Explain to me how "Democracy" has become the norm

Explain to me how "Democracy" has become the norm.

Ok (in order to defer myself being labelled a (((current year))) buzzword like racist/bigot/Nazi whatever)

Regardless of the response to that, the argument never addresses why all VOTES are equal.
Why the fuck is my vote, as a landowning man with a wife and 2 children, not worth more than that of an illegal beaner in commiefornia, or a lifelong unemployed nigger in Chiraq?

We're raised and (((taught))) that fascism is bad with no further argument, but democracy is the only possible government in the (((current year))).
Even our (((slave owning))) Founding Fathers (who are right on track to be erased from US geography and then history, and ultimately our Constitution) foresaw the chaos that uneducated/inferior masses would result in, and established the Electoral College.

We can't even keep a free speech Twitter alternative on normies phones now (Gab.AI removed from GOOGLE/refused by Apple).

How do we win this? How do we secure Western Civilization for our children?

I used this gif because Anders is not a retarded fucking Nazi or White Supremacist. He's not controlled opposition. He's not a southern degenerate like Dylann Roof. He was educated.
So how do we enact an equal/counter-offense to Antifa and the "Alt-left", so as to effect a nationwide awareness of the ineffectiveness of Democracy?

Other urls found in this thread:


but, seriously… where do you want me to start: Grotius?

sage for slide

Because democracy allows for a plutocracy to rule behind a false cover of public consent. Psychologically, people are much less likely to rebel if they believe they have given their consent.

>Based Mossad agent and biological jew Anders (((behring)))-Breivik is /ourguy/ honest goy



that was a political compromise you fucking dipshit and had nothing to do with "the masses." You're thinking of Madison's Federalist 10, fucknut. Also, remember Madison was "center-right" for his time as opposed to, say, Thomas Jefferson. Fuck, if you read Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" – the tract that probably had the most to do with inspiring the Colonists to fight – you'd call him a goddamn communist. Last, its been statistically proven beyond a doubt that the voting patterns of the poor have absolutely nothing to do with enacted policy. Whenever the bottom 50%'s opinion on a matter diverges from that of the top 10%, the top 10% wins. 100% of the fucking time, you stupid cocksucker.

you, sir, are a dipshit and you should lurk moar and read a book before you ever post again.

thank you

Kikes. Kikes are why (((democracy))) is the norm, along with every other piece of shit thing that rots away the foundation of civilization and destroys beauty. The root cause of all of it is the jewish spirit. They can never create, only destroy.

Spoiler that disgusting shit. I expect more from you Fuhrerdubs.

Brevik did nothing wrong.



I would have but these cocksuckers didn't include the spoiler button with the cyberpunk theme, and I'm lazy.

Democracy is not Jewish you stupid faggot. Athens was a democracy. The first "true" participatory democracy we know of was in Iceland (vikings). Democratic governance existed also in Rome (but in the form of the "mixed constitution" Republic, otherwise known as "Classic Republicanism") as well as many of the city-states of Rome, the German "diets" etc.

The only thing "jewish" about democracy was that it was generally aligned against the European Aristocracy and the Church of Rome. Germany/Prussia was a unique case, due to its late unification, the presence of the Rothschilds banking dynasty and a large ashkenazic population. all of these, ironically, can be traced back to the fact that the last imperial catholic dynasty (ie. Holy Roman Empire) was actually across German/Austrian (etc) territory.

kikes have been totalitarians pretty much since moses, dipshit. Hegel, for instance, equated the words "oriental" and "despotism" – by oriental he meant from palestine to tehran bescially (ie. persia), not necessarily china.

please learn history thanks

In a 2014 letter to the media Breivik repudiated Zionism.
>Breivik wants to deport “disloyal Jews”
>The terrorist Ander Behring Breivik has sent a letter to international media. In the letter he describes himself as a fighter for the “survival of the Nordic race” and demands a land area reserved for whites in Norway.
tavistocksofvienna.net/2014/01/breivik-repudiates-the-counterjihad/ (Zionist counter-jihad blog, citing anti-racist org Expo.se)
I suppose he realized the "double psychology" had already formed the narrative, and he could reveal the truth to his supporters still following his story. He could be lying, sure, but why condemn him? He didn't kill anyone innocent at Utøya.
Breivik did nothing wrong. Don't try this at home, kids!

Democracy is self-evidently jewish now, regardless of it's origins.
Whoever controls the media, gets to manipulate the minds, right now we see the jewish left warring with the jewish right, and somehow the white nationalists are now cheering on the zionist right.

I have no clue why the web address showed up wrong.

I have no clue why the web address showed up wrong.

>Posts jewish counter-jihad kikess Pam Gellers ((([email protected]/* */ of Vienna))) as evidence of him not being a zionist kike agent

Anders (((Behring))) breivik is a self proclaimed zionist who implored of whites to fight for isreal.

He had plastic surgery to make himself appear more Aryan

Everyone in Norway knows he was a Mossad agent
Only kikes and literal retards believe he was anything other.

Breivik heralded by JDL

what you just said makes no sense. if jews are manipulating public opinion or the government via pressure groups, then that is what they are doing. that doesn't make democracy somehow jewish. in fact, by you saying "democracy is jewish" rather than "look at how these kikes are manipulating things" you're actually doing a disservice to the very movement you claim to support. Also, as I explained here the idea that jews are manipulating poor people to act on their behalf is preposterous. The poor literally never get what they want unless the top 1%-10% of the income earners grant it to them. In other words, democracy (as in the will of the majority) cannot be blamed in any way shape or form for the US's problems because when the majority disagrees with the rich, the rich win every fucking time.

its like you can't into facts

Jews own the media and they own your jewish controlled politicians in office.
What don't you fucking get?

democracy isn't necessarily jewish, but jews benefit from it. It is the wedge whereby they can divide the people and disenfranchise the native population. We have a government where the number of people decide the rulers, the native population isn't having children and the jews are pushing for high birthrate foreigners to flood the country, literally opening the city tavistocks. we live in an environment where wombs are weapons and whites are being completely disarmed by the media. Who owns the media? That's what I thought.

the part where you can't into science be honest: you're an aussie aren't you

stopped reading there. go back and read what i wrote, dipshit. the people's votes don't fucking matter. its not that they do matter but they're confused. no, they don't actually matter at all. any appeal to the "the masses are asses" argument fails on the statistical evidence that shows that, although the poor dumb idiots usually agree with the upper crust, when they disagree they still always lose. in other words, you're living in an oligarchy or plutocracy or whatever you want to call it. "democracy" is just a veneer they slap on it in order to give it "legitimacy"

AnglinBot bent logic 202

If I was referring to the democracy in Athens I would have omitted the triple parenthesis. I was referring to the kike owned (((democracy))) that is currently in place in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West. I would have thought this was self-evident.

It's quite obvious you were referring to jews corrupting and now controlled the system they rigged, only now this threads descended into arguing jewish bent-logic on semantics.
Which is pretty much all these kikes do here, every day on every thread.

You'd expect a mod or two to do something about this after the first few years of jews derailing every topic here.

prototypical troll behavior, alright

you're not getting it: its not a democracy. another way of putting this is that its not its democratic content that is the problem. i don't understand why you can't into science