They fucking did it
Yes, the fucking alt-Right got into power
I can't fucking believe it.
They fucking did it
Yes, the fucking alt-Right got into power
I can't fucking believe it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought Trump would get rid of these losers as soon as he made peace with the Republicans
no fam the alt-right got jew'd like a bunch of fuckin rubes.
Reported for being Holla Forums defeatist shilling ;)
you nigger
Literally the only reason why I thought Trump was salvageable, fuck him
Trump is only BFFs with people who supported him during the primaries, it's why his transition team and short-lists for cabinet positions is such a rouges gallery of discredited republicans.
sorry I mean supported him during the campaign
This. He's just a vanilla neoliberal with right wing populist rhetoric.
"Trump announced he will include only two of provisions of Obamacare in his plan, the ability to stay on a parent's plan until the age of 26, and the inability to be denied insurances based on pre-existing conditions"
it's still there
house republicans say it's unlikely they will build a wall
neither trump nor house republicans have indicated they will pass tpp, but one of his transition meetings was attended by corporate mercenaries that were once involved in it
Who fucking cares. As long as he stops helping Syrian and Ukrainian terrorists and repels sanctions on Russia, he's okay in my book.
Actually read the articles on this and not the headlines and it's clear that this is some baseless and disorganized narrative-building
can you read, user?
Did you read them?
I did. Not to mention he already back flipped on his stance on Muslims.
Furthermore, he's become another shill for the oligarchy which is America
I fucking hope we are wrong and he actually opposes it.
I'm fairly sure that the sinister "Trump quietly removes stance from website" plot was quickly reversed as soon as his webmaster discovered it happened. So so much for that.
As for the rest, he's still repealing Obamacare, not passing TPP, and he's definitely going to try to use his executive power to build that wall.
As far as being a shill, yeah he is
this is me
Not really.
a c c e l e r a t i o n i s m
As understood by Holla Forums means: let the fascists win and maybe somebody else will make communism happen because I'm a coward
stop this meme
the DNC self destructed and are about to be taken over so it worked
If it did, it's purely accidental.
But he hasn't outright put a temporary ban on Muslims like he promised, did he? :^)
he's turning out to be a republican obama.
a harrowing read, highly recommend it
Is he in office yet you dumb fuck anarchshit?
By the way. I shoot neighborhood stray cats. Cats give toxoplasmosis and are a shit pet all around.
Trump is not a fascist, he's an isolationist.
Fascism would be him expanding American territory.
I'm not saying trump is a fascist. I'm saying many posters are retarded enough to believe accelerationism is just letting the fascists get what they want until it pisses off enough people to cause a revolution.
And yet his immigration policy state that there will be no temporary ban on Muslims.
Meaning, he has not banned Muslims from coming into the country. He just back-stabbed Holla Forums.
You= ==BTFO==
Holla Forumsfag please, this is getting embarassing.
correct, read Gentile
cyka blyat
Are you unable to read dumb fuck anarchshit?
They self identify as fascists and have a hard on for fascist states and poor fascist excuses for theory, how are they not fascist? What are they?
Then who are you saying is a fascist? Where has leftypol ever said you should let fascists win because accelerationism?
I think you've repeatedly been reading "Trump = Accelerationism" and seeing fascist where Trump is, but it's only liberals and Holla Forums who want to think he's fascist.
He's the accelerationist candidate because he lays bare Republicanism rather than the half assed status quo neolib Hillary. People need to see that the system doesn't work before they look for alternatives, and Trump will show them.
they pretty much are. richard spencer coined the term and he's a self-avowed white nationalist.
One of many possible people our "accelerationist" posters will suck the dicks of in the dumb ass hope it'll cause a revolution.
Yes, BUT because you can't read, he didn't specify they were MUSLIMS. He's only talking about
That doesn't mean he's going to stop an Indonesian Muslim from coming to America, or an Australian born Muslim from going there either.
