We're taking these threads back edition.
We're taking these threads back edition
Meme magic.
fuck off, no 4am today
comfy as fuck
we're taking it all back tonight
You though le wrong.
Allowed me to introduce myself, I am an Aquatic anthropologist and you thought you guys are gonna like having me around you.
This is not my image. I am not apple sauce man.
fuck off, ritsu
get yourself your favorite noose and jump
I like this change. What you guys playing?
How do I stop shitting on the floor?
playing vtm bloodlines again
you get a noose
Do you have a shower?
How about no
Shit in the shower instead.
Thanks, it's good to see that the mods are living up to their shitty reputation.
it was all part of their plan
t-they'll totally do something later!
I've reported a lot of them, but they've been either dismissed or ignored.
I'd wager they are going to collect all those until it dies down and then do something
Nah, I'm looking at the board log. Lime is just banning Ritsu and Magenta us dismissing reports
Is this thread bumplocked? What are you doing, Mods? The avatarfags are spitting in your collective faces in the other thread.
They're spitting in everyone's collective faces.
I don't get it. This thread shows how great 4 AM could be if they just banned the avatars
if only
but I still have a shred of faith that something happens when it dies down over there
Pic related.
It's not even about the avatars specifically, but about the kind of thread tone that always, invariably follows avatarfags. There was a time when 4AM threads were something other than an autistic blogpost circlejerk. Even if we can't bring back the past, if nothing else, it's worth nuking the garbage that they've made it into in hopes of a better future.
that's what I am striving for
there was a time when you could be shitfaced at 4am and come into these threads and have a good time and not listen to some autists jerk each other off
so what are you guys going to talk about?
whatever the hell comes to mind at 4am
got any problems, troubles?
maybe you wanna talk vidya and how you had a great time when you were 10 and it all went downhill from there
if you gotta vent, do it here
Shitting in the shower
if you gotta vent, do it here
so let me get this straight
you are going to do exactly what the avatar fags did only without avatars
You need to know you're a bunch of gigantic faggots and you need to kill yourselves
not really
we won't establish our faggy identities here
the next time you come in you're a complete stranger
this is not a god damn forum where you make an account and get good boy points for stroking each others' dick
to begin with these threads weren't made cyclical every day to wake up to, to set your alarm to
doubt it
unless there are tripfags which are not banned
you obviously didn't hang out in 4am threads with avatar fags
wait what, as in not every day at the exact same time 4am eastern US?
I have seen everything, nigger
would you wake up at 4am every day just to come in here? obviously not, these threads are for those who have lost control
oh son of a bitch
you could have just posted his images to spite him and use them up so he couldn't post
but instead of mining salt you complained to mods like a bitch
nigger just for that
nigger you have got to be shitting me
what kind of autistic self absorbed faggot are you
the more you post the more sense I can make off your sentences
are you in favor of the current 4am, are you one of those avatarfags?
do you prefer it that way? do you wanna post your waifu and talk about how mommy and daddy won't accept her as your waifu?
the less sense
my bad
nice try faggot but I'm not ritsu and you wont invalidate what I am saying with just that
you want the avatar fags gone for doing a bunch of shit but when they are gone you plan to do the same shit
you feel you have less control of your life than the faggots in the 4am threads so you are entitled to dictate how they are handled
you don't want the avatar fags gone because they act like faggots you want them gone because they are doing something you don't like
You are an outgroup foreign faggot attempting to co-opt something you are not a part of like a fucking SJW and you should go hang yourself for being the worst kind of cancer
so you'd say that being ritsu would invalidate everything you said?
so being an avatarfag of that caliber is enough of a cancer that it would invalidate your reasoning, did I get that right?
