#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Rejoice my Anons Edition



- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com


- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- techraptor.net/content/techraptor-2-0-kickstarter-live || kickstarter.com/projects/rutledge/the-next-evolution-of-techraptor
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- archive.is/Kyo0s
> The ones who defeated gawker, was us, rejoice, we got the credit we deserved for once.
- archive.is/zWLHt


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:


This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

that doesn't mean anything anymore



Let me guess, Chelsea's pulling a "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

As daddywarpig said, archive all of lw.

It only means reddit took over.

Brad Glasgow wrote an article: No, Gamergate is Not Right Wing.

Dave Truesdale ejected from Worldcon for expressing wrong opinions on a discussion panel.

show us

Mostly it seems like

lol at lw finishing anything.

old bread archive.is/kbNIw

WHICH ONE Holla Forums?

Still waiting for Rebel Jam. And the Crash Override book. And the Twine game based on Space Raptor Butt Invasion.

Anyone that has ever used the word Drumpf around me has been a Grade-A faggot.

As expected of liberals, none going to trump.

Liberal Mass Suicide when Trump wins when?


So what the fuck is going on with Holla Forums right now?

Compare pics 1 and 2.


never EVER listen to audiobooks while making robutt models
its super gay

i cant wait

t. aussie

how do i filter these stupid gamergate threads

Post a sex tape, then we'll talk.


Easy, delete your entire Windows folder, and then donate to Zoe Quinn's patreon and follow her in twitter.

delete system32


What a fucking dumbass, why would he say this instead of just archiving her shit himself and showing it later?

Go back to halfchan, kid. And pay more attention to your kindergarten classes.

Because he's a dumbass who declared he quit a Gamergate and Twitter a year ago, and just slinked back only recently since his Facebook audience is non-existent.

People on twitter generally don't know about archive.is .

wow, wow, so why is that person picking shit for Tingle?


She's a big girl

Why does every single fucking journalist that's not outright conservative(and many who are) shill for a psychopath like Clinton?

First woman president.

they need browniepoints so they dont go into the camps

Who would have thunk it?


They shill for all the dems, been like that for years.

Fuck off back to cuckchan.

They should aim at quality for a historical first and not take the first muppet strolling along. That's seriously stupid.

How would people not know this after two years of being given archive.is links?

Because they're posting unironically on twitter.

Yeah but Clinton is a whole other level with all the bullshit she's pulled.


thanks kinda hot

Do you like guys, user?

That's a penis!



You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, concentration, smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words "FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE"

Remember to always be a big guy


Fug I need source please


So, any word on why some people can check their notifications settings while others can't?

What a piece of shit, I hope he gets cancer.

You have been a very very bad goy.

for her

I'll finish this by the time the anniversary rolls around.

You're too extreme for options, congrats you badass

Give her the a dick.

This actually makes me kinda sad because apparently uncheking the option reveals a lot of missed shit thanks to "quality" control. Makes me think how much I've missed.


log out and clear you pooper and log back in and check
if not its not rolled out to you yet

Watch out for GamerGate!

They might headpat or hold hands with your waifu.


Don't tease me.

The damned degenerates even headpat their own daugtherus.




I'm sorry

There is nothing wrong with liking traps or being gay or having a fetish as long as you don't let it define you as a person.

What's with the fucking WORDS WORDS WORDS and the thesaurus bullcrap?

let me tell you how this is going to go down

you're going to post the sauce
and then you're going to apologize for taking so long to do it.

Also, if being called gay on an imageboard bothers you you need to grow a thicker skin.

reverse image search.

What about Milo? He seems to define as being gay quite a bit?

Not that I hate him or anything.

This is fun.


It didn't give me anything or if wouldn't be asking.

Milo is a salt miner by heart. He loves getting a rise out of people.


sweet jesus

I bet hers is bigger than Viv's!

Fuck you marche

you're making an enemy out of me.




A truly beautiful death, complete with a filp.

10/10 would live to die again.

you're a cool guy

Its probably automatically disabled for you as you're one of the undesirables that gets filtered for everyone that has the option checked. That's all guesswork though.


They kind of are.

Meanwhile, in SNK land…

shouldn't we be reporting kotacos on the Univision report thing using info from deep freeze or are we waiting for them to fuck up again?


this thread needs more futa Vivian

Close, except CNN actually said that blacks are felons.

I'm not Marche. I think Its an honer to be thought as a shitposting australian though

Alright here's the sauce



The double think will never get old.

I am very glad I checked this thread.
I'm disappointed that nobody checked those dubs.


I will stick things in you. I know the artist anyways

You guys are idiots if you can't recognize the artist. exhentai.org/g/963144/cddd12fcf2/

More like

Even better: CNN is ATTRIBUTING the "blacks are felons" line to Trump.

Just like clockwork.


spoil sport

I do what I want


In fairness Trump did tweet out crime stats several months ago showing that blacks are more likely to commit crimes, its completely true though.

Doesn't matter if it's true or not if it hurts somebody's feelings. This is the same society that acknowledges black people are more prone to certain diseases (heart disease being one), but then turns around and declares that we're all EXACTLY THE SAME underneath the skin (even though black people have bigger dicks, you micrococked shitlord). The doublethink is frightening.

Artist is Lightsource mate. I recognized it immediately so no big deal

Wtf cnn? Black folk are cool, thoe sometimes a bit loud. Niggers are the fellons.


I have never met a black guy who didn't love fighting games.

I have no problem with coalburner porn. Especially not when it's just 2d.

More a spic but hey

Go crawl back into whatever hole you came from.

You have to go back

Not every redhead is Viv you mongoloid.

You sound awfully triggered friend.




Spanky the kink gremlin does not look like a sex positive mascot, spanky looks like a trenchcoat creeper who stalks playgrounds.

Damn straight. I don't come here to see race mixing propaganda. I see enough of it out in the world.

Race mixing porn is always bad you fucking degenerate. Wether if it's of viv or not.

Yeah, well there's a lot of fucking niggers

why is there so much interracial shit coming out of furry "artists" these days?

I really want Trump to highlight the history of Democrats and massive racism, even for the time

The triggering would be glorious.

To which their standard response is they dumped the racists and Nixon grabbed them.


