
So, a friend of mine has a PS4, because he's a fucking retard, and he's trying to get me into Bloodborne, presumably because he sucks dick at video games and wants to see what happens in it. He did the same thing with God Hand, which I played the shit out of previously, and Mad Max, which I lost interest in within the span of two hours.
(I watched him get killed by a mudcrab in Skyrim. On two separate occasions. Yes, seriously. He has a vendetta against them now.)
Problem is, I just can't get into it. So far, I've wandered around this shitty town killing what looks like the Victorian version of the enemies in Resident Evil 4, and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing or why I should care, since the game is so vague about everything (I can't figure out how to equip things to my square button, for one, so I've been throwing molotovs by opening the menu and mashing X). Not to mention that like half the times I've been killed have been legitimately me being shit at it, and the other half of the time something hits me while I'm mid-dodge move and six feet away from whatever it looks like it's hitting, or something flies in from fucking offscreen somewhere (dogs), which takes away all my blood shit, which is fucking annoying. I spent like two hours in total playing it, and like three quarters of that time has been spent tracking down whatever previously killed me so I can get my shit back. It'd be fine, but the combat feels clunky as hell to the point where it's just tedious.

So I guess what I'm saying is, is it even worth the effort to "git gud"? Does the story become interesting of even coherent? When do I get a left hand weapon that isn't this borderline worthless pistol? I saw a shield on a loading screen, why can't I just have that instead? Should I have taken the blunderbuss instead? Which starter weapon should I have picked? Not sure I'm digging this cane whip thing.
Also, what am I missing if I'm not playing online? I already pay for the fucking internet, why would they think I want to pay for the internet twice? Can I put my dick in that doll in that little hub area? Why aren't the weird monsters and the humanoid enemies at each other's throats? I've got a million questions about this shit.

I've never played any of those Dark Souls games, but I did watch this guy I know playing one of them for a couple hours. He was doing some shit where he was more or less naked and never leveled up for some reason, so I'm not sure I witnessed how people would normally play these games.
I think I'm going to roll a new character, since I'm not very far in the game at all, so it's only a waste of like one level. My friend isn't home though, so I don't want to go farther than I've already gone. Then again, it's not like he's going to remember half the shit anyway since he spends 90% of his waking life drinking shitty beer. He told me that everyone in this world is fucked up from drinking period blood, what the fuck?

Bloodborne/Dark Souls thread. I hear they're pretty much the same game.
If there's already a thread, sorry. I tried ctrl+fing the catalog, but there's one instance of "Dark Souls" that I can't locate.

Other urls found in this thread:

Blood Boner


To be honest, no, not really.

It's not a very good game in all honesty.
It's a souls game so it suffers from the usual problems of bad hitboxes, story that only exists if you make shit up and read into the LORE.

So if you don't like that then the souls games aren't for you.

tbh fam

Hrmm. I think I want to like it, but I know that if I go play it, I'm just going to be pissed off in 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, it's taunting me for being too casual.
Between this and all the Souls games, is there one that's less shit than the rest?

The best ones will always be this, Dark Souls and Demon Souls. Avoid all the others, have fun user.

Unless you love going through video game lore with a fine tooth comb, the story is on par with NES games in terms of content

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are definitely worth getting gud at, but DS2 and this game are another story. I can only speak for me, but I really don't like Bloodborne at all. It feels like a launch title that was rushed and is missing a lot of content, such as build variety. Ironically, it's the game I wanted most when I picked up my PS4 but it's the only one I haven't finished yet. It just feels so off compared to the other games.

I would recommend either playing the first two games and coming back or just dropping it since you're not even playing it for yourself.


Firearms in the game are for parrying enemies, don't waste your time and bullets shooting enemies. Shoot them when they are swinging their weapons to stun them, get up close to them and just press R1. Backstabs are executed by sneaking up the enemies and charging up the R2 attack (see vid). You can get 5 extra bullets at the cost of some hp by pressing up on the d-pad.
There are only 2 shield in the whole game and one is completely worthless, the other only defends all non-physical attacks.

Menu: First row is for weapons, second for clothes, last one for items. Speaking of which you will have to grind for blood vials, or just buy them at the store.

Try to dodge around the enemies if possible, don't just step backwards, there are a lot of enemies with constant forward attack movesets. Blood is money and xp used to buy items/level up. You do it at the fountain and the doll respectively.

The first area where there are tons of enemies in the square is a hell to go through the first time, especially if you've never played a souls game before.

Stats: Vitality - HP
Endurance - Stamina
Strengh - Strumf (used to hurt more with heavy weapons)
Skill - skill (used to hurt more with skill based weapons)
Bloodtinge - Bullets/Blood related weapons damage
Arcane - Magic

Don't forget to repair weapons.

It's a nice game OP but if your not feeling it it's alright. At least you didn't pay for it so, give it another shot, practice parrying and dodging while your friend isn't home.

They found a way to heal people using blood, blood was tainted and turned everyone in monster. Church Hunter Ludwig decided to gather the town people weapons to kill the beasts. They got fucked and turned into beasts as well so you have him to thank for all the enemies with weapons.

Your weapons degrade? That is absolutely the shittiest mechanic in video games ever.
I am so not motivated by this news.
Thanks for the other tips though. How do I put molotovs and shit on my quickslot?

They put in DS2 and then made it like DS1 again for this for some reason, it's just 5-6 quick button presses for some 20-50 blood if you keep at it.

You put items by opening the menu, going down the last row, pressing X, and then select the item you want there. Circle it with down on the d-pad and use them with square. I'd recommend saving some of the molotovs for the first bosses, Papa G especially, he'll give you a hard time.

*They put auto fix weapons in bonfires in DS2

stop making very long posts

I assume this Papa G character is not a nickname for that cleric beast thing? I accidentally discovered that guy when I had no more potions left.

I'll think about it.

Bloodborne is my favorite game and probably the best of the souls series.