what I can say is that I have seen 4am before and after the avatarfags emerged, that is why I'm tired of what 4am has become
whenever someone would try to come into a thread now they're greeted with autists cuddling their waifus so they'd rahter not post at all
if that doesn't sit right with you, be my guest
I mean look at this shit
this delusional faggot is praising a dead thread with less than 30 posts at an hour in
this is not a comfy thread
this is not an active thread
and the only discussion is about avatar fags and the voice actor for stu dying
I thought ritsu was full of shit and grasping at straws but if this is the best you faggots can do then 4am is dead
I mean fuck the other thread has more discussion about video games even and this is only like 4 posts
no I'm saying you were trying to suggest I was ritsu as a tactic to invalidate my points, and doing it poorly, especially now
suck dick nobody cares, except for the dumbass mods apparently
except that's fucking wrong, you out group faggot, and goes to show that you don't actually go to the 4am thread and if you do you sure as shit aren't paying attention
you must have that boner for ritsu since there's plenty of other avatarfags to go around, so even you have seen his cancer
I don't frequent the current 4am, I've stopped coming in at all after around midway this year
I've seen new people come by and stop posting after 2-3 posts, I've seen myself dislike to come in anymore
since you seem to be against this idea, what is it that makes the current 4am so great for you?
you seem to be having a blast there now, calling me out group, hoping to god nothing changes, so tell me, who is your waifu and why is she so great
is that all you wanted?
ritsu gone?
sure fucking worked because he's a tripfag now
how do you know that if they're anonymous fuckwit
all that shit posted we were able to post just fine, all you had to do was not be a fucking wallflower
sure we don't talk about vidia much and there is an awful lot of blogposting and trying to give advice and shitposting but that's not the issue you have with it is it
my waifu is "fuck you I don't have a waifu" I don't understand that shit
it seems like stupid shit to me but I don't try to get the mods to make rules to ban them and other thigns I don't like
that would make me an ultra faggots like yourself
where is your fucking response?
believe it or not, there's people who got stuff to do on saturdays
not frequenting doesn't mean I don't come by to check the state of it, which is fucking cancer right now
we have IDs here, you must be fucking joking nigger
so how long have 'we' been here?
I take it not longer than around mid 2015, which would explain a lot of things to me
I didn't run to the mods, with my tail between my legs, they made the rule on their own after multiple threads derailing into "I fucking hate these avatarfags" and I assume multiple reports
on a side note, it's a fucking mystery to me how 4am didn't get nuked after dick pic threads, not once, but fucking twice
and multiple gay threads with homoko and belrose
because IDs don't change between threads
nice argument "user", totally not another attempt to invalidate my points
you mean a bunch of whiny faggots complained about things they don't like that weren't against the rules and even made off topic meta threads complaining about things that weren't against the rules.
fucking out group again
why don't you make your own fucking threads and talk with people there
oh wait, this is it.
well I got to do groceries if I want to have food for the week, other than that I got chores to do
I'm talking individual threads
when people have 2-3 posts in total to their IDs throughout the whole thread
I must've hit some sore spot here, have you seen the threads before avatarfaggotry at all?
from the way you're typing you're only versed with what they currently look like
are you in favor of gay threads? if that's the case I'm not shocked you want the threads to stay the way they are
how would I be in group in your mind? tagging along, posting dick pics and gaying up the threads?
you think you can invalidate my experiences in there because you keep repeating that?
let's try saying that on a day without a "big" event happening where everyone went over to shit on avatarfags
not the point I was making and you probably know that
I see that a lot
people that don't engage and expect others to do the talking for them
the spot you hit is your behavior and the behavior of those like you creating negative board affecting impact ie. retarded rules the mods can now abuse at their leisure
the kind of bullshit we left in the first place, or at least I did you co-opting cunt
you don't go to 4am threads
you wish to impose your ideology on others that do not welcome your ideology
It's just a beta
seriously though if you do co-opt the 4am thread you may get more trafftic
also I may not be able to respond for the next hour and a half or at least delayed
I got stuff to do as well
you seem to be of the idea that I want people banned
no, fuck that noise
even ritsu can stay for all I care, it's just avatarfagging that does not belong, if you want to make friends go to the steam friends board
I am of the mind that you want force others to behave in a way that you deem appropriate
but maybe I was mistaken
have a good night/day anyway
I probably didn't get myself across properly, not a big talker
but yeah good night man