The Babylonian Talmud (The Complete Soncino Version) (9947 Pages)
The Babylonian Talmud (The Complete Soncino Version) (9947 Pages)
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Scan results, it's legit.
If you don't trust this sperg the whole talmud is up on if you look hard enough.
All my books are clean at >>>/zundel/
Don't you mean
screencap the page and relevant verses that are going around which show the kikes hating everyone
but hank you, because i was looking for this version. the soncino, i think, is the one with the censored verses
Literally best board ATM
Nope I mean the full uncensored version of the talmud on Lurk moar faggot.
So you're not gonna provide a link then? Okay kike
while we are at it. i'd reccomend maimonides' mishneh torah.
some books are full with antigoyim stuff.
Gas yourself you lazy fuck. Redeem yourself by compiling all those pages into a multi series pdf so /pdfs/ can have the uncensored version in pdf form.
from that link there is the content, but it's not verified source-wise whether that content was made by someone trying to make it true
here's some anyway. I take it the jews think anyone who prevents their domination of the world is someone preventing the rebuilding of their temple or the fulfillment of prophecy, therefor justifying the same rules being applied to them. They secularizing God's laws, not making them of Him, as if He were to really exist, but instead of the world - 'natural'.
same argument can be made for OP, so I don't except that faggotry involved.
Need a paper version of this Talmud, that hasn't been tampered with, as evidence
yes the typical jewish response will be that 'cutheans' do not = modern 'goy'. but again, they may be lying, since they could very well have secularized the account/word/logos
how best to test whether or not they secularized it? test their resentment and their standards and behavior. test from their reactions to you secularizing/unsecularizing idea(l)s and their reactions based on what would be in your own best interest comparatively to theirs. if they are hypocrites about it, then they are liars, fullstop.
Well why not listen to 's arguement? Atleast he is provided pictures unlike you.
love the responding to your own posts
For this, there's another book.
completing my thoughts, never intended to appear like separate people, and yes i'm the samefag
Also this. The damage control is real.
I bring up things basic SJWs will criticize it for, so that I can crowdsource the answer here, not so that I can say it's valid.
thank you for though
Surprised that that book featured in your picture, isn't on that board.
Reminder not to even bother debating any of this stuff with kikes. They'll never admit anything wrong. They'll always find ways to pilpul out of what it really says
I've had plenty of arguments like this with jews (and the arabs do the same with the quran too
That's pretty ironic, it's supposed to be a super basic book too, MAYBE that's the reason or MAYBE the BO still hasn't made an Adolf thread.
Get this version instead
I have a link here to the best digital version of the Soncino Talmud you will ever find.
It was compiled by hand for Holla Forums
It's 60MB and 10,713 pages
It contains a table of contents, essays and introductions to all sections that such things exist for, and is all merged all into one pdf.
This book has only been shared here once before so the chances of it being circulated yet are low. Save and distribute/archive if you like.
I tried uploading it to /pdfs/ but it kept not working, perhaps the size is too large?
Give it time to load when you try and view it
It should have been one of first book. Fucking feder/goebbels is on their, but not the few varieties of english translations of Mein Kampf and his second book. Even /pdfs/ has like only the stalag one which is the murphy translation completed by Germany. They do have the original German scans language variety though.
I need to organize my yuge Hitler collection, but I have many versions of it and Zweites Buch too. I will get around to it ASAP senpai.
Cheers user, you are the one I got this version from (I remember that pepe from the talmud thread we had). What did you add in the extra 1k pages?
Yeah I have a few versions of this, I will upload the most suitable one soon. I am working a big load of Norse Myth, Health/Self-Sustainability and Red-pill material at the moment…
when you adding this to it? Very cool board. Got my star user.
Enjoy user.
My dream is to make a neural network with all these books, and rip the JIDF to shreds.
I'm doing something similar at the moment with torch rnn. Can't wait to feed this into it and see what effect it has.
microshit took her away
This is the best version goys. Hurry up and download it fast before (((they))) make me take it down.
The additions are prologues, introductions, title pages, essays, closing remarks, etc.
I grabbed everything that was on the website that hosts this book - all of the supplemental material - and merged it all into the areas of the book where they fit. I think it makes for a much better reference than simply just having the barebones talmud with no guide.
Plus if the site it was on ever goes down ( everything is saved here in this pdf. It's the best way to prevent censorship/shutting it down.
As someone who's studied Judaism (and other religions), I've noticed a whole lot of disagreement, by rabbinic sources, on which passages are in line with Torah and which ones are not.