No, Beast boyo is actually an optional boss, but encountering him gives you Insight which will unlock the doll for leveling up.

Father Gascoigne is the meanest guy from the DK crew.

You brought this on yourself

Not the Crow Hunter? Not Ludwig? Not the orphan?

Bloodborne is still the only game that makes some sense as to why is everything trying to kill the PC. Dark Souls is because everything is corrupted (?).

Shh, let the Crow of Cainhurst be a surprise. He was banned from the crew for being too edgy.

Ludwig and Orphan only matter if OP has the DLC, otherwise no.

Micolash is best boss

I was wondering why that doll was suddenly a person when I inevitably got my shit pushed in.

Just keep behind it and smack his ass. You'll find yourself doing this to the bosses.

You're right, it's not the game for you.

Nigger I'll fucking fight you, Micolash is the worst boss, Maria is the best boss.

Gehrman will outright tell you he'll let you fuck the doll, so you're all clear.

I tried, but it was also really hard to tell when he was or wasn't attacking. He moves strangely and seems to be constantly in motion besides.
I'll get him later. I haven't even gotten off my ass to go roll a new character yet.

I don't recall there being one that said that, but there was probably a few I missed when I was leaving that surgery area.

If you ask me, it's a very good game. Very zippy compared to Dark Souls, though not necessarily more aggressive, as it's often a good idea to play reactively with good dodges & parries, using openings made by the enemy to go full bore rather than trying to force your own. As answered a number of things, I'll answer some more specific questions.

Dogs are assholes. Dodge & backstep attacks are your friend for dealing with their obnoxious one-two bite combo, since it puts you just out of reach of both and lets you counterattack.

That's a matter of either really learning the blind spots or else giving the enemy a safely wide berth. Sometimes you want to go straight back, sometimes you want to go laterally, sometimes you should dodge THROUGH and past the enemy. Mixing these up is bad.

Yes. Very on the former. Somewhat on the latter.

If you make an Arcane build, there's a flamethrower and a palette swap acid sprayer which can deal respectable damage over a wide area, or if you decide to gouge Bloodtinge, which will pidgeonhole the shit out of you on melee options, it'll let you be a huge prick with the better scaling guns if you abuse blood bullets and use the pistol to poke enemies.

Notice how much good they do the torch+shield townies in melee? The main use of the two shields- one in base game, one in the DLC- is to catch bullets and magic, the latter of which the DLC shield is especially good at. A counter to asshole gun spammers, they're niche items.

The blunderbuss has the same first-shot draw speed, but a slower refire rate. It staggers more and has a large number of pellets, which is useful for parrying certain enemies under certain circumstances or for having a better time on failed parries since you might stagger, but shit range and comparatively very slow projectiles, which throws off timing at midrange.

The Saw Cleaver is great for mincing the shit out of people, since it's very fast with respectable damage and some good wide moves also. The Hunter Axe is usually baby's first weapon that people will spam the charged R2 spin on all day long and never learn anything else, but is actually a very robust weapon if you learn to abuse its full transformed moveset, which has lots of great pokes, sweeps and hooks with speed no lesser than the somewhat milquetoast if serviceable untransformed state.

Co-op, possible invasions while co-opping or if you enter certain areas, messages.

Dolljoints, bro.

Beast plague plus unfriendly locals. Notice how they've all got this wolfman thing going on? And how they seem to be out of their gourd? Think Innsmouth, but with werewolves instead of fishpeople.

That was probably an SL1 run. Start as a particular class that starts at base level, then do the entire game at said level. Usually involves nakedly running around with a hatchet or a nailbat & rolling through everything.

Feel free. Pick the cleaver or axe this time. Just don't abuse the charged R2 of the latter, it'll be a shit experience that you'll not enjoy, in addition to making things overall harder with the illusion of cheesing with large blocks of high-risk damage.

Tell him to shut his trap and stop spoiling. Glean what you can through obsessive item description reading, then brush up with The Paleblood Hunt analysis if you feel the need to really brush up and figure out all the connections post-playthrough.

Weapons degrade trivially slowly and cost a pittance to repair. Furthermore, upgrading repairs them automatically. It will be very rare to have to repair a weapon that you haven't been using to excess, have no blood gem in that lowers durability, and that isn't already fragile at base states.

Micolash sucks as an actual boss, but he's still the best character. Everyone is completely fucked in the brains but here comes this guy who knows what happened and can tell you what's going on.

Nah, he's just gonna jump through mirrors and laugh at you.

It's a nice spectacle with all the blood some very nice music but any player decent at parrying will find the battle boring. Sorry user. I sill like her though.

He has a point user, if you just ignore the tips lying around of course it's gonna suck. Another thing, R1-L1-L1 combos are usually good.

OP makes me remember this guy

You just have a bad case of shit taste user.

it's universally agreed the game has plenty of issues

I mean shit, I've seen denial, but this is Fallout 4 is good! levels in every BB thread.

Only an honorable death will cure you now.

Well it depends on what you're using, something like the Stake Driver essentially has only three moves, something like the Rakuyo has like twenty.

Thanks, user. I feel somewhat more confident now.

It's not that I ignored them, I just think there were a couple I might not have noticed.


As much as I love the game, user is right. It felt like an experiment more than anything. Lack of build variation, armor is nothing but fashion, among other things. It just felt like they were testing grounds for when DS died they could just move on to this.

The game explicitly encourages you to play like the agile beast that you are and to tear into enemies whenever they show any weakness.

I couldn't parry her at all and went through the dlcc on NG+6 blind and only beat her thanks to beast blood pellets. I still haven't beaten OoC yet.

Tell me what's wrong with it then you stupid faggot.

It's a game for people who preferred Demon's Souls and didn't like the direction Dark Souls took. A lot of the people who disliked it were expecting a true successor to Dark Souls no matter how adamantly they advertised it as Demon's Souls 2.

