
What games do you consider have a good romantic plot/sub-plot?
Been a while since I've played a game that features that

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The fuck is wrong with you OP

Absolutely none.

The only ones I can think of is the Witcher and the shitty bioware games that always bugged me.

It's not romance. It's choosing flirty dialog options over the course of a 20 hour game, with no major changes in story dialogue until the night before the suicide mission where you have a kiss and (in the case if DA) you get a little bit of a sex scene, or a kiss that fades to black

when I grow up, I want to be sonico's photographer!!

Jesus Christ OP, you sick fuck.

this pic impresses me
do slavs really have the autism to get all those gas masks, go innawoods at night and take a picture because of a meme or is there a real reason to do that?

What do you think user?

Is she asking to have her butt raped? Look how it's sticking out…

there are barely any. if you're lucky you'll get somebody cute enough to act as your waifu and be able to make your own romance fantasy, yet i have not seen a video game that focuses heavily on romance as developers don't have any experience in that

with visual novels try katawa shoujo, or if you're interested in platonic friendships try cherry tree high comedy club, which is one of the only games i've played which features a young woman as the protagonist

pics related, greetings from /fur/



Why do most video game romance end the second the characters become a couple? It never explores how these two characters interactions change, they usually get together and that's it, no further relationship/character building at all. It's very irritating. Do they just not know how to write two characters that are in a relationship? Or are they just lazy?

Because there are no kissing or hugging mechanics, that's why.

maybe it's because artists see romance as something that the player is entitled to and not as something that grows and develops over time as a relationship does

maybe it's because most of the core gamer demographic (and 90% of Holla Forums) are more interested in shooting things up than they are in a story or character development, which is a big disservice to gaming in general because it doesn't explore how it can evolve as an art form

i guess there will always be gamers like us desperately looking out for those niche games which makes our hearts go doki doki, but then as for the mainstream, why would they even bother?

business and art hate each other, and i can see why

It's just a joke sidequest.

Despite being quite bear-bones, Dragon's Dogma almost got the basic idea right. It should be free-to-choose, yet impact the plot in some meaningful way.

Harvest Moon 64, plus many others in the franchises

You spend years (or one night with the dog if you choose Karen) wooing your girl of choice, marry her after you build a sustainable farm with all the proper spaces. You're rewarded with a loyal companion who helps you around the farm to the best of her ability and births you a loving child.

Simple but sweet

They should make more Hinako ovas.

are the relationships in Harvest Moon as trite as they seem?

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story

I don't think there are any, just disgusting shit like you posted OP.

Fucking degenerate.
Perverts like you need to be executed.
There's a special place in my ovens just for you.

i thought this game used lesbians to sell copies and not as any sort of meaningful story

No, it stars an absolutely adorable married couple.


KS is great, fuck you.

what are some vns that have better romance then?

you silly nerd CTHCC was a platonic sim

Love At first Sight if you like something that is short and diabetes-inducing levels of sweet.

If you can get past Ray-K's interesting fetishes.

Cheeki breeki is big in Slavland.

I just realized how much I hate you weeb faggots, I'm out!

you fucking disgust me
And no, "western" romance in video games is even more cancerous, but they're both on the approximately same level of cancer period
just fucking kill yourselves faggots

who put you on the planet

yes, they're garbage, your relationship with your corn is more nuanced and involved than the hm wife system.

I'm confused about the part where you imply that you have played vidya with a good romance, when no such game exists.

You guys want to see something gross?

I came here to laugh at you. Thanks for making this (1) bump the thread instead of ignoring it like someone with at least a third of a brain would have done.





i don't get it, it's just porn

Thing is, how do you organically implement romance within a game?

And it can't just be "pick the right answers", "do her quests" and "gift her shit from time to time" and then have it stop once you profess eternal love for each other and kiss/fuck.

That's not romance, that's just a trashy novel for women. There should be a more robust system in place that meshes with the gameplay and story and follows the player throughout the whole length of the game, never becoming just another bit of padding.

What about actions? Instead of pick a or b.

That's fine, but how do you implement it?

Something like tag teaming enemies in Dragon's Dogma, or helping her out/following her advice ala Binary Domain?

And the relationship itself needs to escalate from friendship to romance and keep "upgrading" as time goes on.

That's a lot of work that needs to be devoted to just that part, and a lot of content that would need to be developed.

It's like organically progressing through a relationship in real life - you just spend time with them, and learn about them until you find you really like them.

