ITT: Games you own that people cannot buy anymore

ITT: Games you own that people cannot buy anymore

Sometimes a retro game is rare and in small physical numbers, but we now live in the age where things being taken down from digital only platforms means games are gone and can never be purchased by new people again.

Pic related is one of like a dozen games on my Xbox 360 like this. The console has gathered dust and hasn't been touched in like 4 years but i can't bring myself to be rid of it because of these games.

Pic related is a fun river city ransom style game but the soundtrack was by Anamanaguchi who were convinced by anita and jewt that "it was promoting toxic hyper masculinity and ableism" so they decided not to renew the contract with universal so they legally could not sell the game anymore because of their music being the entire soundtrack.
Meanwhile they introduced the artists with Hope Larson to Anita and shortly after decided "marriage is the enemy of the suburban goddess" and she cucked him and dumped him and his next graphic novel was about a dumped character trying to alter the past to 'fix everything' which wasnt exactly subtle. SJW's not even once.

I know there are some anons that lie that night thinking of After Burner. What games like this do you own? which ones did you miss and know you will never get them again?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow I guess I can forget about a PC release then. Fuck.

It was a good game but

You're talking out of your ass here

Wow, tried that game on 360, should have bought it, was waiting for a pc port.

I have this, the Yaris 360 game, weird racing/shooting game were you shoot sumo wrestlers, Ipods and garbage cans.

God damn I miss it so fucking much

Its pretty common knowledge actually, they all met up when filming the "meow" music video.

I'm sorry if you are a fan and don't want the taint to be there but you can't change the past mang.

Wasn't there 2 or 3 outruns left to rot in the 360 graveyard?

No, the other ones got physical releases and can still be played.

if it was so common, find one shred of evidence to back yourself up. A twitter tweet, a photo they shared, something, anything.

And even if that was the case, that still isn't proof that they fell in with the SJW crowd.

I just wanted to play afterburner climax

*fell in with the crowd and refused to relicense the game on that basis****

Were you not around for the threads about it back on 4chan a few years back as shit started to go sour?


I never paid attention to this stuff but would be interested in learning more if anyone has any links.

It's to bad too, i hear this was actually a pretty good game.

huh… didn't know you couldn't get it anymore but i have it too and umk3 for 360 which i remember them removing long ago

I got Scott Pilgrim, After Burner Climax, and MvC2HD.
on a CFW'd PS3. Suck it, licensors.
These games really need physical versions so that license bullshit can't render them unusable. MvC3 thankfully has physical versions, but the same cannot be said of MvC2HD.

Wasn't it also the best version of the game as well?

also have mvc 2, didnt know you couldnt get that anymore either. fucking faggots

DarkBase 01

I actually saw it coming and snagged a copy before it was taken down, look it up, it's pretty funny if you don't know the story behind it

I own the GOLD RECORD version of toejam and earl 3.
Legally it can't be resold.


On the downside.
It's still toejam and earl 3it has somte bugfixes though

This is yet another reason why piracy, file sharing, is a welcome necessity in this day and age. Game goes offline? Torrent that shit.

why cant it be resold?

Because he’s making up shit.

Because I signed a contract.

Oh shit is this some Nintendo Age tier collector bullshit?

Too Human.
I actually really wish I could see what they would have done with the sequels.

No clue, but they told me only 15 other people were getting a copy and they would find me if I sold it, and there would be consequences.

I downloaded it for my CFW PS3 and have been blasting it with my friends.

I still have the original Mafia on Steam. Can't seem to find anywhere you can still buy it digitally. Wonder why that is?

I bet your dad knows reggie too, right?

Original Mafia was great, CD version was 6 CDs to install, fun times.

Yeah that sounds about right for the NA crowd.



My dad is dead.

A-at least Kim was the cutest right!
(lisafags also acceptable)

I liked Kim, yeah. I forget the name of the guy you got from the second pack. The gay roommate. I wanted to play as him.

After the new Prey was revealed at E3, I remembered I didn't own it, so I bought the 360 version. I'd love to have a PC version but it was removed from Steam because Bethesda are fucking assholes, and the only way to get it on Steam nowadays is to buy a Steam key from a third party, and that shit's a diceroll.

