I just want to say something to americans that believe civil war is inevitable: always consider the propaganda that's...

I just want to say something to americans that believe civil war is inevitable: always consider the propaganda that's been spread about white nationalism in other countries, as they could join in the globalist side once war breaks loose.

Here in Brazil, there's a major informative/funny tv show aired at the biggest TV channel every sunday, called Fantastico. This show is watched I think for at least 2 million homes in Brazil when it's aired.

They are considered by most brazilians as a neutral and informative show, and most people here believe what they're being told without questioning it when it comes to unfamiliar topics, such as science, psychlogy, and foreign politics.

Today, they had a little documentary (don't know how to put it in a better way) about the Charlostesville's protests and about the KKK and the white nationalist movement. The left bias SHOCKED me. They kept reffering to Antifa as "human rights defensors". They didn't even mentioned their name, and portrayed all of them as "peaceful protesters". They kept showing white people in a bad light, saying "I want to kill black people hehe I will burn negros", described General Lee using just the line "racist slave owner", said Trump's dad was a member of the KKK (don't know if it's true), and worst of all, said Trump, I quote, "blamed the peaceful human rights defenders for the violence". All while glorifing the take down of historic statues and don't even mentioning the alt-left violence groups!

Also, our major news site, G1, just aired a TV propaganda which showed a clock, and every tick of the clock showed a new word. For every tick, a normie percieved negative word would appear, such as "regressive", "intolerant", "racist", "segregation" and so on. When the clock completed, it showed some pictures of Trump looking bad, or menacing. The propaganda here is THAT bad.

At least you have some media opposition in the US. Here they're showing straight up anti-white and anti-conservative propaganda.

Here and I believe in other countries, they can shove whatever narrative about the US and people swallow it, because they're not in contact with it directly, and don't fact check. People here really really hate Trump and think he's literally Hitler because of this, and would probably be OK with our military going to fight le evil racists.

Also, post Trump related propaganda stories in your country.

Nice pic, OP.

Hue. My countrie sucks, someone save me, pls.

Kidding, going to live in japen after i get my diploma.

Waifus here i go.

It's same all over the world. Antifa are the shining knights, protectors of the weak and lame, nationalists are evil satanic nazis. This is why I say doubling down and start killing them is the only way, because no matter what you do you're evil anyway.


A few things.

Those are obviously jews under the hoods.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to represent Christ as the light of the world.

I'm in St. Louis on my way to see the eclipse. Thought I'd pick up a local newspaper to see what people are doing here – Nope, it's "Here's what a black UVa grad thinks about Charlottesville." (For non-Americans, Charlottesville is several hundred miles away from St. Louis.) BREAKING: NIGNOG DUN LIKE IT. I didn't actually read it, and obviously I didn't have to.

So yeah, it's everywhere. But I think the media is setting themselves up for another embarrassment like with Trump getting elected. They tried to push their narrative and then crashed into reality. It's possible Challenger man will get off, because like with Zimmerman, they went with 1st degree murder instead of manslaughter. Shit's all on video, his car was attacked. And there's lawsuits against the city that will probably win.

That's probably why the WaPo is toning down their characterization of the protesters. It's all on video and it's only a matter of time until their narrative implodes and they have to find something else to talk about.

My mistake. Will be at next cross burning rally mentioned here.

The goal is obvious. A long and protracted civil war in which white nationalists win. The UN tells the world all the non whites were brutally holocausted and in retaliation the US is nuked and laced with anthrax to kill the ebil neo nazis. All Americans die. The world celebrates. The European Federation declares war on Russia and after WWIII the goyim are extetminated.

There is no nation in the world that could send it's military onto US soil without full death being delivered to them by our general population. We kill each other all the fucking time, imagine what we would do to invaders.

Didnt Mike Pence just come back from South America?


Half right. Brasil was less than 60% white in 1940. The black and native population was HUGE in the north part of the country. Blacks made more than 1/3 of the population until 1910. But the empire at that time encouraged miscigenation to make the population whiter, and it worked.
The WWII made Brasil 80% white. All south and southwest had a huge boom on the population because of the people fleeing from Europe. Specially Italians, Germans and non-communist slavs. A lot of Levanese and Syrians fleed to São Paulo and now they are one of the most influential group in the country.
Now from the 1/3 of the black population, about 20 milion at the time, is now less than 8milion. The pardo (mixed race) is now about 55% of the population, but the children is getting more white from generation from generation. Just see the children of famous people like Neymar and Ronaldo, they both have black parents, but blonde children.
Im from the south part, I am mostly italian, my grand grandfather is german (from Longenau). My brother is blond and married a mixed girl. She is gaúcho (spanish and amerindian), italian, and have some black blood, but look like Pochahontas. They have 4 kids, they all are blonde and the two girls have blue eyes. And this getting way more common by the day. Almost every couple I know is having blonde blue/green eyed baby. In a land full of spaniard/moor, black and amerindian blood.

The miscigenation in Brasil just proved something that people will realize in some centuries.
The white blood is Immortal.

You're a fucking deluded weeb if you think foreigners are welcome in weebland.

But recessive genes user. My grandparents on my mother's side (only ones I met the others were dead), have blue and green eyes, I have brown.

Although I've always considered the miscegenation attempts in Brazil to be misguided I suppose you have a point. If every American nigger married a White there would be no Blacks in a generation, which would be replaced by 40 million mulattoes, which is pretty shitty but way better than 40 million niggers, in a way.

It's not the "Alt-Left", there's few disenfranchised commies, it's just Antifa. The whole thing is divisionary.

How user? Teaching?

do you know how many genes there are in the human body? just because a handful of genes that affect eye color and hair are recessive to those traits does not mean those same genes dont also affect other parts of the body in non recessive ways

either way mix racing is not good and there are many gene sets that work in tandem so if you have 8/10 of them you might as well have none for the desired affects

Every single tv and newspaper in France is a literal translation of CNN, thats all you need to know.

Is that not the point at which nationalist groups outside of the united states, should be taking entirely cooperative, non-saboteurial actions?

I fear that what happened to nazi germany will happen to the US if you guys get back on track, however, they didn't have the internet and instant communication back then, that's why it's critical that the internet does not get censored. This is the part where you call me a shill but I think that you guys in the US need to calm down and bide your time for now. You need to let other western countries catch up to you in nationalism before you start doing anything really serious or you're gonna have the rest of the western world at your throats. Nationalism needs to kick off at the same time everywhere.

It's the same in Germany. Sometimes I watch German news but I can never finish watching because of how painfully biased that shit is. Even more painful is that normalfags can't make a single connection. e.g. If all Germans think trump is evil how can it be that about half of Americans love him. Most Germans will answer with Americans are stupider than Europeans (same race but race doesn't exist) while shouting racist if you say that the local "Syrian" migrant does not look like a doctor.

Somebody linked to an English-language Japanese news channel on here just after CVille, and they may as well have been the BBC for what they were saying about the protests.

The Führer shaking his head at the state of his beloved homeland.

I speak with Germans regularly. Maybe the sample size is too small but more often than not they don't believe in political change through voting and thus don't see Trump as someone special. It's like Putin said in the Stone Interviews, US Presidents change but their politics do not. I can't even blame them. Maybe some minor things changed for us, but on an international level (especially geopolitics), nothing changed at all for Europe. It's the same old.