It's really not a whole lot faster than dex builds in the previous games, and you'll have to play defensively since every build is a glass cannon.

Nearly each weapon feels entirely unique which is more than can be said about most games
Implying there's anything wrong with that when the game is built around being agile

Really? I had no trouble parrying her 2-3 times in a row at NG+2. Just shot her every time she got up after the first parry.

Here's a fresh OC because I forgot to kill Darkbeast I have no clue how to webm

Exactly, it felt more like they were testing the waters more than anything.

Then why give armor stats at all?

But how is it "testing the waters" when that's how the first game in the series worked? Few builds, armor just makes you look cool. The only thing Bloodborne's missing are the two weight classes.

it's not as if the armor does nothing it just doesn't do much, it can still mean the difference between living an dying in some situations.

Chalice dungeon, Build variety, Armor variety, bosses variety, Area design (not aesthetics), PvP.
Bad hitboxes, Iframe reliance, the usual Souls problems of weapons feeling really similar no matter what.
I mean there's a lot.

I don't remember DeS doing basically any of what BB does.

Then replay it.

DeS wasn't dodge only, there was world tendency, there weren't trick weapons, the magic was tied to a consumable bar rather than 20+consuming HP
I really don't see how it's like BB

Can't answer you there Satan because unfortunately I haven't been able to play Demon Souls so I have nothing to compare.

Then why give different stats if everyone will just jump on the biggest physical defense stat train? Even more, why is that armor on the first area?

'Whenever they show weakness' is the key phrase here. It definitely FEELS more aggressive, since there's more of both the quick one-two dodge action and also long strings of combo dumping since bosses & large enemies can be properly staggered, but unless you can butcher the enemy in one go, going all in is usually not the best idea, and you have to wait for or bait out those openings. If you know exactly what you're doing for dodging & gouge END to never stop comboing, this is more true, though.


This isn't coming from me, this is coming from the people who made Demon's Souls, go read them explain why Bloodborne is what they wanted to make after Demon's Souls instead of Dark Souls. Miyazaki's on record saying he dislikes tank builds and sword-and-board characters.

Well that's a damn shame

What? No tendency is tons different than insight.
Insight changes almost nothing throughout the entire game and opens up nothing? (source on that )
World Tendency opened up areas, spawned additional enemies, had unique loot.

They're really not similar

Maybe if you're bad

Challice dungeons are a bit boring but serve as an area to fight bosses again, get gems and level up, already covered build and armor variety, there are plenty of different bosses, yeah i hate good world building too that allows for shortcuts instead of overusing lanturns. I bet you liked dark souls 2 you retard.
I'll give you PvP because the ps4 online community is trash babies that only like grinding games that require no skill or challenge, ifram reliance is a good mechanic and out of every souls game bloodborne has the most diverse selection of meaningful weapons.

Speaking of which, it's a really nice game mechanic. Of course it ties to the Lovecraftian theme of knowing too much and it's well executed.

And of course the shit mechanic that is frenzy, what are you thoughts?

Tendency also made the Primeval Demons appear and character tendency was a restriction on PvP and invasions. Maybe go off of your knowledge of the game instead of consulting the wiki. Even what you linked shows that it alters some enemy behavior and is linked to certain enemies appearing, like the Mad Ones.

It would be a nice Lovecraftian mechanic if it wasn't also something you could willingly spend

No sure you just keep hitting until you run out of stamina and stand there.

Except I was just using that as a back line for the fact that it does a fraction of what world tendency does and is just a consumable resource rather than something you had to play differently to influence. (although that could've been handled better)

I guess I'm just splitting hairs here, aren't I?

Frenzy is kinda bullshit but thankfully it's in like 4/5 small sections of the game.

Good point, would it be better if the number of insight you gained was limited per run? As in, you've learned all the weird shit there is to know in the shithole. That and the store should sell only Kin related items.

And I'm being an asshole, but hey that's Holla Forums.

Then why did you never mention that it was a consumable resource and not something you had to play differently to influence?
Yeah I didn't figure you were one of the three people who liked world tendency

I'm guessing they made it spendable so you could stand a chance against the Winter Lanterns and Brain of Mensis later in the game

I don't see how me liking it or disliking it suddenly makes insight like world tendency at all.
We're digressing off the point though.
BB and DeS play totally differently, just because you liked DeS doesn't mean you'll like BB and vice versa.
Even if it's a spiritual successor they focus on different parts of the same formula.

DaS took things in a direction of a bloated amount of content in every single aspect and focused more on the RPG side of things than the action, BB goes the other direction and has a smaller scope in every aspect, focusing more on the action than the RPG side of things. If you disliked the direction that DaS took from DeS you will probably like BB, and vice versa.

There you go, you're getting it. So it would be pretty dishonest to say that fewer builds automatically makes the game bad if it's just focusing on a different part of the formula.

I love how the two downvoters are now discussing the game between them.

Yeah, but you were saying that it was designed for fans of DeS, which I was arguing wasn't true.

The original phrase was "It's a game for people who preferred Demon's Souls and didn't like the direction Dark Souls took" and I'm sticking with it

Except it doesn't share a ton with DeS at all as I've just argued.

Fair enough.

Is there a better quick STR weapon than the Beast Cutter? I don't have my head fully wrapped around it yet, new playthrough growing pains, rusty, new weapon, but I really like it. One handed form is like a faster Hunter Axe with really wild animations that I like a lot and a more commonly useful wide uncharged R2 with cane levels of range, while the whip form fills the same role as the Hunter Axe's transformed L2 alternate combo while also having stupidly strong room-length smashes and telescoping pokes on backstep.

On that note, how many of the DLC weapons are more or less the best qualities of two base game weapons rolled into one, in retrospect? Off the top of my head, the Church Pick retained the speed of the Rifle Spear while having much better reach ala the Burial Blade, in addition to being a serrated/righteous monstrosity with almost nothing but thrust damage attacks. Great double R2 if you can get it off, furthermore.

