Can we get a metroid thread? Tired of hearing about federation farce, maybe we can have just one more...

Can we get a metroid thread? Tired of hearing about federation farce, maybe we can have just one more, remember the good old days.

No other m or federation force in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to have sex with samus.

This is the fourth or fifth Metroid thread in 2 days or so. This is way beyond normal rates, and I am starting to suspect that sneaky shills are trying to generate hubbub about FF.

We all knew it was going to go out like this.
But I'm happy it did



You'd be gay if you didn't

Did the X ever gain anything that wasn't animal intelligence or a completely amoral dick besides Samus?

Threadly reminder that Samus is in fact a transsexual woman t. John Walker Flynt

Just let Metroid die already. Nothing good ever came out of neverending lower quality sequels.

I wouldn't say that shills are the reason, but rather the recent controversy has caused a spark of interest in the series.

Would a game based on a different bounty hunter work? You could choose samus or someone like weavel from hunters, who would have a different playstyle.

I want to marry her and have children with her


You can't. She isn't real.


Why can't people decide if her eyes are green or blue?

Fucking pleb.





You mean a "metroid spinoff" No those games aren't allowed, unless they are exactly like regular Metroid in which case why not just use Samus.



So is there anyway to play Metroid Prime Hunters with using a mouse to aim via emulator?


Is it wrong to think that I wouldn't mind this game so much if the characters didn't look like chibi lego people? It doesn't fit Metroid at all.



Zero Suit Fox is a treasure

On topic, I greatly enjoy the 2/1/1 ammo increases on hard mode for Zero Mission and AM2R

That's pretty fucking gay

I like how Retro made an effort to make the pirates out to be actual people, instead of just ugly space aliens for you to shoot. It really gave credence to the world of Metroid.



codemonkey fix your shit.






They did munch on a fair few scientists though why they didn't become as independent as the SA-X is anyone's guess.



ZZS was a fucking mistake.

I meant ZSS damn-it.


I keep trying to find that 'Federation Commando' boxart mockup. It could have been like that if it wasn't for the shithouse art-style and the evident lack of confidence nintendo even has in the franchise.

it was the greatest addition to the game since they added savefiles.

Would you imagedumping boner-droners who've likely never even played a Metroid game before kindly fuck off?

You're one to talk captain dipshit


look at this faggot.


excuse me for that one.

Can you post more of the third image? It's super cool to see Samus like a regular girl instead of some sexualised beast


Hide that one ID and all the images go away.

Considering you need to use stylus slides for almost everything and you need to double-tap the stylus to jump any conceivable mouse setup for Hunters would probably take a shit-ton of workarounds or be incredibly awkward

I wish I had more stuff like that but I really dont.

I miss metroid threads before other m on Holla Forums where we just shitposted about tubes and phazon

Here you go user.





go browse a text board if images offend you so much faggot.

the prime games are terrible



sakamoto, get out

what the flying fucking hell is this dumb shit?
Samus Aran is already 6'0 why is he so friggin' tall!?
I mean I'm only 6'5 but this fucking guy is taller than me even

I want a good version of this picture.

Not like that same picture, better drawn. I want something that expresses the same idea, but looks a bit more respectable in doing so.

Samus in a cool pose, in her power suit, standing on shredded copies of articles/arguments talking about how she should be weak or different or male but isn't because she's not their goddamn toy. She stands above their arguments, literally and figuratively.

THAT would be a good image.

nah they are pretty good.

you know if they were going to do a light hearted spin-off they should have just made a game about these space pirates and tubes. Would have been 10/10 GOTYAY

because he has to be taller than Samus

because he has to.

Right. What was I thinking man that game was terrible in more ways than one


you should ask the draw threads for that, that is where the original image came from.



I'd want an actual artist to do it. Something closer to an iconic image than fan-art.

The girl is a Muslim and this picture was taken in gameworks in Las Vegas. She attends UNLV

well good luck finding one, commissions can be quite expensive, especially if you want backgrounds and colour and stuff.

I know I'm an idiot for saying this, but I just want someone else to care enough to do it on their own.

But if I don't want to pay and I don't want to spread the idea, then I can't really complain.

you got a single fact to back that up?

I know this nigger girl in person you fucking faggot.

Anyone have pieces of a dirty-blonde non face-mole'd Samus?

Woah, dude, do you expect me to explode her or something?

you gonna hit that?

>Super Metroid 3

I don't really have a particular fond memory of the series, i just reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally liked it the first time i played it and i've been hooked to the genere it created ever since

It's really sad to see Nintendo letting it die in obscurity when even their furry on rails space shooter get's a new game made by Platinum Games… for fuck's sake! do you faggs imagine how fucking amazing a Platinum Game made Metroid would have been

Don't fuck crazy fam, never fuck crazy.


Here you go user.

Why are you associating with terrorists?

*I never made it past the flower boss in metroid prime.*

You apparently never learned to spoiler, either.
Go play through Prime right now.

you dont wanna fuck crazy while she is dressed like samus`? whatever floats your boat I guess.

she is just a liberal very very liberal.