It's difficult, especially since the Talmud is a book of arguments in and of itself. It doesn't get any easier with the addition of other books, like the Rambam and Zohar, and if they too are kosher.
In truth, I think the reason leftism flurishes in Judaism is because the religion can be interpreted in almost any way, as long as the interpretee had a "justification" backed by at least one trusted source. There's really no unifying base, like the Bible and the Dead Sea Scrools or the Quran and the Hadiths.
Judaism has a plethora of books, and and a tradition of over analyzing all of them for ~3000 years, post oral tradition.
Not to mention the Talmud has plenty of passages which contradict each other (and being a book of arguments, that's natural), and even some that disregard ideas such as Kabbalah.
It should also be known that for Jews to claim a land prior to the coming of their Messiah and the ushering in of the Messianic Age is forbidden, and considered a rebellion against their god. This isn't even a Talmudic law that's widely accepted, it's in the Torah plain as day.
Why isn't there any details on your excellent Zundel site of
The World Conquerors: The Real War Criminals by Louis Marschalko (1958)
There is an easy access/read html designed website
, and scanned PDFs available online from a variety of sources.
It's quite simply the best, most easily digested book about WWI/WWII, National Socialism, international jewry and their war on Christian Europe, written by a national socialist on the run from commies after the Hungarian uprising.
It's been translated into dozens of languages and was extremely populor in nationalist circles up to the late 70's.
It really is the only book that a child could read and understand the Red-Pill from A-Z.
It explains everything that happened leading up to the wars, everything you ever needed to know about international jewry and world politics up to the present day.
Yet I hardly see it mentioned ever on Holla Forums
you can only judge the book in case of arguments by the person who won the argument in the book (literally and irony is only acceptable as a proposal if explicit) or as supporting both views. no reason for neither being the case and also being in there.
also if it's more unclear then you have to presume what the reader thinks or sees. generally of identity, if it's not explicit, it's of basic evolutionary biology which they identify as default. Jews have matrilinearity as a common denominator.
Archive just in case the mods decide to nix another literature thread.
Jews and Judaism is quite possibly the most evil religion and people I have ever read, EVER. What the fuck.
This is why i'm convinced that Islam and Judaism are pretty much the same thing.
Oh glorious
t. CIA shill
good work
Added to /zundel/, I have seen this book before so thanks for reminding me.
That's not only metaphorically, but literally true. Get the PDF of Patricia Crone's and Michael Cook's "Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World", it's swirling around in the 'net. Very dense and erudite read, but proves the direct descendence of Hagarene religiosity (vulgo: Islam) from Judaism.
/lippe/ is also top, but only for Kraut speakers.
Based, I'll see what I can find on Hagarism.
The name is based on Hagar, Abraham's maid who bore him children, one of which was Ishmael, the mythical father of the Arabs. Hence "Ismaelites" as a sinonyme of "Muslim". Really great book, as itclearly shows that Islam didn't come out of nowhere. Many of its practices (uncleanliness of the left hand, forbidden consumption of alcohol, prohibition of images etc.) go back WAY farther, and its whole concepcion is intimately related to Jewish messianism and eschatology. Very dense, but if one takes the time and looks up unknown terms one learns a lot about that time period.
Thanks. >>>/zundel/1302
Only now do I understand what the 18th century French philosopher and intellectual Voltaire (Francois Marie Arouet) wrote when he said,"Why are the Jews hated? It is the inevitable result of their laws; they either have to conquer everybody or be hated by the whole human race…"
These Jews – can they even be called people? Do they even have souls?
Sassy and Opinionated did a good video about this on Goytube. Check it out when you have two hours to spare.
They nixed the last one already.
funny because the Arabs aren't descendents of Hagar and the Jews aren't descendents of Abraham…they're both imposters and have never proven their lineage
most of the original Hebrews were wiped out by the arabs as were all of the descendants of Hagar….there was still a remnant of Hebrews left who some believe escaped to Europe.
Just like Israel, Iran, Iraq, and most of Syria use to be white…they were wiped out by the goddamn arabs who still continue this practice today with the help of jewish shekels (look up the golden age of jews)
the jews are arabs are the same blood, but neither are from Abraham and I would love for someone to prove it
h tp://
No doubt about that from my parts, I was merely referencing the mainstream narrative. There are quite a few other sources mentioning not only the lineage of Islam as a religion, but of Arabs and Jews being at least cousins. Good link, thnx.
