Holla Forums needs to start mentioning leftism more on halfchan.
I'm not talking about raiding - but if you already browse there why not call out faggotry when you see it?
Take this thread for example
Mentioning this board isn't ideal but at least non Holla Forumsyps see there is an alternative.
Holla Forums needs to start mentioning leftism more on halfchan
Other urls found in this thread:
Board doesn't exist.
Besides, Holla Forums is a shit board.
I haven't posted on cuckchan in months
But I made an exception here
Holla Forums isn't your HQ to organize your subversion. If Marxism is so great you wouldn't have to "spread" it
It's like pissing in an ocean of piss
Good job Holla Forums, keep the masses ignorant
yet you had to "spread" your nazi ideologies and propaganda all over twitter, facebook and so on for the last couple of months to be able to elect ur daddy president
makes you think
Keep your shitty politics to yourselves and out of subjects you clearly don't give a fuck about like movies and TV. I'm banned from Holla Forums by the way.
A silent majority using what they can to get a voice is not spreading shit. It was always there, the democrats just ignored it and thats why they lost
This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
Well soon you'll be banned from jere bootlicker
there have been a handful of emerging fascists movememnts of somewhat important relevance, with just one becoming relevant just to get BTFO a couple of years after it
meanwhile the USSR won the space race, the only one having to relay on propaganda is your flawed and useless position
stay btfo cuck
Gee, I thought the USSR wan;t true communism!
Besides, even if they did win the space race (they didn't lol!) they sure as fuck lost the "I exist!" race because last I checked it couldn't even last 1 century
Keep telling yourself whatever you want though. The space race was won by America using Nazi technology
So what about the last two elections where this supposed Nazi majority voted for a nigger? Keep telling yourself lies, you might just believe them.
Kek. I used to post on halfchans Holla Forums regularly during 2010-2013 and the Holla Forums shitposting grew massively during the last years. Maybe you should tell that to your stormfront friends first.
The only people talking about nazis in this election is you. I repeat, I'm actually banned from Holla Forums
Why are people arguing about politics so unsubtle? This applies to both Holla Forumsacks and Holla Forumsacks, you're both huge retards.
it was not true communism indeed, but a half lie communist regime is better than a complete cappie one :^)
as opposed to Nazi germany and Musolini's Italy existing for what, 20 years?, besides, thats only one part of the leftists equation, workers right are still fought for in every country in the world, while fascism is literally on the wrong side of history
top kek
Well, we're talking about giving an even bigger silent majority a voice in politics - the global proletariat!
The Americans didn't vote for Trump because they necessarily share his values or support all his policies, but rather because, of the two choices given, he was the one that was something different, and the only one who made any mention to that which they really cared about - having jobs and being able to earn a living. The DNC didn't give a fuck about this, they thought they could keep power just because they're the ruling party and every institution was in their pay.
Of course, Trump is ignorant of why these people are in the position they're in, so he will not be able to save them. He simply doesn't know how.
This is why we need a left movement. After Trump runs his course, the people will still want answers. The neoliberal consensus of the past has been discredited. Trump's bold vulgarity will prove to be a hollow vessel for the same kind of shit. What follows next depends on our ability to organize - it may be that we'll see some madman who decides that all the problems are caused by some malevolent external force interfering in capitalism whose actions will cause a senseless bloodbath that still won't fix anything. On the other hand, it could lead them towards a radical who will be able to take steps to address the root economic causes of the American people's insecurity - private property and production for profit.
I meant you claiming spreading Nazi propaganda was the silent majority. And regardless that doesn't even make sense, half the population didn't vote and Clinton won the popular vote by almost half a million votes in the half that did. So much for "silent majority".
That proves nothing except for what we already know. That California and New York are democrat strongholds. Most states in the country where the biggest problems are the democrats ignored. Thats why they lost
The internet has always been a torture chamber for right-winged people, all the while never reflecting society's actual beliefs. If you want to convince people, you have to do it outside.
You said silent majority. It is clearly not a majority. It is also extremely rear that a politician will win the electoral vote and not the popular - and it usually points to some sort of widespread fraud, which the GOP is fond of (like 700,000 provisional ballets not being counted in 2004. Al Gore won the popular vote by 500,000, and Bush only lynched the presidency at 271 electoral votes. Clinton won the vote by 400,000 but Trump got 290 electoral votes. It's mathematically an unlikely spread. Extremely unlikely, though not impossible). I'm glad Trump won just because of how shitty his policies are, hopefully they'll wake the working class up. But don't delude yourself.
Oh great! You're one of those retards!
Math is not your strongsuit. And neither is politics. Please withdraw from both
Underageb& please go and stay go.
Nigger, you said it was a majority. It's not a majority. Don't shift the goalposts, you coward.