I still cheese the witches with no insight, I love how it affects the game world, I just wish it changed more than a few new attacks and creepy stuff.

It was more narrow in scope, focused more on the action, had fewer builds, fewer weapons, arbitrary restrictions on multiplayer, a mechanic which changed whether or not certain enemies appeared, not to mention all of the thematic similarities. It's not even dodge-only, both of the shield are viable for regular enemies.

Whirligig Saw is way better than the Beast Cutter.

Beasthunter Saif I'd say is the Burial Blade + Saw Cleaver. It's still my favorite weapon, always will be because of that moveset, I love having good mobility in a weapon and that shit just makes me glide through the floor.

It lacks many of DeS' elements though, from that line I can argue that DaS is much more like it than BB.
Insight changes are relatively small, the focused more on the action is subjective, and there are no thematic similarities.
Also the arbitrary DeS multiplayer restrictions were leagues above BB's.

Dark Souls is Demon's Souls designed by committee, it's only similar on a surface level.

Then I'd encourage you to replay both because your memory is obviously foggy.

I did say 'quick,' but then the transformed and untransformed pizza cutter & cutter cutter are about the same. Haven't used it yet because of how cheesily good it is, S-scaling is insane. I don't ever see anyone bother with the untransformed moveset, though, it's always straight to the buzzaw, with good reason. Is the mace form any good on its own merits? I haven't the least idea what its backstep & dodge moves are like, nobody swings it for more than a moment and I haven't touched it.

I love the Saif. Reasonably quick but very wide swings combined with saw cleaver neverending combos, and the excellence of the transformation attacks has given me a bad habit of fixating on transformation attacks with other weapons, where they're not quite as useful. Even if I'm not zipping across the room doing it, I love getting a little extra damage out of the end of a combo before dodging out and getting ready to do the same with the new moveset. It's very gratifying, like a kind of voyeurism for tactile mechanisms.

Who gives a shit there's a fucking BUZZSAW. The mace is just a mace, nothing special.

What thematic similarities are there between the two.
One's middle ages and involves demons you're tasked to kill by a strange child because your soul is bound there until you do. There's a very clear "save the world" scenario set up from the very start of the game.
BB has a much more vague story for it's majority, the tone is much darker, and even then it's not really clear why you are doing all of it rather than "well it progresses the game".

I only use the Saif's closed mode. To this day I'm still not used to the wide swings of the normal mode. I only use the L1 when I open the blade and do the shift attack to close it so I can close in on the enemy, which is usually followed by a spam of R1.

I'm not talking about setting, I'm talking about theme.
Do you mean you must hunt the beasts under the care of a pale young woman because your soul is bound to remain in a certain place until you do, and then it turns out you were doing it by the will of the gods?
And there you go, Demon's Souls wasn't supposed to make you sad like Dark Souls was, it was darker.

Theme in this case is completely different though.
Unless you're saying "kill things" is the theme in which case you're arguing that Doom shares thematic elements with DeS.

Figures as much.

It's best used for wide, deep crowds that you won't hit everyone with using the closed mode, so that you don't risk the back end of the crowd lurching past their fellows to swing through them. Think the lanky Pthumerian watchers when they swarm. Also has a bit better stagger, as I recall, and is good for initiating from a further distance without dragging yourself forward as with the closed R1, which you can choose to follow up with a couple transformed attacks if the time is right.

Not remotely what I said, but I think I'm beginning to understand why you think BB's story is vague and nonexistent

Doesn't the closed form deal piercing damage also?

I think so, because of the little spike at the top of the weapon when closed.

No I'm serious though, you're horribly simplifying both stories for the sake of "being right"
BB's story is in no way thematically similar to DeS's. The tone in no way matches, the overall plot doesn't match, the story telling pace doesn't match.
I mean the only thing you have is that "well there's a pale girl in both, and some god type figure is behind it"


Wew lad. Didn't one of you say something about denial?

Oh I'm the one oversimplifying things for the sake of being right? What you wrote here is so similar it could be talking about Bloodborne, not my fault you didn't think that through.

"sayjing" is not how you're supposed to say it.

So in your mind people on Holla Forums really enjoyed battleborn and kotaku then huh?

Except I'm saying the game explains nothing. Saying it's not vague because someone explained it online to you is flat out wrong.
Yup that's bloodborne alright. You're oversimplifying again to desperately try to be right

Sorry user, english is my second language? Do I get an A for effort at least?

What are you, some Vaatifag? Nobody explained it to me besides the game, it is not difficult to understand at all.

Well you have surely proved that you understand Demon's Souls on a deep level and are not oversimplifying it. What were those fluted armor sets doing in the chalice dungeons again?

Yes you get an A for effort

Thanks user.

Are you seriously trying to argue that BB is set in the middle ages because of an armor set in a chalice dungeon

Now stop being a hypocritical cunt. Had to look that one up to see if it was right.

Didn't that belong to the Phtumerians?

Part of the history is rooted in the middle ages, and that is completely secondary to how fixated you are on Demon's Souls setting meaning that the two have nothing thematically in common.

What, about "saging"? "Sage" isn't an english word, it's a japanese word

Except they don't have thematic similarities in the slightest.
You're claiming they are while having basically nothing to back it up

Either the leftovers of a previous civilizations' failed forays into Pthumeru, or a leftover of Pthumerus' soldierly class. Recall the bigass watchers in scalemail, the ones wielding Guts' Golden Age sword and a sword & board combo? Pthumeru seems to have been in some kind of technologically schizophrenic combo of the High Medieval era with 1860s firearms. Which is a very neat combo, really, it's a shame you don't see it more often. Like a more resource-flippant Renaissance.


*My biggest shame is that I mained ludwigs Holy blade*

you sure it's not because you fucked up your spoilers?

that is my second biggest shame

There's literally nothing wrong with making a chivalrous church hunter desperately fighting the good fight with their old mentors' weapon in a quality/ARC build.

