Get comfy... It's time


The park is filling up with people ahead of time. From what it looks like, at 10:30am Eastern Time, there's a couple hundred people in the park. The actual free speech / CIAlt-right people are not there (yet?) and right now its a bunch of BLM and libcucks speaking to the crowd about ebil white supremacy and hashtag resist!

I find it kind of ironic. Right wing people plan a free speech rally, they don't show up, a bunch of "counter-protesters" resistards and BLM show up, I bet they start to chimp out on each other, left on left violence happens, more moderates start to see the light. Shit, maybe this should be our stratedgy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck give us some happenings america.

$5 for a dead commie
extra $5 that it's a trannie

reporting in,

Here's all the different flavor protesters to choose from

Weimerica. I'm glad I live in the Midwest.

Same here, brother. Sucks there's so many ham-beasts though.

Of course fucking Antifa is there. They'll wait until people start walking back to their cars and begin hitting old men with pipes and shit. You know a bunch of them stopped off at the local hunting and camping store to pick up deer piss and bear mace so they can attack people recording with their cellphones. Fucking cocksucking suburban kids emboldened by lack of police intervention and media praise.


I don't speak nigger. What was this animal trying to get across?

ctrl-f stream, periscope
hit "H" to remove periscope chat and hearts and shit

multi perspective stream here

Fucking checked man

i think it's trying to say that its plans to throw acid were busted by the police. not sure, though.

Old man getting uppity with CNN reporter

Hope he stays safe tonight

It would be a shame if a a Holla Forumsack went down there and riled (((them))) up against the police. Just start chanting some shit at the cops and those drones will follow.

There is probably going to be a minor happening, nothing special. I live close by, mostly populated by libshits and college fags.

She's saying that anyone that is going to Boston better wear some sort of protective gear because niggers and Antifa intend to throw acid onto people. Then she says in her second post that apparently they just straight up called the Boston police and informed them of their intentions because they don't give a shit. She says they are going crazy out here.

Don't you worry, son. They'll do that on their own.


My God they're all freaks.

God speed anons, I'm smoking a cigarette for you brave soldiers.

Thousands Expected to Attend Boston Protests of Right-Wing Rally


this is a dude.

Welcome to the chromosome club, where we don't mind if you have a couple extra.


I'm HOPING for violence. A LOT OF VIOLENCE
Anyone else?

I'm pretty sure she's saying that the people who intend to throw acid called the police themselves, as some sort of bravado. Hence the laughing faces. That's why they are "wildin".



Now that I think about it, even back at the UTR Protest the right still looked better than antifa cucks and the same applies here even moreso Jesus

what the actual fuck is wrong with these people they feel the need to chant "kkk" to fight racism??

I usually would but after Cville I've realized that ZOG will use any violence to further their censorship agenda. So unless it's self-defense, no.

KKK is babby's first racist organization. They've probably never even heard of shit like the Aryan Brotherhood, or other totally not honeypots like the KKK gangs.

multi view

Is it me or do they sound more dead than they normally do?

Lady asks what is globalization

Leftist girl responds: It's the realization the world's resources don't belong to one group. So you either get in or get replaced.

Lady says: One world government!


fucking mudslimes


What if we just set up a bunch of half assed rallies designed to waste leftist time?

Make them sound super racist but then just show up and toss a football back and forth.

Or just don't show up at all. Plan like 10 on one day in completely different states all together.

Hmm maybe this should be our new method. We set up rumors of KKK rallies in bad areas, bait antifa and leftists out, they chimp out on each other over a non existent enemy, and people watching get swayed to the right more.

Let's get this show started

might be a good idea, but i don't see how we'd pull it off

/fit/ is on scene
verbal slapfight


You'll never see this type of protest for jobs.

Awaken, my masters?


I'd hate fugg that readheaded she goblin.

guy said he was waiting for the vermin top kek

it's concerning that antifa organizers are apparently wearing hi-vis vests very very similar to what Boston PD is currently wearing

Jesus, you fucking cuck.

It's a bunch of fucking suburban kids sitting around listening to Rise Against and smoking weed lmao.

Just spotted The Man. He survived the Sharknados and Lavalantulas and Zombies

I feel filthy just watching this shit.

This fag is so fucking annoying. Any other streams?

fucking read again:

It's PRACTICAL, not cucking.


This, it also creates opportunities for them to fight one another…

Same here. Fuck this freak show.

>ponytail with receeding hairline protip, you can only pull this look off if you have thick 80's action hero-tier hair

and what stops them creating the violence to use against you themselfs?



Are they even allowed to wear that shit?

Literally drones.

Nah, it's cucking. And considering how beautifully Trump parried Charlottesville into a massive attack against (((leftism))) I am hoping for violence.



This dumb nigger said he didn't know what Antifa was exactly but showed up to the rally wearing the bandana anyways.


The Police support ANTIFA so the answer is yes this is why the Civil War will begin against Cops everywhere.

These people are freaks.America is a freak show anymore.

I'll bet money that dude with the ponytail is a cross dressing fag. Not even just saying that. There's a bunch of dudes around where I live with this exact look, but at night they become traps. This is their daytime look: NIN looking weirdos with black nail polish.

Do you feel the fear, user?


checked, I dont think so, check out his antifa shorts

Holla Forums = QUEER TIFA

I'm trembling in my nazi bunker

Also, receding hairline, naturally curly hair that he straightens, faggy voice, probably a kike.

Jesus, and these morons actually think they could win a civil war.

Is this a Donkey Kong meetup?

It's like I'm in middle school all over again

I know almost feel bad for them

I seen Nine Inch Nails live, am I a faggot now?

I have an idea. When the rally starts dying down and there's not as much good content being streamed, let's fire up photoshop and make some left demoralization stuff. This is a gold mine of embarrassing behavior. hHis is a golden opportunity that will raise spirits of the right, especially after last week.


Surprised he didn't have a Zim the Invader shirt on and like fifty fucking bracelets on each arm.

Can someone please confirm this. I dont TV.


A concentration of degenerates.

What you really need to do is sneak in some speakers in trees or light poles and blast the tidus laugh on maximum volume during this shit.

These freaks are just happy someone is paying attention to them.

They never draw the swastika as it should be.


the gorrillion

its "ironic"


it OP's stream the crowd started going after some lone guy holding a Trump banner, calling him a nazi

i hear shouting

Possibly a bought actors. These people are dumb as a cow and desire for money as great as a San Fransisco Downtown prostitute.

this old fuck is going to poke the shit out of someone

This will only radicalize the kekistanis into going 1488 with based quadroon death squads.

I wonder what /fit/'s doing right now. I bet he's asking the one cute girl in the crowd whether' she's an archaeologist.

Oh shit, there's the Alex Jones fanbase.

Hear this? The "no violence" bullshit, they use it so that people are tricked into thinking that Antifa doesn't want violence and the media uses this to convince others too. They do all the time while beating people up or invoking them.

Enjoying your first summer on Holla Forums?

While our based and baked jews make videos declaring our support for the police who wont protect them

>now claiming more than 6 gorillion
This lady is an obvious kike.

where the fuck are these people going>??>>


The left literally supports the holodomor.

Boston rally. UGH. Cringy. The "right" is mostly boomer muh free speech types, Oathqueefers, misc conservacucks. Cerno would be right at home. On left is doctrinaire hard lefties, and tranny outrage. No antifa degenerates.

the types of creatures in antifa/BLM never cease to amaze me. nearly all of them are walking stereotypes.

that last picture looks like a lefty pol meetup

Playing with fire.

And the gulags.

I guess that flag was to keep people from literally chasing him away
didn't work

This rally is boring. Someone needs to fash it up.

Notice how the mob freaked out over one lone Trump guy with a banner? I don't have the capabilities to edit video right now, but that clip can be used to garner sympathy from the moderates and fence sitters. THIS IS A GOLD MINE


See, that are trying to start a fire and they will blame it on the muh nazis




"No backpacks"
Perhaps the police don;t want another mossad false flag at this one

why do they think chanting shame will work? This isn't game of thrones

It still blows my mind that these faggots have the audacity to think they're the real rebels. They're so fucking bluepilled it hurts.