By it I meant the original, whoops

idk if it counts as a game.
the fact that nintendo still refuses to release it is baffling
they probably realized that the dsi version was just a hub for furry porn

there's basically no way to play mahvel anymore unless you have a local scene
i never got to play it ;_;

did prey have multiplayer? outside of that, i don't see a reason to ever give bethesda money for anything


Depends on what site, Kinguin and G2A are the only trusted key sellers, everyone else is considered a scam in waiting.

Only way to get and share a copy of this game and others like it is to copy off a modded console to play on another modded console. It'll likely stay this way until we have emulator running for these consoles.


OP, I've seen this claim several times on this board about this game not being renewed because they met aniter and not once have I ever seen any evidence provided.
A tweet.
An archive page.
Anything, just something because I'm sick of seeing this claim and never being substantiated.

They deleted their twitter after their "gamergate right? what a hate group, its not cool to hate women nerds!" and would you be surprised if their fanbase did not react in kind?

Which of course would not be reported by game sites because its not 'boosting the right narraitve'. Can't show 'muh socjus' as the bad guy right?

Kim is best girl in every incarnation of Scott Pilgrim

Why is she so perfect and miserable?

She always kind of reminded me of my ex.

Unlikely. Flipnote Studio 3D didn't have Athena or any proper online sharing service. It was kind of bland. I never did anything worthwhile on Flipnote, I just watched what other people did, and on 3D that's impossible.

I never was able to enjoy swapnote, because no friends.
I wonder if there are homebrew applications similar to it.

He's in the fucking music video. At the very end.

might as well post it here

Greatest Ally Chairman is helping vita piracy

whys she kissing knives?

either way i gotta get a ps3 to cfw. theres a bunch of games i missed since i never got to have a ps3

Is there a screencap, anything? I can buy that that they deleted their twitter after GG, but is there anything in relation to the SP game?

It was unfinished and very flawed but Too human was still pretty fun and had a great setting. The developer got fucked so hard by Epics legal team that they had to destroy all copies though so the only way to get this now is to find a used copy in a game store.

Nothing on gaming news sites beyond "in a list of ubisoft license renewals scott pilgrim is removed due to soundtrack license issues"

Oh boy. Read the mango.

disgusting art style though, like the cig bits of jhonny quest.

I see moot but no hoop earing bitch.

huh didn't remember that, guess i'll re-read it

Good lord this is shit
Can anyone tell me if sabrepulse is on the fucking sjw bandwagon too?

They looks like chimpanzees

I love the entire album this song is on but I can't stand this song at all. I don't know why they bothered to make a music video for it.

to all the faggots in this thread that have 360/ps3 with scott pilgrim on it

you need to find the game files for that shit and put it online so someone can make it pc compatible

PS3ISO probably has it.

Maybe because the lyrics are "meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow" on repeat and you arent a retarded tween going "whens da drop?"

At least River City Ransoms new game will be online in like a day after release.

If I knew how, I'd put it on GazelleGames.

Kind of makes you wonder why it hasnt happened already, hatred for the brand aside its one of the few modern side scrolling beat em ups with a budget around and people are starved for that shit.

I've got the game, but have no clue how to rip the files. Maybe if I could jailbreak my PS3 I could do it, but I don't have the first clue how to begin. I'm sure my PS3 is capable of being jailbroken.

All ps3s are capable of downgrading, the only problem is doing it requires a format and cracking the PS3 open.

Would it be possible for you to post a picture of it?


How old is it and how dusty is it?

While technically you are correct, not all PS3s can have CFW.
You can downgrade any console to any version, but each model has a minimum allowed version out of the factory. If said model has a minimum of 3.60 or later (these are 1x-datecodec 25xx + 30xx slims and Superslims) then you're SOL.

I don't think that's true. I'm pretty sure the later models (super slim) and some of the slim models made post 2010 are not capable of being downgraded to an older OS version, which is necessary for the homebrew software to be uploaded.

Elaborating on 'any version': Flashing a version that the console won't allow (e.g. 3.55 on a superslim) will grant you a softbrick until you flash an allowed version again.

Launch model with the SD card slots and i use it still for PW and ps2 games. This motherfucker players over 25 years of games, that shit aint lying unused.