Could it be that the kazarian's are descended from the trash that was in Babylonia
A very sketchy subject. I don't buy the Khazar Theory, especially because the three main pushers are jew commies.
I guess Jesus Christ really could see into the future because they are, as Revelation 2:9 (King James Bible) tell us, "And I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Goddamned fakers and mongrels.
Is it actually the complete version? Because this one isn’t complete. If it’s just pulled from there, it’s not nearly as useful.
Unless you learn hebrew and become intiated in Rabbinical studies, you are gonna have to rely on what's there. Only kikes have translated the talmud thus far, so it's not even as reliable of a source as it should be. There's more than enough damning quotes and reckless anti-goy propaganda there for us to use though.
no thanks ive got more important things to spend my hours on, even entertainment
This 2d has an uncanny resemblance to my 3d.
Charles Giuliani has a good show on the Talmud that you can find on jewtube, that illustrates the madness of talmudic judaism. Definitely recommended.
Hey Zundel poster if you check this thread do you think you could find works by Savitri Devi to add to your collection, thank you for your hard work!
I'll include Devi in the Hitler collection coming up. My pleasure.
Dont forget the kikes have throughout history taken the name of countries they collapsed. starting with the akkadians.
Also the time lines of proto sand nigger civilizations doesnt seem to make a lick of god damned sense if looking at more than one civilization at a time.
Then you deserve death at the hands of the jews.
Have you actually read the 2016 study user? I found it quite compelling.
Quite a short read for such a vast subject. Reminds me of one the main arguments behind the theory:
Personally I think they use this theory to seperate their public identity today from the talmudic jews from past times, yet their leaders are either heavily talmudic or straight up psychopathic atheist racial supremacists. Also used to trick the christian masses into not realising they are collectively responsible for the murder of their idol, which would cause massive amounts of religious tension for jews around the world especially given the fact that they are an ethnocentric group. I don't want to get into that topic though.
Basically, all AJs (Ashkenazi Jews) = Semitic jews, but not all Semitic jews = AJs. I found this graph (pic) in the PDF which made me cringe pretty hard. This 'the jews of today are actually asiatic' meme is retarded. They either are saying that the jews of biblical times (heebs) are actually white europeans and the jews of today are just sandgooks, or they are saying jews are really whites and AJs aren't 'real jews'. Either way get the fuck outta here with your lying, kikes.
Usually I avoid this argument, since it's self-serving and I try to avoid confirmation bias, however there is some evidence that suggests the European-Biblical Israelite may have some accuracy. There is a range of evidence that the Tribe of Dan are the Celts.
Additionally, I'll note that the biblical story of the tribes forming within the fertile crescent from a common progenitor then migrating outwards is consistent with the migration patterns and theories of the origins of the Proto-Indo-Europeans - the Aryans. Interestingly this is also corroborated by studies, one of which used an approach similar to one used in the Khazar study I linked above.
by reading this you're becoming more jewish than actual jews. have fun, enjoy that circumcision.
Right. However, biblical israelite history = aryan history but not all aryan history = biblical israelite history. The abrahamic mythology is jewish, the idea of israel being a physical place on earth and all of the other religious implications packed into this idea are completely jewish in origin. The story of the twelve tribes, the khazar theory of a thirteenth tribe, the stories of jesus, all jewish. You kind of reach a point where you realise you are looking through a lens or magnifying glass when there are plenty of other histories and mythologies (eg. Gaelic, Norse, Ancient brit) which accurately convey the history of the Aryan peoples. The very idea of monotheism and God is jewish (Talmudic); the Norse see themselves as children ie. descendants of these mighty idols and do not have a complex of fear or externality in their perception of their idols. The jews, even to this day, follow this notion of homogeneity, (like communists) who are physical incarnations of their idol carrying out it's will, as if they are collectively yahweh itself.
Regarding abrahamic religion: There's plenty of evidence to support the fact that jesus (real or not) was a gentile, hailing from Sepphoris in Galilee/Gaulilee which had a majorly gentile population. However, even looking at the myth through that lens does not redeem it, because God is explained to be Yahweh and jesus by extension would be a jewish idol incarnate. Many aryans are enticed to believe these myths when they hear of his (and God's) grudge with the jewish leaders and their eventual murdering of christ, but it is a complete deception.