The comments on the side are hilarious.


for normalfags, life is a shitty HBO TV show


Azmidor needs to address crowd about the jew/nigger alliance. MIT engineers get it.

Those fucks are some of the worst cuckservatives out there. they have literally attacked WNs to show how non-racist they are. i hate those faggots.

The comments on the side are hilarious.

do we have ESP you cunt? what side

Agreed. Cocain is a helluva drug

Was actually hoping for an ISIS attack.


Stop watching the jew feed faggot

It would be a shame if someone rained on their parade.

Meanwhile a whole bunch of people with backpacks, purses, and camera bags. Okay.


This spic is going to get mauled



Someone should D/C the jews and BLM by carrying open borders signs

Can we concentrate the degeneracy into camps?
SIEG HEIL showing helicopter aerials right now

Fuck this mob.

Time to disperse before hurt when everybody takes off running and tramples each other.

He looks like he's having fun.

*by pen borders for Israel signs

Stream from that "based stick man" gentleman, just came up.


Here we go

there is two counter protests can we make to two counter protest fight.

Is this all antifa?

is that our side?

so if they aren't planning violence why gas masks?

interesting to note: those appear to be weighted gloves (SUPER dangerous)

More people in that crowd than clan members in the USA and the sheep still think they're "woke".

The memes have evolved.

tell me why what i said was incorrect and i'll change my mind about it.

yeah SAP style combat gloves, for peaceful reasons of course

Don't know. Where's the Boston anons?

No one from our side is there. This is the american sheep on full display.

I'm just going by what I hear on streams and a few accounts of people nearby. There's a 1-2k strong BLM march happening, walking towards the main protest area. DO you think BLM will start chimping out on their "white allies"

Has Sam Hyde shown up yet?


SAP gloves are illegal in Massachusetts.

What does the main protest area look like? Don't tell me no one actually showed up.

if we're lucky

Sam Hyde in 30

stickman reporting an assault

why would anyone sane show up to this?

I gotta say burgers, its not very endearing when you guys toot about how much better things are for you when you are not doing anything about this.

I still have hope for you guys, but It'd be nice to show your display of power.

Why? To restrain "Nazis"?

Make sure you at least get their faces, even if it only shows their eyes and maybe a bit of their forehead and nose. That is still enough to partially identify them.

nice to know maybe he'll get popped

They should do this more. Just announce a rally somewhere and don't even show up. The antifa will get so pissed they will just start destroying property.

That's the plan. Bait a bunch of leftists out, have them display their stupidity, have them yell at people that don't exist, make them look like fools, and hope they chimp out on each other

A stand down order for a basic free speech rally. Fucking hell this country needs nuked

Periscope just started lagging like shit on every stream, one went down completely after 20 min of no lag. Throttling?

Because if no one does show up to this, then free speech will get shut down. Rallies like these are a shit test - to see if there will be any opposition.
Say what you want about Dicky, but the alt-kikes shifted the overton window with their presence, exactly because everyone thought they are gnatzees.

Charity slave auction at 3pm.

SAP gloves are no fucking joke. I wore a pair once and I wouldn't want to get fucking hit by someone wearing them.

Shutting it down so you can't see antifa being violent.

any proofs on this?

Periscope sucks donkey dicks. That is all.
Polite sage for grousing.

Only BasedStickman has claimed this.

Tear down Robt E Lee. Replace with statue of Dr Mengele shaving Ann Frank's pubis

You mean they cry out as they strike you?

Sam Hyde Livestream


What the fuck is that last group? Some kind of weird hippy cult of Christians?

Some bitch going on about how north korea is "poor victim :(" because of US bombing in the 50s. Genuinely defending the norks. Disgusting.

30 - 50 people!!!

the commies are pulling for North KOrea!!!

Fucking fat nigger cops out there dancing with BLM

I want to run them over in an Italian tank.

yeah definitely a deadly weapon a strike on the temple get easily KIA someone, if antifa even lifts


Please tell me someone has a webm of that.

Well, they do embrace suppresion of media and freedom of speech, no wonder they like them.

nice to see some Boomer rage oriented in the correct direction

what in the fuck are these freaks in the white cloaks?


That's a very retarded plan. If looks like the opposition is completely crushed. And once the commies smell blood they will go for the kill.
This rally should've been the opposite - thousands of alt-kikes showing up with swastikas and KKK hoods.

Just remember, to make the news, If it bleeds, it leads

Bad feelings tbh

North Koreans are good communists who dindu nuffin.

This idiot said that Goy, Bye was anti semitic.

gloom tube

stick reporting
they're surrounded


I think that was Cernokike.

disavow is starting to become almost as bad as slam
fuck those words

Yeah since the altleft is defending norks so let's just bomb them, this is how dumb some altkikes are. The cycle repeats.

A better rally is people showing up with American flags and then getting assaulted for those flags. The overton window isn't that far to the right that Nazis are acceptable by most people.



This must be the gayest bunch of unfuckable mages i have ever witnessed, aren't mages supposed to be cool ?

Politics revolves around happenings.
Right now, since spinning happenings to make them fit the narrative isn't working (they get called out on their lies/bias), the left seems to be trying to manufacture happenings that make the right look bad, by co-opting any right-wing IRL meetups and using their mentally-unhinged contacts to commit violence (recall that James O'Keefe vid where they were saying they seek out crazy people to do shit for them).

Do we really win if we don't show up, though?
All they need is one white or kike lunatic who will drive a car through a crowd of people.
That's probably much harder to find than your typical muslim, who would sign up any day of the week, but if they dig hard enough…



Maybe one will die and the media will finally have to report it.

alt-left shows up in black hoods


They don't even believe what they say, how could they ever actually believe in something hard enough to meme magick it?

They are weak.

I'll be right over in my Dodge Challenger. Black lives splatter.


when will these fat, delusional, idiots, get a dose of reality?

His stream will die much sooner.

on duty?

how long until this gets really interesting???

Freaks, freaks everywhere.

tfw I just want to roar around in a Ha-Go with a good diesel powerplant.
tfw I am too tall for that and all Italian tankettes.
Those are some bad feels.

yeah, but most of them are trannies anyway.
we severely outrank them

HolHol maps says 10k degenerates inbound.

KKK Ninja Division?

This is surprisingly satisfying

This probably isn't a bad idea. Set up fake rallies where no one shows up and promote it so only the left sees it. Then watch as Antifa and cops kills each other.

Wasn't a cop BLM organizers are wearing vests similar to cop's.

Shop them into KKK members.

a lot of people marching

There is nothing wrong with defending the Norks. Norks practice Strasserism instead of Communism and are nationalistic to the point of autism.
North Korea achieved a bad goy status because it keeps denouncing Israel, denying Holocaust, arming Assad and reading Mein Kamf. Since the 50s North Korea did more damage to the Jew than all the other countries combined.

If you are anti-Nork you must be a retarded newfag.


Aerial footage of crowd marching



Fuck off.

Also they're one of the few countries remaining without a Rothschild central bank

the eternal commie

wew lads we just might get a happening

I'm hoping for a news helicopter to crash onto the commies

Holy shit.
RIP Based Stickman.

The yid is mad Kim is arming Assad and denying holohoax and isn't afraid of anything.

nah you fuck off americuck

This will be a day to remember.


nothing is happening except maybe some degenerate sex at the afterparty. this is a leftie love fest.


Good job wasting those trips, cuck.

Cotton Mather did nothing wrong.
Salem Witch Trials 2 Electric Boogaloo when?

Drunks and clams go hand in hand

if it's true that the cops were issued a standdown order today will get worse before it get better

fuck off lefy/cuck/

is it possible to light and of those buildings on fire?

found the original

Nobody who has to tell you they are a wizard is a wizard.

Hi, FBI-kun.

How do normies perceive this level of degeneracy?

oh god can we just meme NK nuking israel

Lets write "nazis watch out" and put antifa logos on the images of these people and spread them to normies, and see how they react.

