Losing control?
RIP Stu's VA, he's losing control in heaven now.
Losing control?
RIP Stu's VA, he's losing control in heaven now.
Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
Now that the issues with the video player have been resolved we are watching Turn A.
Evenin' folks.
Once, out of control anons had a place where they could go and talk about how out of control they were. Some of the anons who frequented more regularly decided to give themselves an avatar so they could be recognized across multiple threads. Of course, this lead to those people forming close relationships. Most of these people became good friends outside of the threads.
But eventually, these relationships became a main focus of the threads themselves.
Some anons who didn't take part in this behavior soon found themselves feeling excluded from that place they had previously known as a haven. By doing what they do best, shitposting, the anons attempted to draw attention to what they felt was a problem. The avatarfags, either blind to this or else choosing to ignore it, failed to change their behavior. This only cemented the resolve of those anons, who shitposted harder and wider hoping to draw attention from the mods.
In this, they succeeded.
Mods are not Gods
The role of moderator, put simply, is to enforce the rules and to protect and uphold certain standards expected by the community. Have any rules been violated? Unless posting an image on an image board is in violation of the rules, then no. Have any standards declined? Well, it is apparent to almost everyone that these threads are not the same as they were even a year ago. But Why?
People are posting images on an image board? Really? That's the big crime? That's why you autistic self-loathing faggots have been shiposting this place up for months? Were you jealous that friendships were forming? Were you jealous that you didn't get the amount of attention you felt entitled to? Did you not notice how it was the avatarfags who made the strongest efforts to reply to everyone they could?
Mods are Certainly not Gods
What the Hell are you doing you fucking retards? You're going to make it against the rules to post images on an image board? Oh and better remove the subject field too because that could distinguish one thread from another! Why not ban the guys who are causing the problem and spamming every thread? What the Hell is wrong with you? Mark, you already fucked up like this before! Did you not learn your lesson? You even tried avatarfagging a few times! Way to send mixed messages!
Huey Did Nothing Wrong
These threads died months ago but it wasn't the avatarfags that killed it. It was the people who formed genuine animosities and made alliances and turned these threads into their own peronal intrigue theatre. Ban the avatarfags! Ban the shitposters! Ban everyone, Mark! The glory days of 4 AM are never going to come back because almost all of the oldfags who occupied them are never coming back, and with moderation as incompetant as this, I can hardly blame them. It can all burn.
It feels so good that the avatarfags are gone.
I am monitoring this thread
Rip stu
he's making pudding in heaven now
Remember to meme wisely, people.
Morning everyone!
Stu dying today is meme magic gone wrong. Look at what you did mods.
I'd like to extend an invitation to avatarfags to come post here.
Without avatars.
That is all.
Thank you.
Hello friends.
Should I know about this person?
Off from work and tired as hell but I'll deal with it.
Okay what the fuck happened when I was gone
Losing control
So the day has come, the first 4am thread without avatarfags (if the mods are awake that is)
Well, let's keep it nice and comfy
Replaced pretty much the only part that I hadn't already swapped out in my computer. Still no good. That, combined with everything else over the last few months, has me thinking some dark stuff right now. Just wanted to see you guys one more time, I guess.
Well don't keep me in suspense, how does the story end?
what up nigga
Since I didn't really thought people have lives I might've completely changed the schedule of D&D to saturday instead of fridays.
So if you're intrested but the day was fucking shit, you can join now.
Struggling to stay sober. Really want to drink. Really want to smoke.
Trying to stay sober.
Avatarfags BTFO
The death of Stus VA should be a sign these threads should die.
before everyone gets banned i'd like to kindly remind everyone to pre-purchess skyrim remastered and quake
if you haven't already picked up this great game fallout 4 i'd highly recommend it
You aren't gonna do anything stupid are you user?
Gonna miss you lads to be honest, considering that the avatarfags was the only damn thing keeping this threads with consistent traffic
I ain't leaving without a fight though. I expect not to be b& if this place is truly the last bastion of free speech in gaming.
Anyways, in other news I was archiving PSX shit. Close to the finish line with over 200 discs though the fun has only just begun. The real challenge is pulling an all nighter to get the emulator to work properly.
Give me avatarfaggotry or give me death. It's a slippery slope of censorship
Why did they choose to play G-d?
wait so is tomorrow da deadline. a nigga done blew his load already
iktf nigga been in n out of rehab lotsa times nigga wish i could say it get easier
Oh shit did Ritsu and the other fucks get banned
this man is your friend
gas the avatar homosexuals
D&D faggot
If avatarfags wanted to keep their circlejerk so badly, there're always that 4AM board they made. What's stopping them from just going there?
I figure I'll either run malware scans overnight, or go drown myself in the park. Pretty sure malware isn't the problem, though.
Good morning everybody
How was your day/is your morning so far?
Looking forward to anything coming up?
I got another tiddy mousepad the other day. It's nice.
Seems like we'll find out tonight.
Hi moogey
Avatar was overrated anyway.
I thought it was today. Oh well.
it was a tough evening, i'm not good at the normalfag shit, i hadn't had beer in like 2 months now either but i had a bunch tonight since no hard liquor was available, kinda just gave me a headache
get some food tomorrow.
Almost no one came to my birthday. Just 2 old friends and my lil brother came.
Last year, I actually got like 12 people to come, so I ordered like $60 worth of Deep Dish Pizza.