At any rate, I have a slim model that I think could be uploaded with homebrew OS, I just don't know how to do it.

Good to fucking hear user, i would suggest cracking it open and at least applying new thermal paste or paying someone else to do it.

It was really fun. The brand itself isn't even that bad. I read the comic, and there were a few moments that made me cringe, but nothing super awful. Haven't seen the movie, though.

Apparently both versions of the game ARE on GazelleGames, but neither includes the DLC.

Technically user is right. You can flash any PS3, but 3.55 is needed for CFW - if your console requires 3.60+ you can't CFW.

If you never changed the thermal paste and did some cleaning on that thing, I'd do it now.
If you modded that console with CFW you'd be able to play any PS1, PS2 and PS3 game.

I don't see the point of redumping the game… I already have SP on my CFW console, and to do that I had to get it from somewhere - there are mirrors of the game everywhere. Even the DLC packages should have some mirrors alive.
For those who want to play on PC, some progress is being made for x360 emulation in order to make it possible.
But for the time being the best way is to have a modded 360 or PS3 handy.

I plan to but it survived this long so probably wasnt part of the shitty batches.
Still Game Sack taught me how to monitor that shit when they revealed how every turboduo came out the factory with the capacitors leaking onto the boards.

I just want an official PC port at this point. It will never happen.

The only game it cant play out of my pretty fukken vast collection on its Eu model is FF8. It will play any other PAL ps1, ps2 or ps3 game but outright refuses to play FF8.

Official? Yeah, no fucking way.

Check embed related for the current "PC" progress.

Hm, that's strange. When I mean modding though, it means you can run backup copies burnt on regular DVDs… and from any region, even.
CFW also allows you to install tools such as temp monitors and fan controllers so you can maximize efficiency and lifetime of the system.

From what i've read -because obviously you would google why it wont go past the PS1 "DIIIOOOOOOAAWWWWWW" noise screen- its a common issue with that game. Something about emulation or disc reading i forget, i looked this up back when Silent Hills PSN release was fucked and they had to take it down for like a year.

Wonder if an US NTSC version would work. Very few games have weird issues but in general a PS3 is perfect for enjoying a huge library of 3 PS systems.


Its the fucking best. aside from pcs whats even close in terms of library size? a gamecube with a gameboy player?

On PS3 I have Scott Pilgrim+DLC & MVC 2. On Steam I have Mafia 1 and the original Atari release of Indigo Prophecy and on gog I have Duke 3D because Gearbox now fully owns dook and had both the gog and Megaton editions taken offline because they want to make their own release of Duke 3D.

not even worth playing tbh smh fam

Nice, user. Good that you could get those before they got swiped.
It fucking pisses me off. This whole digital licensing shit is only a major cause of trouble for the consumer. I prefer to wait for a physical shipment of media instead of having some ephemeral bits written down that can let me download digital DRM'd copies.

It's always the best way, because if some movie company goes to shit or a digital distributor such as Netflix loses a license, the physical discs don't magically pop out of existence - and they can't take them from my possession.

Take what you can get. SFX is there, all you have to do is download the OST and run the music on a media player. Use your head.
…or just stick to a modded console.

I've sen £10 physicals of Shovel Knight for PS4 and even though i own it digitally im tempted just for the security of it.

Doesnt Quantum break on the bone require a XBL AND Netflix sub just to play?

that fuckin blows.

They now confirmed its all coming to windows 7 with none of that. The whole "wewin10famsmhtbh" stuff was a catastrophic brand failure apparently.

Fucking wonderful.


That's a great deal, really. A good thing about having copies in disc is that you can take them to a friend's console and play faster instead of having to sign in and download a game for hours.
Rocket League is an example of a game I prefer to have on disc because of its pick-up-and-play multiplayer aspect.
I don't know how big SK is, but it's a game worth having as a physical version.

True but it still doesnt cover the free Plague and Specter night game modes they added as DLC.

Windows 10 exclusivity needs to be eradicated as soon as possible. It will probably take them fucking up Halo 6 just like they did with Halo 2 and Vista for them to realize though.

Yeah, DLC and updates would still need downloads, but it's still a huge reduction in shit you gotta download.
Besides you can always play the "1.0" version right away and let the rest install while you play.

Microsoft never learns.

