RIP pudding

He no longer have a life to lose control Of anymore….

Other urls found in this thread:

Geez. And this on the eve of the avatarfags (hopefully) getting purged from 4 AM.

Tonight's 4 AM thread is going to be great if this gets brought up. Also, it's the 20th, so RIP avatarfags.


Man i loved rugrats as a kid.

yeah, rip

May he gets his bearings in the next life

And what will that faggot mark going to do about them?

I still don't know why as a kid i used to call rugrats "bambi bambi"…



That is spooky

I want to go back.
Everything is shit now.

We get it, Kek. Meme magic is real.

I am sure the actor regained his life, we should aspire to his voice rather then stu himself.

He's so lonely. He needs a waifu.


It's a sign Holla Forums. You think you've killed avatarfags, in reality you killed 4am as a whole.


We shouldnt have killed the 4am thread. Let this be a lesson to all who try to kill what kek likes.

Get this jihadist witch out of here.

Fuck off, avatarfag.

You're fucking stupid



4am came early tonight.

I hope this is the start of us learning how to execute people with our magic, it will at least be interesting watching the world burn, because thats all I can see happening if we use such powers.

Fuck off ritsufag, you're waifu a shit.


Someone ought to get a drawfag to draw Zombie Stu dragging Shitsu and the rest of the avatarfag squad into the grave with him.

I've already seen a commercial on TV for Nu-males. Meme magic is only just beginning.

Jesus. 2016 is our year, too much shit in such a short time.



That's sad, man

Does that mean we'll gain control of our lives?

Jack Riley's death has given us the strength to purge this shitty circlejerk from our board forever. Kek has willed it and it shall be so.

Thanks, doc.


Its not even November yet!

I'm not sorry about them no longer forcing their autism upon us

Cooler and Picklepee aren't getting done, are they?

Reminds me that Holla Forums apparently found some new Gawker affiliated website called "The Cuck" recently, or something.

Year of the Fire Monkey. Year of the Fire Cock next year.

Man, I can't wait to 4am to be improved by the shitposters.

We will never gain control. And now we don't have a way to vent it out.

I think the funniest part is when they start panicking. They were saying how they were the only ones keeping up discussions in 4am threads, as if 4am never existed pre-avatarfags.

didn't gawker said later they were only pretending to be retards?

Does avatarfagging in 4am provide a single benefit? Take the avatar away and you have the same user, only less cancerous as a whole

Despite me saying RIP avatarfags, I really don't give a shit about them. They have their own board, so they can move their circlejerk there if they want to. It's a better alternative than sperging out. RIP= Rest In Piss

It's no surprise that Holla Forums can't pick up on satire when it slaps them straight in the face.

It was a parody of a new website called Beta Male, a site that, you guessed it, was made for beta males.



I can believe that because my dick will be rock hard if we keep accelerating with all these memes

Gaymergays killed le Pudding man


The problem isn't in taking the avatars away, which is an idea I can get behind, it's in Mark and his goons making a vauge ass rule that gives them juristication to ban anyone they deem to be avatarfagging. The avatars are not being taken away, the posters are being banned.
Then again, we won't know what will happen for sure until tonight. See you then.

Today is a good day.


Holla Forums had a hard time wondering if it was satire or not as well. In the end it was considered satire, but everyone agreed they sure are projecting with such a site, even if it is to generate money.

You don't need to have an identity to vent with. You can do it just fine as an user, just as was intended.

Yeah, that one guy claiming that anyone against avatarfags was a CTR shill went all out.

I still don't see how Shitsu could claim to have been on imageboards about as long as I've been around them (a decade or so at this point) and have decided that Avatarfagging was the proper course of action, given that both tripfagging and avatarfagging were generally seen as cancerous on the whole, Avatarfagging even more-so.

Between "cuckservative" becoming part of political lexicon and the ovendodgers starring themselves with the echoes, it's certainly strange.

bruh, what the fuck are you doing?

Yeah that's been bugging me since they announced it. I won't lose the chance to see what pitiful resistance ritsu makes, so I'll see you then

No, this is a terrible idea.

Aaaand first thing first kill all rich jews.

is this really happening?
it all feels like a blur
this dream like sensation

can someone please wake me up


What happens tonight anyways?