I can't imagine those optics are very good when standing next to a bunch of men with fresh haircuts wearing polos and khakis.

They arent shown it

These are the same articles. Blatant antisemitism of the Norks is widely known and AIPAC has a stroke over it every year, because Kim literally promises to nuke Israel first if he's attacked.

Norks are honorary aryans and our brothers in the fight against the Jew. Anyone saying otherwise is a kike shill.

Actual true normies aren't blind but they're too afraid to say anything at all. That would be hateful, and could cost them their jobs and friends and even families.

I know people who grew up in the Communist block way back when. This is all very recognizable to them. Some of them even like it.

Tweet from Fox news
I can't wait for BLM nogs to get uppity with the resistards

That should be the point we push, make normies sick of this degeneracy

wait…are those pics from today?

I thought they were just stock photos of bostonians.

BIG IF TRUE. Don't fail me Trump.

paranoid fucking retard. I'm sitting at home bored and don't give two fucks either way about any of these people or their causes. I want to see violence. Just like everyone else here. Hell the US Airforce could drop some GBU's on them and I'd be happy.


Normies see what they're show. Th.e media will take the most photogenic shots of them.

I dunno, I rate communist 1/10 of an ordinary human.

Here's the video.

Antifa beating up old ladies.

Good. More

We need a bloodbath. The media goes on a rampage about how it was just revenge for Charlottesville.
Then video evidence of Fields being attacked comes out.

Is that what is considered a lawful assembly???

Yep. This will only continue. How many US flags do you see in any of the streams???

These people are brainwashed and being used as useful idiot pawns to bring about some sort of revolution that will be quickly squashed.

Was this friendly fire with some liberal bitch that thought it was a good idea to go protest "Nazis" with an American flag?

I get that you're trying to fit in here, but it's obvious you're not from here. The Norks don't like Israel because the USSR post WW2 didn't like Israel. The USSR initially support Israel but then the USA started supporting them so the USSR decided to dislike them. You forget how many jewish soviet advisers were sent to NK and other communist shitholes. NK is a hereditary dictatorship at this point tbh. Most anti-israel groups tend to be leftists because they see israel as "colonialism" which is different from the way we see israel.

I thought you like trips. Now go fuck yourselves with them. No one who matters cares about your autistic commie gook worshiping. "Bbbbuuuut muhh not real communism, its actually nationalism, based Kim". Its a totalitarian dictatorship shithole no one wants to live in, if you need a papi to hold your hands so you have a purpose in life then maybe you should try Holla Forums.

here is an idea

It was amusing to see Billie Joe Armstrong come out in favor of Hilldawg, one of the most crooked politicians to ever exist.

Increase Mather was a total bastard

Time to push this to normie media

no. this is very (((organized))). there are no bad actors here if you get my meaning.

Almost look like bizarro KKK members lol

Look into the other projects Billy Joe Armstrong has done, like Pinhead Gunpowder or the cancerous communist Berkeley punk scene he comes from.
Everything about Green Day is 100% kosher and always has been, starting from their first label, Lookout! records.
I was a teenager in the 90s and saw them live 3 times when they were huge pls no bully

I think the whole early 00's pop punk scene going democrat is fucking hilarious.
I laughed my ass off when the linkin park fag took himself out.


I dont worship them i just understand thats it not in my interest to wage war upon them instead of focusing on my internal situation 55% boy

Nice kike buzzwords there, cuck.

Just sitting here, I can feel the new oc coming into being.

I'm spreading it on Twitter. All the alt-light babyboomers and USAMom handles are seeing it.

>“This is the cynical ploy to escape the world denunciation and curse as disturber of peace in the Middle East, occupier of the Arab territories and culprit of crimes against humanity


they chose their side
they are part of the machine



Where do you think you are, Shlomo? This place is all about having totalitarian dictatorships.
You are really getting desperate, aren't you, Shlomo?

No it's not Authoritarian and Totalitarian are different commie mongoloid

Yeah, they see them as leftist do. They see them as colonizers you fucking idiot. They don't see them as global financiers and globalist who are pushing european countries to extinction. You're probably one of those faggot shills who would post a thread about muh based USSR every other day. You're a crypto Naz-Bol kike.

You are like a little baby.


Fixed that 4U

I like Autocrats

"Poo in the Movement"
"White toilet privilege"
"Brown toilets matter"
"The Top Seat In Senate"

this is what national action did in britain i think
they said they'd organize like a dozen different ones
and once the antifa were tired of showing up to nonevents where NA didnt show
then they'd do a thing with masks and banners and shit
nice optics to be unopposed
i wonder what theyre up to now theyre officially considered terrorists


100 million

One of the most brilliant strategic moves in the past century is the linking of communist dialectic and motivations with the goals of stateless capital to provide it with thoughtless, even crusading, support.

Evil as fuck, but damn that was a masterstroke.




When is sam hyde going to run them over

You are right, totalitarian is even better. One nation under one leader.
You won't be able to play jewish democracy anymore, Shlomo. When we are done democracy will be cursed and denounced for centuries to come.

Did that black lady unironically just mention the "Proud Boys" as if they're anything significant?
my fucking sides, these people live in la la land (not that it wasn't obvious already).

This country is done for. I want to make a new one.

"Don't freeze when zero hour comes!"
They're definitely ready for the purple revolution. They just need a leader.

Double fixed.

Jesus fucking Christ.

This is less people than any of the civil right marches from the 60s.


Can we conquer Liberia?

I just realized I have no idea who organized this event


This is Massajewsetts. The general population hates these antifa faggots.

Nigger. They might look like a lot but when it comes to strength they are fucking weak. This was the same in WW2. The commies had to get massive support from America because otherwise the Germans would've fucking destroyed the commies. Stop demoralizing.

These cunts are loud, but weak as fuck.

double dubs for the double fix

Did she just fucking say "BLACK TRAINS THEY MATTER HERE" or am I not awake enough?

Are you guys hearing this shit?

"I love black people, you don't love black people? What's wrong witchu NIGGUH? WHAT'S WRONG WITCHU NIIIGGGUHH?"

I see great minds GET alike.



Or a few (((snipers))) if it goes Ukraine style. However it could even be argued Cville was exploited as an attempt to achieve a similar result.

Good job anons

You really must be one of these new TRS rapefugees. Go to cuckchan, there you will find people who will listen to your jewish drivel. Reported you ass.

Looks like the salt-left is at it again.
I haven't watched a happening stream before,
does this one seem better than the others? Meme magic last night stated that there would be an happening occuring.


looks like a fucking lynch white people posse

Is that a new Soros campaign?

Thanks for the chuckle

Oh shit nigga, we reaching Mad Max level thought only possible in Straya.

Fuck off kike

Its also not in mine, but i don't care the slightest about that shithole. Its an annoying proxy that can't shut the fuck up about missiles. Just burn it down already and be done with it.

What would you call it? Communational ethnoslavery paradise? Go live there if you like but don't even think about bringing it here, we are trying to free the white race and i don't care about any of your beneficial dictators. Hitler only worked because of the circumstances of post ww1 Germany, and he was 10 years in "office", Germany was so shit that every thing he did was an improvement to the people. But its not a long time solution for white people, they deserve freedom.

This looks like the beginnings of a chimpout.
I just bought popcorn, too.

yeah part of the purple color revolution

Now ICE needs to show up.


Where are these images coming from?


At this point what isn't a Soros funded campaign that involves the left?

Thought so, I keep seeing it more and more. Looks like a fucking honeypot to see if you are an evil natzee or not.

You murderer, my sides had their whole lives ahead of them.

link to best stream?

Of course they do, here it is
Arabs are mentioned separately.


This stream

Just getting ready for the white hunting season in a few years



They must be operating on the scale where virginity past 30 makes you a wizard


Dubs denote the death toll Of dead commies.

Another rabid "muh freedoms" cunt bashing on Hitler. kill yourself

Fuck you are right.

This . I'm from Massucttess & we hate these anicucks, they are unemployed drug addicts punk rockers that when not protesting are loud obnoxious assholes that do "jackass" type shit for lulz in public.

they're surrounded and the main body hasn't even arrived yet

(checking triple dubs and photo time)
What did he meme by this?