People say the plot's incoherent but I really do feel like The Old Hunters DLC explains a lot such as why the blood is corrupting people now when the Vilebloods and the Pthumerians aren't touched. It's honestly far more straight forward than Dark Souls in that right, though still not as straight forward as Demon's

It disappoints me that Miyazaki said he was disappointed in Bloodborne when honestly I find myself going back to its pvp over DS3. I'd really like a new one

Holy shit I love edits like this.

Only interview I can find where he says anything like that is where he said he thought Bloodborne was limited and wanted to make sure there were a variety of playstyle options in Dark Souls III, which obviously worked out well

I could honestly be misconstruing that but that sounds like he was disappointed in it

Bloodborne has some of the best edits I've seen for things
And the OC is pretty fantastic too

Wow, this thread still exists. I figured it'd have gotten shitposted and saged into oblivion by now.

Underneath the salt people still like the game.

And it's probably the closest thing to a good recent game based in Victorian settings that we're gonna get

I got killed by that thing earlier. Just slapped my shit with a vertical swing while I was mid sidestep.
I haven't played enough to be Stockholm'd into thinking this is fun yet.

You have fewer invincibility frames than you think you do, you still need to be dodging away from the attack. Use the big guys to practice your parrying.

Is there a reason they haven't expanded on the Chalices? I'd pay good money for more Chalices with wildly different tilesets, new gear, weapons, tools, etc. Make it separate from the main game if it would impact balance, a spin-off or something.

Also, please post more BB edits and OC, I don't have any. I avoided BB threads until I beat it, and I'm just about to get the true end with the Third Cords. Still not really understanding what exactly happened, but the general gist of the story seems simpler than DaS1. Haven't played DeS or the rest unfortunately, so I can't compare.

Pretty sure I had more. Gotta dig deeper.

Well if it's not your thing, it's not your thing, don't feel bad about it. There are some games that I don't like due to what I feel are poor mechanics too. I personally don't care much for Traditional Monster Hunter and think the sheathing/unsheathing, and sharpening are just difficulty measures and just don't find most weapons that fun.

Maybe try a different weapon? Also timing parries is really important

I'll give you what I got


Admittedly it was and still es even after getting nerfed, the noob weapon but it sure does feel fun wrecking shit with my big meaty beat stick.

Who is that on the nothing but grief gif? I can't tell.


It's just a standard hunter, it's from a comic that was expressing how the fist of Gratia's shit

More insights.




The DLC is the best thing From has ever done for the Souls style games. The weapons were almost all unique, the enemy designs were memorable, the bosses were reasonably challenging and it had some of the best environmental story telling.

People keep mentioning parrying, but I don't know how I'm supposed to do that without a way to block.
As far as I can figure from what people are saying, "parry" in this game means "shoot it", which isn't parrying, is it?

Shooting at a point where it can easily stagger is parrying, it's a range parry

It's also why it's the only souls game where you can parry heals this way and it's fucking wonderful


Don't tell me you block in the other Souls? It's more of reacting to enemies attack. During my experience the shotgun is more of a predictive parry since it take a fraction of a sec more than the pistol.

The rally mechanic is so satisfying.

Does not compute.

I've never played any of them.

I thought it was Arianna

You can get a rune that restores health after a successful parry

Thanks for the edits, anons. Also, Tomb Prospector best set.

The DLC is fucking insanely good, and I'm kind of sad I know nothing else will probably top it in DeS2 and 3 when I get to them.

Your guns are exclusively for parrying. Shoot them at just the right moment before they land a blow. That's the trick to most of BB, proper timing, positioning and sometimes special requirements to enable a parry. Blocking doesn't exist. The starting pistol is a good entrypoint, but experiment with guns you get on the way, their timings and bullet use are different. Be aggressive.

It really shows that they made the entire game AFTER they designed the base combat mechanics.

Shotguns are an easier parry with timing, but a pistol is faster with less possibility of parrying. I think, anyway. I ended up using a shotgun and a gatling because I think the gatling is good for making the enemy player move, although the bow is great for bosses.

Ah, see, I get it now.
I didn't think shooting something would slap it right out of its animation. That's kinda counterintuitive. I've just been avoiding shit for the most part.

It's risk vs. reward, user. You risk the timing being incorrect and getting your shit slapped, or you have the skill to do the timing right and you slap their shit back.

You have to shoot them while they're executing the attack, not before and not when they are charging it. It's slightly hard to get it at first.

Check it out, it's fantastic

Nah it's a youtuber/tumblr artist that's actually pretty good, also made the Maria gif, but that's also part of a youtube video

Eyes on the inside.

Evelyn kinda skews that if you're trigger happy. Not saying it's easier since you're going to have to manage you're bullets and blood vials when going BT mode. Just made sure to have that katana ready.

The Old Hunters is my favourite thing from a souls game thus far. The weapons were way better, the bosses were great and aesthetically it was incredible, Fishing Hamlet and the Astral Clocktower in particular. Every piece of music in it is better than what's in the base game too.

Post favorite track.

I love it all but there's something incredible about fighting Gascoigne the first time and the music makes it that much better.

Alright, that's helpful. I'm about to wreck some shit after I make some breakfast.
My friend's going to be surprised that I suddenly went from scrub tier to mediocre overnight.
Well, over two nights, since I didn't end up playing it yesterday.


Nothing in DaS2 or 3 tops even the lowest points of BB, sorry

Ludwig's theme is the best, Gascoigne's is the second best

Best track, worst boss.


Anyone have that screencap from another thread with the guy talking about going through the forest?

It's missing something. Like the main lyrics.

I expected as much but it's okay, I really like the overall feel of the Soulsborne games. A few bad apples won't undermine the first half of DaS and the whole of BB.

Quick question, what does the Yharnam Stone do?