You know I remember this documentary talking about the KKK in American politics. It went out of its way to not mention that they were mostly democrats. Wish that people reported more on the political history of the democratic party and the things they would like to remain in the closet.

I need to play this game.

Everyone who gets told that always mentions how the parties apparently flipped which is not true in any way.

Yep. Democrats and liberals are still the biggest racists in the world.

They're just more subtle about it, that's all.

They unironically weaponize it.


More like people are more receptive to the lies and soft language that they use.

They'd just go:
No, if you want to trigger them, you mock and laugh at them. Ever notice how cultists hates laughter and behaves like killjoys? Laughter is the garlic and holy water to their type of vampirism.



Context please.


look it up nigger

But Chelsea, didn't you disown that talk because it turned out that you were presenting a report with no less than five blank references, forty references that didn't exist, a reference to the author's C driver, and a twenty year old debunked study that literally said "Pikachu is the spawn of Satan?"

I sure hope this fag actually makes his game instead of just teasing it.

Bad furry.

Literally who are they talking about

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy

But I haven't played NuDOOM. Just the first two via sourceport


Back to bed, why that's a marvelous idea!

My, my, she's really going beyond bonkers here.

Must still be mad that he exposed one of her useful idiots as a doxer and implicated her for retweeting and encouraging it.

So it's Cernovitch they're talking about, thanks for nothing and no archives you double nigger.


Is this the beginning of something glorious, friends?



jesus fuck halfchan please stop

too extreme for halfchan

Hipster Clique vocalizations, aside:

/d/umblr is talking about elzi right?

Hey now, the dick wants what the dick wants.
I just don't understand why people are weird about it or this guy trying to "take her back".
Vivian is actually super popular and even gets tons of threads on /aco/. It's literally just half Holla Forums that spergs out over every little thing.



it was just some dude playing a violin and shinsuke being shinsuke, nothing new.

half /aco/ usually has long running threads. It wouldn't make any sense comparing boards here since most of them are dead. Holla Forums and reddit plaster her everywhere.

We got kind of a mixed bag with the boards who actually moved.
I wish /k/ had moved over, but I guess they don't really need to, since the cancer has mostly left them alone. I admit I still go back for /k/, it's my favourite board. I wanted to post the picture about teaching kids roman legion tactics in the event of a school shooting but I couldn't find it

That's a paddlin'.


It would seem so. What I heard is that she moved over a year ago because of some ban. half/d/ has really been full of Tumblr for years before the gamergate exodus, so it's not suprising

On the one hand it makes me mad that they're posting 8ch OC over there, and yet I'm smug for the same reason

It's way too slow for my taste. Even Holla Forums can run a little slow here.

Vivian's high popularity is cool, but I hope they don't forget about her sidekick!

the DF sisters?

Our /k/ is almost 10/10, the only problem is it's a bit slow and there's always a resident gook shitposter that derails the entire thread.

Someone have that shows cuckchan shitting on a plate for kym, which in turn does the same for tumblr, and then 9gag and so on and so forth? And if you do, want to edit Holla Forums on top?


I think some of our board equivalents could benefit from a transfusion. Half/k/ is still alright so I think some of them coming over could be okay. That's really about it, though. We definitely don't need more half/v/ refugees, It's been irredeemable for years.


You are doing this on purpose right?

Some fighting games are alright, but I'm really all about JRPGs myself.

I feel like the 9gag part of the pic needs a 9gag watermark

Our /k/ is pretty good, if not a bit slow.
I also wish our /o/ got a bit more attention.

Id move memebase up one, and insert tumblr after reddit, but otherwise, thank you.

so… not freya? Danielle?

NO, it's not Freya or Danielle!

You may be right, however only very small doses.
At least we won't have to worry about tripfags fucking it up even if they do fuckoff to here.


That's the saddest thing. There's no new art because you can't post her on Holla Forums and she's not relevant enough for /aco/'s drawthread. And if it's not from here it's some weirdo on deviantart like that guy who's fetish is cumming in a disinterested girl's hair.

Literally no one but the three of us likes Gilda. But Carol from Tomo-chan reminds me of her a lot.


I really should spend more time on Full/k/. I lurk occasionally but never post.

There's already an edit of that floating around. I know I've seen it.

So I've spent tonight looking into the whole CERN "human sacrifice" thing and something about it smells. Contrary to what the media is saying "pranks" like that don't fucking happen in real life in actual scientific institutions.

I'm not saying that the girl was actually killed, but I can't shake this creepy feeling that there was more to the whole thing somehow.

Their robes were identical, that shit had to be ordered from somewhere. Money was spent on this. And how did they get past security?

Creepy shit, anons.


the sealion?


Pranks can definitely happen in real scientific institutions.
That said, I have no idea what you're talking about. Care to enlighten me?

Is it the dude who started a thread with his recommendation on what modern armies gear loadout should be, and it reads like a combo of coldsteel sanic, CoD, and every single 'Nam war movie cliche'?

If you really think that why don't you go back there.

What the actual fuck?

Don't leave us hanging. Is it uncle pol?


But that's the glory of Trump doing it. They can't hide from it, they can only confront it very poorly.

I already said I still go to half/k/.

Search the 4chan archives for Vivian James sometime, it's fun. Only /aco/ doesnt reject her. Any attempt in Holla Forums (although it's archive is right now down) results in shitposting and this really long copypasta about her being shit or something, don't recall right now what it was.

Which tan would you marry? You can only pick one

OHHHHHHH punished Holla Forums of course

Yeah, he goes to other threads and shitposts to oblivion with his COD-tier edgy bait?.


You're really making me have to dig now. Tomoko? Who else is there?

ISIS-chan then?

Maybe user is looking into crossovers? I always thought she'd be good friends with Vita-tan.

"Go" implies visit. "Go back" implies stay there.

I actually like the sealion a whole lot, even if I think adopting a sealion was a dumb idea.

GG stuff is still not-kosher over there and even if the mods let it exist all the posters throw a big fit. You can post her here or there but threads about her get the hammer just as quickly as Brianna Wu screencaps.

so are there any good or recommended historical or hagiographical works on gg?

a nigga look'n to red peel hisself on da subject matter to know fa sho. I mean ya boi switched up on boards cuz of da shit, not just cuz 5 guys but on account a da way niggas was politicin on it.

oh iz in da op already well ya have a pepe fam i gon try to read

Why would I want to stay there for just one board? Most of the ones I care about are better here. Plus we have /cow/ which is always a fun read.