Could you be anymore of a faggot. Holy shit.

Have you forgotten Indivisible, ADL, SPLC, Democrat PACs, and countless other Leftist organizations that can get their thugs organize in a blink of an eye? remember the fucking inauguration and George Soros tripling his funding for these fucks.

The Patriot Act allows the seizure of any assets suspected of funding terrorism. Just fucking do it already.

Did anyone catch that nigger doing his native nigger dance?

What would Forrest Gump do if he bumbled into the protest by accident?

the breakdancing ape?




Did that black lady speaking say if a black person can't afford housing, that is white supremacy?

Is there a stream not hosted by a Jew?



Read Mein Kampf before posting here, faggot.

Someone needs to drop off a double-wide.

Yes, we will. We will install a complete propaganda and indoctrination system, starting with school , with scout movements for hobbies, then softly transitioning into Hitler Youth and finally integrated into the party. Mandatory sports clubs membership, mandatory book clubs, political education and outdoor activities.

Every aspect of your life must be measured and controlled, because people like you are too dumb to do it voluntarily. We will make an Ubermensch out of you, even if you resist and we will make sure that your life is completely controlled to make you reach you full potential.
Aha, sure you will. You lack even the basic political and philosophical education needed to comprehend the superiority of totalitarian systems.

You don't know shit about NatSoc. And freedom doesn't exist, and in most cases isn't deserved. True freedom is to be one with your people and advance your nation as a small gear of the system.

But user. I got that that was an evil natzee book, how could you.

Hey I recognize that subversive star

scanner links, anyone?

If you too stupid to understand you shouldn't comment, i didn't bash him in any way. He was what people needed at that time, his rule was the most effective thing at that time. We live in these circumstances, leadership should be implemented in times of need, like war. You just want a king to have some feet to kiss, you are pathetic if you think that white people cannot govern themselves without dictatorial oversight.




Is the actual rally over now?

Why does all the (((MSM))) call them counter-protestors instead of antifa? Is this one of those if you name it, then it gets stronger(or weaker in antifa's case)?

The strongest positive about having a dictator is actually having accountability for the shit that goes wrong, faggot.
There is literally nothing wrong with fascism or dictatorship.

At this point they don't even try to make logical arguments, they just blame them not getting free shit on demand on "white supremacy" whatever the fuck that is. Stubbed your toe on the coffee table? Stuck in traffic? Ice cream machine at McDonald's is broken? It's all wide subreemzy.



chopper stream is cutting in and out

He was just on the aerial stream for a few seconds, but it was some kind of native African shit dance.

Antifa leads to Soros if people search hard enough my guess.

So I guess the 50 or so actually there for the free speech rally is starting to filter out of the park. Happening incoming?

meant for this


Soon, user. Soon.

>oy vey believe me im one of you (((my fellow white people)))
Return to leftypol or lurk longer.

Is it noise dispersal time?

In all honesty I thought he was trying to fight someone at first lol.

Sonic pacification deployed

They want to make people think antifa are a group of moderates. They are trying to shift the overton window back to the left. The goal is to make these protest look like moderates and average Americans are fighting against racist fascists.

That's right. If the leadership great, then a dictatorship is no different than a democracy. Both can be overthrown, both can be taken over from the inside, both have the same power over the citizens.


"I don't know what that is."
"I don't know what to do."

They gonna microwave em.

the orks are on the move

I just woke up. Any cars of peace yet?

A third of them are paid, a third are doing it for college credit, and the other third are just in it for the selfies.

in previous post:
you literally think he just turned his country into an economic superpower while the rest of the West suffered by just doing random shit? you are so self-deluded it hurts.

and you are naive if you think the masses are capable of critical thinking. they need MEN to govern them.

For the same reason they call niggers "youths" and moslems "extremists".

I am a tour guide at a witch museum at work right now. Cotton Mather is one of the people we talk about on the tour, and a girl on one of my tours just came back to ask me more about him and his founding of Yale. Of course it was an excuse for her to give me her number. And now we're talking about Cotton Mather again on Holla Forums. Is this meme magic? Because if I learned one thing from Holla Forums, there are no (((cohencidences)))

who is the "Controversial Group" they are talking about?



Hes probably in nipland or something.

Normalfags have no clue this is even happening. Most normalfags don't even watch/read mainstream news, let alone alternative sources. Normalfags are more concerned with what they're going to eat for lunch and what bar to drink at tonight. Some proto-riot in Boston isn't on their radar at all.

A bit hard for them to sustain that since Antifa makes its presence obvious as a distinct group in such activities. If they were dressed like ordinary people without their identity this narrative would probably end up working.

who are those people with clubs, heli stream

So was the rally a hoax? I mean they just said there would be a rally, but there was none? I'm trying to figure this out. It seems like 20 right wingers and thousands of commies and brainwashed libtards.

I woke up at 9pm and took a shower and a shit. Get off my back bro.

it was a trap and not even a degenerate one

100 people were sanctioned by the permit; this was the response

should be coming up on the heli stream as it circles, right side.
line of dudes in black with clubs. they were moving quick

Probably the (((alt-right))) group. (Though they never named themselves as such from what I saw)

It's saturday user. Some people like to sleep in.


9am, obviously.

Probably. What better way to organize a left-wing protest than to claim there's going to be a right-wing protest? A left-wing protest without any opposition would be boring business as usual, few people would show up. So instead they promise some exciting action.

You make good points. But here is the problem; Say we get a dictatorship and it turns out to be corrupted. Overthrowing a government is very costly. For everyone, and society as a whole. We can't afford to keep overthrowing the government.

riot cops?

i can taste it from here kek


Probably the evil nazi waving an American flag.

muh Nazi safe spaces

You are implying the media lets antifa say what they want when they are in the media. They don't, it's a sanitized version, and they don't usually even refer to them as antifa. They don't want people to know antifa is antifa, they want people to think antifa does not exist and the people who are protesting are just regular people.

Shit, we should have one every week

>>>Holla Forums

Not nearly as costly as being unable to overthrow a dysfunctional democracy because democracy pacifies masses like no other.

>Tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted by the (((establishment)))
Not a bad strategy to bleed Bolshevism dry, and make them look like absolute retards, because when that many retards show up, they'll want to do something stupid.

Way underrated

Well now you can see the effect of unemployment in the US.

Naw man, every weekend and odd numbered days.


Get an Ops up

Dictatorships can't get corrupt, because the dictator is de-facto owner of the country. He transcends petty corruption and he's only as strong as his nation.
The "corrupt dicatorships" you see aren't actually dictatorships, they get corrupted, because they have to fight for their place at the top and appease the forces at the bottom.

Real dictators like Hitler, Mussolini, Qaddafi, Franco, Kim Jong Un etc are fathers to their nations.

Gentle reminder that Boston has a reputation among Leftyniggers as being a notoriously "racist" solely for the fact it has a large population of whites who actually are working class instead of just LARPing guilt ridden cosmopolitans and don't endlessly self flaggelate for being white.

If BLM and/ or Antifa are going to finally chimp out and kill a normalfag (and it truly is a (((miracle))) it hasn't already happened), it's going to be here.

This whole thing is a setup to axe the First Amendment. They get Antifa out there rioting and attacking people so they can make the argument that unrestricted speech incites people.

lots of college fuckboys on the stream, lots of token niggers as well

I'm beginning to realize what others have - we can't all sink to the level of these deranged leftists. I hope someone kills them, of course, but we also need constructive action on our side - we need to build a search engine and a video sharing platform.

This is why you don't push white people too far.
They build war machines in their garages when they snap.

The stream had footage of the actual rally for only a brief moment before the phone feed froze.
That footage consisted of about 15-20 men wearing standard trump stuff talking amongst themselves.
They were saying stuff like "let's just each say our speech and leave quickly" and they seemed in agreement. Almost instantly the guy picked up a megaphone and started speaking into it then it froze.
You could see a large open field around the gazeebo. It was totally empty.

