lack of complete and total owner control.


Then go archaic revival and join them you degenerate shitbag.
CIA literally pushed shit like that in the 60s and on, along with the destruction of objectivity.

It's probably correct. It definitely will be correct if we get complacent. This isn't demoralization but a vision of failure. Do not fail.

This tech is pretty fucking botnet even if one doesn't believe the health concerns. It's line-of-sight only so it's going to require transmitters fucking everywhere. It's also going to turn your 5G devices into repeaters that are resending other people's data. I also suspect it may have other uses like imaging.

They really don't use a SIM. If you don't buy the phone from them, they ask for your IMEI, and they reprogram the phone remotely.

GSM and LTE uses SIM. CDMA doesn't use SIM. CDMA clients have their identification codes and keys onboard.

5G isn't going to be very relevant in remote areas, it literally requires transmitters fucking everywhere. If you put a tree in between you and the transmitter you lose signal.

Fuck you 5G, I'm going to continue to enjoy my flip phone.

What you idiots don't understand is that this is how we will access the Internet, except since it's over public frequencies, the FCC will have complete authority over the Internet, just like it has authority over terrestrial broadcast television and radio.
Prepare for a brave new world of censorship.


Do they affect the heart devices?

Cant seem to find the book. Do you have a dowmload link that works ?

pic related

jews are using directed energy weapons against us

is it on the outside of your skin? is it encased in metal?

ITT: idiots who don't understand how radios work or what radiation is.

So they are already

I love this world.

People can't sense it easily but it does effect their health.

it probably wouldn't work right if you hit the cone in the front of it with a softball

jonestein's got your back

Kek wut, some fallout shit?

Would love to see that filtering out tritiated water and micronised Pu etc etc

What a merchant.

Surely that's for radon, right?

Are we not already barraged by all forms of cosmic radiation? What makes manmade kind so ebil?

Cosmic radiation is beyond ultraviolet. This is in the microwave spectrum

resonates with DNA

So what demographic are they going to target to implement these things? If it is all mexicans with chink imported hardware they will fuck it up. If it is whites they will see this is dangerous once they understand what they are doing. Well I guess kikes themselves could install it all. But physical work for a kike?

The word "psychosomatic" is NOT a synonym of "imaginary".

Ignorant faggots. Are you really telling me you never heard of resonance frecuency in relation to cell physiology? Learn2bioelectromagnetics, this was known from roughly the 70s onwards.

I take it bees are fucked?

They probably don't even know that DNA is a polymer, and a crystal.

I don't know enough to argue with that but damn it if that isn't one of my biggest fears.

Uh Washington post, putting their sellers out of business among other things.

The red pill about cancer is that it is only a category of diseases. There are many different kinds of cancer and there isn't a one solution fits all.
Since there isn't a single cure to cancer, there isn't going to be a day when someone randomly finds it and everyone is cured. We don't even have a cure for all the different kinds of the flu, so how could we do it for something more complicated like cancers.
If you are going to donate to a charity / research group, make sure that they specify what kind of cancer and are not just cancer in general.

Isn't that basically the first thing anyone learns about cancer other than "it's bad?"
Regardless, there are common threads to cancers. The main one being uninhibited cell replication due to mutations in the DNA. Preventing cancer is tantamount to preventing such mutations.

Another thing about cancer prevention which may have some promise yet I haven't seen much advancement in is the telomere complex:
Basically, telomeres are sets of DNA which divide the chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, they get truncated a bit due to the process of DNA replication itself. This effectively determines how many times cells can divide until they simply stop and die out without any more reproduction. This is the main component of the aging process.
However, there is an enzyme which lengthens telomeres: Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase. Cells in culture which are exposed to an unlimited supply of this enzyme become immortal. While this sounds like a good thing, it's not. Immortalized cells can replicate indefinitely without regulation. Ie. they are cancer. This is actually the mechanism many (though certainly not all) cancers use. So the key to preventing, and maybe even curing, many kinds of cancers is a means of regulating this enzyme so that normal regulation of cell division may resume.