"Sunset overdrive will kill valve" they said,
"Windows 10 is the future" they said.

Fucking rubes.

Oh, they never will.
Their stupid obligatory update shit just broke a lot of models' webcam support for many people. Whoever thinks Win10 is better because 'I don't have to care about installing updates since they install by themselves and it's safer!' should just go back to Win7/8 before shit gets even worse.

Among other auto-update Win10 fuckups we have:

That's just the tip of the iceberg. Windows 10 is utter shit, period.

All I have is the mobile version. Fuck you.

I'm sorry man.

I have the PS3 files on hand if I ever get to getting a physical downgrader.

I have a couple different versions of MVC2 and MVC3. You can still buy aftermarket copies DC and PS2/Xbox versions of MvC2, but they are rare, and licensing means it won't be released again. Then, there's the whole deal with the PS3 version on the store. I bought the "physical" copy (just a case with a voucher code) so I could have something pretty. Those are actually going for $100+ sealed now, as it's the only way to play that game online (MVC2 is unemulateable). The same applies to MVC3, and UMVC3, which you have to have the DLC from the vanilla release game in order to unlock the two DLC characters in the later version. It was all taken off of the stores, and now only second-hand physical copies exist. Still, though, you have to find a collector's edition of (vanilla) MvC3 with an unused voucher code in order to unlock all the characters in UMvC3. Plus, there was a DLC outfit that they took off of the store shortly after or before release because of fear of the Spanish government (Magneto's outfit from one book was based on the king of Spain). That, you have to pirate to get. I can't believe they didn't give that shit away for free in the days leading up to it going offline. Fucking jews.

The PC version of this game.

Playing that demo shaped my music tastes through most of high school, its a shame that Anamanaguchi didn't renew the contract. I really regret not getting it now.

Who says I don't have the game already?

Conker's Bad Fur Day

it's weird because he's physically present in the club at the end of the first level

Scott pilgrim taught me what hipsters were before they were officially hipsters, I remember reading the comic when I was younger thinking "Everyone in this comic is an awful human being, I sure hope people like this don't exist!"

What a surprise I was in for when I got older.

This. That way you can prove you do have it with a pic. That shouldn't breach any contract you have.

Still have mine installed.

What about you?


Stop hurting me, user.

A-at least its not Silent Hills: Survive?

Stop stuttering you slut

I need to express my disappointment and no reaction image i possess properly conveys it!

This is a depressing thread.
I love beat-em-ups, so knowing I'll never play Scott Pilgrim, outside of fucking with my ps3, kinda hurts. Also, the purging of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and 3 is pretty shit as well.

The game industry really needs a better way of cataloging their older games and have them easier to access. But I bet that, in the future, publishers will start to remove more of their older games. Their reasoning? "Why would you want to play our older stuff? We were inexperienced developers at the time and we have so many more new stories to show you? By the way, please pre-order our game and buy our Season Pass!"

This is a dark, dark industry.

I know that publishers and devs aren't the same thing, but still, whatever.

still interested in playing this one whenever I get a cfw'd 360/ps3


I'd put good money on these two being intentional.

So it's impossible to get the DLC characters then right? I bought the game years ago, but never bothered to get them. Oh well. I hear they weren't that great anyways.

One of em allows online play past stage one, the online still works mind you. You just can't access it past the first stage unless you have the faggot too.

This looks way better than that Quest World abomination. You shut your whore mouth.

Literally a story about a beta male coming to terms with his slutty "stronk & empowered" girlfriends dozens of ex-boyfriends and being OK with an "open" relationship.
why am I not surprised.
HD? it just was a shit filter?
Oh shit, thank got I own that one already.
Yep, I don't even like it but know its worth holding on to.

if you read the graphic novel it's a bit more nuanced than that, with a bigger focus on character development than the movie had assuming you didn't read the novel or didn't read into it too much

PSN version of Marvel 2, and any version of Marvel 3, not counting used physical

implying 200% more cuckoldry.

Scott Pilgrim was always hipster trash that smelled of SJW. You should have known better than fall in with that crowd.

I enjoy its creator being used as a stepping stone by the rest of his progressives friends. Serves him right.

So he crossed Reggie

At least I wasn't stupid enough to buy her ticket.