My birthday wish is for her to come back into my life as my serious gf.
Howdy fellas.
How are you guys today/?
I've been binging chromartie high
Oh I lost control a long time ago. I am barely beginning to realize that I'm slowly spiraling into madness.
Get some coffee fam, how much longer you gotta be up?
Since this is a shitposting thread…
Can demons physically harm you at all, or is their only goal to scare the shit out of you so they can suck up that negative loosh?
Since I've started going to /fringe/ and practicing a little bit of magic I've started hearing whispering and seeing flashing white lights inside my house and backyard.
Because "they have nothing to add there" or "they don't want posts lingering on the site", despite the fact that they have multiple rooms set up.
it'll always be tomorrow for mark
cpt as a mug
how things goin w/ da shortie nigga
Still waiting man.
I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually user. Have you tried taking it somewhere?
I'm following all the rules laid out by the mods, banning me would be retarded.
Man lost planet 2 is fun. What is your favourite 3rd person shooter, fags?
If smokes can post girls smoking, can I post dinosaurs?
mods aren't delivering
I'm disappointed.
You're not gonna DO IT are you?
Does anyone else get really depressed whenever they move? Something about putting everything into boxes and looking back at a room that isn't mine anymore gets to me
Is Ritsu banned yet?
Morning. Went shooting with my brother so that was fun today.
Playing hearthstone at the moment.
Because a little thing called the First Amendment exists. How convenient
Reminder to stock up on applesauce for the apocalypse
Nothing yet but, here's to hoping
You need to find something that'll occupy all of your attention to keep you busy, got any vidja you need to play?
I spent all my money on parts I thought would fix it.
I hope so. I've wanted it to end for 13 years. Just going through my favourite playlist one last time first.
avatarfags have no rights
They're asleep of course
Never had the taste for beer, I prefer stronger drinks like vodka
I'm sleepy, I wanted to see heads roll but I guess it was not meant to be
You should make a tulpa, sounds like you are already headed towards schizo territory anyway.
I've never really moved moved before. I only ever took a few thing to my exs when I lived with her but yeah packing that shit up was depressing but for different reasons.
Are you willing to be one of Emperor Todd's Imperial Guard or Grenadiers?
where da wolves at?
is dat da fake numbah one?
yea nigga i been evicted n shit ain't coo
yo was this jus a false impetus to ban risstu and only rtsui on some personal ish?
i'll spark a l fo ya holmes
What are you talking about? There are no avatars here anymore. I have transcended the boundaries of avatarfaggotry, as my trip is the trip that will pierce the heavens.
Well, as far as I'm concerned I'm an American so yes I do
mods where the fuck are you guys?
Fuck off, my nigga.
Not thinking for too much longer. Then again I might want to just keep my night cycle up.
you discarded your rights being an avatarfag
This thread genuinely upsets me. I've been avoiding Holla Forums more and more over the course of a year, but now 4am and a handful of generals are the only reason I come here.
Mark and the mods have an extremely arbitrary "vision" for Holla Forums that they expect everyone else to magically follow, much like 4chan.
Haven't seen you around in a while fam, what's been up other than the psx routine?
No rule-breaking here, user.
Merely dinosaurs.
What vidya are you playing?
This from a guy in a "LTR" with a cartoon character.
I will lead my men to great victory as Napolean Howard!
patience is a virtue. not that you hot heads would understand.
i loved beer for ages, but then i cut it out for diet purposes and switched to scotch when i was drinking, now i can't stomach beer quite the same
This thread is boring as shit, was hoping for a shitfest.
Goddammit, hotpockets.
Too busy masturbating with their fully circumcised penises.
Guess your fears were unfounded faggot
Mods are fucking pussies, I was looking forward to the ban. What did you fuckers expect? Mark is a yid that avatar fagged as Umaru for fuck sake.
c'mon nao nigga
there's a fake one in ds9 or alternate one or sumn nigga i just re-watched it fam he wanna be evil nigga but he really just misguided af
well this is slightly disappointing
so what have you fuckers been up to
Mark lied, people died.
Well I went on vacation with a friend in the cabins for a weekend, was good, got some good Pops out of it. Flocked Bert and Ernie, Flocked Dug and Clark Kent. Gotta intentionally fuck up my sleep schedule to prepare for my trip in the first week of September though so here I am
Playing video games.
Like you should be
I guess this was to be expected, can't have a 4am thread when mods fuck up Holla Forums. Switching to Overwatch.
I never liked beer myself. I went straight for things like rum and vodka, and for now I'm sticking with the latter
As long as Ritsu gets banned/never appears again I'm ok.
My hate against him will be over but at what cost?
the death of tradition to favor hotheads who dream of reliving a supposed golden age they were never a part of?
yo any ya niggaz cap my shit fo me when i called it n when i told ya'll niggas dis how it gon be nigga?
nigga had to go
told ya'll sum1 would catch deez
ayo nigga
i fukn love gondola nigga
Yes I have lost control. I'm having too much fun talking with someone about stuff.
Judging from the uniform it's the real one. Cause his twin wasn't able to make it to Commander yet.
u sound bitch made af nigga u need help fo'real
Nah but it was expected to be honest fam. Mods are fags.
I've been cleaning, Made myself a double cheese burger and watched anime like a total nerd
I have to get up at 9:30/10AM and it's already 3:10AM. I'm not looking forward to 9 hours of grilling and frying tomorrow. Worst of all, I still haven't heard back from any of the places I applied to yet.
