Leftist infighting

Does anyone else amuse themselves with leftist infighting on leddit?

As we know commies hate (or pretend to) liberals/socdems. But as you can tell r/socialism and r/communism and r/fullcommunism are obsessed with typical SJW identity politics.
This is something 'real' commies hate, so they mock them for it on r/shitleftistssay and r/leftcommunism


Of course the more popular leftist subs ban everyone who mildly disagrees with them, and have a list of filtered words you can't say, so this infighting isn't really in dialogue between groups.

I find it amusing. The 'real' commies are right in the end though, antifa and berniebros are just SJW capitalists in the end, and r/fullcommunism are literal stalinists.

Pushing left infighting is always one of our best bottom lines. Then we mock them. The psychology of the new left is the 'cool new upcoming fringe thing' to get on board with. So we amplify the fact they are all half-human failures self-absorbed in identity politics.

That pic.

I cause a lot of the infighting by going to reddit and pretending to be one of them. Drop a little bomb here, a subtle hint there, and they start going at each other like hungry dogs.

You're welcome.

I just find it hilarious how in the end every single group hates niggers

Porky is a jew :)

No one wants to be a filthy nigger.

Meh. We all knew the infighting was coming because the ideology tends towards a purity spiral. I'll be amusing when they are killing each other.

What the fucking shit? This is even dumber than all the special snowflake commie ideology meme flags on Holla Forums. Now I know why every communist movement failed, just like Yuri said they will murder each other over who is the most communist and tankies usually always win because they are willing to murder every single leftist opposition with no fucks given and then it will lead to failure because tankies can't actually run shit, only kill shit.

>not wanting to accelerate it with advanced shitposting and perhaps even discussion of national socialism

I clicked on a (((Holla Forums))) thread about sex/gender and they were all arguing about how many sexes there are and other trivial shit. Fucking plebs.

we're no better, tbh

Those dubs of doom.

Personally, I think when we do remove the jew from this earth it will be a new golden age.

The answer is two, only two sexes have ever played a role in human reproduction. But given their BO is a tranny and it's a board of Communists we should not be surprised in the least.

yfw a jew was one of the founding members of the SS

they really are behind everything

Typical tricks.

Leninism, Trotskyism, Stalinism, and wasn't there a few others? They all hated each other and were either destroyed or exiled until only one survived.

One of the differences is that the Left routinely fights that out in gun battles in Chicongo and Deatroit while we debate, meme, bantz, poke fun, etc.

screenshots plox

Some people were saying there are 2 sexes, others were attacking them for not being progressive, and others were attacking them for completely different reasons.
All an all a rather hilarious display of leftist retardation.

Sounds exactly like muslims. Communism and islam are actually very similar, they give the false pretense of a brotherhood of 'the people' yet kill their own members and see all land that does not follow its ideology as something that need to be destroyed and conquered.


Considering a good lot of them are ex-Holla Forumsacks, that's quite a grand display of people that have willingly fooled themselves.

Because crafting your own personal ideology/worldview is much harder than verbatim adopting the values that are generally accepted in a certain internet circle.

Considering a good lot of them are ex-Holla Forumsacks, that's quite a grand display of people that have willingly fooled themselves.

Because crafting your own personal ideology/worldview is much harder than verbatim adopting the values that are generally accepted in a certain internet circle.

A bunch of morons fighting over a cul-de-sac, they are dead ends

BLM needs white antifa to fight their battles for them. Sad!

My absolute favorite thing to ever see on internet forums is when modern college "communism was never tried" commies start fighting with Stalin-praising tankies. I hate both but I love how tankies always put these faggots in their place to the point of making them cry and usually getting banned.

Not anymore, 8/salt-left/ got invaded by reddit commies looking for "serious discussion" because their own communities are overrun by preteen meme-sters. I think all the ex-polacks either evaporated onto splinter imageboards (lainchan got invaded by anarchists to the disdain of exiled /g/ ricers) or came here to slide discussion for all eternity.


fuckin' saved!

Niggetposter begone.

Do´t be too obvious.