I do, too. I also deleted everything aside from PT from my console so that I could make a full system backup. With PT and the basic system shit it's about 3.5 GB. Handy in case I need to restore sometime - I can even do it to another console if I use my account to sign in.

Thanks to Interplay, you gotta pirate to get a version that will work right away on PC. There's always the PS1 version, but ehh…

are you going to make a point or are you going to throw around buzzwords?

lol, i cant wait for jews to come up with a time limit or something that forces you idiots to buy the game again or you are considered a pirate

you can't buy the older chessmaster games after ubisoft decided to force them down.
god bless piracy, the mindscape made ones run well on every computer and don't have garbage all over the interface.

say's the faggot who used the world nuanced and bullshit like "focus on character development" to justify and shitty liberal SJW comic which I've read and find degenerate.

You're one to bitch about buzzwords.

Has Holla Forums completed their retard-o-tron project or something?

Good one.

nice low energy Holla Forums maymay

I bet you fap to dick girls and furries.

i'm so glad every game that has been bought by microsoft to push a new windows has failed miserably. anyone remember Skulls of the Shogun being a terrible win8 exclusive failure?


You'd be wasting your time.


alright, I should have said timed exclusive

He tried selling his GOLD RECORD version of toejam and earl 3.

why, is it shit?


Sleep snug, smug.

Was that the niggeress maid simulator game?

It some shitty zombie shooter about sunny D or something going for the wubstep edgelord audience.

For about a year people swore it and the stillborn late stage abortion that was dead rising 3 were the 'killer apps of a generation' because they needed their "the one" to have something worth bragging about.

If you own Scott Pilgrim and any of the addons, you can still download them. All the game files (base game, demo, patches) are still on the game servers (at least I know for PSN); you just can't buy them in the store.

Are you sure that's the reason? They could've just replaced the soundtrack if that was the case.

you read a >shitty liberal sjw comic< only to complain about it? do you also drive a shitty car only to complain about how shitty it is?

I want After Burner Climax on PC very badly. I want to play it with my Warthog Hotas in 1440p. Never ever.


If you start talking about 'the power of the cloud' im calling the cops.

Dumb as a rock. Just like all physical hoarder.


I guess the only true way to really preserve these games for any more than just a few decades or centuries will be to etch their source code into 5d glass disks and keep the disks in permanently sealed chambers buried deep beneath the earth's surface.

at last my games will be safe

Cute, but >>>/oven/ is still your destination

No doubt about it.

I never liked the comic and other associated SP media, but the game I just had to get due to that RCR-styled Paul Robertson sprited nugget of faux retro goodness. Also backed by a neat soundtrack sadly made by SJW idiots

Same goes for other expired licenses such as MvC2 and After Burner Climax. PT is different, though - you can't redownload it, but with a proxy trick you can get it back. Of course, you'll only be able to play it if the account has a license for it.
Other games were PT'd too, such as Numblast which is a PSP-kexploit game.

The arcade version runs on the Lindbergh platform, which is basically a P4 PC. With some trickery it might be possible to run it, although I don't know what kind of authentication measures the arcade uses.
A local arcade here has AB: Climax. It's not the full deluxe version, it's the 'middle range' version where the seat moves left and right, but not up and down. It's exhilarating

Maybe in a decade or two. I suspect the PS3 will be emulated before the obscure, limited release sega arcade platforms are.

Good bait user, made me reply.

At least SWAT 3 is on sale on GOG

implying Ubisoft gives a single semblance of a fuck about actually doing something that requires effort

I wouldn't call it baffling. They're just retarded business men not doing it to cover their asses.

Wew boy.

So you didn't even read it?

Scott Pilgrim was a cocksucker who didn't "like himself" or some shit.

despite the fact that he was always in a relationship.

And his girlfriend was a whore.

Only in the movie he had so many relationships. Get your shit together, shitlord.

what if she left to masturbate? you should have went with her

Her mom was there to pick her up or something. I bet it was Chad.

those dirty double crossers

The problem is the opposite. He was so full of himself that he ruined any relationship he was in because he was a self centered cunt. Likewise Ramona kept running away and treating guys like shit at the first sign of seriousness.