Here's the new mousepad though. it's comfy.
Shooting is always fun.
Eh, I never could get into it. I didn't dislike it when I played it though. How long you been playing? I only played on/off for a few weeks before getting bored.
The rules state only excessive posting of an avatar. So we can get away with one or two. I won't push my luck beyond just my first post though.
A reminder
D&D has changed it's official day to saturdays 4 AM instead of fridays
I'm not sure if you've spent any decent amount of time reading it, but /fringe/ is just a fuckton of different theories that nobody actually wants to discuss because a lot of those people are too retarded to hold a perspective against their own viewpoint for even one second.
That aside, you're probably just hallucinating a little bit.
Just meditate more and it'll be fine. Quit being a bitch and learn to tell the difference from reality and imagination. This is a skill you should have anyway.
Well if a random stranger's words on the internet count, happy birthday user.
Well isn't that the biggest shame! I was hoping to have some fun tonight outside of screaming at PSX emulators
How've you been fambalam?
i'll miss being able to enjoy a big pint of beer like i used to, but after switching it just aint like it was
its so much god damn liquid too, i can't intake so much anymore
initially to see a show cuz i like seeing shows, i woulda just gone home after but there was a chick i know who wanted to hang out more
didn't work in my favor
What's on your mind user?
Traveled a bit today, tried to take a nap, and now I just wanted to grab my pop corn and enjoy public executions, but I guess it won't be like that
Sounds tasty as fuck. Put anything on it?
I'm imaging my new arrangement will be like the dorms except there are no people around to avoid
Shit, that's rough
I like to use beer as a springboard for when I'm trying to get drunk. I don't get as effective results with just liquor
Pretty good had stomach issues and called out for work today and spent the day cleaning and talking to friends. gotta goto a wedding in September soon
Depends on your beliefs, and you know, mind over matter and all that.
I demanded entertainment.
All I got was foreheads and tripfags.
All well, have a good morning you fags.
nah, the help I needed is to be detached from these threads.
It's funny though, now that 4am is dying, I'm starting college, about to find a job and starting to unify all my friends together as we walk towards the future.
I'm happy.
You have been posting kirby every night
close enough
I told you fags nothing would happen.
I told you every time but you insisted on celebrating before the finish.
You didn't listen.
Sounds like pure love.
Wizard here.
It depends on the demon. If you tend to have negative thoughts, you're likely to summon a demon. Demons dwell at the darker ends of consciousness, so anyone can summon them. Even animals. It's the vibe you get when you approach a dog or a human who just seems wrong.
Not all demons are bad. They simply represent the opposite end of a spectrum. Think of it like positive and negative.
Surely you can get past panda user.
Thanks user.
I just hope I can turn my life into something more like I want it this year.
How's the rest of your day been user?
usually sairacha hot sauce and pepper jack cheese
What now? An outer heaven?
What did you do? Was it fun? Was there video games?
Wew lad, that's a terrible idea. They can't directly harm you, but they can definately lead you to a path of destruction. Bunker up, pull out a Bible, and call upon the Lord if you want shit to not go south.
Christfag here, do not believe this poster.
I'm probably done with these threads for good after tonight. I've never been a fan of identity on an anonymous imageboard, but a large amount of the help and kindness in these threads came from the "regulars".
Do I look like I got all god damn day here Mark? Do I have to tripfag? Come on ban me, Ritsu wasn't even using an avatar.
Shit, smokes. I've been a sperg all week dude.
I'm going to watch this shit feast play out
if i get banned in the process it's nothing to worry about
this is hilarious
more or less the same here
glad to know your prepared
Yeah, I can only go to the bathroom so often
Strange, since beer has a pretty shitty alcohol %, you'd have to drink a shitload of it
I guess, but it is kind of underwhelming. You keep safe fam
Well then I didn't know meme magic effects 4 am as well
There is no reason to be enemies. It's an incorrect assumption that I do not believe in God. I simply choose to be my own authority. You should try it.
What's got you so glum, user?
This is pretty apparent even from the outset, it doesn't invalidate any of the arguments however, and I've had enough paranormal shit happen to me in the past, none of it malicious though. I just want theories and info of any kind.
Sounds tasty as fuck.
Happy birthday, faggot.
nigga that was Mark, and it's why he's not here to ban our asses. This is fucking boring, ban me or don't you fucking Yids.
is that your waifu, she looks better than usual today
You're a faggot
It's been so long that I don't even remember. Everything went out of control and it's all fucked up.
i saw some metal music, that was fun, then had some drinks with friends, that was fun, then as it went deeper into the night it became less fun but i stuck with it cuz i'm a dumbass and there were no video games
and i smoked too many cigarettes now my mouth is all dry, terrible habit i should have never taken up
oh christ i don't miss that part of beer, having to piss ever 30 minutes is a nuisance
Oh, you know the usual. Knowing how futile is trying to be a better person when you know that deep down you are not meant to be one of the good guys. The harder I try the harder i fall, sometimes it feels its even better to not even try at all
It's that Lime is a shit mod and doesn't give enough of a shit to actually do anything.
Just start reporting yourself and maybe something will happen.
we're heading dark times since evreything is falling apart and burning. but I assure you something will emerge from the ashes after the autistic shit fires flame away.