I don't care for the sealion as an actual pet character, but I like the idea of it being her favourite animal. It's outside the usual norm.

That's it, I'm done with all this bullying, I need to sleep now.

I hope you think hard on what you've done and apologise properly to her.

I'll masturbate to futa porn of reddit goblin in your honour

Oh, I know! Third halfchan user from the right. No wait, her…

You're right. I'm sorry Ebola-chan I knew it was you all along.


A few other things to point out: Why the fuck is Shiva enshrined at CERN in the first place?

And then there's shit like vid related.

Skip to 1:13:00 for the relevant part. Weird shit at CERN and the Berenstein Bears effect.



Stop it.


stop what?

Someone somewhere is making a passive-aggressive tweet insinuating that Glasgow is a neckbeard techbro shitlord.

We know for a fact that SJWs are extremists for Hillary, so the same can be true for Trump.

To her credit, Rebel Jam might be vapor but she did something called Antholojam.

Ah, that brings me back… a shame her co-creator became a tranny and turned out to be a SJW

We'll see if anything like that happens in the debate. Funny how many media are acting like it's all but ogre, it's Her Turn, it's current year come on already, just give the coronation I mean election to Clinton you ungrateful peasants.

I've read speculation it's a previously banned(?) german shitposter that is LARPing as an edgiest gook shitposter. But that's just unproven speculation at this point. That particular gook's shitposting impresses even aussie tier shitposters in full /k/.

You know what.



Burnout fags are especially asshurt about that and are really asshurt about how many artfags, writefags, and musicfags came over here.

Oh, that's actually a decent "prank." Well executed.
Same with the Mandela sign guy, I think he just wanted to get a ruse out of people.
As for the the Shiva statue? It was a gift from the Indian government.
Why they accepted it? I do not know. Probably standard issue "as not to offend" bullshit.

On the berenstæin bears? Just seems like a meme that got out of hand.
There's a lot of words people seem to misspell on a widespread basis. I think this is just one particular example that really sticks with people because it's a significant part of their childhood that they had wrong.

Have you ever visited xir Tumblr? It's almost nothing but ethnic girls with absurd, rainbow-colored haircuts, since way before he came out. I saw it coming a mile away. Now he goes by Sophie Campbell.

There's quite a bit more.

I qualify for every single thing listed in this video. See if you do.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, user.**

My name is Holla Forums and I hate every single one of you

Fucking cuck Andrew Jackson was our best president



I guess isn't wrong about you faggots being cuckservitives.

There's nothing wrong with being racist and trying to seek the moral high ground is retarded and what caused GG to be derailed to begin with.

Dude its almost 4am, save the shitty b8 for a more active time.

samefag pls

Fucking cuck is right considering how he spent most of his time in office white-knighting Peggy Eaton.

Saw it, did some research and says creators of Alopex was Eastman and Bryan Lynch. I also found out that this thing was working on the jem and the holograms reboot that sucked really hard the ones that had fat, body positive lesbians because progressive agenda. And it's the reason why the art for tmnt made them look like swedish gay boys. I always wondered why the fuck this shit looked so fucking gay.

So wait, this mandela effect shit is so confusing.
If it's happening, does that mean a cataclysmic event is afoot, or does it simply mean that time is fucked and sometimes shit happens?

Yes you do you coy bastard.

that ps1 thing took place of a different image. Still a good list of recommended games

Oh fuck you're right, Campbell was just the guy responsible for her delicious fluffy design.

I still really like his art, despite the faces and hair.

No idea. But I was raised Catholic for a time, and I can 100% confirm the Bible shit and Lord's Prayer have changed from when I was a kid. The likes were "Life IS like a box of chocolates" and "No, Luke. I Am your father." The JFK assassination throws me because even though I don't specifically remember the seats in the car, that second windshield in the middle of the car now sticks out like a sore thumb. That wasn't there.

Educated guess? Our universe overlapped with one of its parallel universes at some point in the recent past, and as the two passed through each other some people got swapped over from each side to the other. Back in Universe A right now, our alternate selves are bitching about how it was wolves and bottles and not lions and wineskins.

Thing like in Stephen King's The Langoliers. We all went to bed one night and woke up living the life of our parallel universe selves.

I mean, I could write some of these things off as just bad memory if they were by themselves. I'm a fucking skeptic and a scientist at heart. But I am no shit 100/100 on the Universe B items, and I fucking know what many of these things were. In second grade I remember ARGUING with the teacher over how to pronounce Berenstein Bears, whether it was "STINE" or "STAIN" for the ein spelling, because I was a dumb kid and didn't understand the sound that "ein" normally made yet. I remember the fucking argument. There was never any "ain" bullshit.

So something happened. A good question is "what?"

Okay I'm clearly tired, because I typo'd the fuck out of that post.

Good night, anons.

Goodnight after I watch that video.

Hello is this the LOL thread?

Who's, Lynch art or Ross? I don't like Ross's art because it fucking triggers my memories of this fucking shit. Freshman in High school and those fat fucking emo kids with this shit inside their folder cover. Drove me nuts.

I recently saw a reaction image that I had drawn & posted on cuckchan 3 years ago show up on facebook. It's fuckin weird when content you've posted traverses the bowels of so many places before coming back to you like a smelly boomerang.

I use it to remind family (the only people who look at it) that I'm not dead 2-3 times a month.

I mean Ross. His lineart is nice, perspective and proportion are good, he seems to be capable of drawing just about anything, and the scenery is great.

A few years ago, I saw on fucking Lulz.net of all places a pic I made in one of those photo mergers for a politics forum that had been dead for about 3 years by then. Feels weird man.

I really dont

Spergkraut and Spergook are definitely two different people with wildly different posting styles.
Spergkraut only seems to come to LARP the day of the rope and yell at libertarians for 50 posts a thread. I can't recall him ever going into detail about firearms or even expressing any interest in them outside of their use by RWDS. He doesn't post much anymore.
Spergook is firmly on Mount Stupid; he talks about shit he barely understands, makes himself look stupid, gets called out, vehemently damage controls, and denies ever being wrong for 50 posts. Oh, and he occasionally does some naziboo LARPing as well. He is in nearly every thread these days.