The last book outlines this and doesn't hide the fact that both Ramona and Scott are shitty people who emotionally abuse the people around them and puts shit in the previous books, like Scott's friend's general attitude towards him as well as Ramona's ex boyfriends. The book basically tells you they're shitty people and they learn to fix it and become a regular couple in the end.

It's a book about justifying living in dysfunction. All liberals love thinking they are worldly and wise, like some hippy dippy self help book for the self hating cuckold who can't help but loving it when his wife fucks Jerome. Why do you think progressives are always wanting to "check their privilege" and full of white guilt? They think everyone is just as screwed up as they are and are "shitty people" just trying to became "better people". The object in dating is not to find someone who lacks virtues then work with them to become virtuous like some co-dependent bata male. The Goal is to become virtuous so that you can attract a worthwhile mate to raise a family. Then is more to life them cummies faggot.

Except that it's the exact opposite. They become a functioning couple in the end after they both realize relationships aren't this one sided thing.

Oh, never mind. You're just going on a spiel because you never read the books before and are taking shit at face value.

You're like those tumblrites who loved the where the wild things are movie without realizing it's message boiled down to "Safe spaces are unrealistic and the fantasies of children." yet they continue to quote it endlessly.

As I said co-dependent liberal bullshit.
Listen faggot you are that tumblerina, I read the god damn book and just because I don't have the same fucking charitable interpretation as you do don't mean you have some deep insight. In fact your seem rather immature for a sight like hate chan. Maybe you will feel more comfortable back on reddit or neogaf where that queer shit is tolerated. You are literally coming up with a post hoc propter hoc rationalization for two degenerates who ought not to breed and whit knighting for Social Justice propaganda. I don't like you, you have a punch-able face user. We do not see eye to eye on this but my interpretations of thins is correct and you are living in delusion. If you don't get yourself help and shape up real fast then someone is going to have to put you down because you're newfaggotry is dragging us all down. Do I make myself clear son?

Man, you've got a real chip on your shoulder.

What's wrong, user? Did Scott Pilgrim hit too close to home for you?


no I am just correct and you faggots are just trying trying to use moral relativism to justify your jew ethics. It's more subversive bullshit to manipulate popular opinion tbh, thankfully you Hillary shills will all be gone after the election.

The author broke up with his wife.

Jim davis for angsty teens

That's the chess you got in your computer by default.

You forgot that his wife, who was the inspiration for Ramona, fucking cheated on him.

It's really sad to read the dedications to her in the early books knowing that's she's fucking other dudes behind his back.

Can't you just use MAME?

Yeah I forgot, but I didn't realize the guy was a mixed gook.

I still have this on my 360.
I wouldn't bother with it. In all honesty the SNES version of the game is still way way way better.

This fucking thing is short as all hell. The only saving grace is you can do 4 people at the same time which really doesn't add much.

Its a work of fiction.

so was the Holocaust.

Elliot was a failed normalfag.

I see, good to know. Just read a review and it looks like they based it on the arcade version without the extra stages/enemies from the SNES one.

you can't argue against my dubs

Damn kid, lay off the creatine.

Also, this whole time I thought you gaylords were talking about 50 Shades, because it follows similar themes regarding relationships.

Fucking hell guys, ONE JOB.

That's exactly what happened. Me, having only ever experienced the SNES version I had no idea there was an arcade version of the game.
So when things started going into a weird direction (different bosses in stages) I realized things got funky.

At this point, I have to assume the arcade version is likely inferior to the SNES version because it is so fucking short.

If you niggers liked Scott and have a phone, bluestacks or NOX, then I recommend you play this game.
It's a light snack compared to Scott Pilgrim, but for a free game, it's pretty fucking nice.
Sad that this thread got derailed, but people who worked on KO and Scott ARE cucked libs after all. Not to mention the fact that one of the characters from KO is voiced by Burch's sister

Anyway, have fun.


won't that confuse space niggers?

not much to celebrate in your live, is there

As an archivist the fact this can happen terrifies me. We have already lost a bunch of the cassete-type games from the 70s. We don't even need to lose games, just make it hard as balls to run. Imagine a future where the only way to play, say, Morrowind is to either pay thousands of dollars for a pc recovered from a landfill or go to a dedicated gaming museum where they charge you out the ass even though 90% of their catalog is shovelware.