The third one is garbage.
Well be sure not to drink too much of the stuff to keep you up right before you hit the hay, otherwise you might not get enough sleep.
Well, I can only hope for more entertainment
Damn mods, if you just wanted to ban ritsu you shouldn't have gone through all the trouble of a new rule
Wheres the fun in that? Why don't you anti-avatar fag autists report me.
Good job by the way guys, the thread sure is quality now the avatarfags are gone. fucking idiots.
Yeah it does. I'm the cook of my household. nigga you want stake you get that shit. you want casserole i'm on it. name it i'll cook it
No it's your birth picture.
What are y'all niggers listanan too this morning
Yeah, because you can't be a faggot anymore. At least you cleaned up your act and realized no one gives a fuck about you and your identity.
Vroom (Mark is a faggot)
You should lower your expectations, less likely to be disappointed that way. Either way, how've you been user?
savage retort, are you sure you shouldn't be crying about this on reddit tonight?
Well this was boring.
really it's amazing the kind of shitposting that goes on in this thread now that ritsu is gone
I really enjoy cooking myself. You're a cool guy.
Happy birthday user, sorry to hear it wasn't so great.
Can't say I know the feeling, I've never moved before, but I have helped a neighbor move out to his apartment after he and his wife split up. That was kinda sad, he didn't have to say anything, I kinda figured it out as soon as I realized it was only his shit we were moving to the truck.
You too user
Indeed it is, not that I'm complaining though.
Right back at ya
go on…..
Yes yes, much better
Even if I did post on Leddit, I wouldn't be crying. I love this new age of shitposting.
Yeah, it's odd. I'll feel the effects of alcohol after a beer or two and then I can switch over to cocktails and get proper drunk from there.
Do you really expect mods on Holla Forums to not be cancer?
Only 1 step above kike whores don't ever (you) me again.
Hello everyone, it's me! Your recurring friend SandwichAnon!
Ban me Mark, you fat jew.
Sounds like a fun time, good for you man. Where's your next trip to?
Shooting be fun.
Only been playing hearth for like a month, sparingly even though.
On to Overwatch at the moment.
Slightly better
where are all the bans at?
god damn it mods
Only be McCree
You know the hotpockets failed to bring in a match.
3/10. Shit skill. You mods suck.
how much alani do i have to post for mark to kill me
i mean okay yesterday's ban only expired at like 1 pm, but still
Fuck off with that shit.
You got something against monstergirls faggot?
What stuff?
I'm back!
Mods can't even follow their own rules. Post a series of pics of people smoking? Fine. Post a series of dinosaurs? Fine. Post a series of foreheads? Ban able offense.
I'm a chill guy all around. Weather its Gaming or anything.
I find a way. I've been downing mnt dew enough to have cancer for my next 3 lives.
Is there any actual proof behind this?
I see your point. Well I'd be glad to have a taste for beer (since it's cheap and is always there), but my body does not agree with me.
Why would anything interesting ever happen?
Yes because that totally has nothing to do with your tripcode you fucking retard.
i spilled my milk
Only one that is ok in that batch.
Post pictures of flies with tits? Also fine. They literally made a rule to ban one person. It's pure cowardice.
Yet they don't ban me, while I'm posting picture after picture of Sam Hyde, god I hate mods.
At least you're home now hombre, rest your weary head and all that. Anything else good come out of your late night adventures?
Which avatarfag would you fuck?
Lord help us, he's back.
You should just bail when the fun ends. It's what I usually do. Or stay and make it fun. Don't let others direct the flow, etc.
I would fuck the Toddfag.
Would there be a way to transfer any malicious entities I encounter onto this dude?
either Yoza or Genesisfag tbh
Nothing to serious I hope.
Cute asians are better.
Its true.
I've been saying the whole time the mods had a bias against certain people. Hell their posts in that last pic I posted says as much.
Authorities only have the power you give them.
Have a good one user.
It's only because Mark is a big fat bitch baby and he hates you specifically.
Carry on my shitposting son. There won't be peace when you are gone. Lay your large-ass forehead to rest. Pls get banned no more.
Vroom Vroom (Mark can't ban anyone)
lol retard w/ shitty waifu
I masturbated to ritsu doujin last night
Fuck off Ritsu you unwashed faggot.
your gf wouldn't like it if you talked of her that way.
maybe she'll take away what's left of your humanity before your parents cut off the internet.
Oh wait, I opened them in the wrong order. I was referring to the cross-dressing one. It's the third one from the bottom.
Nah I like playing others, can't stand only playong one character.
epic boogeyman
you nigger did it to yourself
if you asked around who the most annoying avatarfag is his name won't even drop
All it takes is know-how, elbow grease, and attitude user. I hope it works out for the best for you.
nah, just a upset stomach that would impair me to do my job. but, i'm better now
Testing trip to get banned
Not when Lime is ignoring reports and is too afraid to actually do anything.
you're looking skinny sam did you stop the zippy water?
ya'll niggaz crazy
Vroooom (I bet Mark won't ban me for posting Comodores)
I can't possibly see the downside of a bunch of neet shitposters on the internet living on an oilrig miles away from any law or order.
fuck you retardo
got a problem with fine fiction?
no, my showers are clean ;^)
ya'll niggaz crazy
forgot da pic thooooo fam
At least the other avatarfags don't desecrate their showers with fecal matter.