And considering the fact that the pentagon has 5000 muslims working for them, what do you reckon that says about his policies?
If you can ACTUALLY READ, he has never banned Muslims outright. He FLIP FLOPPED.
Tell me. What regions produce the most terrorists? The middle east and north africa!
So he is referring to those regions you fucking anarchshit.
He never said he'd ban muslims outright, but suspend immigration from regions such as syria, iraq, turkey, libya, algeria, egypt, somalia, etc until better vetting processes can be established.
Kill yourself.
My point exactly, you fucking dumb cunt. You can still be a MUSLIM, and you can still ENTER the country and LIVE there. If your country does not have horrible levels of terrorism and such as Kuwait, or Indonesia, YOU CAN still come into the country IF YOU ARE A MUSLIM.
The fact that you yourself backpedalled on your own facts, pretty much indicates that you got BTFO
Furthermore, he doesn't plan on deporting ALL illegal immigrants
His immigration policy is spelled out in black and white on the website you linked. I read it a moment ago and I'm very confident Holla Forums is still extremely satisfied with its contents. There has been no "flip flop" yet.
But who? Trump and the GOP are in power, everything else is a sideshow.
You're kidding me right?
Watch this video
then read these articles
Muslims can still enter the country.
and his "DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS'' is also another giant flip flop
No. Temporarily suspend muslim immigration from regions that produce the most terrorists. He still has that.
Russia and many eastern countries are better now than it was under the USSR. Here have an actual analysis and not cherry picked shit:
postcommunist reform influences broader debates on global politics. Along with dire
interpretations of the 2008 world financial crisis, it has caused some to see authoritarian
state capitalism as the wave of the future. China is cast as a vibrant alternative to the
dysfunctions of liberal democracy.
life has improved dramatically across the former Eastern Bloc. Since the start of
transition, the postcommunist countries have grown rapidly. Their citizens live richer,
longer, and happier lives. In most regards they look today just like other countries at
similar levels of economic development.2 They have become normal countries—and in
some ways “better than normal.”
Kill yourself you stupid fuck. The great prosperity happened in a capitalist economy. Keynesianism is still capitalism.
he did not say "regions that produce the most terrorists"
he said all muslims. Watch the video
He's not flip flopping though. I figure it was you who linked this but here
This is a pretty extreme and unrelenting anti-illegal immigration policy.
Any illegals found will be deported.
Again kys. I never said he hasn't flip-flopped. Every politician has including Hernie.
meant to quote
It doesn't matter because his supporters, and trump himself, don't care about the difference between "all muslims" and "muslims from the middle east"
in fact, not only do they not care
they probably don't even make such a distinction, mentally
Not according to his website he doesn't!
And has now backflipped on the wall as seen in the infograph.
Jesus chirst, you Holla Forumsyps are pathetic
Are you same fagging?
*can still
Nice echo chamber
He never was you retard. It was hyoerbole. He wanted to temporarily ban Islamic immigration from regions thatvexport the most terrorists aka ME and north africa. This is STILL on his website.
Fuck you anarchists are so retarded.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
He's flip flopped and you're still in denial. You Holla Forumsfags are cucked.
Why are you trying to win this argument through this pedantry, which isn't even that correct. when trump says muslims he doesn't mean east asians and european muslims he means the middle east, and in the context of trump or his supporters this change in verbiage doesn't change the meaning of a promise to ban muslim immigration from his mouth.
And learn to read this, you fucking dumb cunt.
I'm arguing that Muslims can still enter the country. The ones from terrorist infested shitholes can't, but others can.
At least you admit Trump is Hillary tier.
Holla Forums doesnt know literally anything
He called for a temporary ban on muslim immigration and then CHANGED HIS FUCKING POLICIES.
Muslims can still enter the country.
Kill yourself you low life cuck.
Holy shit, he rage quitted.
Good job.
He actually got triggered and BTFO. Holy shit.