It effectively is a majority. Thats the whole point of giving each state equal representation. The electoral is the only vote that matters. Nobody cares that Los Angeles and New York collectively have 40 million residents
I guess the GOP purging 1 million voters, mostly black and Latino's and therefore most likely democrats, in total (for example 195,000 in battle ground states like North Carolina) while closing 800 polling stations doesn't count as repression.
So now you're backtracking and saying the popular vote was repressed even though thats what Hillary won?
Seek mental help. You're retarded
I'm saying that she would've won the electoral vote had it not been suppressed, and she winning the popular vote is a reflection of that. Even after New York and California were called her popular vote margin increased by another 200,000 people.
You going to formulate an argument against the GOP committing widespread fraud or what.
I'm going to argue that I have never seen such sheer argument by assertion since I was banned from Holla Forums. Seek help
How is it a majority if he lost the popular vote? No matter how you slice it, as regards of the original argument (that right-wing views do not represent the silent majority because the majority of people didn't vote for Trump), you cannot use the fact that he won the electoral vote to support your position, that he represents the silent majority.
Frankly, I don't even give a shit if the electoral college system is good or any other technical aspect of burger politics, and I'll take Trump over Hildawg anyday. However, the things you're saying are stupid and wrong and this is a matter that needs to be addressed.
Greg Palast updated "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" and even confronts the head of crosscheck with his own fraudulent list.
And FBI agent was hired by North Carolina to find double voters, and they couldn't find one on a list of 190,000 names. Didn't stop the GOP from purging voters and giving them iffy "provisional ballets", that like I said are thrown out with no scruple.
You act as though the internet was even relevant before that time. It was just a wild west with a bunch of different narratives. People used the internet predominantly for email, not for imageboards or social media.
Keep digging that hole kiddo
How long we talking about here? BBS have ALWAYS existed, and anonymous forums are from the 90s.
Not him. But I remember back in the early 2000s the internet was pretty much almost exclusively skinhead nazis carried over from old Euro hacker culture (distinct from Berkeley hacker culture that gave birth to the Free software Movement) and edgy Doom veterans playing Counter-Strike. And businessmen. College culture online was still dominated by old fratboy culture from the 90s. I remember people even joking at my school in those days how the internet was made for Republican right-wing conservatives. Where have you guys been?
I don't know why you autists are so focused on my former comment when the latter was more substantial. You get virtually nothing done by attempting to control the narrative online. You need to build a support base in the real world first.
I just joined the conversation because I like talking about Internet history you dumbshit.
I think all those people were the edgy kind of anarchist rather than right wingers. Japs instead had tech, hackers and lots of pedophiles.
I'm not American so I'm just saying what I know from reading and checking very old websites. Again, I'm that kind of Internet archeologist nerd.
Stormfags being master revisionists again, I wasn't there for the 90's but you fucks have lied enough about 4chan for me to never trust a word out your mouths again on anything.
If early 4chan is any proof the Internet used to be highly fuck-both-sides-for-the-lulz anarchist.
MUDs, Ultima Online, Something Awful, 4chan, those things where everyone had text signatures at the end of their posts, various old-style forums, video game forums in particular. I really don't remember much at all about people expressing right-wing views. On early 4chan especially you'd see a lot of people laughing at the persecuted Christian narrative and generally expressing no fondness whatsoever for right-wing views. Sure, there were a lot of swastikas and A Wyatt Mann caricatures, but whenever a sincere political discussion came up there was almost nobody actually identifying with that shit. Lots of edgy sociopathy, but not much in the way of reactionary thought or Bush support.
Holla Forums is so progressive. After getting our first black president, they helped us get our first meme president in US history.
Some of my earliest internet memories are Bill Clinton memes (I did not have sexual relations with that woman), anti-Bush songs and flash animations, Christian bashing and circle jerk communities that were very vaguely liberal or centrist.
The internet was no where near as politically active until around 2012ish.
Bush bashing was always a normie thing, Ron Paul was a joke and outside of the occasional "why do people call me racist when I say I don't like Obama" posts, I never saw strong political content on 4chan until the stormniggers started invading.
You forgot Poland.
Member when ED mocked everything?
Oh yeah, fucking newgrounds and ebaumsworld too. Portal of Evil, too, although that was obscure even back then.
Man, the old internet was the shit. How did we manage to ruin it?
I don't wanna sound like those special snowflakes you see everywhere these days, so instead of blaming "normal" people I'm going to blame the merge of the Internet with the real life. Like in Lain, but the opposite.
It was shit but it was dorky fun - before we got all self conscious and started calling everything reddit.
I mean, fuck, I can't stand the reddit community but I'd rather post there than on Holla Forums.
Hopefully when communism comes around the end of alienation will make real life so engaging that everyone but maladjusted losers will get off the internet and we will be able to have fun again.
Fam, I don't think anyone believes that posting on Holla Forums is going to convince anyone of anything. This is a board for theory, shitposting and getting leftist shitposters together.