From what I'm reading police shut it down early. Guess the media got tired of getting shots of liberals attacking old people so now they can get footage of niggers chanting and being peaceful.

Kek. You could start making rallies, fill them up with bots to "participate", and no one shows up, while the left will spend endless money and time.

Was just in to post this. Thank you, you glorious faggot

I don't know you who are and what special needs you have but i'm very well capable of living with dignity on my own.
Thanks for the offer but based on my ancestry you will have quite a hard time to catch up.
Like shitposting on the internet? You sound like a Larper. Theres much projection going on here.
Aha, sure YOU will.
I'm ready to bet that i have enough to see beyond these.
Hard to beat a Larper who clings to it like a junkie on that front.
Sounds about right, lets enslave white people for their own good. You know who thinks exactly the same? The Jew.

We are welders and fabricators and machinists and inventors and etc

I work around alot of niggers and believe me, they aren't going to be "allied" with this transgender shit for long. I bet there will be some fag bashing going on when this thing winds down. This kind of get together will be an eye opener for nogs as they realize they are lumped together with the degenerates and it will be an eye opener for the queers when they get their shit pushed in.

Plan a rally and really play it up, get leftists all frothy, then showup in small numbers and leave. Have saboteurs in the crowd of leftists leading them to their own destruction. Media cornered because it's only libs out there. Rinse repeat.

I'm thinking more on the lines of how they have their flags and have a clear dress code at events. Sometimes split second footage slips through the cracks on mainstream event coverage.

Good point. When looking at ancient and medieval history, for example, you realize that, if the ruler wants to be personally successful, his actions almost always have to coincide with what's good for the people (good laws, military fitness, better economy, resistance to disease and famine, etc.). in a (((democracy))) the "leader" can just fuck everything up in his few years of power and usually isn't held personally accountable for it.

Imagine that's your daughter, and she brings home her black boyfriend for you to meet.

Can we meme this into reality?

This chant is pretty neat. Why don't right-wing rallies have nice vibes like this? Music is the tavistock to the soul.

I should have said agitator, not saboteur.

Feel free to reword his question thusly to sooth your autism:
Don't kid yourself, that can happen.

The answer is that disposing a "corrupt dictator" is still a lot easier than dismantling a corrupt democracy. The people living in a "corrupt dictatorship" are faced with a clear option for rectification, depose the government. The people living in a corrupt democracy? They're really up shit creek. 99% of the population will attempt to play by the rules of the corrupt democracy to fix the corrupt democracy. It has never worked but they'll try it anyway; such is democracy induced psychosis.

user, they've been aligned with the transgender shit for years. The not-as-bad niggers go to church on Sunday and post DNC propaganda on kikebook after getting out. The kind of cognitive dissonance you're hoping for requires abstract thinking.

Mob attack ongoing.

Who are they trying to kill?

It's common sense. It's the same reason people steal towels at a luxury hotel, but don't steal their own towels when they at home.

We're a Republic man.

Hey hey, ho ho, racism has got to go!
Ba dum ba dum ba dum.

They're about to attack some lone guy right now.

This is the lefts biggest weak point in general

You can group niggers, mudslimes and gays when fighting whity, but once that is gone their differences start showing once muhhamed is beating "starlight" to death because hes a trap and that isnt halal.

Remember these are the same people that defend islam and then cry about gay rights.

I'm pretty mad none of these crowds have been singing Erika or something

You're not only a really tiny group is. And even that group will have its leaders.

So you're a genetic dead end, good to know.

Hello kike

You don't, so don't pretend.

Hello kike.

And now you're jumping to other shit, putting words into his mouth. Like a kike does. Just fuck off to your stinking hole.

Imagine what would happen if someone convinced the blacks that the transgender and gay shit was pushed on them by white people.

shane shane shane

It's the obvious fracture point. The vast majority of shitskins, assorted third world mystery meat, and ex-Soviets who can't stop advocating for the system they ran away from are universal in their discomfort - even rage - at homosexuals in general but transgenders in particular.

Find yourself a Polish SJW. Start talking pro-LGBTQ and see how long it takes before they roll their eyes and scoff, or make a non-PC joke. Same for niggers. This issue is ripe for splitting them all.

When a country is too big though, then you need a hierarchy of dictators, who are known and accessible to their constituents, so they can be dealt with by those that they rule over. Not quite feudalism, but probably close.

A malicious person would find pictures of BLM members marching with gays and trannies (look for rainbow flags) and then spam on social media saying they are gay and proud supporters of LGBBQ.
D&C 101

I'm waiting for David the gnome to start cracking some fuckin' skulls

It would be funny to hear the media describe it as a RACIST NAZI SONG.

Representative democracy. Representatives in the Republic are elected through votes of the people. Do you deny the pacification effect this has?


But Franco's Spain was famously corrupt. So was Mussolini's Italian Empire. And North Korea is riddled with corruption. So was Libya under Qaddafi.

"I've been doing this shit too long."

Gabagool did LITERALLY nothing wrong.

kek probably the only non cuck officer they have

Yeah, niggers beating on a plastic bucket without rhythm really awakens the soul

bonus points for making it a T.E.A party rally, attract some more flag waving Boomers for antifa to beat on

"No corruption" is the political equivalent of absolute zero.

It worked back when we had laws against the common pleb from voting as well as unwanted shits.


And so is the UK, Germany, Canada. In democracy, it's whoever controls the media that has total power.

Forgot to add, people who think the ballot will fix everything are fucking retarded.

Different levels of corruption in the former examples. However Qaddafi was a figurehead, he left normal trivial interference a dictator usually makes to his own form of direct democracy. Arab cultures require dictators to function, he experimented with that in a way that disturbed Israel and the {((EU))) greatly.

It's shit and weak. For all the shit you could say about UTR their chants were right, a powerful statement of a fact (YOU WILL NOT REPLACE US).

The Pascal Lamb of the white race.

According to the gnome book, he's going to get culturally enriched.


I can’t believe there are people ITT who are supporting modern democracy. The pleb has not place in deciding the affairs of his nation, he is either incapable or unwilling to understand the complexities of how to obtain his own prosperity. It’s time to end the ‘democracy’ meme.

Maybe things will pick up when the potato-niggers finally wake up and deal with their hangovers.

you cant make ubermesch by putting people on a rail shooter from birth. i bet even your vanguard would think you're a faggot

you're a faggot too. pic related

Canada is hilariously corrupt, so much that its terrifying at time. Pretty much every politician has a case of financial corruption to to their name.

The event is a bunch of leftists protesting white people that are trying to stop their own genocide. I hope they're proud of themselves. They are so stupid that they've been tricked into fighting against what they think they are fighting for.

Jack Posobiec is a confirmed fucking shill trying to make right-wingers look retarded and covering for jews saying Goy, Bye is antisemitic

Then you just wait until he dies. That's pretty simple.
The thing is, that under a stable system with organized vertical of power the corruption is impossible. What can a dictator wish for that he becomes corrupted? There is nothing to wish for, because everything is already his. Do you run around your house destroying furniture and stealing silverware?
This is the basic notion behind monarchy, and this is why monarchy is the 3nd most successful and stable system after fascism and NS.

Monarchy, however becomes corrupted through the outside forces, because a monarch can't rely on the common people and has to rely on the established power structures, domestic, like nobility and warlords and foreign like merchants and bankers. This is exactly how the British monarchy was subverted - through loans and trade and the king couldn't neither ask the help of his vassals, out of fear to show weakness nor to his subjects, because the monarchy doesn't see the lower classes as a political asset.

A true NS or Fascist dictator gains his power directly from the people and through the people. He doesn't afraid of showing weakness, neither is afraid to call upon the people.

The KKK’s fault clearly.

Well Spain under Franco was far from absolute zero.

This is true. I agree with you completely. But the problem is that under a dictatorship, the MSM would still exist and would be used to perpetuate the rule of the establishment which could become very, very degenerate.
My fear is this; An intelligent dictatorship wants absolute subservience in the people. That isn't a trait I want to perpetuate.

