Why do you idolize these so called "white supremacists" when they just kill other white people?

why do you idolize these so called "white supremacists" when they just kill other white people?

doesn't that make them the same as the enemy, the "anarchist" people that chant on twitter about how they want white people to die?

If you kill white people, no matter what your justification. You aren't a white supremacist.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm about to blow your mind, they aren't white supremacists.

OP, you are a retard.
That commie whore in charlottesville was a coal burner who was going to have a nigger baby.
But he's a fucking kike anyway. So he's not white, he's not on anyone's team here. Nobody likes him. We make funny memes to trigger faggots like you who mourn over the death of coalburning commies.

I'm glad someone gets it.

how am i I retard? literally all I am doing is explaining that killing white people isn't a good idea.

When they're genetic dead-ends who fuck niggers, it's a great idea.
Do you know what the DotR is, "user?"

I'll guess we'll never know….

Please, my friend. They are radical extremists. They do not represent true National Socialism.


they aren't white anymore, or people.

They were both literal jews, pretending to be 'nazis' and kikes like you play along with the jewish media lies promoting your ZOG agents on boards like these associating these crypto-jews with white nationalists.

>Oy vey goyim, remember they were (((leftists))) and our jewish agents killing whites and having it blamed on (((alt-right))) 'nazis' is great for the goy.

one traitor is worse than a thousand enemies etc etc
rainbow haired leftists that basically produce nothing, demand everything, and all they do in their lives is voting for more shitskins, their deaths are a great thing economically AND demographically

think about it:
this leftist degenerates produces nothing
consumes everything
does not reproduce (especially if they are drugged out faggots and lesbians)
negatively impact demographics
negatively impact economy
negatively impact national security
and so on

who ever kills more than 5 leftists, deserves to be broken out of prison if you ask me

There's two types of 'leftist', those that know jews are bad and those that suck jew dick as much as any alt-right retard like you.

The one's we are trying to breakthough with are those that unlike you, know that jews are bad.

Stioll doesn;t explain why you;re trying to champion a zionist kike terrorist and biologicaljew who working with Mossad killed some 'antisemitic' anti-isreal whites.

Anyone backing zionist terrorists killing whites protesting against isreal are literal traitors to the white race,
Which means (((you))), only you're not white just working for your tribe.

social democrats are the cancer of nordic countries
nothing of value was lost

Gentle reminder
Kikes are the enemy of all mankind
Cheering on mossad false flags serves only jewry's interests, protesting against isreal is in our interests.

Our biggest enemies are white traitors. Killing them is good.

you go to these muh palestine events and say anything remotely negative about jews as people and see what happens
they see Israel as the modern South Africa=they are doing it for (misguided) anti-white reasons

he wiped out an entire generation of future anti-white leaders
I don't care about the mistreatment of some brown people in the middle east

Literal JDL kike trolls ITT

Yeah, leftists view Israeli Jews as whites oppressing the poor PoC palestinians.

Fuck off Ami

Breivik isn't counterjihadist, dumbass.

Holla Forums is for White people

I think it's a fucking disgrace that these retards have tainted our image with violence. It gives the kikes and the left more ammo.
However what's done is done and we should just try capatlise on it by our best weapon =memes


JDL kikes ITT continues to shill for zionist terrorist
Breiviks only contacts in the real world prior to his jewish false flag attack on an anti-isreal boycott was the jewish EDL, the actual JDL and Pam gellers [email protected]/* */ of Vienna network of kikes

Breivik heralded by JDL

it's time to go back >>>/islam/

Commies aren't people user



Smells like the_donald. What, realizing reddit is indoctrinating you into the nu-male hivemind, but refuse to allow yourself down this path? Stop believing what your told and start thinking for yourself

What the FED is saying is that "muh public relations" is bad and you should all go out and kill so the media can demonize white unity, or white nationalism.

See how he also uses the playbook of calling you all these memes like "reddit" and "numale hivemind" then tells you to think for yourself? It's classic double speak: Good = bad, free thought = hivemind. And of course he's virtue signaling that he's a Holla Forums user in order to make it look more legit.

This is what they want.

This is why Hillary gave Spencer the power she gave him to set up false flags.

This is why they encourage people in the KKK to bomb shit.

They want you to stop learning and sharing information. Because that's real power.

Like my reddit spacing you fucking FED kike?

I like the first picture.

Thanks user for the back up.

Communists aren't people.

Seems like a troll but I'll play along


This thread is a waste. This thread is a joke.

you're missing the big picture

Well, nigger, it's almost like we're up against a race of liars who like psyops or something, and perhaps not everyone trying to break free of their control knows everything?
Post related, you impressionable little nigger child:

Indeed. FUCK these anti-white traitors and retards in general.

Nice try, kike. Reported.