Well this is weird
I think I'll just hang out in the Cytube posting Sebastien Tellier
I'll be around but have a good night all the same
So that faggot Mark did nothing at the end, huh?
Ha thats pretty good.
I mean it is a pretty slick car, can't blame him.
Some are still going to be around user.
Gimme the deets fam, sounds interesting.
shut up faggot dont you have complaining to do on the 4am sdiscord?
There's some short bans being thrown out, probably as warning. I'm just hoping they stop being 15 minute bans and start lasting days soon cause non of the avatarfags seem to have any intention of listening.
So, what was the last game you 100%'d?
Mine was Dark Souls 3.
I'm just here to watch smug anime cunts have a mental breakdown over their waifu(s) being disallowed like their parents should've done.
Oh bullshit, if Huey really wanted to fuck the thread over he would have fucked with Mark enough to get everyone banned. Mark isn't even awake.
fam block your IP
he banned Ritsu but came back
Yeah, I see that, your man tits have really made some major gains.
the syllables are wrong dude
you obviously never tried writing poetry
at least the last line was right, otherwise it's almost like he was trying to get the syllables wrong
Mods could have told the shitposters to fuck off instead but decided banning the people who actually use the thread was the thing to do. All of it would have went away if they did the former.
Don't worry you aren't "well known" enough for that to happen.
Yeah, I stayed up for this?
Why do you want it to happen?
Fuck you Mark.
That all depends on what god is. Have a nice day.
Try making a list of all the problems you have in your life, then working on the easiest possible one. Take cleaning your room for example, then work your way up the list with the momentum you build up from it.
I'll probably be joining him soon. Almost certain my girlfriend is cheating on me, that was the last thing I gave two fucks about.
Don't see a point anymore.
I had some good fun with Overwatch, I'm off it right now though, have been for about a month or so. Still playing through Muramasa and Monster Hunter Generations. You playing anything else?
first and last ones are great. Second one is meh
fuck yeah
Into the fucking garbage
y-you too….
Arkham Knight. I wouldn't have bothered if it weren't for the promise of a true ending that turned out to just be an extra cutscene.
Until you upload a full medical report confirming it is not gyno, I will never believe you.
Fucking DB xenoverse. That was a bitch and a half.
user, want to write a wiki for my 590k mario shitfic?
mark is a gay fag
I know that feel bud, try and stay strong.
Those things are only true if you let yourself believe that they are, user.
I want this place to die like Holla Forums did already, and for the same reason.
my whole life is a problem
i wanted to respond sooner but i had already queued up >>10449602
Coming from someone who was in your spot once user, don't give up your life because of some 3dpd. You'll move on eventually.
What did you faggots expected from the kike who unironically likes umaru and joins every non-vidya umaru thread?
Ah I see.
Ok, I'll just wait then.
Cowpoke music.
Mark should have him and his mod ban the avatarfags and the dancing goblins just to see what happens
The thread started out slow, but got pretty spicy later on. Good show.
Goodnight you faggots.
Gunsmith Cats was great.
I think last time I went and got 100% in a game was with the original 3 Spyro games last year.
What kinda plates are those supposed to be?
Umaru is the only redeemable thing about Mark, fag.
Life usually is.
Applesauce is pretty good, with a little bit of cinnamon it's tasty.
It was.
Cya next time user!
Hey guys
you too user
You deserved it. Monogamy is long dead.
Why even bother
Playing tons of stuff when I actually have time to. osu!, World of tanks, CSGO, Planetside 2 just to name some main ones.
Come on user.
Gonna be disconnected while the shitstorm happens, but I'll be watching.
Ayy sandy, how's it been fam? I haven't seen you since the kerosene and high-heel incident.
How are you even surprised by that? The avatarfag thing was only interesting because the mods might have actually done it. Now it's just another rule that doesn't get enforced
I reported you ;)
I've been considering giving up watching cute girl animes cause I'm afraid it'd make her jealous tbh
Forced anonymity with rare exceptions is the only cure
Doesn't soda lead to kidney stones?
I never said I was surprised.
nigger dick
a nigga kek't satan
Eh I don't know what the mods were expecting really.
Lena Dunham's head on a platter.
You underachieving faggot, we've been waiting over a year
I'm biased in that I only bought the game because of McCree.
legit question
What video game character do you want to fart in your face?
BTW, I was the fringe guy arguing with the Christfag. :^)
why are you posting from shimoneta?
I thought anime with males were a no no
Well that's good man, hope you enjoy whatever's left of the day.
So wait how long does it take for an avatarfag to be banned?
Are you sure? She never struck me as territorial
This. They should also disable images because avatarfags will just find some other way of identifying each other
i cri eery tim
I'm just lazily posting from my "unsorted anime" folder because mods were faggots and banned my forehead posting.
took me 8 posts on da first wave nigga let's find out on da second tho
Better head on to bed, gotta get up in about 6 hours, give or take, for that shitty 9 hour shift. Wish me luck.
Sleep tight everybody, catch you guys on the flipside~
absolute garbage
Too fucking long.
He died as he lived
Night fam
Night yoza
I only hope things either normalize or become more interesting tomorrow
source: i'm japanese
You don't remember the episode where she gets jealous of Mio and Nodoka's friendship? Imagine how she'd be with me!
Is this the GamerGate thread?
Get out Todd
I'll try, but really feel like just calling it quits. I'm too old to really do a relationship again.