Yeah. In many regards Kim Jong Un is a figurehead as well. My fear is as I outlined above. I don't want to perpetuate the mentality of servile behavior that we see today from the MSM.

many sides

Shit you should see what their Cheka do to anyone who steps out of line who isn't well armed.

It's true, leadership is not something that the weak and ignorant should be allowed to participate in.

Her fucking arms are bigger than both my thighs together. How do you get this fat?

is the RSBN guy a jew? He sure looks like one.

The Roman Republic as an absolute mess.

That's about 99% of people living in a system that allows them to vote. The reason they're allowed to vote is to feed that psychosis. That's not a side-effect of "mass enfranchisement", it's the goal.

Democracy, Representative Republic, etc… the point of it all is to create political stability while maintaining power. Political stability is a bad, since political stability means the people have no effective recourse against corrupt regimes. It's a trick; let the people think they have power and they'll never rise up against those who actually have power.

homogeneous society with only male land owners able to vote

You seriously didn't know if you didn't own land you could not vote right?

That is how things used to be ages ago.

What's this WEWUZ'ing going on ?

Yup and he's always stealing streams.

all those childless virgin white supremacists are domestically abusing women

Sounds like a dream and also periods of time for the greatest nations in history.

Aptitude should also be measured. Inherited landowners are susceptible to subversion. Some level of selfless service to ones people should also be included.

Military intelligence…

No, you kill the government and find a proper dictator. Wait until he dies? Fuck off with the cuck shit.

Sounds like she took the meme that Trump was Hitler too seriously.

Germany leading to ww2 was literally because the leauge of nations literally placing germany in a death state left the germans with nothing to lose in any and everything that followed. The left is recreating that with the right, and its the one thing no one, left or right learned from history; you never, NEVER leave your opponents with the feeling of "nothing left to lose," because that means they can do anything and everything to you completly justified. Same with the crusades as well.

What the fuck does Tavistock and its iterations mean? I've seen it on Holla Forums now for like maybe 3-4 months regularly and I have yet to ascertain its exact definition. I feel like I remember threads with it in the name heading over a month ago, but I cant recall.

agreed, simply put people with no property have no right to dictate property laws since they have no skin in the game.

…why do you think I don't know that??

We need to look into this cunt - he was in the Navy, speaks Mandarin and seemed insincere since day one. Like he was mocking the whole thing and tweets like this prove it.

It’s depressing how easily Africans are whipped up into frenzies against their own interests. It’s like watching a scene from SA’s past, we all know how that worked out for everyone involved.

I miss my grandparents. Don't any of these freaks have memories of their loving families? Doesn't anyone want that anymore? It just boggles my mind that this is the world they choose. Every day, I feel like I'm in some sort of dystopia and it's oppressive to the soul.

Yes, you actually can. That's been proven many times before. This is actually exactly how the NS system worked, it started even in kindergarten, moved on to school, hitler youth and wehrmacht. If times past there were state youth organizations that did just that even in US, albeit not effectively enough.

It isn't hard all you have to do is to cultivate healthy body, sharp mind, a wide variation of practical skills, understanding of state and finance and absolute fanatical loyalty to his people.

It's a game of thrones reference

is signalling victimhood inherent in african DNA as a survival/tribal thing?
I know jews have been stealing our money to train them to be revolutionaries, but they seem to instinctively know how to sensationalize anything.

fucking saved


It's that "i look almost like a young boy" look.

Fucking Everything these people do is dictated by The Ministry of RightThink PreApproved Entertainment Slot.

If you can kill the dictator, then he isn't a dictator at all, it means that there is an outside leverage that can be used against him, which can be misused and used to exert influence. A real dictator is infallible.

It's good, it'll show the cuckservatives there that they're no different than white nationalists as far as the left is concerned. Some will cuck and some will radicalize towards our thinking.

Africans are just really emotional, and easily ruled by it.

So this was nothing?


could they be any more blatant with their fucking agenda?

Your grandma looks like she was a sweet lady. RIP ma'am.


If this was one giant open borders for isreal rally the media would ignore it even if monster trucks were destroying the city

Fucking KEK!

Moronic, all dictators are mortal. The mortality of dictators and the public's recognition of that option is one of a dictatorship's chief advantages over democracy (a system under which people don't recognize the option of violence.)

That could take a long while. And generally dictators set up their children or relatives to succeed them and they're usually groomed to be exactly like them and keep the same underlings in power.

Servile people.
Also, no man rules alone. A dictator must rely on his underlings and in order to maintain their loyalty, he often allows them to loot the country.

Mind you, I believe ANYTHING is preferable to Judiocracy. However I am wary of anything that encourages promoting servile behavior among the citizens.

That was a fine moment of BIX NOOD
I don't have sides anymore

If violence breaks out between the commies and niggers after the freeze peach fags go home, it will be glorious.

yep. as for game of thrones itself, it wouldn't even be a bad show without the faggotry, feminism, etc. it has some good moral lessons (eg, not being ruthless enough against a despicable enemy could cost you everything).


It's the 3% effect. The majority of people had and have that. These deviants don't and they're a tiny minority but they're normalized and praised by the MSM.

That tiny edge is all that's necessary to shift the narrative in the other direction as well. Kikes have a lock on the TV/radio/Movies/Magazines/Newspapers old media axis, but we have mass communication of our own now, which talks preferentially to the younger generation.

They better be fucking referring to the commies

Its not like (((they))) need to win the election to decide who becomes the new (((political class)))
In germany for example we have 5-6 parties that have any chance at winning anything and all of them are corrupt kikes that shit on the people. Even the "AfD" is just alt-kike to the max.

Democracy would work in an evironment where everybody is well informed and smart enough to connect the dots, but everything in media and society right now is trying to achieve the exact opposite of that. The only way i see democracy working, is by giving only the smartest people of the country voting rights after they have proven they are well informed about the matter at hand.

Democracy is dangerous when jamal and pedro get to decide what country gets blown to shit for (((our greatest ally's safety))).

A tiny group can be enough, accept those who can and sort out the ones who can't or won't and grow from there, do you think i care about all the fat and sick people that let themselves go? Why would you want to make them to something by force they don't want by themselves? Other then completely selfish reasons.
You are not very good at comprehending things, but then, i'm not very good at english.
Hello larper.
l-let ME true that again
There isn't even a point of discussing the superiority of our ideologies because we clearly have very different priorities. I just don't care about your dreams of an empire in which you can fulfill your meaning in life by "knowing your place".
Hello larper x2.
You can't be free goy! You ain't worthy anyway, just serve the greater good!
I wrote above that i don't care about the ones who don't deserve it but the ones who do deserve to make their own choices. A hive mind might be very effective but i'm no bug.

"Down with Capitalism fellow comrades! Oh Shit my Hot Topic Order just came in the mail, and just in time for Porky to get BTFO at the rally!"
Seriously shorts like that cost at least $50+

We will.

Seems super easy. Craigslist, facebook, twitter, etc…


the starbucks and bagels have been digested. the time is ripe

The Tavistock institute was some CIA or cultmarx organization that studies psychological manipulation and caused Beatlemania to happen or something like that.


Implying exactly that doesn't happen in democracies and republics? You need only look through the last century of America's political history to see how wrong that is.

user I just got sad. I know what you mean, completely. But I know this sadness is temporary. We will be okay in the end.

It's just commies rioting at this point.

Kek reality is a parody.

shit is goin down the RSBM stream

Again, you're citing fake dictatures.
A dictator has no power after his death, thus he can't decides who comes after him.

What for? His power comes from the people. That's the whole point - there are no underlings. A dictator rules alone.
heating up

Coming through!

I don't believe those are scare quotes. They're quoting the name of the rally.

I just got in, tl;dr of what happened so far?

And its made by commie china sweatshops or by niggers/spics/sand niggers.

These people have been conditioned to such an extent that even memories of their loving Grandmothers have been weaponised.

Image related. A bat shit insane twitter convo I captured yesterday.