I am currently digitizing an old collection, but we can't get rid of the originals. This institution is hundreds of years old, and we know that in just a few decades we will lose the ability to open these files. We will probably have to rescan it all every generation. Then the paper will be fucked and we just have to assume there will be a better system by then.

There's already files for Scott Pilgrim and it's DLC floating about. At this point we're just waiting for the emulators to catch up so we can actually use them. Although it's scary to imagine a world in which emulators didn't exist.

Piracy will ever exist. These kind of shit will always be at hand when it's digital. Only retards who can't into piracy thinks otherwise. Now, things like Denuvo might make that a thing of the past, but Denuvo will stop updating in the future, maybe, so by cracking it, that's it.

Who wasn't gay?

Wasn't there just the gay roommate, the gay bearded guy, and the dyke ex?

Kim and Knives kissed, but dunno if they ended up being gay or something.

Everyone seemed to have the thought in their head.

A few come to mind…


I guess a healthy, functional relationship is indeed a work of fiction to a hipster.

I actually have a physical copy of that in my closet atop some other games I have stowed in there. If push came to shove & this totally disappeared I could rip a copy of it and try to get it working somehow and upload it.

Got a copy of Scott Pilgrim too, loved that game and played the fuck of it. I love beat em ups, love retro aesthetics done right, so the game just clicked with me. A part of that also was that the first time I played it was during a trip to a friend living in a far off seaside town, which was a very fun and memorable experience in its own right.

I heard the director of SPvtW tweeted that he's doing all he can to secure a re-release for it.

wait a sec
i thought the game was set to delete itself?

It's a work of fiction in general, user.

You're right, the comic is just like his sex life, except he's not white. :^)


hurts my soul. i still haven't played a Heavy Gear game.


That Ubisoft cel shaded FPS based off the French comic. Was on GoG, but the license expired.

The original Game Boy version of Tetris from the 3DS eShop. Thankfully NoE warned a month ahead of time that the game would be de-listed for their region (while NoA said nothing, and it was removed at the same time).


This shit really pisses me off. A ton of good stuff on Netflix is gone because they only license a work for a couple of years and maybe renew the license later (or spend the cash on more garbage "original" series). A better method would be to keep everything up forever and pay dividends to each content owner based on percentage of time watched.

It's even worse when it happens to video games. OutRun and AfterBurner are made and owned by Sega, not third party licensors, but they can cockblock sales so the only way to get the games is piracy.

Used to love that game, it was great.

supreme taste, muh nigga

Does that work if you had it in your library, but didn't actually download it? Like if you go to "purchase" demos from the store just to get them into your queue while shopping?

From what I hear Netflix has been cranking out some quality programming. Bojack is pretty fuckin' neat at the very least.

It has disappeared already user.

Oh my fucking good lord what is wrong with that woman.

Implying it isn't.

You don't fucking own anything. You just have a license to use the fucking software.

With physical you actually own the game. If the publisher goes full konami and removes all traces of the game, you can still find a copy of the game.

Nigger what? Why don't you stop being a fucking retard.

Fuck off back to /r/pcmr.

You do realize that the hard drive could shit itself before showing showing any signs of fatigue right?

The only person that's dumb is you. You're would have to be a fucking retard to prefer digital over physical.

You can download a gog game and it doesn't need any sort of activation to play, you can even burn it to a disc and install it on a friends computer even if gog pulls it off their store page.

In this case digital really isn't drm.

Alright, then copy the data to a disc.

So? It doesn't make my point any less valid. If you read the TOS of Steam, PSN, Xbox live, eshop, you'd realize you don't own anything. You just bought the ability to play it.

While GOG doesn't have any DRM, it doesn't stop publishers from removing the game. For example, Duke 3D.

Or just by a physical copy of the fucking game.

She's curvy.


You're absolutely right about this and it's bullshit, I was just refuting your point that digital is always drm.

Here, let me help: what's the difference between buying a physical copy yourself and buying a digital copy on GoG and copying it to a thumbdrive? Nothing, except that the digital version is better because you can copy it to the computers of anyone and everyone around you and you can back it up on multiple drives so you never have to fear breaking or losing a copy. The only issues is that it falls to the user to take advantage of that instead of, say, relying on GoG's servers to always have the game in question.