Without them, /k/ is one of the best boards on this website.


Regarding the Truesdale matter, wouldn't it be a good idea to have an op about it ? Namely, there is potential for two matters :
- first one, free and simpler but still a bit demanding, would be to mail him (as his twitter account apparently is inactive) your support, understanding, even, heck, discussing GG could be acceptable if you don't sperg out about it and write twenty pages on it, as SF and gaming are pretty close regardless. You can also write to him on facebook : facebook.com/dave.truesdale2, but I don't know if he replies there. In short : send the guy some love
- second one, and a bit more complicated, would be to buy the guy's published books, take a picture, and send that (with written support of course) how you're grateful the guy did what he did.

We can easily assume that next worldcon will have twelve people attending after this stupid shitstorm, but if we can get most "actually relevant" SF writers to also boycott that shit from the way one of the invited authors was treated, that'd be obviously best.

All I found about him is that he lives in Kansas City; other than that I have no other info. Could someone help there ?

I have the feeling it happened sometime in the '00s because I still had hope and a somewhat worthwhile life back then. I'm also terrified of what B version me did.
It really doesn't help that I have a friend that remembers a bunch of weird, strange shit I supposedly "did" but I don't remember fucking any of it. He'll swear up and down that it fucking happened, though. Are we both shifting from A to B and vice versa and occasionally A meets A and B meets B? Even better question: would there even be a way to measure this? Or are there any particular events that are so clinically fucked up that it ended up bridging these two distinct realities?

Don't let /x/ get to you too much, user. People forget shit. Personal biases alter memory of objective fact. Famous quotes are filtered through a million people and it becomes a Chinese whispering game. If you're going to start freaking out over the plasticity of your brain you're going to end up nuts.

This is what I mean. I don't know anything about the bible so I'll skip that, but "life is like a box of chocolates" is said by another character in the movie. Gump's WAS like a box of chocolates just isn't as usable in day to day life because it's past tense, so people picked the IS version to quote. There were always six seats in the car JFK was in. Two in the front, two for JFK and his wife, and two for the Texas governor and his wife. You don't remember the windows because why the fuck would you? The only important thing about JFK's car you're going to remember is that he got his brains blown out in it. Of course you can hand wave this all away by saying this is my universe and you've just ended up in it, but this is literally lizard people levels of crazy. You're one step away from worshiping Ebola-chan as an egregore instead of a silly personification of a virus that people used to scare stupid niggers into distrusting white doctors. Get it together.


I want to have sex with you all in a completely non-sexual way

So you want to hold hands?

sure, as long as you don't get any ideas about holding my hand. That would be too intimate

That's gay.

How can it be gay if it's not sexual?

Duh, that's impossible

fuck, I dunno if I should keep playing monster hunter or play a different game and drop it

I like the idea of hyper monsters but they woulda worked much better with a G rank

cards against humanity indeed.

I'm surprised there honestly hasn't been an announcement of Monster Hunter Vi.

I can see Japan using that exact name just to fuck with people like with Tri.




I remember this one. its in my favorites tab somewhere

what's this from?

what's this from?


I clearly remember the six seats thing from playing JFK Reloaded so many times. Kept accidentally fragging the fucking Governor. If you remember it any other way, you were always just mistaken, so you're spot on. Incidentally, it also explains away the "magic bullet" conspiracy by simply accurately replicating the fact that the chairs weren't at equal heights, which people just assumed they were. Conspiracies and lack of accurate or first hand information go hand in hand.

I've also seen people swearing by "Beam me up Scotty", which has been famous for decades as a complete misquote blown up by pop culture. I read trivia books pointing that out when I was a little kid. Most of these things are just movie quotes people got wrong because they remember the parody/pop culture/misspoken versions of them.


Oh God my Dick!!!

Oh God my Dick!!!!




Is anything happening?
I was hoping the Gawker thing would have relit some old fires, but we seem to be back to waiting.
Couldn't we go and do some emails since it's proven to work?
Target some specific sites etc.

Why bother? they're continuing our work for us.

Did this mandela effect only happen to burgers? The examples that "prove" it are based on USA memes (JFK, Roosevelt, Burnsteen Bears)

There are two major choices when dealing with kotaku, jesebel, etc;
1) Watch and wait for the journalists to screw up with their continuation of COIs then pound Univision with emails containing evidence of such COIs or
2) Immediately contact Univision with complaints about the past behaviour of corrupt journalists with the intent of forcing said journalists to "move on" from Univision's sites.
2) C

I guess that was my "and n" moment. fuck

It's really hilarious, people misquote and misremember things and when it's brought up the most plausible explanation they could think of is "ALTERNATE UNIVERSES"

The truth of it, though, is they're only remembering half.
It was either a series called Berenstain Bears written by a couple called Berenstein, or the other way around. But either way, the truth is far more mundane than ALTERNATE UNIVERSES.

what exactly did he mean by this?

Good evening anons!

I remember this one. Was it a one shot, or was there more?

Wait, I thought two that were mixed up were Berenstein and Berenstine? The fuck is Berenstain crap?

No, it was Berenstain and Berenstein.

Look mario half A presses count as entering parallel worlds, shit like misremembering something is real ground breaking shit.

Apparently the green party VP of all people is a holocaust denier. I find this hilarious with how Holla Forums hates just about everything about that party(good bit of its justified) but loves Trump whose married kids all chose jews.


It really isn't. the whole Mario Parallel Universes thing was popular because it explained the hardware limitations and ways to exploit those limitations in a way that was both informative and demonstrated an intimate understanding of the medium. Getting confused about whether a family of bears were using a slightly more jewish name or not doesn't even come close.

So does this mean GamerGate has ascended?

Why do people type the noises they make, ugh isn't a word.

GamerGate has been basically Papa Nito for two years now.