Joey getting us some spicy antifa footage

One man does not rule alone.
Whether a dictatorship or democracy, there are always other individuals under the key figure who do the work for him. And those individuals have other underlings who do the work for them, and so on. Make them unhappy and you get replaced.
How do you keep them happy? By throwing money at them instead of the citizens. Corruption, yay.
Be Jesus Christ the Dictator who takes from the rich to give to the poor, someone's eventually gonna come in and tell his ministers that they'll get more $$$ if you get canned.
Sometime later, someone will accidentally forget to lock the door and you will have your throat slit.
No enlightened, all-powerful dictator for you. It's as much of an utopia as "real communism".

In a democracy, the well-being of the citizens is just a fortunate (for the citizens) side-effect. Educated, healthy citizens produce more wealth than starving, ill peasants.
Guess why Venezuela's government still stands even though the people are starving? Fucktons and fucktons of oil, that's why.

Whites are not going to start getting any respect until they start getting violent.

See Muslims, Niggers. Just imagine if 100,000 Latinos started burning shit down, if that happened Trumps deportation orders would come to a halt, but Latinos have been trying to be civil and use the court system=get fucked

Wait what the shit where did the killdozer come from?

Do you americans also have these crowd-control-water-throwing-trucks that europeans have ?

Looks like niggers and antifa are going to… possibly… cave each others' faces in. You came just in time.

The majority of Americans come from dysfunctional families these days. The difference between somebody like me, who came from a broken home, compared to them, is that I want to fix the family unit, and they celebrate destruction of it.

20-50 boomers and lulconservatives showed up for an hour long Free Speech rally.
They left.
Commies and BLM showed up in the thousands hoping to bash some Ghatzi skull.

kek, they stopped at the Duncan Doughnuts

I implied no such thing. I am not arguing in favour of a popularity contest (aka democracy). I was responding to the notion that waiting for a dictator to did is a good idea if he is doing something harmful to his nation and People.

That seems unlikely. Name one dictatorship where the current ruler didn't pick a successor. Underlings want successors because it makes a power struggle less likely.

Really? How? A dictator needs generals and secret police chiefs and bureaucrats to make a nation run. One man cannot possibly do everything by himself.

America will probably never use water hoses again. You know… the whole 60s thing here kinda ruined our fun with water in riots.

Push the niggers and antifa together and then let them kill each other.


>reply to everybody to avoid addressing the specific arguments made by anybody
Neat rhetorical trick shithead.

I miss my great grandfather, he was a walking red pill. I just want to right a wrong.

checked em for happening, I don't know it might be part of the road block

we have microwave guns but they never use them

Hey that might not be a bad idea, red filtering some of the images, to invoke the subconscious sense of communism in association to it. It would be most effective on older people who lived through even a part of the cold war.

Nopes. Just clubs. It's how you get through that thick American skuil.

We should just have more rallies and not show up to them.

Those were so fun. Just set loose the dogs and water cannons like the good old days.

You are absolutely fucking retarded.
In your dreams, maybe. This is real life. A single man cannot single-handedly run a whole fucking country.

And how many dollerydoos would you bet that the fake news will cover up the alt-left's violence?

So I just woke up, can someone please spoonfeed me with a quick rundown?


Last time I heard any of those things were used, the cops got caught in it.

Keep them on tier toes everywhere

All you really need is large speakers playing the same tone loudly without interruption and it will disperse a crowd.

They are just tools for the job.

That notion works only for monarchies and has been debunked a long time ago by Stalin, who exterminated his underling chain of command one a couple of months on average, yet everything kept functioning properly.

You kill the ones who get unhappy. Being unhappy with God-Emperor is heresy. Hire new ones.
The dictator should be the personified blood and flesh of the people. Being unhappy with him or making him unhappy isn't an option.

look at those black government vehicles. Probably Soros' boys.

Or Nickelback

Your balls.



probably it's an invisible beam of radiation

we have lrad sound cannons but they never use those either

I'm sorry your shitty uneducated opinion was blown away by a simple generic post addressed to everybody.
Educate yourself, maybe you'll generate some more wealth for yourself too :^)

Warning: NippleLetavistock harassing people in comments.

Do your own homework, John.

i think the founding fathers came up with a pretty good system. imagine how it would have been if we never had all the meddling jews and whatnot. the united states constitution is underrated.

I get the impression that a lot of Antifa would unironically like Nickelback.

We are fascists.
It will literally be heresy for example, to be born a kike.

i should clarify that i mean the original constitution where you could have unlimited terms and all that jazz

Should be, but isn't guaranteed to be. Saying that those who aren't, aren't "true" dictators doesn't change any political reality. That's just semantics.

The point you need to get through your head is that political violence is necessary because you can't create ideal political situations by carefully defining words. In the real world shit goes wrong and political violence is the only effective recourse. In modern democracies and representative republics, that political violence never happens. And thus, those systems of government are the worst possible.

They are way too white

There was a System of a Down concert so everyone thought it would be fun to show up dressed like a high schooler from 2004, but then a bunch of niggers crashed the party and had a free style rap battle.

you need to go back

Kinda funny how they stack up on ex-military hardware but cant use a giant supersoaker.

Nothing beats watching a commie trying to stand in the way of these things being pushed around by the water like a leaf in the wind.

If only we had a justice system that enforced the constitution, then we could get back on track.


hey olderfag, what's your opinion on "alt-left" and trump?

You crazy, you can't say that here, apparently this board is for hardcore natsocs only.


So did they figure everything out at Kampf David ?

Anyone have periscopes and other street level sources?

Oh yeah, the soviet motherfucking union was a perfect well-oiled machine.

You really want to imply that the best way to rule is through terror and purges?

Intelligent underlings smile even up until the point where they isolate and overthrow you. In fact the best way to replace a dictator is to cause a "revolution" and allow the "people" to overthrow you.

Was that a man or woman?


Cops are using their clubs now. Getting good…

voters should be allowed only if they merit it through their mental, moral, etc. strength; thus only a very small minority would actually vote. and of course unlimited possible terms.

don't they like that?

Chimp-out imminent?

Every single fucking king in the Bible. They were chosen by "God" instead of the sand nigger of the day.
Tis a nice white pill for democracy loving faggots.

Well you have a point. Unless you have a dicator who is ever benevolent(and his people understand that i.e loyalty) then that is exactly what would happen. The dictator would have to have absolute physical power over every person subject to him. Kind of like niggers with the king nigger being the stupidist yet physically strongest nigger. The leader sucks but they are the strongest to subdue most of the other nogs. If they were smart(ha a smart nigger, no) then they would be benevolent to use those physically subject to them to their advantage i.e loyallity. But a kike like you wouldn't understand such a concept.


Hard to make out what he/she is saying.

deploy the Dodge

In Brazil we used sewer water to disperse crowds in our military dictatorship, nothing ends a protest as quickly as shitwater.
A pity it isn't allowed anymore.


I don't think that will have the effect we want it to have on antifa.


Police only PRcuck for the left and minorities.

When it comes to us they'll use live ammo.

Trips confirm. The left have a poo fetish.

Poc of peace.

In fact, clean water will probably be more repulsive to antifa than shitwater.

Checked. Antifa are fucking disgusting. Also kikes have shit fetishes irl
Fucking disgusting

axes are fine

apparently an ambulance has been called for a "liquid" attack on a free speecher

>for political insight we should look to ancient desert jews who accomplished fuck-all except being nearly but unfortunately not entirely wiped out by the Romans
wew lad, full retard.

From the another Chan, source seems to be Joey Salads

ah yes, the peaceful counter protestor that is obviously only bringing an axe for self defense against a bunch of white people with shields.

the upstanding and courageous, morally impeccable nigger that mitt Romney and alt-kikes support

I fear they might actually like.

Rather i would do this:

I could swear I've seen this movie before.

I love how the commedia has to keep talking about "both sides". They bashed Trump relentlessly for saying that, but then run to it like a security blanket when it suits their needs.

top kek the media got them so fucking hyped meanwhile everyone on the right was saying stay the fuck away

they're going to start attacking cops and trash cans and get arrested now out of boredom

>Every single fucking king in the (((Bible))). They were chosen by "(((Yahweh)))" instead of the sand nigger of the day.
Oh you mean like (((Moses))) (((David))) (((Saul))) (((Rehoboam))) (((Josiah)))) and all the other Jews? You really think it's a good idea to start pushing the (((Torah))) on Holla Forums?
And btw, those kings ruled through their underlings as well. Mostly the (((rabbis))) and (((priesthood))) and local leaders (all Jews.)

