Am I the only one who looks at Trump post-Election and sees that he really, really fucking doesn't want to be President?
Am I the only one who looks at Trump post-Election and sees that he really, really fucking doesn't want to be President?
We all knew that already. This is an ego thing. He probably bet one of his bourgeois buddies.
Supposedly it's looking like Pence is going to run the show while Trump goes golfing.
Where have you been for the last 60 years? Arguably the only presidents that have had agency in recent memory have been Bush Sr, Jimmy Carter, though wasn't able to do anything of note, and Nixon, though not to well read on who Nixon was surrounded by.
Reagan is notable for how much of a fucking retard he was. Literally didn't do shit. To actually get him to sign off on things, they had to show what it meant through childrens cartoons. I'm seriously not making that fucking up.
Apparently in national defence meetings, he would only talk about movies he had recently seen.
Oh, when there was no evidence of a Soviet military buildup in the 1980s, he believed the Soviets must have discovered invisibility powers.
This is the guy the entire GOP modeled themselves off for the past 30 years.
He's been talking with aides and advisors about how he can spend time in his tower in NYC as much as possible.
Literally Bush 2.0. But instead of Cheney in charge, who was just a warhawk, we get Pence, who is a theocratic warhawk.
Don't you dare talk down to our Lord and savior Ronald Reagan.
Can't wait for that war in Iran.
Fuck forgot to read all of comment.
Policy was also determined by some new age con artist out of San Fransisco through Nancy Reagan.
Reagan was absolutely shit tier, from any perspective.
All good, but yeah, Pence wants to bomb Assad. And Newt will probably talk him into bombing Iran too.
Who's Trump's puppet master? We can assume he won't actually have much to do with being president.
You know, given that representative democracy leads to shit like this happening, how the fuck is it any better than feudal monarchy?
Trump doesn't look like he doesn't want to be president, he looks like he wants to fucking die.
After that long ass private Obama meeting, you could see he was sitting there almost about to burst into tears. I bet Obama showed him the fucking shit around Russia, China, Syria, North Korea, Iran, Libya etc and said "This is basically your shit now nigga" and Trump actually realized how over his head he actually is.
Rumour is going around was that his plan was to actually lose by a hair, then use his concession speech to launch a media network rival to Fox News.
Could this election have turned out any better than it has?
I used to think that Obama was a good public speaker, then someone pointed out that without a teleprompter
he was not wrong
*without a teleprompter he was all ehs and huhs
Holy fuck when did halfchan Holla Forums become as bad as fucking hillbots?
At least 3 years ago.
I still legitimately never understand why Moot didn't delete Holla Forums when he had the chance and it was 100% obvious that they were conducting invasions on other boards and were 100% fanatically serious about their views.
4 months was all it took for Holla Forums to invade /lit/ and turn it from /marx/ into another edgy alt-right board.
Surely he had to see by the end when he left 4chan. You know one of the major reasons he left was Holla Forums creating too much fucking drama for him and going after his female friends.
I wonder how Moot feels that he is largely responsible for the rise of the Alt-Right/Neo-fascism in the Anglo-sphere.
Was he just too blinded by nostalgia for old 4chan and thought that Holla Forums was still just a Holla Forums-like satire board?
Moot from 2006 had no problem fucking banhammering /i/ shit into oblivion. Yet with Holla Forums, he let them move in, shitpost and purge anybody they didn't like off almost every major board.
IIRC it's because after he deleted /new/ for being a cesspit one of the competing imageboards that existed at the time threatened to outpace 4chan's growth and so he brought Holla Forums in because he didn't want his site becoming irrelevant, and now we're paying the price for his hubris.
Realistically, though, I think it would've happened regardless, only in a different venue and maybe we would've gotten to keep our board.
I sometimes dream of buying 4chan from Hiro, kicking the stormfags out and pasting smug soviet pepes over every board.