We leveled up recently. An article referred to us without naming us for fear of incurring our wrath. Our boogeyman level is now He Who Shall Not Be Named.

suppose nobody knows

We have to continue until we reach the Yellow King levels.

there's a shirt in the way of her nipple

I thought that happened last year, a full year after realizing that combinations of G words is no match for autism

its ninja magic

How does Kat's shirt even work? all those acrobatic moves she does and not once do her tits fly out of her shirt.
Some kind of serious black ninja magic at work here.

This is about a book that has always been stealth-edited between editions to be easier to understand by the common man. That lion and wolf shit is also an example of localization, you see it all the time if you actually study old fables and stories.

im almost sure it was actually joked about in EV2
I know the light blurs were mentioned as a form of shinobi magic shit in I think ikarugas quest

Its not an example of localization at all. Both verses are still in the bible, and have entirely different contexts. The lion and lamb one is just more well known(and I think appears multiple times) so more people remember it and then think something changed when they see this verse as its less popular. They're remembering another verse entirely, rather than misremembering this one.

Oh, okay then. My mistake.

Okay, I'm getting really autistically upset here. What level of nipple exposure is necessary for a spoiler to be needed? 51%? 55%? Is it completely fine to show the entire areola as long as the center is not shown? I know Marche has posted crop showing Miranda's clit but not the rest of her pussy. Where's the line?

there is no nipple shown
also I have got banned for posting a croped butthole before

Her nipple is visible only part of the areola.

Meant isn't, feel free to bully.

Marche breaks the rules frequently, there's just a low likelihood of him being reported as he only does it here and most, including me, aren't going to report him. I've gotten away with similar stuff in these threads.

Google gives me nothing


I cannot find a chapter 2 anywhere, in any language.

So people are losing their shit that Dues ex supposedly has the word "Social justice warriors" in it

Yeah. On the one hand its pretty funny how pissed SJWs are about it on the other I'm less likely to buy it since they use SJW in a positive light.

But did they?
It's been a while since I last played Deus Ex, but I remember that the supposedly good guys turned out to be the biggest fucking pieces of shit as the story progressed. I'd rather wait for something more substantial than "they used some term". If that's the case here too, we'll hear about it anyway. That would result in salt at a biblical scale.

Augs are basically where blacks were in the 60s in the game. "SJWs" are defending them. So yeah its a positive term even if the group is later subverted.

Thanks user

A villain referring to a certain side of history would anally eviscerate them.

But if he's on the right side of history, he wouldn't be a villain.

That's not what I meant. From what I've seen, they used SJW in an in-game news station. What I wonder is whether that was supposed to be genuine or in-game propaganda. If it's the latter, I have no problems with that, as long as the game later depicts those SJWs as the hateful hypocrites that they are IRL.
I doubt that would happen, but holy shit. I'm not really interested in this game at the moment, but I'd buy it, if they pulled this off.

Fucking brain.

Allum reminded me of how much I miss gamergate songs being made.

Which was everyone's favorite? I think this one was probably mine but there were so many other great ones.

this one's pretty catchy

Yeah, like that one too. I just found a video from a couple days ago celebrating Gawker's death.

Shit, wrong link.



me thinks that person's been drawing one shot stories like that in LO.

Why else would SJWs be mad at Deus Ex? They know it's inevitable that their hypocrisy will be exposed as the games goes on. The whole "good guys group turns out to be evil scumbags" trope practically a staple in the series by now. Even if they don't play the games, spoilers can be found everywhere with just a Google search.

John doe a good artist


SEIU publicly supports Hillary Clinton.

Shit, I messed up the link.


Try one more time b4 calling for a good billy?

I need to lurk more.


Let me help you out
>>>Holla Forums7199471

Getting way too Grim in here.

I like this one.

Thanks. I didn't want to flood the thread with botched links.

What the hell is SEIU anyways?

In this case, it's an American labour union headed out of DC that supports Democrats and who's users are lazy-bones or complete idiots.

Their Twatter says it all: twitter.com/SEIU

Look at Sterling's tweet. He's complaining about the mere fact that they used the term, without giving further context. They don't want the term "SJW" to catch on outside the Internet, because it's a derogatory one.
It's the same with the whole "there is no anti-gamergate. There is just you and the rest of the world" nonsense. They aren't a group. They are the norm (or at least make themselves believe that). And why would you want an extra term for "the norm", user?

Abs soon I hope:

Bitchin'. Did you intend for the bait hooks to make the infinity symbol? If so, kudos.

"Gamers Are Dead". It's so catchy and upbeat.


Cool, more Freya artwork. She needs some more attention compared to her busty sister who gets new fan art like every other week.

People keep saying Jimmy boy is mad about this, I wouldn't know cuz he has me blocked, but I don't get why he would be. It portrays SJWs as good guys?

Look at this GutterGank sexually harassing a poor womyn lets close the gate and apologise.

Because for as much as a slovenly hypocritical cuckold as Silver Blob may be, there's a chance he may have played one of the previous Deus Ex games and doesn't like where it could go. Judging by his tastes, I'd say Invisible War.

We need more artwork of every tan!

So is the guy on the right an SJW saying SJWs oppose discriminatory laws, but is a bad guy?

This image is cropped from Lux's fanarts from League of Legends, right?

SJWs hate to be called that now that the term's gone mainstream.
Also since this game is about picking sides it does imply that SJWs can and WILL be wrong in many aspects.

Between his facial expressions and the cunt sounding like she's on the verge of tears near the end there, this shit was gold

I honestly have no clue. What I'm saying is anything brought up in what's essentially a spy drama, is liable to turn out to actually be evil, even if just in the writing. probably isn't wrong, though

Someone should have slapped his parents.

No idea. Someone posted it to twitter a little while ago.

Wait his name was actually hugh mongous? I thought is was just making a fat joke about himself.

That's what I thought too, but of course all she can think of is cock. Why? Because SJWs have an insatiable thirst for cock. Especially the guys!

The last spergout I read convinced me he's not only on Mount Stupid, he set his flag and permanent base camp there too. Something about medkits\blowout kits being frivolous weight, and 'real' soldiers should not carry them because medkits are for pussies and weaklings.



Is this from the Hugos?

She's really losing it. Can someone lock her up in a funny farm somewhere? She needs it.

Its a BLM thingy


What would your reaction be if a dindu that cucked a western game dev also got cucked by a literal bull?