What is this anti-avatar thing?


Begone knave, sully the halls of our arcane order no more with your presence.

Why not? Who knows if all the times anons have said "can a meteor slam into the earth now?" has turned into meme magic and now we await our final moments.

marche pls

We should have multiple 4am threads in honor of Stu. It is what he would have wanted.

3+ consequetive images counts as avatarfagging

face it, user. You fucked up, you damn thumbnail-saver.

Reported for avataring

I used to be an avatarfag. Don't worry I can handle anonymity. I'll just be watching tonight though.

Who is marche

Good, I like doing this



4am avatarfags were autistic enough to get noticed by quite a bit of anons, who wanted to get them purged. Mark in response decided to ban avatarfagging as a whole, making a pretty vague rule to be able to abuse it when needed.
The problem was really 4am, avatarfags from other threads are a casualty more than anything.

Huh? When did they say that?

Avatarfagging not being allowed was generally an unspoken rule in the past given how having an active identity goes against anonymous discussion (and hell, here we already have single thread IDs). It's rather sad that it has to be a written rule now.

Has Mark even given a straight up definition for it?

I think Stu would have wanted some god damn sleep instead.
And now he's getting it.

fug your on to me, pls no bully.

It's a gut feeling really. No idea what marks official rules are.

They didn't say shit. It's being kept ambiguous so anyone can be banned. A hotpocket straight up said you can banned for just one image

Nice try



the ironing

You're a funny guy, so I'll let it slide this time.

Nice try Huey.

What's going on with the Avatarfaggotry getting banned? Did I miss something recent with Mark's bowel movements?

If it was that easy, George Soros would've been dead years ago. See .
Unless he's actually a powerful sorceror that uses the blood of virgin jihadis to fill his meme mana pool.

So, people are mad that 4am posters who don't avatar or shit up the site outside of the 4am thread , and keep that shit in the 4am thread, are being recognized even as user in a 4am thread.

This sounds a lot like "no fun allowed" posters, and people who were trying to ban GG threads on Holla Forums of all places.

I get it now, past avatarfag icons are a bannable offense.

So, basically, the pics the past avatar fags have used will set you in deep water.

Not bad.

Just losin control man.

Ritsu you're trying too hard


Cue Holla Forums

Nice try, spider fag.


Well, the difference is that 4am used to be a relatively avatar-free place, the avatarfags settled in after. Since they formed a closed circlejerk, it has become harder for regular anons to get noticed. That's why people wanted them gone, and Mark decided he'd make an all or nothing situation out of it

I'm sure 4AM is thankful for death after suffering so long with that obscene infestation of avatarfags


Nice try trips guy.

thank you user.

anyway were there any good rugrats games. i vaguely remember one for the ps1.

An avatarfag is bad because they are establishing an identity through their use of images. If you can tell with reasonable certainty who someone is by the images they use, I think that's all that counts. It doesn't matter how many images they post in one thread if you know exactly who they are, or are pretending to be, from their use. Their manner of speaking is also an indicator, I suppose.
Not a perfect solution, but then again what is?


Huey did everything wrong.

well shit
there goes all my reaction images

No one can really argue that was some faggotry of the highest order coming from the "volunteer"

Funny, I read the archive of one of the 4am threads and it seemed more like people who wanted avatarfags gone were just shitposting.

Why would I need to tell who someone is by images when I can look at their ID?

I'll reply to my own post as well

You've been banned for avatarfagging

Thread theme;
Song is Four in the Morning by Clammbon.

Persistence through threads. It's an identity thing, only slightly more subtle than a tripcode.

let's be honest
this entire board is cancer
forcing the goodposters to mingle with faggots was never going to turn out
especially once the cancer decided goodposters were the source of their cancer
anyway, i've moved on to better waters

rip anyone who posts a haram image

I don't know, the filter seemed like a good option. Make users responsible for what they're exposed to and give them tools to get rid of things they don't like.