A SIM card is only used in GSM network phones like AT&T and T-Mobile. It is a UICC chip used to store user account information. CDMA carriers like Verizon and Sprint have a white list for subscribers, so you can't change phones without their permission. However, most CDMA phones have a C-SIM card in them now because a C-SIM card is required to be present if a CDMA phone wants to use 4G-LTE. If a CDMA phone with 4G-LTE compatibility doesn't have a C-SIM card in it, then it is probably embedded into the phone itself and can't be changed.

Stopped reading there. They don't even know WiFi is 2.4Ghz (802.11b,g,n) or 5Ghz (802.11a,n,ac), not to mention the 60Ghz (802.11ad) standard for fast short range connections.

That means 5G is going to create even more shitlibs and chimpouts in city centers. Hopefully they all die of super AIDS then.

>calls others niggers


Kill yourself kike.

This is "infowars life supplement" levels of overpricing.

Feels good man.

Visual signals are em waves, lad. Light is electromagnetic. Fuck with the polarity and/or current enough and you control everyone that is exposed to it.

My almonds became extremely activated after making that post.. I think I have an idea

learn the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation you dumb fucking retards.

I wonder if anyones ever done a bad goy analysis of all possible readings on the properties of the light projected from a television.


Addict insane
Inhale … Inhale … You're the victim.

Fucking moron. Learn2bioelectromagnetics.

you've earned this (You)

The fact that it is such a multifaceted attack on us, and the affore mentioned plethora of fronts is but the tip of the iceberg, surely above anything else, pride can be taken from this. They go to that level of an attack to keep us down and out, and for the better part of the last 2-300 years, and they still havent won yet, we are still here. As some filthy nigger once said.
Take pride, take honour in the simple fact that thats the lengths they have to go to. Yea it might "seem" they are winning, but we are a strong people.

And its the best god damn (you) I have ever received. Thank you and as El Nombre used to say
"Always remember kids, Keep smiling"
I just couldnt help myself.

Libertarians would try to defend this.

Google was granted their "Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" patent in 2003. The mind control has always been real.



(((They))) have been doing this since at least the late 80's according to the patent citations.

Its called phased array, or sometimes beam steering. And yes when properly implemented it can be highly effective.

Bull fucking shit. I've worked on a lot of equipment and nothing I've seen in the microwave range exceeds 10w eirp aside from radar or satcom.

Cathode ray tubes did emit some x-rays and the inverse-square law means that sitting back a few feet would reduce your exposure by quite a bit.

which creates the question.. how to stop it? I mean theoretically.. if one could fuck with an em field they could change visual reality…… perhaps a transparent diamagnetic polymer? like that aluminum epoxy composite replacement for lexan bullet proof glass?

Rather than that, I was actually thinking of a simpler, yet tedious idea. You just take a pair of long strips of bandages and superglue aluminium foil between those strips, like a sandwich of sorts. Then, you just wrap that around your body. Since you have foil sandwiched between your bandages, you want it to be a flexible material to allow for movement but you don't want it to be too stretchy either. In my mind, it's a good idea.

I'm not seeing a problem here.

Wasn't there a bad movie with that premise?

The fact that one of the most toxic substances in lead is going to make a comeback as people will buy lead to use it to block out wireless signals and electromagnetic waves.

These crazy times will just keep getting crazier.

So these antennae are going to be everywhere, do I understand it right? What will their range be? Can I just make a slingshot and whack the closest ones to my home every time they are replaced? Let's be proactive here.

Only schmucks use cell phone internet anyways, fuck them.

Line of sight pretty much, but because it's a directional beam and a high frequency you need a lot of small antennae everywhere.

Well, that's cool. My slingshot idea will work splendidly then. Maybe I can automate it with a drone or something.

There's a few no signal areas in a few countries.
Regions where no such antennae or unshielded electronics are permitted.
Usually for military or scientific purposes where they'd interfere with sensitive equipment.

These areas are popular with people suffering various forms of EM sensitivity.

Also consider very wealthy people.
They tend to live in places where cell service is weak.

I used to do home theater in CA. It was interesting how many giant compounds there are out in the sticks.

In the video you posted they are talking about a 100 kW transmitter, what makes you think that cell transmitters (operating in mW ranges) would consume a similar amount of power?

Already living in "the sticks" and enjoying my white community, neighbors, and healthy clean air.

Go into the city once every week/two weeks and the pollution and subhumans makes me sick.