Random question: does GoG allow you to download games you bought but which then became unlicensed, like Steam does, or do they stop you from redownloading them even when you've already purchased them?

Apparently if you sell em on Ebay they go for a lot more but I think Konami try to take them down

Was it taken off GoG or something?

Oh, this looks interesti-

What the fuck? Half a giga for a mobile 2D beat em up?

eve online is way too uproared to get started normally, even with the support of friends ships its not going to pleasent for anyone getting into it now

Any of you anons happen to have a MvC3.pkg and .rap? Can't find that shit for the life of me. Same goes for Yakuza 5…

just swipe your credit card and you'll be fine now

He was a chad though had almost as many exes as her, they didn't have an open relationship and the point of the comic was that they were both terrible and deserved each other.
It was only in the movie that he was beta and that had more to do with being played by Micheal Cera than anything.

Yeah, it should. As long as you did a 'Complete Purchase' process back then, it means you have the P.T. license.

ps3iso should have all that stuff.

It depends on the game. Just get the best version and back it up/archive/plunder it. I don't like trusting digital distribution, but even cartridges won't last forever. The only way to really preserve games is to share them back and forth forever. Even then, the most popular and easy to share games might be the only ones left eventually. But you'll probably be dead too by then

In front of the chamber we could have a sort of rosetta stone specifically designed for learning our language, then just document all our technology in plain English.

I download all my shit from here Use adblocker and you'll be fine.
I'm pretty sure it isn't in .pkg format, tho.

Technically, you don't really own digital in any way, that's why you should always pirate digital. Having physical games of games you actually like.

He must know Iwata then

Wait, that got left to rot?


Oh shit, really? I really wanted to try those

Agreed. Surprising that I'm able to get in before the digital apologists who want to pretend that first-sale doesn't exist. They're usually right on top of this spouting uninformed faggotry about how "you don't own anything because of muh post-sale unilateral 'agreement'!"

You don't technically own physical either, numbnuts.

The cart and CD I'm holding right now differ with you.
Games are technically data, but a physical release like a CD makes it worth it for the CD alone. Otherwise, you can get the data ever yway you want, but you don't own the data, you own, however, the CD with the data on it.

Ah, there we go. I was worried that you were getting too lazy to shill for the industry. So, quick question, do you not understand what the first-sale doctrine is, or do you think for some reason that your beloved industry is above it somehow?

I picked up an old copy from a store recently. Lucky me.

Recommend buying external drive and backing up your PS4 hard drive. Because consoles die and one day P.T. is going to be worth a fuckload of money.

Also, it's a really fucking good jump scare game that you should take steps to preserve and keep.

For those who don't know Sony did a firmware update where you can back up the contents of the entire ps4 using an external drive. So go buy a 30 or 40 shekel 500gb hd off ebay or somesuch and get to it.

pic-related for the day it happens and you didn't take my advice, may his face haunt your dreams

Fuck that website. Its terribly cluttered and its selection sucks ass. Same goes for having a premium section thats some gay ass shit right there. Thank god there's a gamestop beside my house where I can just buy the games, rip em and then return them.

Will check it out, I normally just use psndl or psnstuff but its on neither of those databases.

Have a copy in the attic at home, actually. Have no clue how my father got a hold of it.

Never knew the story behind the game either, just enjoyed playing it as a retard-kid.


I'm Russian. Was the only game i had.

My brother bought that masterpiece off a friend when he was a kid, I still have it somewhere in my old vidya box.

Yes it was, it's abandoware, they couldn't sell it for long the kikes.
The only place that got a link up, even if it was a slow-ass download was kickass torrents, which is dead.

It is a mess to navigate, but it is a big repository of patches, DLCs and whatnot. Other communities are crap too, the only one where I got some decent stuff from was ps3news, where the Tales DLCs were being translated.
I'm not a fan of these kinds of sites, but hey, we're yarrharr'ing games. Free hosts work just fine, fuck the premium section.

Aside from that, torrents are useful too.

Cool! My father got the Atari-machine and that game around 91-92. I don't know how but i remember we were really living poorly due to the wall falling and all the shit that came with that and how the kikes stole all of our stuff to get rich.