You're right, it is dead. The idea of any form of commitment is lost on almost everyone.
Nice dino. In the end I probably will puss out like I did in the past. But just tired of the dating scene and all this shit. I thought I'd be somewhere else in my life right now, settled down and shit.
you should still show devotion, after all. the rules said waifu posting was allowed. so really you are cheating.
much like how you cheated out of those people you conned out for money, games, dick pics and a drum set
but that's nonoe of my buisness, you can always reset IPs
black as hell nigga
das ryt
Night yoza!
Good luck!
God damn Sean has the most punchable face.
She wouldn't care because you're a faggot in love with a cartoon character who mooches off of his parents whilst doing no work.
New Vegas, ages ago.
Enjoying the show so far?
actually yes
Get out of here amateur.
How old are you?
And even though my relationship isn't conventional I did end up moving on after and getting with someone new you know.
Mod immediately went back on the "waifu" posting one. And even if they didn't they'd still ban me for it anyway. They've already proven they are targeting certain people.
I have no sympathy for betas. In Japan, men aren't men, and the women like white dudes. Result: the average white dude is a god to them, and could cuck the shit out of Uematsu-kun over there.
R9Kfags are the saddest thing on the internet, and they like it that way. They exist in a self-perpetuating vampire cycle of self-loathing and ways to justify self-loathing as to remove responsibility for cleaning up their lives. They're cowards. But that doesn't offend them. What I just said validates their self-loathing. The R9K response is "I know. I'm a huge piece of shit." They are not pieces of shit. They're average Joes who found a loophole in the game of sex, challenge, responsibility, and work. They're botting, hence Robots.
Interestingly, these "men" are angry at women because women have been using their tactics for a long time. The shitty women, I mean. There's some jealousy there.
But this is easy to correct.
If you're a beta and you think women are shallow, prove it by getting into a relationship and demonstrating it to yourself. What if you discovered that being a real man is a thousand times more fun than single-mother syndrome? What if instead of being depressed all the time, all your problems reversed themselves and people respected you? What if you could finally get people to see things from your point of view?
Betas will never uprise because they're going to destroy themselves without even a whimper. Nobody will care or remember or entertain their bullshit. Betas can't truly submit to a woman because women don't think in terms of conquest. Best case scenario you'll be teased a little, then dropped for someone better as soon as he appears. Was getting caught part of your plan?
That's why I have no sympathy for betas.
I actually like playing as Killingfloor Grandma.
You lived your whole life before meeting her, and you have an entire life after her. You might feel like shit now user, but you'll bounce back. Everyone always does eventually.
i mean if i knew i was good w/ it i'd just post regular ya know but one ban in got me thinkin u know
dis fam tbh
Whose ready for a lesson today with your good friend They Might Be Giants?
Fuck you cunt I'm Japanese and not a beta tool
Reported for avatarwriting
Banned for not purchasing Fallout 4.
got eeeeem
You're just jealous Fallout 4 doesn't have 18 QUINTILLION planets, only about as many "radiant" quests.
Your time is up, Todd.
I'm surprised you even got banned honestly.
It might feel that way, but you can still put the pieces back together user. It's never too late to start trying.
How do you stop drinking the liquid Jew Holla Forums? I wanna lose some weight but I'm having trouble giving up soda.
drink water, nigger
Did you know that the sun was actually a large ball of plasma, unlike starts which are actually gas ball of hydrogen
step one: stop being fat
Drink more water, orange juice and milk
Don't buy soda.
It's way too late. Serious post so no sena.
Have a good one man.
Replace with tea.
Try Arizona. It's vaporwave as fucc.
I replace the liquid jew with ice tea.
I always make sure the ones I buy contain no high fructose corn syrup.
then I just squeaze lime juice into the iced tea.
Sean. You're not even a hack. You're a semi-competent developer who can develop a game. You can't even lie through your teeth without making it obvious. Get out of the game industry. You're far too honest.
Try those flavored water packets. Or tea.
Mornin, how are ya?
soda water w/ lemon n there's that shit called la croix which taste kinda funky tbh monica but is gud if u just wan a lil sumthin carbonated
move on from there tryin teas n shit u might like den jus go fo water or make yo own gatorade w/ da powder mixez.
dey throw a ban atchu todd?
Switch to water, and if you have soda keep it out of your reach.
What helped me was making water easier to get to. I bought cases of bottled water, kept it right next to my desk. The soda was downstairs, and my laziness in a strange way helped me kick the soda habit.
Tbh I got over my depression when I left these threads behind
Sure they're fine if you need advice but shit nigga get another hobby or something if life is so shit
That explains why I've never seen them before then.
spam reports with this
yall niggers need jesus
Same shit. Have you seen the amount of sugar in there? It's even worse if you buy or make the smooth kind, because you don't even get the added fibers from the pulp.
So the faggots actually banned me
oekaki version when tho?
1. Drink calorie free variants of the liquid jew
2. Add ice. Like a fuckton of it to the point you're drinking 50% water.
3. Don't be a faggot and limit your liquid jew drinking to only specific moments of the day/week. (E.g. only on frrrrrrriday night.) Have some god damn discipline.
You one fancy nigga, still surprise me to this day.
drink water instead
use willpower
I've been in 4am for years, and only started avatarfagging recently. Just doing this to spite you niggers and watch 4AM burn to the fucking ground.