If I lived in Sweden I'd be doing everything that I could to get the fuck out of there.

I love this so much
the sweeds were all like WE HAVE HIGHER RAPE STATISTICS BECAUSE WE REPORT THEM its like they are trying to take a moral highground with rape
And the turkeys are all like raping young boys and refugeeimg to sweden all while giving them shit for high rape statistics

What's happened to sweden is literally what would happen if sanfran was the US capitol and one of the unspoken rules to get into parliament was to be part of the clique.
It's fucked.

That's likely a day late and a dollar short. I've heard 'SJWs' spoken in 3d meatspace, and to date they were definitely spoken in a derogatory manner, and they were uttered by a liberal and hipsterish friends of mine even.

So did I. Making fun of SJWs, safe spaces and getting triggered seems normal. However, I'm 23 and I surf on Holla Forums, so go figure. I'm not exactly representative tbh. There's also the older generation that spends considerably less time on the Internet (if at all). SJW doesn't really hit mainstream until all these people start making fun of them too.

Speaking of which, weren't the hugos last night? We all had a blast last year with the stream and laughing our asses off with the rigging. Did the same thing happen this year?

I didn't know I could cringe so hard.

Still a cuck in denial.

damn flag

tfw no Vivian/user equivalent to this


According to Vox Day, the SJWs come up with ever more retarded rules and nominations to counter the Rabid Puppies, but I'm not exactly sure whether this will eventually lead to them being displaced. The place already might be too infected.



Some people just can't make up their minds.


But user, "fun is nothing more than a trick of the mind". Josh said so, so it MUST be true.

I think he's trying to call Deus Ex dumb simply for using the term.

No Bob, you're still not relevant.


Fun is a social construct and probably a meme aswell.

He's misusing the word sincerely if that's the case.

It's like it has been taken straight out of a SNL skit

Years from now when I've got gud at developing games, all on my own at that, I'm gonna try my hand at a "walking simulator" that blows the fuck out of every pretentious piece of shit like this with actual depth and gameplay stemming from a deceptively peaceful home setting like this looking for your family that sees you gradually pulled into Purgatory and fighting the full fury of superpowered spooks and demons with writing utensils, bitchslapping and your trusty flashlight.

It's the same guy who wrote this.

The absolute madman.
Seriously though, Levine is pretty good with the bantz.

He's no longer in the industry, and his reputation kinda is set in stone. He can afford to pull that stuff,

So he's against them now?

Define "them". I don't think Levine is full-on pro or anti-SJW, he just knows from his own industry experience that most gaming "journalists" are gullible idiots.

I find it funny that he'll stoop so low to defend pedophiles, purely because he has a compulsive need to be a contrarian asshole when it comes to people with the "wrong" politics.

happy 2nd anniversary.

I rike

Have this blushing loli as a prize

Artsy. I like it.

He never once made fun of Gawker before, he's a liar.


he put it on after those representatives of the religion of peace made their protest against chalie hebdo



I still can't get over the fact that her campaign manager is a literal Mook.
We're back in the Cold War era, boys.

Now that's a Freudian slip if I ever saw one.

I think that guy fucked up so hard hes going to end up commenting suicide with two handguns from range. All Trump has to do is say I'll show you mine if you show me yours and shes done.

But what about Trump's Salt Addiction, user?

Worse, think of when the media finds out about Trump's high smug cell count

What the fuck is that?


1. Try to keep poor health of your employer hidden from public
2. Try to attack the political opponent of your employer.
3. Suffer a Freudian slip and fire a whataboutism that backfires instantly that there's no known major health issues with Trump while Hillary has to be held up by helpers while she gives her speeches.

the actress that played pic related


Didn't he already do that months ago? And the doc said he's the healthiest goddamned 70 year old he's seen? Dude's out there personally handing out supplies in louisiana and that old bitch can't even go up a flight of stairs without help but he needs to release his records and not her?

Yeah, they're basically going "no, you," which has got to be the most juvenile counter-argument you could ever make during a political campaign.

I doubt the statement was quite intentional.

It's funny because nobody mentions she pulled this shit before with badongo's birth certificate.


That's how he won the primaries, so it wouldn't be much of a surprise

That's even worse. Dana Bash didn't even bring up her health, he did.

Remember when Chu was on Pakman's show, and he mentioned how he covered for his friends rape without being pressed on it? It's a similar deal here.

Moral of the story is, if you're being interviewed, prepare for it.

Oh yeah, and her campaign condemned Breitbart for demanding to see it just a few days ago.

If only they had clapped

It's like "Luigi wins mario party without doing anything".

To be fair, who was he up against?

Jeb was a mess, a total beta cuck who came off as pathetic when he tried going on the offensive.

Cruz was a corrupt lying shit who shouldn't even have been running since he was born Canadian.

John Kaschitz or whatever his name was only stayed to steal Ohio from Trump.

Carson seemed nice but was barely aware of what he was doing.

Really, the only ones who could have put up an interesting fight (In my opinion) was Rand and Rubio, but they didn't really do as well as they could have, and dropped quickly.

This bitch had to of known his name.

T-thanks, i was just remarking how distorted her face looks.

That fake smile with dead eyes. Did Hillary teach him that or was it the other way around?


Kasich's our faggot governor who immediately after taking the seat from our previous longest one passed a highly exploitable vaguely defined bill that meant state workers like teachers, police and firefighters received pay depending on just how "well" they decided they worked. Thankfully it was repealed.

As someone who both always got along with all of my teachers and other adult staff better than with students and can appreciate the work they do I never forgave him for that low shit and I was gritting my teeth when I found out Trump was also running against him.

I sincerely don't understand why they're mad. It portrays Social "justice" as if it's a positive. I feel like I/we should be mad at it, but I just don't give a shi. I've never played Deus Ex game before, and probably won't play this one either.

Pence isn't the strongest VP choice, but he runs circles around the others

How the fuck was that supposed to work?

I think you need to know the context: Mankind divided took place after some faggot hacked into augmentations all over the world and made the wearers go beserk.

So basically, the discrimination against the aug people is not entirely out of pure spite. That being said, it was not the augs own fault, so I don't get why they are so mad about it.

You should play the first game, it was really good.