No, he was banned. See
The whole point is that he backtracks on his campaign promises and this is only the second day. Since you admitted Trump is Hillary tier when it comes to rhetoric. I think you've already conceded your defeat.
That's what I've been talking about you dumb cunt. Funny that you say I can't read, yet you back track, get BTFO and come onto this thread even more damage control.
Again, he's not going to ban Muslims he's still allowing them in.
Jesus you really are triggered.
Your whole arguement was based on him banning Muslim immigration, and we proved that he back tracked on it.
My original arguement still stand, Muslims can still enter and live in the country.
1. Most people on this board thought of Bernie as a concession candidate. Jeremy Corbyn is more radical than fucking Bernie Sanders
2. Why do you think I respect the institutions of the United States. and why does the fact that most politicians are slimeballs somehow makes Trump less slimeball.
He's the gift that keeps on coming.
hell, I haven't even reported him
You sure are showing him mod
And your response was to
You back tracked and flip flopped like your candidate.
And you say I can't read. lol
Oh really
Mods quit banning him, I won't be able to redirect him to the quotes.
We've had lenient moderation in the past, not sure what's going on right now. We've had threads that were nothing but 100's of Holla Forums shitpost. Board owner should talk to the vol's.
How was that a flip flop dumbshit? You said he hasn't suspending immigration from whatever. I told you it's because he isn't even in power.
Fuck you are so stupid.
respond to
I don't know why the vol keeps banning you this isn't normal.
The guy sperdo is arguing with is the mod. He's just trying to look like a big guy even though he's just as guilty of argument by assertions
Like poetry.
It was a flip flop because you were arguing that he was for a temporary ban on Muslim immigration.
I revealed that he changed his policies, and you still believed that he was going to ban them. I was making the arguement that Muslims wouldn't be banned temporarily, but rather people from terrorist infested shitholes were.
Try to keep up, retard.
I'm not a mod
I'm not even a mod, I don't even know who's doing this shit
Good. Again I don't care. Every president in every country to fucking roman emperors throughout all history flip flopped on issues.
Feels over reals right?
No. Let me lay this out for you dumbfuck.
Never did I ONCE claim that Trump is going to ban muslim immigration completely you absolute anarchshit moron.
Your mods keep deleting my posts so none of my prior ones wil show
Congrats on your "btfo" and "victory". Fucking kek. What a fucking safe space of a board. It echoes here more than a fucking cave.
No I'm being realistic.
Let me guess. You're going to claim I said Trump is some sort of god and is completely infalliable? Every politician has flip flopped on issues. You sure got me!
It's getting tiring dealing with this greasy hotpocket faggot wearing hisbgrease stain Guevera shirt and piss-stained boxers in a basement with portraits of Stalin and the USSR flag. It's great to know you cannot have any opinion on here that is contrary to what the board espouses lest you get banned. You guys won I guess.
Which is what I was arguing for in the first place. And I said, and try to keep up because I know it's hard for you, that MUSLIMS can STILL ENTER THE COUNTRY.
The fact that you're trying to cover up your shitty arguement is laughable.
Yeah, you got beat, or even worse, you misunderstood me and made a jack ass out of yourself.
So, just to clarify, if muslims ==CAN STILL ENTER THE COUNTRY==
Then Trump has not banned Islamic immigration.
And it's funny you should mention you getting banned, and claiming this is a safe space.
Have you ever considered that you're only being repeatedly banned because you keep ban evading?
I suppose they don't flip flop as hard as you do.
No, but the fact he's courted TPP lobbyist should be alarming. We'll see if he goes through on the muslim vetting, if at all.
It's getting tiring dealing with this greasy hotpocket faggot wearing hisbgrease stain Guevera shirt and piss-stained boxers in a basement with portraits of Stalin and the USSR flag. It's great to know you cannot have any opinion on here that is contrary to what the board espouses lest you get banned. You guys won I guess.
Nice argument dude. I've been banned on Holla Forums for dissent and during the election we were a Holla Forumsyp refuge for people posting their bands for criticizing Trump. This one mod sperging out doesn't represent the board.