I hope you have more fun with it now that you know about parrying.

Also feel free to swap out weapons, even the cane whip and the Tontrius can be really strong against some mobs and bosses

If an insane crusader kills your queen, you can use it to fix that

Nothing really

Just proof you killed the queen

Oh right, you use the other thing to revive her

The altar after you whack Ebrietas daughter of the jelly

So it's a one-time Altar of Despair? Alright.

Oh, okay then.

What's the deal with her anyway? Is it the same person you see after Rom and before Mergo's Wetnurse? Or is that a descendant? Did she bear the new Great One? Vilebloods come from the Pthumerian line, right?

I thought Vilebloods were because some dude stole the bad blood?

She was the last queen of Pthumerians and was the most loved. Which is why they named the town after her. She was chosen by the old ones to bear mergo, but mergo was stillborn.

There's also hints that the vilebloods stole pthumerian blood which is why that was forbidden after what all they found in the chalice dungeons and sealed off (This is why the only chalice is in old yharnam and why there are no more excavations down there.) Whether she's fully down there or a ghost no one really knows

But where did this bad blood come from? If Chalices were found from the Pthumerian tombs (and were the starting point of bloodhealing and Byrgenwerth, if I understood it right), wouldn't "bad" blood be found there too, whatever that means?

Vilebloods had Pthumerian blood and the Healing Church was using blood of the old/great ones. It's been a while though I might be completely wrong.

"Bad Blood came from when they killed the Orphan of Cosmos mother and fed on her blood

youre talking about yourself.the friend was made up to save face.

So, Yharnam has been in a loop of one night because Mergo was stillborn? I'm not sure I follow how chronologically apart the events are.

Did the kin just appear in the hamlet at random from somewhere, mutating the fishermen and the Church swooping in? Or was there something like a Ritual of Mensis?

Would you put money on that?

It's a good way to put it but it's more the night cycles until the old one that's mourning Mergo (The wet nurse) gets taken out because The Moon Presence wants them dead. It's implied that Hunters are contracted to kill a specific old one each time by the moon presence and their reward in return is they see the sun rise and the plague/hunt is over for them until the next time an old one acts up and kickstarts the entire curse again

That I'm not sure, it's either they were there all along or it was a ritual to try and get back at the hunters. I always thought they were just another race always there that worshiped cosim or cosmos

I'm more inclined to believe that the kin simply appeared purely by chance and fucked everything up unintentionally. If we're dealing with cosmic forces that would make sense, indiscriminate and on a higher plane of existence, but still mortal. Everything else like Mensis and blood healing is just making the best of it. (Not that I fully understand either of those yet.)

From what I understand blood has always been important, Pthumerians used it for centuries before as well as Queen Yharnam was beloved for her blood, she was so beloved an old one blessed her with a child. During this time what is now the healing church found Cosmos or Cosim (Whichever you prefer) and killed her, harvested her of all they could and tossed her still pregnant body aside, Orphan was born and enraged and sorrowful, cast the area into a nightmare. The ones that made it back started the church with Yharnam's approval not realizing that consuming and distributing this blood over and over was forbidden as it counted as stealing from the old ones. People started falling sick in old yharnam due to toxins in the air or water and so they used this new blood to treat it. Beasts broke out so as a last ditch effort they burned it to the ground and sealed it off.

The olde blood still coursed through the veins of clerics and saints so the curse of stealing the original blood was still within them, and at that point somewhere Gehrman founded the hunters and then found the moon presence. The Moon presence extended a hand basically promising to halt the plague as long as he supplies hunters to carry out its tasks which happen to be killing other old ones. This is why when you become a hunter you're bound to the dream and bound to the neverending night until you complete your part of the bargain. kill Gehrman instead and you take his place to look for more hunters because of their original sin. And becoming an old one allows you to finally clear humanity of it entirely

So, the fishing hamlet was next to the Witch's Abode then? The part of the road that looks like it collapsed into the water is actually sent into Orphan's nightmare?

Was Mergo stillborn because they harvested Kosm?

the story is 2deep4u shit
you only play bloodborne for the gameplay

Sounds like you're just as retarded as your friend if you can't learn basic shit like equipping items by trying things out.

And yes the plot of Bloodborne actually gets very interesting. At first you think it's about Victorian gothic horror, but then it gets Lovecraftian Old One style as you progress.

Wat. The hitboxes in Dark Souls 1, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 are EXACTLY the size of the character, no less or no more. They are perfect.


Yeah actually, considering the fishing hamlet implies it was underwater, I think you can actually see the forbidden forest from the water can't you?

This is why I want a Bloodborne 2, for the life of me I still can't figure out the snakes, The shadows of Yharnam and Madaras Twins

They say all children of Old ones and humans are still born but since Arianna was able to give birth to a live one and they're the same as the little ones around Upper Cathedral Ward I really do think so

Well he seems like the kind of fuck who will quit playing the game if we don't spoonfeed him. Just look at him, OP can't even learn how to equip items.

Maybe he's that guy in those Dark Souls webms. You know which guy and which webms I'm talking about.

You seem unnecessarily hostile. What's the matter, champ? You wanna talk about it?

Op has never played a souls game before, he's as fresh as a lettuce.

the bloodborne devs don't give a shit about story and just put in random "cool" stuff for idiotic nerds to admire

why do you poz-cum drinking faggots use spoilers anyway

There's medication for what you have you know

What are spoilers used for? Hm… I wonder what their use is… Really makes you think…

What does the doll do with you if you beat the Moon Presence and become a squid?

Raises you I imagine

Does she breastfeed tho

Yes, we know that, and? If you are incapable of finding out in a few minutes how to equip items, you're just plain unintelligent, because it's not complicated.

This is actually THE dark souls webm retard and he's just trying to save face

Sure. Why not?

You enter splatfest

Isn't Edgebourne just dark souls with fedoras?