Skip Mankind Divided if you want. It seems like it was well made enough, Breitbart enjoyed how it didn't force you how to think.

So are they angry because they would in real life oppose the Augs? I feel I don't know enough about these games to have a solid opinion.

So is this , doesn't mean they won't make one side favorable.

then how come they know nothing and still have strong opinions?

That's what separates you from them.

For anybody saying "I don't know about / haven't played Deus Ex", this video that got posted a few threads back explains what made the original game great.

Ross finally made his Deus Ex video?




You're really understating what Trump accomplished. For a very long time now our politicians have basically been decided by whoever raises the most money as they can get the media and PACs to prop them up and cover for whatever weaknesses they have. Bush became president despite sounding like a fool in any speech he ever gave. Obama became president despite no real success in his life other than one senate term and also being completely reliant on teleprompters. Trump has completely uprooted all of that.

Amy Pascal is in charge of new spiderman movie and the absolute madwoman is pulling another cisbusters by calling people that even question MJ being a nigger racists.

… Fucking morons…

that cant be real I refuse to believe it

so Platinum develop a Granblue Fantasy rpg.

I'm tired of the bush/clinton dynasty. their polices are nearly identical.

Oh, of course she's in charge of that stupid fucking narrative.

I thought she'd been fired ? And honestly I doubt any marketer and executive would let her try that shit again after the disaster that was ghostbusters.

Well, consider how many people pushing the narrative have previously covered her ass regarding Cisbusters. Obviously, something is going on.

Thing is, those people don't give a shit about narratives, quality, or, hell, even reputation, if it means more money comes in their pockets. She made them lose a fuckton of cash, they are not going to let her in charge of anything ever again. Well, unless she's the wife/daughter of some bigwig I suppose. Or sucks an extremely mean dick.

I also find it hilarious that they alienated their audience, catered to the feminist, and sjw, audience, even getting them in on the alienation, only to be rewarded by them with literaly empty theaters, and a box office meh.

You've been lied to, user. "Barely less than the costs" isn't "meh" in hollywood. It's terrible. A movie that returns some of its money, a bit, not by much, might be "meh"; a movie that utterly fails isn't "meh", it's a failure and many people are getting shafted from the industry.

It's true.

>>>Holla Forums452972
>>>Holla Forums448802

When I say meh, I mean in a not as bad as it could of been but still enough to be a bomb.

Eh, when people said that I expected full nig, but she's just a brown girl with dyed red hair. Doesn't even have nigger lips. It's not nearly as bad as it could have been. If they pulled a full Hermione I would have been pissed but this just seems okay to me.

She must be a mix breed cause when I first saw her, I thought she was white.

Is that asshole seriously giving Devin "got my ass beat by Uwe Boll" Faraci clicks?

what a qt

feels good that I contacted that guy's girlfriend to tell her that she was involved with a little cheating rat.

I think some of them even stooped so low as to find the most unflattering pictures of her, as well. Which tells you a lot about those people.


the salt just keeps coming

Isn't it rumored that Japan's going to take over the American division because of bullshit like this? And they still insist that Hostile Marketing works.

First I'm hearing of that rumor. You got a source? Preferably with archive just in case?

Nah, it's a hearsay thing.

Yeah, I always thought she was white or maybe Hispanic. Not black.

Why learn from your mistakes when you could just try again?

Dude, that looks awesome. Too bad it will probably be japan only.

Shes a quadroon I think, and so is the dysney kid with the huge eybrows from jessie

Fuck you.

Its not just MJ, Flash Thompson is some indian manlet I think and Liz Allen is a nigger to.



I keep thinking they can't get anymore ridiculous but they prove me wrong every fucking time.


What the fuck am I reading?
They have never fucking played a Metriod game haven't they, fuck it they never even played a Metroid Prime game.
How do these people function?

Jonathan Holmes

I hate that nigger so much.

I quit, this is a parody article isn't it? You guys made a parody article to make fun of gamemedia, please tell me this is the case.

What ever happened with rabid puppies this year? Have the hugos lost their reputation yet?

They only got enough to blank one category this year. On all the others there was socjus approved authors they could pick and they did. So sadly with less "no awards" it wasn't as big a shit show as last year. Still very clearly pozzed to hell, but the people running it seem to have rigged it so they can hide better.

vox write a resume
Seems Hugo gone full 'diversity' awards with shitty author, proving Rabids point.

I somehow made it to the end of the article.
It's actually (an attempt at) shilling for the "Nintendo Force" e-magazine on Patreon.



Flynt's trying to be an author now?

He could at least try making it a bit harder

All I'm reading is "w-well, GamerGate isn't taking my shitty bait, maybe the Puppies will."

is that you, avante-garde GG drawfag?

Pretty cool, ending kinda saccharine but he has hope, he should hold onto that.

This one was a good rallying cry, shows all the sides and what each one stood for.

Gotta love ChrisRayGuns' parodies.

"We Do (it for free)" - great short song showing the stupid stuff they do.

Though I gotta admit, out of all of Holla Forums the musical, I loved this song the most, mostly cause I know that no matter how bad my work week is, I can look forward to this.

I find it hilarious that literally the only people who bitch and moan about "privilege" are people who come from rich, well-off families.

Harlan was right. No one gives a fuck about gender.

That's it. I'm blocking all of (((echoes))) twitterfags unless they share followers an shit. Fucking virtue signaling faggots.

The ones using them in their handle or the ones making talking about jews?

The fuck has ZQ to do with Tingle?

She was the one there to accept the award if it won, apparently she's friends with the guy who writes it.

Goon connections, and she's apparently making a Twine game based on Space Raptor Butt Invasion.

I hear Pikachu's been obsessively trying to find her there. That man's fascination with her scares me to no end.

oh too bad,

Who is she going to get to write the program for her?

tfw someone involved with gamergate gets raped. Quinn by Chu.

The one's using them in their handle. Most are SJWs to boot. It is an easy way to see who will have shit opinions though.

>implying she won't use her peerless street-fighting skills to leave yet another body in her path of carnage

It's how Brave Nu IngSocJus operates. Ignorance is Strength, and feels over reals. The less someone knows or have actual experience about a given subject the more they are qualifed to declare their opinions as facts on that subject.

aka pic related

On a related note…

When is Feminist Frequency due to put out another financial statement?

