Tell me it's not true

Tell me it's not true.

Define crazy.

It's not.

Nobody's angry over the procedural generation, everyone is angry about the lies that were told to build up hype, like the game being multiplayer.

do you procedural generate all the cocks in your mouth cause you're too lazy to count them all?

There's been a vendor named Kikec in NMS at one point. Unfortunately I forgot to save that image.


Words have different meanings in different contexts.

eh, monite No Mans sky got announced I fucking called that it would be shit. was surprised at how shit it got.

procedural only works when it's partially procedural, like diablo 2.


People wanted unique aliens, not these abominations.


i get the reference, but its not funny.

Is that the name of the alien? How the fuck do you even pronounce that?

but that one actually looks cool

Here ya go, rookies. A prime example.

That's the name of the planet. You pronounce it procedurally.

It's more like pic related

never change Holla Forums

this looks like the Hookfoots from Wildstar


That one doesn't look too bad, from that angle at least. There are far worse ones out there.

Oh look! Someone actually found exact copy of Ankusugarera Zellaenn!

Which Hello Games did.

By the way guys, meanwhile some guy on youtube have reached last 255 galaxy called "Yilsurussimil".

So it just procedurally generates the galaxies after the first "known" 13?

First 5, i think, are redesigned with hand placed stuff. All later are procedurally generated without any effort.

The only people who are called shills are people that fail to acknowledge the context of the game. The other day I said NMS was decent if you look at it as a game without all of the broken promises and whatnot, and anons agreed. I posted with a different IP and said it was decent and I was called a shill. The point is: the game as a whole (I.E. with context) is not decent, it's mediocre. The game when taken from an outsider's perspective is decent.


Procedural generation isn't a magic "make your game better" mechanic. There is a time for procedural gen and there is a time for handcrafted content.
Although to be perfectly honest, outside of roguelikes and roguelites which practically require it, I can't think of many games that truly benefited at all from procedurally generation. Terraria is the only one right off the top of my head I can think of.

What a shit show.

what if one of those 18 quintillion planets has a creature shaped like a pikachu or a charizard
would they get sued for that shit?



It's not true


Man, they're even crafting tragic backstories for this guy to absolve his bullshit. "I j-just didn't want to l-let anyone down! That's why I told a bunch of half-truths and refused to elaborate on anything so people would buy my game on uncontrolled hype! To not let anyone down!"

Read the filename.

The constant need for faggots to justify -$60 they were too stupid to avoid throwing away will never ceases to amuse me

There is no reaction picture on this planet that could adequately describe my rage at this rampant stupidity.

So is Sean Murray really a ruseman or are people exaggerating as usual?

They literally outright lied about major game features (such as the game being online) that could intentionally make them liable to be sued.