I'm no hat autist, but I really doubt it.


so its a curved fedora then

Fixed this thumbnail for you.

It's an entirely different style of hat. Don't be dense.

In other news, I just got done playing a few hours, and now that I know how to parry I'm pretty much invincible. It seems I'm supposed to go in this church looking place, but I'm staying away from it because I want to explore a bit more and go kill the cleric beast before I continue on. Found a bunch of shit I didn't find in the first place, like this dark house you can go inside, and some sewers with an enormous pig in it for some reason.

So long as you remember to keep yourself stocked with quicksilver bullets

I can just bleed myself for more, since I have a million potions at any given time.

So long as you remember to keep yourself stocked with blood vials

The people who talk about how many vials they give you are always the ones who turn around and complain about grinding for vials when they overuse them, don't be foolish

I don't get crazy with them unless I have more than like 12. I may be unfamiliar with some of the mechanics in this game, but we're talking about health potions here.

I'm thinking about going for a skill focused build, because I'm tearing shit up with the whip cane. Should I keep my strength at a particular ratio compared to skill, or should I just get enough to wield whatever weapon I want to wield?

Also, arcane and bloodtinge. I don't plan on using much magic at the moment, since I know fuck all about what it can do in this game, so is it safe to largely ignore those stats?

This is good advice. They're relatively generous with the drops, but the growth rate of your stockpile is slowed a bit if you blood bullet+top up every time you've lost a bit of HP (and don't have blood bullets left over) so that blood bulleting puts you at around 60% for a clean topup, let alone if you're one of those shmucks who just tops up without getting to 60% first, and a couple really bad runs against a boss you're learning can demolish the stock.

Considering bullets drop like candy by comparison, blood bulleting can be technically more frugal in terms of the cost of five bullets versus one vial, but bullets are highly unlikely to ever run out, while vials need to be restocked with careful play, farming runs or dumping echoes into buying them outright. Just don't go crazy and do it at every opportunity unless you're confident in not using or needing to use the vials otherwise.

Well not much, it's entirely supplementary to the melee, so you don't really need to worry about either unless you're planning on using a weapon that deals arcane or bloodtinge damage.

yes you can 100% ignore bloodtinge and arcane.
They require very specific builds to not be bad

Strength is good for hitting enemies, while agility(whatever it's called) is better for fast weapons and parry attacks.

Strength gets the lawnmower though.

I've probably only done it twice so far, and once was on accident. Still getting used to these weird controls.

An interesting weapon, to be sure. What's the general go to for skill weapons look like? I generally gravitate towards rogues as opposed to fighters when it comes down to it.

Blade of Mercy is a sweet twinblade, although you won't get it until late in the game unless you know what you're doing. This chick uses it

That's one of the nice points of BB, pretty much all weapons are viable, it's more of a player's choice.

If you mean agility-based weapons, there are a few options.

The most common one from the main games is the Blades of Mercy. It's a dagger that can split into two smaller daggers. It can stunlock if you're fast enough, but it's probably the simplest of the three I can think of.

The second is the Rakuyo. It's similar to the Blades of Mercy, except the swords are longer and it's not meant to be speed based. The special attack changes depending on the previous move used. It makes the weapon more skill based and more versatile if it is mastered correctly.

My favorite is Simon's Bowblade. It's a curved sword that can split to form a bow. It actually makes ranged builds viable, but it makes the main game almost too easy in some battles.

To be honest, the DLC is where non-strength weapons shine. It has the best Arcane weapons, like the Holy Moonlight Sword. If you plan on using Arcane, you need to plan ahead.

Somehow I feel like I want to fuck that crow.

I thought that the relevant stat for agility was skill, but I don't have the game open in front of me, so meh.
I think this is just the base game. I haven't even found any gear outside of the clothes you can buy in the the hunter's dream and the weapons you take at the beginning yet.
About how long is this game, anyway?

I haven't played in a while, it was either skill or agility.

The main game itself is fairly short, but there's a lot of side-things to do compared to the average Souls game. It's got three endings, the gems and trait things to find, and the dungeons that can change randomly each time.

Also, Eileen is old. Don't know how old, but she comments about her age holding her back.

She's like fifty years old dude

Depends on how many of the hidden and optional bosses you find, but the main game will probably run you 30 hours, 40 if you're doing the expansion also.

If you get good at parrying and the right sigils or whatever, like the one that refills your gun, and the one that heals you when you land a visceral attack, and the one that makes visceral attacks do more damage, you can smoke almost anything. Even some bosses, like that burnt up beast or whatever in the chapel, looked like a mummy.

Well, she's not some mutated freak (I assume), so she's definitely got that going for her.


Nice fake story, faggot. Bloodborne isn't even worth it, play literally any other Souls game and you'll have a much better experience.

I totally read that as Sow Hunter Badge when I picked it up, since I had just killed a giant pig.


Badges unlock weapons and gear on the shop.

Bloodborn is easy, you must have brain problems.

Yeah, I just looked it up, since I didn't know what to do with it.
Gonna get that saw cleaver and see if it's any good. I thought the axe was pretty shitty. Taking a break now and waiting on my friend to come home, since I'm more or less where I was before I restarted. I could go kill the cleric beast, I guess, if it's an optional boss with no story-related shit to it.

I imagine it would be, if you've played these games before and/or play on consoles in general.
I'm getting the hang of it.

m8 just git gud, "Souls" game are not really hard at all tbh. I have more trouble getting good at Fighting Games or Shoot 'em ups or RTS's like Starcraft or even Assfaggots. Don't worry about dying and learn the mechanics and you will soon be playing through the game in your sleep. In fact most Souls games are pretty comfy once you get the feel for the controls.

It's only sort of optional in that there are two different ways to get to one of the mandatory bosses, and killing the Cleric Beast is only one of those ways.
Think "cleric" and "beast" and you've pretty well got the whole of it

Say what you will about marketing, the idea that Souls is hard really worked

That's what I'm doing.
I pick up fighting games in no time, as far as things you'd play with a controller. They didn't change much over time. Otherwise, if it's not primarily a PC game, or something that came out during/after the PS2/N64 era, I probably haven't touched it.