That's the same problem with any story in vidya, not just the romantic ones, plot lines are either railroads or shit or both.
And the other part is a problem with roughly all romantic fiction and I don't know that games are up to climbing that mountain.

There could be some h games out there that can kinda sorta do it though. slavemaker and trainer types might be on the right track.

So what we basically need is a semi watered down version of LovePlus with virgin, qt maidens in a game about killing other knights with giant, fuck-off claymores to obtain all of their butter.

Lets say in Deus Ex, even the smallest things get noticed. Sometimes it has an impact sometimes it doesnt depending where you are and with whom

This seems feasible

That is my kind of eroge.
Vanilla is best.It'd have been better of they were married or ended up deciding to marry.

It's fine if there are railroads, but well hidden ones though. Again, the primary problem is how much content would need to be devoted to this aspect.

Then again, considering your party members are the characters you spend the most time interacting with it might not be that bad an allocation of resources.

So, now we wait for someone to make a Battle Harem mod for Butterlord.

With Deus Ex it kind of peters out towards the end. The game is front loaded with the game "reacting" to your actions.

Vanilla+Harem is the only way.

No one else has mentioned it but Mass Effect, all 3 of them have a pretty good romance subplot for all of the female crew you have, only 1 per game though.

there are fags on planet earth that don't want quarian space pucci

What's the fucking point then?
Vanilla has to be monogamous.

I dont need love my life is jus sufering and sadness.

Too bad all of the female characters are shit, in typical BioWare fashion.

Heresy. It's only vanilla when no girl loses, hence harem > rest of gay shit.


pretty much.

Warwolf, if anyone is curious

I will be very disappointed if a brave, autistic knight doesn't take up this quest.

Actually a few characters mention your fling with your preferred space girl.

I want to believe.



Here's your other reply since that user was nice enough to do it for me.


I'm honestly baffled that nobody has yet made a Western game with a harem route.

I mean, there's yuri shit and fujoshi bait, but no one has made anything like that for a straight, male audience.

It's baffling. And it's not like there's no demand for something like that either.

I hear all the time Super Paper Mario actually has a good romance involving the villain. I have no idea how that possibly works.



Dear god OP, i'm calling the authorities, you need to keep yourself in control.


I'm reasonably sure that they marry other people in the Good ending.

You can't seriously think that's why their hands all had wedding rings.

It's pretty obvious it was just symbolic of him giving them a chance at a new life with a family and him having his own with him at the very end as a reward for saving them.

it's a much better ending my way

You are a degenerate user.
That's not vanilla.
A harem is literally not possible in vanilla. It's not possible within the genre.
If you want a polygamous relationship, go to some arab shithole.

let's get this thread back on track and post our waifus



I agree.

Says the emotionless heretic that wants to see waifus suffer.

Begone abomination.


wew lads
So I guess we can conclude there is no good romance in any game? Not even in some JRPG out there? That's a shame

Well it is very limited in vidya don't you think? All you can really have are flags and various instances of A, B, or C. There can't be an AI for dialogue so you are always going to be railroaded somehow.

also the romances almost exist exclusively in little pocket-universes within the game because its either too time consuming to write changes that could happen between characters during the game while they are in a relationship

it almost always bottoms out after the part where you go bang them off screen and then you're effectively done with the character



Here's the way I see romances working, at least from a action rpg.

You have party members that are either AI like in dragons dogma, or that you can switch to on the fly.

By doing quests together, and just generally having them in your party you gain some kind of love points. As they like you more they gain skills, and passive abilities that make them stronger.

Also you can talk to them while in your party, or in a town, probably have a main hub area like dragon age. This is how you learn about them, and how they would approach you.

Now when you go to cities or villages your party/whole crew will generally split off on their own. So we can run I to people in town, or have an excuse to meet with our interest for a date or something.

These dates are important distinctions, they have different levels to them, like friend dates, romantic interest dates, maybe even "try to convince someone to be a third partner" dates.

That way if you have a crew member you don't like using, you can still boost their skills without damaging your potential love interest.

Then either periodically or maybe just once they come to you with a special request quest line. And this is how you become an item, or get closer.

And in theory you could have it so other crew members can get together, either with your help (or choice), or have it scripted so you can steal them away/back.

Obviously ambitious, but it would be an actual game mechanic instead of tacked on.

You need to fuck off.

bumping this Holla Forumsread

Shadow Of the Colossus does romance well, despite the female side being dead for the majority of the game.

Dragon Age Inquisition


Show us the good stuff then

This has to be bait.

Does the truth hurt?

Try "Most romance", dweeb.