Haven't seen him around in a while, guess that explains it.
might as well kill yourself now, fam
I always hated that they replaced misty
tomboy a best
Mods confirmed for retards. Can't wait until tomorrow's thread.
These threads helped me when I was depressed,
I am depressed again, I was fired recently, and this shit happen.
Me too. But I can ban evade as much as I want because the retards banned too many people at once. :)
Look at him. Would that face be lying to you if he told you that THERE IS multiplayer* in his masterpiece?
*for future DLC at the low price of $40
I could tell you how retarded you are simply for typing that but I'm on mobile so I'll just tell you to fuck off
not u yui plz monica dam i ain't wanna hafta war w/ u
dis jus don't make no sense tho nigga
So did mark not prepare the mods properly to deal with the avatarsfags?
because holy shit is this night boring.
if you need avatarfags not to be depressed you're better off dead
Thats it I stand by the mods, ban him!
I expected better yui!
it was bound to happen, the rule is basically just there so they have an excuse to ban anyone for any reason
Rule 8 is used when they don't like your posts and to get rid of attentionwhores.
MS Paint on Vista is a clusterfuck.
dat nigga vega mad tho
gud thing i b dmx tho
A shooting star isn't actually a star guys.
anyway the log says we got bumplocked so i guess i'll say my goodbyes now
thanks for being my friends, it's been a long time since i had anybody i could consider one
especially ritsu and dmx
Ha! Already going better than expected.
I'm surprised you got mine and marks faces as good as you did then, good job!
use gimp fool c'mon get w/ it or get lost nigga that's real talk right chyea family
nex u gon tell me a dolphin ain't a fish or summa dat ole bullshit or sumn nigga
Live in the States or in nippon fam?
yeah I hear he mad DMX u stay tru real niggaz like u gotta lead
This is exodus-worthy hotpocketeering, but Holla Forums is too divided to notice 4am drama.
I didn't feel like installing it.
Add me on steam if you haven't user! I'm always from open to chat whenever!
Hah. Your face doesn't even look like he could tell his entire audience that his company has been making an entire new engine despite using the same engine they've been using for the past 15 years.
I think it's time to sleep. I'll see you guys either tomorrow night or in a week depending on how things go
It's almost like this rule exists so they can ban anyone they don't like at any time
he has risen
hyphen, left slant, underscore, parenthesis, tsu, parenthesis, underscore, right slant, hyphen
If you serious I moved to the US a few years back and don't want to look back.
And those smug fucks used D+, which means all of my other posts are gone too.
Add Ritsu to the game and I'll buy 20.
Night peko!
Hope to see you soon!
not that kind of goodbye
the long goodbye i am going to the park once my playlist is done, i just need to decide which shoes to wear
probably the cheap old ones so i don't ruin a nice pair
Well I'm happy to hear you're having a good time user.
gonna scam more potential victims for a new drumset?
why not just do another thing to leech off your parents you manlet cuck.
A. This is just like four or five people being extremely autistic
B. They'll probably get banned sooner or later if you report them
Well, this thread sure is going along nicely.
How was everyone's day?
Can I have my cake and eat it too? Tell me more Todd.
I have no sympathy for betas because of fucking DayZ
user you better not do anything stupid Theres no dying in 4am!
Don't listen to him. You can have Ritsu in No Man's Sky, you can sculpt her out of the boredom disappointment of the players.
I was tempted to try her out, but then I remembered she wasn't a cowboy and abandoned the idea completely.
Thank you user I hope your weekend goes well.
Worked a 14 hour day, came home, played video games and shitpost while drinking. Good day.
Much better than Japan days.
You sound like you speak the truth unlike this Todd guy, keep talkin
When do we all get banned for avatarfagging?
Don't do it man, you can still turn this all around, don't give into the shit feelings you're going through right now.
Ok, why don't we have a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ board yet?
Nice one user, money is always good
Switch to club soda and a sweet tiny snack.
If you look hard enough, you'll find a planet with procedurally generated Ritsus that do exactly nothing. It'll be the best non game experience that you'll have in all of your life.
That so? I actually didn't know that.
Now this is art.
Why is every post you are replying to deleted?
And why aren't you banned yet?
Well that's disappointing. Maybe after Mark's little experiment we can go back to the usual routine. See you anons, some suspicious shit going on lately
Well how many planets are there for me to look through?
Night user!
It's never too late. You got at least half a century left in you if you start making changes now user.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Oh please Sean. We have a fully voiced companion with the possibility to live your entire life with her. We even have VR support so you can truly live with her.
grow a pair nigga
make a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ our of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 's.
That doesn't sound like fun.
Huh? why would I be banned? I'm not being a fag like you.
mark is a gay homo assholian
Come on, you aren't trying to todd me are you?
Wait a sec you aren't smoke
There was a week's notice.
With all the money we made scamming selling this amazing game to people, I'm sure Sony will be pleased to add VR Support* to No Man's Sky.
*For only 700 more dollars
so who all got a ban tho?
Why yes, I'm not smoke.
i did
well they dissapointed
Forgot the seal of approval
Why, I would never Todd you. You have my word.
I knew that one, it hurt a little as a kid to find that out.
You suck at this, Ritsu. It's time you get banned. It's for your own good.
It's time you ate nigga smegma
so me n sum random nigga?
dat lil parasyte cute af tho
Sleep tight man.