Er, during/before.

I can't do it anons. I tried. I really tried to care about Dark Souls 2. But every time I opened up the game it just saps me of all my interest. How did people stomach it when it came out?
I honestly don't see myself ever playing it to a finish.

I actually bought it during the sales because me and a friend are going through all the souls games together.

I'm told that DS2 is probably the worst one.
Couldn't tell you why this is. Just seems like people say that a lot.

It would seem that people regard Demon's/DS1 as the peak, so play those instead, maybe.

Demon's is Ps3 exclusive unfortunately.

I just bought this and the Blood Starved beast is kicking my ass. What do?

Throw a blood cocktail over the walls in the corner and kill him while he walks into the wall

the vilebloods didn't steal the blood, nor are they self-titled as "vilebloods", a scholar at byrgenwerth brought them a sample of blood, we don't know what they did with it or if their immortality was already an existing thing.

also there's a very real likely hood that what we're seeing as beasthood as a form of blood on it's own may instead simply be a state that all those who indulge in amoral behavior fall into when they're also infested with vermin.
or maybe the amorality is the filth that allows the vermin to start to exist within the blood.

when you look into how many of the beasts act and fight you start to see the flaws they have in them, this is most apparent when they place hunters and beasts with the same combat methods next to each other in the hunter's nightmare.

also looking at the state the snail-maid descendants of kos in the hunter's nightmare, which is apparently where the healing church got it's supply of god blood and then essentially raised as a means of producing insight by refining brain-fluid, in contrast to what their modern day equivalents look like, even ebreitias, it's likely that the modern day demi-gods are born with the beastly plague and infested with vermin.

that's the curse of the hunter's nightmare, what draws all heirs of gherman and byrgenwerth closer to beasthood for the beastly actions of their forebears.
it's passed down in the blood you take to enter the dream for the first time and absolved when you defeat and usurp the orphan of kos as the host of the hunter's nightmare.

But I have no more. I actually gave up on this beast for a while and went in the other way after defeating Vicar Amelia. My blood cocktails are done. I just learned about parrying maybe I should try that

Blood cocktails, not blood vials



So did anyone else get the feeling that everyone is just babbling nonsense and you all understand each other because you're all just crazy people basically shouting and moaning at each other, and when you gain a ton of insight you just become smart enough to understand they're shouting nonsense at you or acting crazy, like that one nun who just giggles maliciously when you get smart enough?

Is there any reason to not murder her and do her quest instead?

She gain access to some gestures and runes by doing her questline.

Unless they achieved what the Pthumerians did, and realized a Truth, they probably did not achieve immortality without the Pthumerian blood.

I started playing Bloodborne at a friend's house and it was so motherfucking fun, that I even considered buying a PS4 for it.

Fuck, I wish there was a PC port. I love fucking everything about it, the gameplay, the Gothic Horror theme, the Lovecraftian elements, every single element of the game hits the right spot with me.

And I can't fucking play it because I don't have a PS4 and I don't want to buy it for just one fucking game.

It's pretty fun, but it's a lot easier. Dark was never really hard in the first place, but in bloodborne nothing really kills you instantly from behind a corner and it's easier to break those traps up. The only thing I don't like is it's so easy to farm the jail guards with the sacks and then later those guys get fucked up by those three hunters and the flesh beasts. I just want to get upgrade materials again.

It's sad that Bloodbourne is really the only decent exclusive The PS4 has for the west right now, everything else either has a Vita port or is stuck in Nippon publisher limbo

At least we're getting Yakuza 0 by 2017

I was in a similar situation to you, but then I just broke down and bought one
They're actually semi-cheap nowadays, you can find them for about 280 burgerdollars on Ebay nowadays (and I even managed to find a scuffed up one that I got for 225 bucks).

Since this is a souls general basically
I was thinking recently about that stuff too, and I came to the conclusion that the character being slow is just stupid; the idea that he isn't proficient at using weapons outside of simple swings is extremely dumb when you think for just a second about the fact that he does a fuck ton of spins with the legion sword; it's not a matter of magic or any other bullshit, this weapon breaks the lore that the PC can't do the cool shit that the enemies do, like reposting with the right hand weapon or using your two handed overhead with a shield still attached OR using a sword art with a shield on that also uses parry weapon art.You use an unorthadox and mostly rule of cool technique with a weapon that doesn't even make sense why you'd use it that way. You saw the boss do it, but you do it exactly how it's supposed to be done. I'm fine with the artorias flip in 1, since it's basically just a jump attack with a flip, making it a helmsplitter, but this is a big dumb spin that you do and then a big dumb helm splitter. I love it, it's the coolest weapon in the game, but it breaks the lore-ish reasons that the undead can't use every weapon as effectively as the enemy they were made for.


I live in Poland, so I'm fucked

it's because it's a sony IP. That's the only reason you can't have a decent thread about that game here.

Bloodborne made me feel really nostalgic about the N64 days and playing Ocarina of time at 17fps.

Dropped the game after beating Fr. Gascoigne. No point playing the game before the PS5 "remaster" fix. It's unplayable.

also the hunter of hunter's oath rune, which increases your stamina's regen speed.

they even use the same fucking blood magic, and maria revives their lost practice of mire magic which you can see with the chalice dungeon boss pthumerian elder.

the entire point of the chalice dungeons is to expose the link between yharnam the city, the pthumerians, and the modern day nobles of cainhurst.

when we join the covenant of cainhurst when she mentions "feel the spreading corruption burn" she's not meaning her blood is corrupted, but that her blood is purging you of corruption.
which it does, as apparently bloodtinge was supposed to be "blood quality" denoting how pure your blood was not how corrupt.

this is why i hate translation errors.