For godsake, why didn't you name a non-Jew? Why didn't you say Caesar or at least a goddamn European!?

Jews are arrogant. Pushing the Torah on Holla Forums? I never thought I'd see the day.


My computer is a toaster… My only source of info is this thread.
Can someone give me some realistic odds on whether we get an actual chimpout?



These are from Berkley and not from Boston, the Idiot just posted this info, my bad.

10% Chimpout Chance, most of the Free Speech guys already left so we are at the mercy of the idiocy of the negroids and Antifa.

Blue Lives Matter, MAGA, Free Speech Rally next Saturday at 9am. Be there ;^)


I do like the odds of niggers and nigtifa mixing it up, though.

America days past

Make it viscous white colored liquid.

For grandma, and for grandpa, and for all their struggles to give us what they never had. Now we just have to figure out what to do with it.


He improved Libya greatly, how much of a newfag are you?

So the 50 people wearing American flags left and now leftists are saying stupid shit to the police? "hurr, ur passing dunkin' donuts"

Go read some Neitzsche you false flagging faggot.


Police being left alone with BLM and antifa is the best outcome for us. Feel sorry for the cops though. Cops are going to be injured, probably some killed. These antifa and BLM people are just angry, if they can't vent that anger out on the right and the police are there, then the police will receive that anger.

i'm very natsoc, but the more i read about the principles/etc of nazi germany (from actual nazi books, not just lurking), the more interested i am in what america could have been had we stayed on track. as my understanding of national socialism grows more thorough i become more interested and appreciative in and of early america and what all of that was really about. this doesnt mean i am becoming less national socialist; just that i am not so sure that what is best for germany is also best for america

it makes it so much easier to shoot them

It looks like the escalation from that landwhale getting Initial D'd in Charleston was worth the negative PR the right got. Leftyfags are absolutely losing their fucking minds. They genuinely think they're at war now and in their bloodlust they ARE going to go against their masters.

Now to just sit back and wait until they kill someone.

Trump should tweet this stuff because it confirms his "both sides" statements. Make the lugenpresse eat their lies…that's kinda the point to having a medium to bypass their filter.

Reminder: The only people pushing for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like China, Russia, ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty jewish organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.

They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"Redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.

Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing to shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.

BLM, Antifa, BAMN, Charlottesville psyop, etc… are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.

Fight TPTB, not each other like a bunch of niggers.

If it makes you feel better, Trump has already secretly authorized the assassination of ADL members for treason and purposeful destabilization of the United States in the coming years.

Don't become part of that list. Maintain order.

It's uh… it's both sides, right? Yeah! It's just like President Trump said, this is a horrible act from both sides!

Not even true. The National Socialists didn't come up with the star idea. The jews did it themselves so they'd be able to identify their own in-group. After all, they were attempting to boycott Germans.


You are aware they were told to stand down when this horde was coming, right?… This is deliciously well deserved.

Thank you.

Thanks for the update Mr. Blitzer, keep an eye on the Nazis for me.

Not so new that I think Libya was not riddled with corruption. Do you think that?

I'm waiting for the moment the cops just have enough and defy orders. That day will come if this keeps going.

Really hope that's not bait, cause boy am I laughin

The best policy is not to show up to one of these rallies, and let the communists fight the police.

You will get the rope too.


Breaking Cernokike fantasises about Antifa fags

They do this anyway and don't need opposing protestors. What I'm surprised about is that BLM is rioting for a fat white whore.

i think it's something from game of thrones

Every time they start chanting I keep picturing there's some guy named Shane just out of view doing some wicked breakdancing moves and they're cheering him on.

You gotta keep 'em separated.

apparently water trucks are now inbound as per

they love to chant
"our streetz"

Good for you, user… Good for you.

You are watching the results of attempts to fix just a small portion of America’s issues. It will never function again as a nation, it has been poisoned.

The footsoldier police aren't the one making that call, it's the mayor, police chief, etc. It's kind of like soldiers going to die for ZOG. Doesn't mean the soldiers support it, but the people in charge and making them do it.

Ahh, erm, uhh, Yeah. So that happened, and her face looks like mike tyson smashed it.

70/30. Normalfags ruled by fear have my sympathy a bit, the ones happy to comply get none.

She was a coal burner.

Well, it's not exactly wrong, but not in the way that person thinks.

My craptop can't load the videos, but I'm hoping this ends with more dead commies killed by other commies, like CVille.

Is that real? What a fucking faggot.

checked, are you teasing me satan?

I becomes dangerous when someone thinks he knows whats best for others.

To them it's just an excuse to embrace their nature of rioting and looting.

my god i hate cernovich. he needs to die.

somebody bake a new bread

Water canons to clean the filth

The hell? I tuned out after the "rally" ended, I thought they'd be gone by now.


if the person thinks they know what's best and are correct, then the idiots pay.if the person thinks they know what's best and they are wrong, then the smart people pay.

No different when addressing a room of people, think of the flow of a thread like a conversion you'd have with someone in a room. He's right though, you want to change the world? Get into politics yourself, specifically the bottom of the totme poll and get every single one of the right winged people you know into positions as well. Then once you establish yourself you can immediately start rooting out and shutting out people from that level, maintain control and continue on up doing the same thing. In time the system changes to reflect what you've done. Change in a political system is naturally bottom up.

Worried about Trump? Convince him to hire you.

K E K they were chanting "shut it down!"

Why would these shits be gone? Someone tried to have an event in support of free speech, these shits will be rioting all fucking night.

We're talking about two organizations that hate the establishment, yet the establishment think they can boss them around. Of course they'd ignore orders to disperse.

Posobiec too. The faggot flies a large polish flag above the American flag.

Mitt Romney got his family together. He is going to prepare them for a counter protest. He goes in the bathroom and then takes a massive and fetid dump in a bottle. He tells his wife to go do the same. Now she's done taking a large crap in her bottle so she goes and instructs her kids to do so.

The whole family, together, prepared their crap bottles. Mitt Romney was grinning with pride at his kids for coming through. He pats his wife on the shoulder and they take off.

At the rally, you can see Mitt Romney throwing shit and piss bottles at people who are chanting mean words. He's home, where the civilized people are, like him. This is where he belongs. Flinging shit, and being proud of it, with the rest of his antifa friends. He finishes off the bottles and hugs his kids, a little bit of shit on his fingers by accident. "No one said this was clean work". His whole family laughs and they feel good about themselves. This is the height of bravery and courage.

Someone make a new thread asap! it's getting hot! better get the water canons!

but this time i mean it

What in the fuck are they even protesting anymore lol?

this is what mitt romney unironically supports, along with axe wielding niggers.

For the love of God let this be true

Maintaining the status quo means the certain death of our race. It has to be disrupted by any means and civil war is a good means of disrupting the status quo. Evey day that goes by more non whites enter the country.

If a civil war broke out in America a solid quarter if not more of the foreign population here would outright go back home And there's 90 million foreign born in the US not counting their children. Nobody is going to immigrate here. Civil war is a great way to halt immigration.

Far better under him than before him or the absolute chaos it's in after we CIAed him. If you'd been 9n Holla Forums back then you'd already know this.

Someone post the Libya under Qaddafi pics, I'm not on my main machine.

I'm sure she's referring to the other undesireables.

Posted on Halfchan

If they do riot with the cops, this could be an even bigger win than Charlottesville was a loss.
When some cop gets his face caved in by a nigger or antifa, he's going to be interviewed by the news and he will probably say it was the niggers or antifa that were at fault.
And that will change everything.


UPDATE: This tweet was written by a female friend in 3… 2… 1…

What we should do is organize a rally at a park and not show up. Lets see the media ignore all of the random people who are attacked for not being aware of the rally and deciding to go to the park.

What have you got?

and…now they're burning shit.