Guys I play a lot of league of legends. I'm pretty decent at it, I'm diamond 5 which puts me in the top 2 thousand players in North America. I love the game because there's such a variety when it comes to gameplay, no game is the same. Am i a pleb?
Guys I play a lot of league of legends. I'm pretty decent at it...
Here's your (You)
Not bait just everyone shits on it here. Do I just have shit taste?
Bigger cancer than OP
Check em
If you're going to play that shit genre, at least play Dota.
But seriously, don't play assfaggots. Instead, if you want "variety in gameplay" focus on playing multiple games and getting good.
I mean jesus you coudl at least play Grand Strategy
op droppin red peelz ya'll listen up fam
I am going to penetrate your anus.
your taste in vidya is shit but at least you put effort into it
At the rank I'm at I don't think there's many casual players left. Everyone is good. Everyone knows their shit, typically everyone is supportive. It's like the cancer stays at the bottom.
I just really like teamwork based co op games. Feels bad man.