Been seeing a lot of this lately, its kind of weird.

Polite sage for blogshit.

I don't know if anyone remembers but a while back I said I was nervous for a job interview and y'all gave me some advice. Anyway, I didn't get that job, but I eventually got another job. I'll be working at a gas station 11pm to 6am. I go to training tomorrow morning. I feel really good about my life finally getting on track even if this is a minimum wage job and I still live with my parents, but it's the first step to building the life I want. It'll feel nice to buy food with my own money instead of having to ask for it. I also feel sad that I can't sit around playing old video games all day, but it can't be helped. I graduated from being a NEET and I just wanted to brag about it a bit. If only zyzz could see me now. I'm gonna make it brah.

If it's helping you find yourself and be comfortable with yourself user, I'm really happy this happened. Try to make it enjoyable for yourself, other employees, and your customers. Don't get stabbed and buy tons of cool vidya with that money. Don't forget : VR porn is coming, so a tenga is the only girl you need to spend money on

grats brah. we're all gonna make it.

Congrats on the new job. You are on your way to success. Stay safe, Apu-user. Just hand over the money if they ask and don't get shot too many times.

Yeah, I ain't risking my life over this job.

You'll do fine then, Apu-user.

You're not alone; yesterday I saw two threads pushing that lie, and linked to some counter-evidence.
Eidos Montreal may be located in the heart of bluepillsville, but somehow they're more likely to be based than not.

I think its just the usual Holla Forums hates everything, it just gives them an easy angle

Didn't these devs catch shit from SJWs for using "Apartheid" in their title in the first place? And wasn't their answer basically "Fuck off"?

Did something happen that I missed?

One of the devs was black. Once this fact was pointed out, the SJWs then claimed to argue that it is something that needs to be discussed.

The game doesn't conform to Nu-Holla Forums or SJW narrative so both hate it.

Fucking amazing.



Why is this always their go-to response? I know "joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarded" has always been a running joke, but it seems like these chucklefucks legitimately believe that it's a valid counter-argument to criticism.

Oh, its THAT faggot

Some people are legitimately mad at how the game is again shitting on apartheid and making it sound like it was a bad thing and again encouraging people to think that Mandela dindu nuffin.

SJWs are mad because they feel like it trivializes their movement, not because the devs are of a different political leaning. SJWs are so fucking batshit left

found pic I mentioned here

It could also be because the SJWs didn't get to approve of who uses the SJW label. Not arguing that they are fucking batshit though.

It's a standard boilerplate response menu whenever regressive retards get called out for their bullshit at this point.

IIRC there was another batshit crazy SJW that doubled down with, 'yeah well, he's not even REAL BLACK though, he's like colonial french black creole or something, how black is that really.'

I'm curious, what race was the guy saying that? I'd guess white but not sure.

I don't have the archive link at the moment so I could be wrong, but IIRC the twitter avatar at least depicted a female black pic. I don't remember the name\handle because honestly many of them seems to be literally who, they seem to be e-beggars 'outrage' scammers.

Creole is a hot mix of African, Spanish, French, Native American, and others.

They basically saying he is not "black black" I'm creole and I get it all the time in Louisiana.

And then you have Danny O'dwyer, Cliff B and Mitch Dyer in the comments sucking his dick when they are also rabid SJWs

I know what creole means I was wondering what race the person was that called them not black.

Well, I think Cliff's more an asshole than anything. But yeah, it's kind of stupid that they're going "HURR, YEAH, THOSE STATEMENTS ARE STUPID" when they themselves are encouraging said stupid statements.

Don't forget that SJWism is also a cult of "personalities".

Not a surprise to be quite honest.

I did a thing

They mad.


Found it. I misremebered the avatar pic, it was 2d. Gita Jackson, writer for hue hue hue hue Offworld.


Liberal propaganda confirmed.


is this kebab hentai?


that's not a hijab :^)



noooooooooo thank you

don't randomly ask to touch other people's hand

But it's a fun read.


Its funny how SJWs are all about pushing women but when the women do things they don't approve off its just silence.

Holy shit, that's practically the same situation I'm in. I'm still on the hunt for a job though. In the mean time I've been streaming on twitch and I feel like I'm doing pretty well just starting out. Still gonna get a job though stream in my down time, just want to invest a bit in some equipment.


Yea its me he's arguing with. I don't know how anyone can say that.

No more or less than horseback not saying either should be removed here, but if shooting were to be removed, so would horseback, as would motorcross, but those 2 would be hard to remove without losing some high end sponsors and their cash.





I remember that was the first win and I remember it being in the news.

She's talking about the closing ceremony.

Courtesy of some plebbitor who reads the Time


It's the regressive doublethink.

I remember when that was the argument levied at halfchan. How we've grown, and how their poisoning of the well hasn't

Wow even Voat of all things.


yeah, that one surprised me. Are they really that scared of it that they need to kill it before it grows. To me voat seems dead on arrival as redditors don't want to exodus, but I guess a reddit-like site without the SRS mods is scary enough for them

I'm surprised they put 4chan as worse than voat at this point with how cucked 4chan is.

And then they immediately admit that Reddit bans "problematic" boards.
This is the current state of journalism, everyone. Find people who support your predetermined conclusion, and write down the shit they say.


Oh, and if you want to read it for free without giving Social Justice Times any of your hard earned cash. download links for the PDF here. freemagspot.me/Comments.aspx?Element_ID=46450

it's even more cancerous and lots of butthurt, blatant lies, and salt from our favorite Times "journalist"

Praise Harambe!


A lot of the usual suspects, gotta play the woman card to censor all of my enemies I mean! make the internet into a safe space!

That would imply the writer has ever been to any of those sites. Which seems to include reddit, despite what my own bias would tell me



That fat cunt needs to shut up, that's the worst aspect of the internet, it gives a platform to people like that.

The best part is where he says since he is a

fucking white male

he therefore has it better than everyone on the internet.


I hope you have the source for that.

wwwwooooowwwwwwwwww Jimmy totally cyberviolented you dude, you should leave you home asap and rent a room at the UN

Read again. There citation is their own fucking internal staff poll.

Harley-kun is too good for this world.
