Hi Holla Forums...

Hi Holla Forums, I work at a classic game shop and one of our regular customers used to work at Midway doing quality assurance testing in the 90s. He traded these in for a few transformers toys. I'll be borrowing the discs and ripping the contents later on, but I just thought I'd share the find. Some of these are prototype builds, pre-final prints, betas, etc.

Has anyone else ever come across anything like this in person? I'm pretty excited to back up the contents. Since my camera is far from the best quality, I'll list the contents:
NFL2k1 for Dreamcast
Bubble Bobble "Playable" build for Playstation
"18 Wheeler" (Saturn? PS1? Dunno - no saturn copy protection layer so I can't tell)
True Pinball for Saturn
WWF in your house for saturn
Big Hurt for Saturn
Tunnel B1 (beta 1?) for Saturn
Battle Sport for Saturn
Tokyo Extreme Battle 2 (renamed to Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2?)
I lost my chance to look at the discs, but as I can tell, the rest of them are:
Myst, NBA Jam, Alien Trilogy, Space Jam, Rev-X

may be a bunch of betas, prototypes, alpha, and I know some are finished builds that were sent to be mass produced. I'm excited to share, but it may be some time before it appears on the internet. Would love to hear if anyone has come across anything like this in their time. The guy is a regular at my store, so I'm looking forward to seeing him more in the future.

That's a big haul you got there user, will you torrent it or upload to vola?

eventually, yes. It's going to be sold, but I plan on backing it up before it goes out. I'd hate to lose these parts of history.

Very nice. Take your time ripping them, i remember setting read speed to minimum 2 or 4x) back when i still had an old IDE DVD rewriter.

Yeah, in time I imagine you'll see them pop up on sites like isozone, mostly for convenience sake - not necessarily speed. The trade itself was tremendous–we also got a copy of xenogears & a perfect condition valkyrie profile but that isn't half as interesting as beta discs which could contain all kinds of interesting development and system info.

funny thing, Im currently trying to get NFL 2k1 to run in reicast on my odroid c2.

Not because it was a particularly good game but just because it is the first game i remember seeing on a demo when i went to buy the console for the first time


Does your client know you will be doing this? If he do, what does he think about it?

No, Tunnel B1 is just the name of the game.

Yes, i even asked him if he had backed it up. Told him I'd like to do it and he seemed fine with it. We even shared a few stories. I'm not gonna credit the man or anything, but he shared some of my enthusiasm.

Go ahead, user, might as well share what he said, I'm actually curious.

One of em was about being approved by sega to test the online component of a dreamcast racing game, playing with the developers in Japan and staying super late at work just to play with em. They kept getting their asses handed to them and eventually found out that the best players on their team was getting the shit kicked in by Segas C Team. Their worst were knocking his best to the ground.

No Mortal Kombat?

18 wheeler was a dreamcast/ps2 game. Weird that theres a ps1/saturn version. What you have right there, THAT might be the beta.

may not be a saturn or ps1 version, likely a dreamcast disc. Very unlikely it's a saturn one because there's no copy protection ring.


my boss had offered me full access to the disks provided I help him sell them. I doubt it would be hard, and I may have people who would be highly interested in doing just that.

My aunt worked for midway about that time.
I have a box full of image relateds in my closet.

OP, that's one hell of a nice find. Before you do anything with the discs, especially the 'weird' ones such as the DC GD-ROMs, check out the documentation over at redump.org to see how to properly rip these things.

MRW when seeing dreamcast dev stuff

Remember to put links up in the sharethreads

For me, the sega saturn content is far more intriguing. The system has so many mysterious qualities, if there are more details on how the vdps operate, source code, etc that could mean tremendous growth in the homebrew scenes. This is mostly hopefuly wishing on my end, but i find this to be an amazing opportunity

The guys on assembler forum would be interested

Yeah, if you want the dump releases to take four years while GoH spergs about his boner for Sony.
Speaking of assembler, where'd the Akklaim tape dumping plan from 2010 go.

Not to shill, but try getting in touch with DRX of Hiddenpalace.org[it's a wiki for prototypes n such], the guy has all sorts of tools that he can dump games with.




Dump some checksums OP.

This is the tits OP, too bad it isn't anything hyper-rare (like the fucking Shenmue Saturn build). Still, props for not being a jew and uploading that shit. Anyone know what Midway's been up to recently?


It's just the saturn build

They've been bankrupt for the better part of a decade, user.

It's actually pretty somber for someone like the guy who gave us these disks for a company to go bankrupt. While we were talking he was just going into work like it was any other regular day, and as he was just on the QA team, a very low end employee, he gets in there and the first thing he's told is "there is no work today. We're closing up shop."

Hard to imagine that. Higher ups were spending money left and right, and out of nowhere everything's done for. I've seen the last day of LGS footage, but hearing it first hand from someone, what it's like to have your studio just go away is pretty striking.


These kinda threads are the reason i keep coming here.

Whatever's left of them is with Warner Bros Interactive now, they're the guys doing the new mortal kombat and injustice games.

Nice, hope you don't get ripped a part by stupid hoarders.

Really amazing when things like this happens.

Any advance on the tasks/ finds?

there won't be for a little while. I may get some more information tomorrow.


Didn't mean to sage

Do you work at fallout games?

Motherfucking bump.

Where the fuck are you from

No. I work at a game shop on Long Island. If you're from my area and are into games, you probably know about it.

I don't have much more information yet. My boss meant to bring it in to the shop today so we could work on getting it listed, but that didn't happen sadly. It was a slow day too, could have been a good day for it. Still, I'm dedicated to getting the data off these discs. To anyone interested in keeping the thread bumped, you don't need to. I promise you once I have more information or something to share, I will absolutely be making a thread about it.

Sorry if I got everyone's hopes up. Don't worry, I will do my best to get this done.

Most anons here were barely alive back then.

I wasn't.

It's faggots like you that sour such a nice thread.

Please dont forget about dumping once this thread goes past page 15.

i don't have a sad enough anime reaction pic for this fucking feel

Fuck you total faggot ass nigger shit.

Good shit, OP. You're the hero we need.