And before you think about typing and damage controlling EVEN further, look at pics related.
There's no way to have a discussion about this. halfchan Holla Forums virtually never bans for dissenting ckmments unless you spam. Once again the right is better at free speech.
Listen Anarchkiddie:
You were straight up implying that Trump will take no action to ban islamic immigration when this is blatantly false
Again on his site
By mid June he already said to only suspend immigration from the troublesome muslim countries
You falsely implied he won't do shit to limit or ban any Muslim immigration when this is false.
That being said it's nearly 3:30 am here so imma just take a bunch of pregabalin and go to bed because it's far too late. Good night anarchkiddie.
And again, he said he was going to ban them, then flip flopped.
I'm talking about this chans Holla Forums.
No I was stating that he back pedalled on his temporary ban on ALL MUSLIM immigration, as Muslims will still be able to enter countries, just not the one's from the terrorist infested countries.
Hence, Muslims can still ENTER the country. People from terrorist filled countries, CANNOT. His immigration policy MAKES NO explicit statement on him banning Muslims.
Ok, Nighty-night, stormfag, have fun with getting ""the last post in""" or whatever.
Like pottery.
Spurdo poster is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
But I just want to conclude. It doesn't fucking matter if Muslims can immigrate here from Madagascar or Nauru. Muslims glorious uprising far less in certain countries and areas than others.
What matters is that there is a temporary halt to the muslims coming from places that commit the most terrorism. We need far better vetting of immigrants from those places before they can come here.
And you need far better mods instead of fucking lolcows.
May Jim feed the ban-happy sperg to his pigs.
I thought you guys were for free speech :^)
But I apologize dear commissar.
Good night for real.
Banning immigration from countries with terrorism is still a pretty significant move m8. People always asked 'how would the Muslim ban actually work'; well, here you go. Not to mention that even if he did absolutely nothing about Islam, the fact that he was elected on an explicitly Islamophobic platform will have a big impact in itself on the tone of political discourse.
Well at least that we can agree on.
Also weren't you going to bed? Oh you are? good.
True. And that is something I disagree with him on, but I do like his policy on processing immigrants better. That I can agree on.
Islam does need reform, and there are countries that do need foreign aid. Accepting immigrants doesn't solve the problem.
tbh Obamacare wasn't a failure in Principle but in Execution
He should have tried to mimic First world Countries like Australia who actually have a mostly successful healthcare system
Also Calling it Obamacare was Frankly disgusting and the method he used to get it in was disgusting
No, he expanded it.
yeah, they haven't lied before why would they be lying to us this time?
Sorry Paco but you will have to go to the other side of the wall.
there are people who legitimately believe this
Yeah right, i'll trust the media after they've been wrong consistently about everything regarding trump.
Nice try.
kekking hard
Holla Forumsfags are the most creative denialists
Of course because outright banning all muslims is impractical and would alienate a lot of people. "Ban all muslims" clearly meant within reasonable guidelines that a president can enact. Why would he stop an Australian doctor with 10 years of experience from immigrating to the US because he practices Islam in private?
Do you personally hate Muslims or are you just too autistic to see nuance in a public speakers words?
Now they're saying Reince Preibus (RNC Chairman) will be the chief of staff.
You idiots realize Southeast Asia has a rising Islamist terrorist problem, too, right?
You're going to be playing whack-a-mole, wasting millions if not billions in taxpayer money on policies that have no tangible benefit to the public. But hey, if it makes you *feel* safer, right?
>fugging gike media is lying again r-right?
I'm sorry but you people are fucking pathetic if you believed any of this shit
thats yet to be proven, the guy flipflops daily.
and he already said that he would bomb Iran.
he improvised all his speeches and always told the crow what they wanted to hear
i love it. Trump's Jews™ can be used to subvert and divide them
Ohh, you poor thing. Can I get you anything? Maybe a "safe place" safety pin?