Traitors deserve twice the bullet than enemies.

Everyone is Jewish to Holla Forums, huh? For people who you complain are a tiny minority they sure make up a large portion of the population i.e. anyone you disagree with.

The driver of the car was jewish, yet the media is blaming it on white nationalists/'nazis'
The organiser of the Unite The Right was jewish
As was the leaders of the antifa
And most of the speakers of the Unite The Right
They were born jewish, nobody here invented that or just says it to replace the uncomfortable silences on a first date

You said it

People are waking up to the fact that although they are white, their intentions are far from it.

Some, not all, have such hostile feelings about these people that, through recognising the extent to which this brainwashed liberal swarm harms their own people, they actively pursue efforts to reduce the size of the swarm. Very few actually do anything, however. If the Right is ever backed into an actual corner, people might then witness unimaginable amounts of backlash.

You know breiviks manifest isnt even written by him ? Its a cut and paste from the zionist site tavistocks of vienna
The author of the most of the articles "fjordman" son of a marxist jew.

Pic: island day before the attack

They were whites who had a problem with their whiteness. Breivik solved that problem for them.

They were whites that had a problem with zionist jew isreal
Then kindly gass yourself



Never mind breivik. You can't convince a demoralized lefty that race matters. Even if his family were murdered in front of him by a pack of niggers, he would blame it on class inequality, capitalism and the racist system. They aren't white, they're golems. Go on Holla Forums and try to present your best argument for why race matters, come back and report what happened. A traitor is more dangerous than the most cunning enemy.

They hate ISRAEL, not jews. They cannot hate jews because that would be racist. These very same people are welcoming hordes rapefugees.



Whereas the aut-kike loves isreal and wants us to die fighting for jews

Mostly yes, it's a hold-over from the rabbi jewsus loving neocon republicans. Since the newer generations are rejecting christianity, it can be changed.

You'll have to shill harder than that, you filthy kike.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy


Niggers are faster at running than the white man. This is why the white man invented the car. The white man invented the car so that the black man might be better than the white man at nothing.

Asians are better than the white man at math. This is why the white man invented the computer. The white man invented the computer so that the ching chongs might be better than the white man at nothing.

The white man is objectively superior at all other things. Why do you think that niggers are so desperate to marry white women? It's because they want their children to have white genes. Deep down, they know that whites are superior. All niggers know this.

Traitors before enemies. Also:

"bawww censor threads arguing against murdering white people."

you don't belong here shlomo.

never read breiviks manifesto, but to add to this, gаtes of vienna one of the earliest proponents of the counterjihad movement was founded by edward s. may (baron bodissey) whose father was a former nsa employee

Gas yourself Alt-Shill with your cuckchan shillpost


Breivik killed no one.
The Oslo event was a hoax arranged by the government under Jens (((Stoltenberg))).
The even has been fully debunked by Norwegian researcher Ole Dammegård, see his (2 and a half hour) video: "When Terror Struck Norway"
Clip related: crisis actors, including "horn woman" being loaded into a cast bus, while ambulances sit empty.

but the problem isnt them being jewish, its the power they hold. If we replace them with white masters you honestly think something would change?

Because a traitor is more dangerous than an enemy. Do you really think you won't be killed just before you are white?
Purity is preserved through careful vetting, the weak and the harmful specimen shouldn't be allowed to live.

reorted for ban evasion.

Both jews.

Some white people aren't worth saving.
Some white people aren't white (Half Jews ect)
Some white people are stopping us from having a decent life.

At any rate a lot of these guys aren't role models or even very intelligent. They aren't really killing the right people or doing anything impacting on the problem. Is it great that he slaughtered a race traitor land whale? Yeah, nice keks. BUT wouldn't it be better if he drove into a crowd of BLM with a bomb on his car? Much better. Or the church shooter guy. He shot up a bunch of old church niggers. Again. Is that bad? Hilarious. Is it optimal or helpful? No. It just keeps white supremacy in the news and achieves nothing. What if he went into the ghetto and used AR's on a load full of young black nogs? Much more helpful and actually achieves something.

These people are just random pyschos with no real brains that are lead on by smarter people. They don't get what we're talking about and throw their lives away too cheaply.

They are not /ourguys/

We only know his mom was Jew. That only makes him HALF Jew.

Getting tired of this, see whale.to/c/jews_in_german_army.html

Hitler allowed biological half-Jews who abandon their twisted heritage to serve. Why can't we?

Or… Is that why he lost and we should learn from his mistake and allow no flexibility?

Apologies for reddit spacing.

Wew Jimbo

1/10 bait. Look at who the victims were. These are good boys who did nothing wrong. Brevik got future fucktards. It was a literal grooming camp for goyim to serve Jews.

I approve.

The fuck are those bullshit pictures? Explain that please