Dishonored 2

They released this video at Gamescom.

How our strong girl growing up? Is she prepared to get SFMed?

this looks fucking horrible.

ez mode confirmed?

That looked boring and easy as fuck. Hopefully the real thing will be better.

oh boy another stealth game where all the upgrades and fun shit is done by entering combat


No user, they blew it by making "ghost" playtroughs skip 80% of the "fun" game offers

Dishonored was pretty decent as a stealth game, but it had some pretty serious problems. Some of those were achievements and events that punished you for having fun with the powers, no light mechanic for determining if you were hidden or not, and the game just generally not being fleshed out enough were just a few. I greatly doubt any of this will be improved in the sequel. In fact I can make a pretty good case that it will be in every way worse than the original.

The absence of a light meter was alright, since being in the dark only made you marginally more hidden, and even then only at a distance. I also don't think ghosting was particularly bad, but the way they tried to make the "low-chaos" (i.e., non-violent) route give you the "good ending" was definitely retarded, in that it felt like it was supposed to punish people for using all the cool lethal tools in the game.

Wow it looks just as ez as the first one

In general it seemed like the game punished you for having fun in many ways. Like the only use blink ahcievement. It's basically "no fun allowed" the achievement

It was confirmed since day 1


At least they'll surely remove objective markers in this game!



It was a pretty decent action game for it's time.
The stealth was fucked beacsue the game gave you tools to fuck your enemies up discouraged you to use them, since it wanted to be seen as a stealth game.

what the fuck was infinite even trying to be? it had some sort of primitive steal mechanic (the three little alert dots or whatever), but no real viable steal approach

what the fuck is that game

Pretty garbage with lackluster gameplay and pretentious story.

Looks fucking shit. the whole trailer is just showcasing executions and some black snot or whatever, meaning it'll once again be a slasher that pretends to be a stealth game

I don't even know what to say. There's hardly anything to comment on in this trailer. We saw a two minute clip that could be scripted as fuck. Who cares. If it's not scripted, then it looks like a level/scenario/demo that was deliberately designed for someone to play through so they can showcase very specific elements of the game; the kill animations, a brief glimpse at the graphical fidelity, a brief glimpse at the special abilities the main character has. Whatever. It may be shit, but this isn't giving us anything new that we haven't already seem from trailers shown at E3.

As an aside, who fucking cares about cinematic trailers in general? People are bitching about Metal Gear Survive like it's the worst thing in existence, and yet not a single minute of gameplay was shown throughout that entire video, not even scripted bullshot segments. Not saying you're wrong to hate Metal Gear Survive on the basis of its premise alone, but surely you're not stupid enough to exclude the possibility that the game may turn out halfway decent, right?

Game company's marketing team releases yet another scripted or prerendered "gameplay trailer". More news at 11.

*stealth fug

No, it was fucking not.

Wow, that looked fucking terrible.

So we already know from that alone that stealth is fucked, as if that wasn't obvious enough already.

Let's see, what else was there…

This game looks even more boring than the first somehow. I wish they'd just give up on making a stealth/bioshock game already, literally the only interesting thing about Dishonored is it's world. You could maybe make it a cool RPG or something if you put the effort in.

Didn't this game have a mechanic that broke the game or made it super easy mode? The overpowered warp ability where you can chunks of the levels easily. I'm sure I remember that being one of the major issues with the game.