7/10. I would have preferred it if they had talked about their feelings a bit more.

I said fuck off. You're being a moralfaggot.

I bet you're a virgin too you faggot.

More projecting, you obnoxious moralfaggot. I said nothing about actually wanting one. I said that there's nothing wrong with harem endings in 2D settings and you posted that shit as a reply.

Opinion invalidated.

LOL get a load of this one fellaz.


Does not compute.

I know it's nothing new, but when exactly did we start to get subverted by normalfags?

You're not serious. This isn't cuckchan. We actually have the power to prevent that from happening.


Yeah, it's also not degenerate if 2D has a "happy faggot ending" amiriite?
As long as they're happy, it's fine!

Virgin is an insult since this means you do not have a loving wife nor a degenerate harem.

The age of the nerds is over.
But perhaps the dudebros can turn it back.

Get bullied and your games might get gud again.

You can't lose your virginity to 2D. You aren't suggesting that 3D is anything but utterly disgusting, are you?

I am implying just that.
3D can be good, I swear.


You're posting like a triggered retard.

You're only making this easier for me.

I never got the appeal to romance or even loving another person.
Can anybody explain it to me?

Sure user.
Pointing out that something is degenerate and someone getting mad about that sure is me being triggered.
That doesn't sound like projecting at all.

The way you keep spewing degenerate like a Holla Forumstard and the fact you're being this much of an obnoxious arrogant moralfaggot is only making you look worse.

Goddamn, you're stupid.

Yes, calling me a Holla Forumstard shows your actual superiority.
You're not arguing the exact same way I am.
Go masturbate to your 2D harem.
It'll prepare you for your future gangbangs with top notch Arab women. Gotta love them almost Africa-tier tits.

You're proving my point with all the retarded generalized shit you keep spewing and you think a smug anime girl makes you look any less unintelligent.


But to give a more wierd example:
my grandfather literally build a house with my grandma.
She would hold iron pipes while he welded or hammered them.
A good loyal woman can be your NPC henchman. But those are pretty damn rare.

You must be very smart. A clear superior.
Especially with such superb taste in eroge.

Are you just baiting the poor guy or do you have legit autism?

Either way, I'm getting too old for this shit.

Or you can go the Mount and Blade route and show that the "romance" is loveless and purely political. Women are only interested in you if you're rich and famous and you are only interested in women with a powerful family.

That's up to you to decide user.


But what's the point to that?
What's the point in being in a relationship?

Be honest
Are you Autistic?

One of the few times I've seen this question being asked in a legitimate context.

Schizo, but close enough I guess.

You immediately generalized anyone who doesn't get triggered by fictional harems in idealized settings as being no better than mudslimes despite all the monarchs that kept concubines or mistresses along with implying I'm a cuck that would tolerate their shit just because I dare support any form of polygamy despite the fact a man and a harem only means their genes spread even more, which you bitch about being "degenerate" anyways.

All I did was point out how pathetic you sounded when you unironically typed an exclamation mark and you mindlessly accuse me of projecting when you're the only one who's been doing that.

If you were baiting all along, you just looked retarded.

Are you autisitc or do you simply not grasp the nature of escapism?

Yes, 3DPG are vile, but there's nothing that says your fantasy harem can't be a harmonious and loving environment.








My exact fucking point. In fiction a guy could bang a bunch of demons or aliens without any objection.

You asked if there was a way to implement the mechanic, I simply told you one of the easiest ways even if it ends up being cynical.
Alternatively, you could make the best dialogue simulator ever programmed. Good luck.

I love you user.

No, you stupid cunt, you "implemented" political marriages, not romances.

Otherwise Crusader Kings and Total War games would be the best romance games around. Work on your reading comprehension and keep MGTOW butthurt out of escapism.

Or you could just leave if the thread gives you flashbacks of your ex.

Most games seem to have it so once you pork them it's mission accomplished, move on.

All of them require a lot of direct interaction, especially the boring harvest moon drown them of gifts and cum method.

Keep wishing things like runefactory/hm/stardew would have a female character, or just any character in general actually pay attention to your progress and come to respect you based on how productive you are aka the animal lover will like you more when they see you have a large barn full of animals you brush daily etc.

You had no argument for it being shit. You had no example other than shitposting about mudslimes, which I pointed out, not even saying it was fine outside of fiction and you're also moralfagging over gays. And you did look like you were triggered because no one normally posts shit like exclamation marks because they don't need to. You seemed to be offended at the very idea just because I pointed out it was completely harmless the way I described it. This is what makes it pathetic. Finally, if your bait is shit, it's shit regardless of who takes it if they're irritated enough to force a reply.