This is why I stopped reading Eustace Mullin's works on the biblical era and his interpretations of the history of the jews. He actually thinks Noah, Shem, Ham, Japeth and all the other characters are literally real people, like demigods or something. It is a complete joke that christians think they are in the know by identifying with 'the tribe of Judah' and calling themselves the true israelites (or sons of God). Bible dupes are cucked, and this whole Khazar nonsense falls to pieces and blows away in the wind of obvious truth once you exclude this nonsense from the equation. The jewish people may have centralized their population in the khazaria empire after the roman period and their supposed 'being abandoned by Yahweh', but this does not mean they 'came from the east' like these communist kike buffoons wan't you to believe.
I'm all for the currrent state of Israel, not particularly where it is right now, but all jews need to fuck off home to their semitic barbaric lands and get out of europe instead of continuing their international plan for global domination. It's a black and white kind of scenario, and as long as the true powers behind judaism (the oligarchs and aristocrats who dwell throughout europe and wouldn't dare return to the desert where they would be annihilated by the arabs) remain in europe, Israel has no legitimacy and is but a shield for said powers to block the dissent of the followers of its fellow abrahamic religions that it has betrayed. Soon there will be a time when Christianity itself as the jewish containment zone for the goyim will = Nazi terrorist white supremacy, and the converted peoples all throughout the world will snap out the trance. Before WW2 there was a great debate between all jews of the world as to where they should settle, Herzl (the ideologue of modern 'Zionism') wanted them all to settle in Uganda which is why they (the oligarch jewish zealots) covertly had him killed because they wanted to be at the seat (Jerusalem) of the religious world and inherent the highest position of authority over gentile society. They have accomplished this, and unless you completely abandon the tall tales of abrahamic religion, these scumbags who are the most racist people on earth are secretly controlling your perception of history and reality.
But Ashekenazi are Khazars from the caucasus mountains, Bubba Joe…that's the problem here. That's not their homeland, it's only their homeland in their little fakes books, the Bible and the Talmud.
thanks bruv. where did you find this?
You might disagree with it, but deification is a legitimate concept with comparative mythology. If it applies to Biblical characters, THAT is the question.
That's what the word "Israelite" means, though. The Old Covenant broken, God mad a new one (i.e. the "New Testament") with those who believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ. I.e. the status of being Israelites changed from the old group to a new one. You can disagree with the whole premie, of course, but you have to advise readers when introducing private etymologies.
Supposed Ashkenazi Jews account for over 90% of the world's jewish population today. Either they are or they aren't khazarian 'europeans'.
Who? Oh, that guy jews keep referring to?
God = the Sanhedrin
"Ashkenazi" are just caucasoids doing dirty things between them gorillions of years ago with a few negro/asian genes and please stop tipping your hat, you have Holla Forums for that.
For talmudists? themselves, there is a reason why most "jews" are hardcore fedoras.
What is with all these retarded replies?
I shall leave this here and eject from this thread.
'Charles Giuliani - The True Nature of Yahweh
St. John Chrysostom is not impressed.
anti-pony bump 3
The English translations are softened like the Islamic hadiths to make the racist genocidal content more palatable to goyim.
Won't do much good.
Michael Hoffmann covers this.
oy vey stay away from this goy
Does anyone have any detailed info or book recommendations on Sabbatai Tsvi or Jacob Frank?
The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed
The Collection Of The Words Of The Lord Jacob Frank
arent ashkenazim just the light skinned ones, as opposed to the mizrahim
This is good stuff. Thanks user-san.
wew lads
Learn to read the code guys!
Also, I got updates on a very special person who wrote the modern "protocols of zion" (Doctrine) Together with Asher zvi Ginsberg aka. A(c)had Ha'am in 1887/8. Brb with pic.
This book is written by an Israeli Jew about Jewish Religion and Culture AS IT IS ACTUALLY PRACTICED. It's extremely revealing.
Thats false, there are plenty goy partial translations, some 200+ years old. This goys could whipe the floor with rabbi's when discussing the talmud.
Can anyone confirm if files are legit?
I have been reading this book on a few pages already and there is something I am wondering. Why is this author comparing to Jewish action with "Nazism"? It makes no sense. Have a small excerpt: "But this "Kingdom of God" is not the Kingdom of Christ, which is "not of this world". It is the Kingdom of Jehovah, the Empire of Old Testament "Nazism". This is the Kingdom of David foretold by the Protocols and represents absolute and unchallenged rule over the whole globe."
It's not even their homeland in the bible bro. God says they can't go back until they accept Jesus as their savior. Which the Talmud says he is burning in hell boiling in shit for telling the Jews to stop acting like Jews.
hes not quited redpilled
Just opened up the catalog of zundel, absolutely amazing!
Great Job And Many Thanks!