$700? I doubt your fans will buy it. See, we have some truly loyal fans who are willing eat up our shit buy our quality products. And since our games have modding you can even give her larger breasts or even a bigger forehead!
Eh I see a cigarette I think smokes, its not surprising.
This guy is making me want to shave
Why's that? How're you likin' your stay?
Just say "nigger".
it was aight hbu
'Preciate it man, same to you.
Okay Todd
Japan's a lovely place to visit, shit place to stay
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Adios muchacho
Well, why don't we get Hello Games and Bethesda to team up so we can steal money make even more people happy by developing No Man's Fallout?
Procedurally generated wastelands with empty dungeons and minimal combat/RPG elements sounds like the next GOTY.
Hey guys. I've been avatarfagging all day
as the Quake logo :^)
mark, we need stricter bans
i'm glad that i'm not seeing any ritsu foreheads in here, but the other nigger is still spouting niggerspeak here
15 minute bans are a joke
anyways, i might be getting a job soon. i applied as a unity game dev in some random company and they asked me for my skype on my email yesterday. today i wake up and they finally sent me a friend invitation on skype. now i just have to wait for them to actually contact me.
It's alright.
Sounds like a great plan. We'll make QUINTILLIONS!
Buy Fallout 4 or else.
Some people are evading the bans from what I can tell or something.
This is a shoah, nigger, call it what you will.
brock is my nigga tho
hate how dat last season ended
ya'll niggas eva have mo fun doin inane side quest shit in jrpgs than da main game?
yea i mean in da week leadin up to it we axed fo clairification n consistency w/ it just to have a mo open n transparent board but i'm sure u got niggas thinkin diaspora at dis point u know
oh look a whale
Pretty good, I finally got home after 2 weeks due to a family intervention on me. Pretty tired after a long day of travel but hey, I'm back in my den.
We'll have Phil Collins and the entirety of Genesis to compose our music.
Ha exactly
interventions neva fun monica all deez niggas tellin u dey care about u n shieet when all dey want is da endz offa yo prophets monica which is y u stay usin cocaine in da firs place
How's the food?
If you do a skype interview be sure to have a dragon dildo on your shelf in clear site, that might get a laugh.
Yeah, they also brought him down to a lowly pegboi. Damn shame.
How did that end up going?
Autumn leaves more like AUTISM leaves
Applesauce has returned
Are you going to include a KORG Wavestation gun?
Thats pretty fucking funny
David Duke did literally nothing wrong.
neither did nemo but he got lost and was eaten by a stoner turtle
shitposting is over already?
I thought the turtle was just a surfer stereotype.
heil fucking hitler
Why did Hitler fail his virtuous mission?
he got trapped in a heil storm
I like your joke
So is Australia :^)
thx user
If you like Japanese cuisine, you'll like it. I personally loved it.
Well, things are more on track I guess. I have some clear goals I'd like to achieve so it went pretty well. I don't like the fact my parents always want contact however.
Then pray tell, why do you want to visit?
Hitler's death is no joking matter.
oh wow dat's two fam b seein ya niggas in 90 days though i guess thanksgiving time niggas one
gun noises*
I can think of 3 good reasons ;^)
You may be Reich
I've only ever had sushi and some of their steaks, but chances are I'll love it all the same.
Congratulations user, that's great news. Having a plan is the first step to reaching your goals, and usually also one of the hardest. As for your parents, as you move down along your path to success they'll give you more room to breath. I wish you the best of luck man.
i may b cuh-rayzee
Happy early halloween.
burn the jews
What's your favorite Genesis game?
and what would those be?
Damn this is kinda depressing.
Nice one!
Not all there today, are we?
Yo nigga you ever play Rings of Power? That shit's dope as fuck mane.
Did I say reasons? Sorry, I meant to say holes. :^)
That's fuckin' adorable.
princess of yen
watch it next
I don't even have a fucking coherent reply for you.
Here's your (you)
Do think long and hard beforehand if you feel like getting a bird like that. Those things are little terrors and there's a good chance they'll outlive you
das it mayne
Oh, what's the matter? Still feel dazed and confused after last night?
well i'm going to head off now
Gnight faggots
Pets are a big responsibility and I am not a responsible person, so don't worry, I don't plan on getting one.
baii konachan~
I wish, and I can be as tired as I want, you big homo :^)
Sleep tight pupa
Oh I'm the homo? I'm not the one who literally wants to suck cock.
and be careful what you wish for ;^)
Might as well punch out for tonight. See you guys around, everybody take care.
Time for my departure. See you later fellow shitposters.
And why is that, you prancing lala homo man?
Don't ask questions you already know the answer to.
But what if I don't know?
Oh I think you know.
Good one nigger
Fine, I'm going to spell it out for you.
Those pants are going on the floor, you're going to make a mess in your chair, and I'm going to have some fun with you, understand?
My my, aren't we bold today?
I'll show you bold.
Wew lad
fuck that's italic.
I need source on that image for research purposes
It's ok, even if you're a dummy I still love you
d-don't say that. I-it's not like I love you too or anything.
even if my work is cut out for me here, you mysterious frustrating fuck
I'm glad you feel the same way, even if i do frustrate you sometimes
I may as well sleep, can't keep my eyes open for long.
Until next time Holla Forums.
sleep well
Well I frustrate you sometimes and you still love me It's called being patient, you impatient fuck. :^)