Let's break down your arguments so you'll hopefully fuck off and take your crazy pills.

Irrelevant to the discussion. Escapism has fuckall to do with the real world, and if you think otherwise you need to find a new hobby, gaming clearly isn't for you.

Also irrelevant because pixels and drawn images are not people, nor do they need to behave like people.

Realism has no relevance to the discussion either.

wew, other people don't like what you like, who knew?

And now I'm hiding your ID.

Wew lad

This thread is great.

Kill yourself.

That's an issue with the romance genre in general. Fiction basically assumes that the most difficult part of love is confessing your feelings, followed by fucking each other silly.

While it does take a lot of courage to fess up to your feelings, that's the easiest part of a relationship. Keeping a relationship going after the fires of passion have cooled down somewhat is where it gets hard, and few stories, be it books, movies, games, etc. ever bother with that aspect.

That's what people have been discussing all this time, a way to naturally integrate relationships (not necessarily romantic ones) into the gameplay without making it a chore like in GTAIV, that was on the right track, what with giving you all manner of minigames and side activities so "hanging out" with your pals actually is fun, but fucked it up by making them extremely annoying with their pestering and decay in the relationship meter.

Sounds similar to a combination of what I've seen in different games. It would be viable, but we all know romance doesn't really sell in the west. Maybe the nips already thought of something similar, and we just haven't found it

this triggering tells me anonymous was right and you're a virgin

But you all know that the best romance is in the game called "real life". You can actually feel the touch of a woman in it, you know?

You can live happily with each other, even make and rise children. So many additional deep minigames out there.

Why you all degenerates won't find yourself a real woman to marry, instead of escaping from real life? If you want it, you can get it.

Because 3d is PD
given the chance of course i'd do it, but modern women are a creature to be despised




Virgin was a "cuck" of 90's. Nowadays it seems its cool to be /r9k/-tier nu male, right?

Faggots like you is why jews are winning.

As far as gameplay and romance are integrated, all I can think of as examples are AA2 and Custom Girl 3d, where you specifically have to work to get characters to like and/or love each other.

why doesn't one punch man like pole dancers?

Nah I rather keep my money safe

Sounds like a jewish phrase.

No, faggots like you are the reason jews are winning.

Read this and redpill yourself, MGTOW faggot:
>>>Holla Forums7110178

I want to keep the little I have user, and I also want to stay out of jail

How the fuck you are thinking? Through you butthole? Because i don't see logical explanation to this logic of yours.

Mai nigga. I'm the user who learned braille for her.


Do you have a sister? If you do, is she older? Do you live in a liberal shit hole? If you answered no to all of those, then I don't think you will be able to see why I don't trust women.
Really? There are many other reasons that don't involve me that allow them to keep winning. I can only do so much.

Then be nice to your wife so she won't divorce you. Find a wife that won't do this to you, with who you have an actual deep relationship.

Why you acting like a coward?

user you're too naive, go back wherever you crawled from

99% of people, and this includes women, are total fucking scumbags
If you're young enough that someone needs to tell you this, then I'm concerned that you aren't old enough to post here.



I have a video for you. A video about lives at least 95% of white married couples.

Genealogy of the Holy War is the only game that comes to mind that executes it well, here's a link to the most recent and new retranslation version.

There really wasn't a whole lot of it outside of Sigurd's cuckening, hell some pairings got practically nothing in terms of dialogue.

Oh my sweet summerfag child.

you're too young to post here
cease your activities in this website or simply lurk

I'm divorced and I don't pay alimony. Maybe if people like you had a dad, feminism wouldn't be a thing.

Even if what you say is true, there's only a few people that can get away with it, since law tends to favor the woman in these cases. Even worse, if by any chance you have children (one of the main purposes of marriage, if not the only), you won't get to skip on child support.

I need more vanilla in my life

Fe7 had the most realistic romance I can think of.
It slowly sets the player up with Lyn over the course of the story then halfway through she dumps you like hot garbage for the much better looking and more athletic man of much higher social standing.

Beat her, then. She won't tell anyone. Even if she did, fuck all would happen. Alimony will only happen if she isn't afraid of you.

Well if you say so

Can you at least get back at her?

RIP Ashley's credability.

Also I do not trust the mom.

No, you cannot get back at Lyn.
Closest you get to a comeuppance is the units in the game gets slightly worse if you decide to skip Lyn mode in future playthroughs and not have the tactician.