That's a recent archive isn't it? Of course they'd be shitposting to get rid of them when the mods wouldn't do shit. After the mods came up with the new rule, there's where the real shitposting began


The important thing is that you get to act like a faggot that's smug and above it.
Capitalize your fucking sentences and we'll see you tomorrow.

tl;dr posting ritsu is a bannable offence, boo hoo I'm sure it'll be the death of Holla Forums

Who are you exactly and why did you feel the need to tell us that? Are you implying you're worth anything?

I thought that was The Tick for a minute there.

you've been banned for avatar fagging

and P.S. 4AMers who don't avatarfag,

you're welcome :^)

Huey, this is why one can easily tell it's you. You always spread the same lies.



you're just baiting people into asking where you moved to so you can drive up the userbase of that website.

Sounds to me like you haven't gone anywhere, or you wouldn't have come back to check in.

**Does this mean the 4am thread will be brought back to it's former glory?


Well if it isn't one it sure feels like one

No more bumps for us, eh janitor?

It was a circlejerk last year too

I'm sure no one will be caught in the crossfire and banned for no reason other than an image. Even if they did that's just the price we have to pay to keep one thread that's only there for a few hours during the lowest activity period of the day halal.

Just save them as you post. That should continuously give you fresh filenames

Guess I'll get my answer in about 9 days.

Doesn't surprise me

He likes posting there, of course they're going to survive


i don't want you faggots in my safe space

who are you to be questioning my worth
checkmate, atheist

Well it did get bumplocked twice last month. At least it's definitely gonna get more reports than usual.

That would be great.

So you moved to Reddit then?

What if someone posts Solid Snake then Naked Snake then even Venom Snake? Does that count as avatarfagging? Legitimately curious about characters who literally aren't the exact same.


Who's to say? I guess that's the mods fully ambiguous and vague decision

That would honestly be hilarious to see from a Holla Forumsolunteer

You'll just have to trust the hotpocket brigade to make the right call

what if i post two pictures of every character from battleborn, instead of just alani?

Only one way to find out user

the rule is vague enough for that to be possible


That's the point user

It's already bumplocked, I see no reason to go and lock it, unless someone is feeling hot today


I'm glad it gets bumplocked instead of shit like /a/ where it'll be deleted completely.


I wouldn't put an audacious display of power past these new standing orders.


why the fuck does nobody complain about the gamer gate threads
i just checked one yesterday and they're beyond cancer
they're like fucking
HIV nigger cheetos doritoes mountain dew aids

Holla Forums will loathe enjoy another exodus

We can go lewder than that user

Because most people don't want to nor have a reason to get in those

Fuck off, you retarded newfag

pls no

because muh special exemption
t. hotwheels

Mark likes them. Nothing will happen to those threads

Welp, it's 30 minutes past August 19th

I hope you guys aren't identifiable from now on.

Tonight you'll see what real lewd is

I'm actually ok with Mark just axing the 4am avatarfags. They are the only ones that lurk a thread that could be made better by their absence

user pls, I don't want to go to bed with a boner

RIP that one guy who shat in the shower

I'm lucky enough to have filtered them years before Holla Forums got all fucky, so I never have to engage with such filth.

Maybe I'm putting too much faith in the hotpockets, but since they can see someone's posting history, the way it should work is when you do that shit not just in a single thread, but in every thread, or every thread of that kind. And specifically an avatar or some shit. I shouldn't get banned for posting something like pic related just because I like to number my smug every time I get some more, for instance.

It probably would have received a lot better if it was specifically aimed at 4 AM but it's not. The best we can hope for now is the rule being applied consistently because a blatant double standard will just piss off everyone

As long as they don't go full hotpocket it'll all be fine. Thing is, it's been shown time and time again that mods and hotpockets go hand in hand, so we can only hope it sorta works out

Too appropriate.

I hope the avatarfags get purged so I can enjoy those threads again.

Will 4am threads be habitable again?


I don't trust an avatarfag's opinion, but thanks for sharing. I'll probably check in in a few weeks, once it's cooled down a bit.

It's been shit for a while. I don't think avatarfags will get rid of all the shit.

That's the idea. Whether it happens or not depends on the number of people the circlejerk actually entailed, if they try to put up resistance, the hotpocket level and the adaptability of both anons and avatarfags

That dick on the right doesn't look like it belongs to a dog.


So what actually happened to make the avatarfag shoah possible?