Stick of Truth has the best character creator/customizer i've ever seen.
Stick of Truth has the best character creator/customizer i've ever seen
No it doesn't.
Because it's easy to do.
What game has a truly great character creator ? I've seen and tried lots of things with Black Desert Online
nah, with BD you were given about 4 faces with each character, and while you could tweak it, you always looked like the base face. Sorceress for example had permanent bitchface
Best character customization I know of is probably Dragon's Dogma
Dragon's Dogma is better, i liked making my pawns run around naked way before the PC version came out with a nude patch for the 360 version. I just said that…i
should I fight for humans or elves?
be on Cartman's team or Kyle's?
Are you a kike?
silly question.
Elves are always faggots
But Cartman is racist.
Yeah, fuck niggers.
What did you just say?
Kill all niggers.
That question is as valid as "Should I do X or Y in Z: A Telltale Game Series?"
user, that's hate speech!
Dubs confirm, user would be banned from the internet in South Korea.
South korea, more like worst korea
Honey Select has good customization, can't wait for the full game to come out.
user, you are a disgrace to this site.
that would be soul caliber
They show kimonos in one of the trailers.