You had her fight alongside Eliwood didn't you?

You could get her to fuck Eliwood and she'll die of mysterious causes quite young.

I meant Hector but all 4 guys she can marry fit the bill.

IIRC you can fuck her if you avoid positioning her next to them throughout the game .

You can't, she just goes off to Sacae.

You will never hold hands with an adult goat


It's better than having her fuck someone else at least. Also there's that small bit of dialogue in Awakening.

Chad was doing us a favor.

"Nerds should be bullied into submission"

That doesn't mean much beyond the remark that she found the player lying down on the road three times when it only happened once in the game she was from.

That post just encourages MGTOW, if even.

ur mum



Quick question to Dragon's Dogma players.

Is there implied romance with your pawns or is the romance in the game between main characters? If so, what makes a pawn worthy of romancing other than just the bro bond of questing with them?

Time to get disciplined faggot, hold my hand

Mohammad don't you have some swedes to rape?

You can't romance your pawn.

Allahu Akbar, I almost forgot.
Praise Muhammad user.

user, Pawns aren't even people. They're more like mindless drones. So no, you can't fall in love with them.

The man gets asshurt by memes and literally thinks homosexuality was invented by whites. Take what he says with a grain of salt.

I thought she was his sister. I don't think it says anywhere what their relationship was.

Keep in mind the law, family and acquaintances will always side with the woman, even without witnesses and without evidence. And if they eventually end up exposed, usually the worst they get is a slap in the wrist.

Most men still don't realize that in the contemporary western world, when a man marries he literally becomes a hostage.

How do you "invent" homosexuality?

You tell me.


So are real girls. Why does that matter?

But male pawns are also like that.
I'm not even sure if they have vagoos.


Would explain why we don't see pawn prostitutes around. Or maybe even they have a standard


Where the fuck is this from?

I don't know but the "guy" sounds like that smhorky fag, surprised he has/had a gf.

Correct, that is Shmorky or Schmorky or however he spells it.

they have the nude models on mods where found in game folder according anons

Conception II tried to do that. You need to love and get along with your harem to produce strong babies to make a party to explore dungeons.


You're just a stupid faggot. Now fuck off.

Sounds pretty interesting. Is it good though?

Good thing she trusts the tactician so much.

That game can also result in a harem end. I find it priceless a fucking Nintendo handheld let's you do what 99% of fake "harem"shit faggot protagonists never do.

No but worth a pirate.

I personally enjoyed it, but then again opinions differ like . Again, worth giving it a try. Your interactions with the harem determine their mood and affection and that affects how strong the baby will be they even call you and your girl mommy and daddy when out in dungeons.

There's also Vita version, though.

That means there's a PC port of it. Hope it's good so I don't have to emulate to get it to work

Honestly didn't know it had a PC port, but more power to you if you can get it. It's also in the PSN flash sale, if anyone's interested.

A local store has a used copy but flash sale is cheaper and I can't decide on buying it physical or not, tho since space with the vita is such an issue I'll have to get the physical copy later.

I don't know what's worse, that you did it, or that other people responded seriously to it. Trolling is a art.

To be honest, I found the relationship stuff in The Witcher 3 between Geralt and Yennefer pretty genuinely entertaining. The two have good banter, the drama between them doesn't feel too terribly contrived, and the romance is in play without feeling like it completely dominates the whole game like if Bioware did it.

I hear Triss got neglected super hard, which is odd considering Yen wasn't even in the games until the third rolled around, so if you go with her you might not enjoy it as much, but I certainly found it enjoyable.

That's pretty much the only game I feel like has handled romance that the player can directly influence without turning it into some cringy bullshit.

Catherine too I guess but I have a whole host of problems with that game I won't get into here.

i'm going to bed everybody bump this thread while i'm gone


the pc version is the best version, because of the daul audio and best graphics.
VITA got best graphics but only english audio
3DS got worst graphics but nip audio

Noted. Now I only wish kickass hadn't bitten the dust, since now I'll just have to go search for a new site to pirate it

3ds had english audio, all I can remember from playing it was how awful the dub was.

so dragon age

The devs said it isn't completely open source, just open enough for you to make pretty much whatever mod you can reasonably want. I'm assuming that stuff like the core engine is what they mean will stay closed.

Just want to make sure misinformation isn't being spread.

is that pic LOSS?

Ashley was great, dunno why everyone went with the blue slut.



don't be upsetti

Tali and Garrus are the only acceptable romances in Mass Effect.

Fuck, I honestly can't argue.