Should I do it?
Should I do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why not?
Yes. Danes are degenerate animals anyway.
fuck Danes
Don't let the smug church burner hear you say that
I jewed them down a substantial amount and they still accepted vassalage, the cucks. I guess Nordic peoples were always cucks
Wot game?
You Dane or just a newfag?
Wot game.
So, how shit is Attila anyway?
This isn't /a/ or cuckchan, you stupid fucking faggot. I don't even care about what game this is, i just came here to tell you're retarded, grow up.
jesus fucking christ are you all infants? didn't your parents teach you any respect? how do you expect to get people to respect your opinions on video games if you treat them like they're fucking monkeys for asking what a video game is?
grow the fuck up Holla Forums
Get the fuck out you easily triggered sissy.
Holla Forums isn't for video games, its for bitching about how the implied politics in video games don't confirm to the accepted narrative, didn't you hear?
Maternity-based insults.
Appeal to authority figures.
Trying to validate morality based on external social groups.
You do a good job of pretending to be a female. 8/10 bait.
user the only people who post on Holla Forums are unlikeable basement dwellers who need other unlikeable basement dwellers to validate their bigoted opinions, and also you, who needs to validate their intelligence by pointing out logical flaws on a shitpost
p-p-p-pretending to be r-retarded!
What game?
It's Attila: Total War, and probably one of the paid DLC campaigns for it.
total war
that's explains all the childrens whit the "spoonfed le bad XDD"
I thought nobody on Holla Forums actually played that since Rome 2 was a flaming bag of dogshit.
Fuck, I didn't recognize it, I thought it was a mod for Rome 2. I doubt the "NO SPOON FEEDING" b/a/bies knew what it was.
Shogun 2 is pretty great though. It works reasonably well, and the AI behavior on the battle map isn't completely fucking retarded.
Granted, a lot of it has to do with the extreme amount of polish they put into it, as well as designing around the same old flaws instead of ironing them out, but it's by far my favorite TW game.
n-no bully
You're not wrong but
Is a logical fallacy
So you must be the former type, logically. Although calling opinions 'bigoted' marks you as a bit different.
I suggest a third category: lying, unwanted, unlikeable pay-per-post shill, or some other combination of bad traits which lead a mind to dwell where it hates, where it is afforded tolerance by its anonymity and lack of substance. A personality maybe accustomed to flying below radar, perhaps seeing surliness as a way to attract attention.
I enjoy Empire.