I played and beat Prime 3 before any of the others
I haven't beaten 2 yet

isn't 6"5 like above 190 cm? I hate the way america insist on measuring stuff.

The effort of dragging my gamecube out of wherever it is is too far beyond me when I wont even bother playing some of the game I have installed.



noun: piece; plural noun: pieces
an instance or example.
a written, musical, or artistic creation or composition.
"a hauntingly beautiful piece of music"
synonyms: work (of art), creation, production; More

You only get one m8.

What does Taarna have to do with Metroid?


considering how liberal she is (+crazy) and how crazy liberals can be and by definition technically i'd say she is a terrorist :^)

She is pretty hideous and caked in makeup.

Not really sure. Got this some months back.

It's from Heavy Metal 1981 alternatively you could read the comic Heavy Metal or look up some of the artists fantastic art, his name is Meobius if I spelled it correctly at least.

I looked up the songs to it just now and none seem to correlate with what's playing in that video. Any ideas?


Could be music used in the movie at one point try looking up the movies soundtrack. If not that I can say as I've watched the damn thing that music outside some ambient stuff is all that plays during that exact scene it's not correct. Look up the Heavy Metal 1981 soundtrack you might find that song otherwise I have no idea




Holy fucking shit I didn't know I wanted this until now. Were these officially made, or is it just fan art?


Things put to scale in that game always fuck with me. Could've sworn the pirates were much smaller and that the omega was gigahueg

No shit. Glad I never played it

Samus's height being anything taller than the average Japanese woman is probably not canon anymore. I mean, that Zero Suit model of her? She's wearing high heels there. The heels are high enough that if you took them out, she'd actually be the same size as her "teenage" model to the right of her.

So it's not that Adam is a giant, it's just that Other M Samus is really fucking short. I guess it's so Japanese waifufags wouldn't feel intimidated by her. Probably why she can be so easily disarmed, for that matter.

Even then she's supposed to be quite strong, as strong as a couple men at most. Still it's Sakamoto's wank and waifu fags are fucking pathetic. Samus is supposed be to well over 6' at least and she weighs almost as me for christ sake

Problem there is it's also been elaborated multiple times, even with things like Zero Mission/Fusion character-art, that Samus's suit is supposed to be a fucking suit and not a miniature mech that mysteriously adds a foot or more of height to her, just 3-4 inches at most from the boots and the top of her helmet

Definitely Sakamoto's waifuism at work

Whatever happened to Metroid Dread? I remember a rumor that it was mostly done, but got canned back in the Wii/DS era. It would make it a bit hard to release now that its 1-3 pieces of hardware behind depending on whether it's handheld or console, but I'm sure they could take some shit from it.

queens of the stone age- infinity.

metroid dread was just the name of a space pirate project within the prime universe. fans got a bit autiste about it, and it eventually became a codename for metroid prime 4.

Look a all of you faggots drooling over a mediocre game series.
The only reason anyone ever remembers or cares about Metroid is Samus.

It's not that good of a series and never was.

Could you tell me a series better than Metroid?

There's a million platformers just as a good or better.
Nostalgia clouds judgment.

Looked it up, found some stuff here

I mean if it was confirmed now, I'd be a little skeptical after the bullshit they've pulled over the past year.

More like never got past the demo because of NCL's dispute with NST.

Shit, meant got canned. Folks, that's what happens when you don't sleep. I'm off to go correct that

Also I am totally using this as a reaction image.

I'm beginning to think this is why nintendo wants to kill of the series.

Nintendo brought this on themselves with Zero Mission and Smash.

So that's where that adorable little Samus is from.


Is her body weird shaped in that gif? Wtf


It's literally only one poster faggot. Hide one ID and most of the images goes away

I want to make Samus mad by semi-accidentally cumming inside her after promising I wouldn't.

Wow Western samus looks like shit.

This Samus is adorable and I want someone to make a cutesy Metroid fangame starring her.

She will probably break your pelvis if you do it but then she gets all sorry for putting you in a wheelchair but the she talks about the baby.

A considerable price, but I pay it gladly

I want to fug the Varia Suit

pic 4 is kinda hot.

Post more.


It's rare as shit, sadly.

>tfw the "mole" isn't a mole, but a pinfeather she keeps plucking and has scarred over

>feather pubes

Had this been a WiiU game or at least not used a shitstain artstyle, it might at least LOOK good, but it doesn't retain any gameplay of metroid. Even hunters, notorious for it's shitty controls, had a single player mode that was enjoyable and like metroid.

I don't know why the Zero Suit appears to be so much hotter than any other skintight suit.

I wonder what happens if Samus misses a target? :^)

I'm the one who gave it the filename

when Retro was making Prime 1, they actually brought a fit lady in and had her pose in multiple positions. The artists then drew the powersuit over her because the rule of thumb was "Samus wears the power suit and can move her body in ANY direction, it does not inhibit her in any way". Multiple images of "samus" with the power suit drawn around her were made with artists drawing the lady in many different poses and making little adjustments to the armor to make it work from any angle.

this scene from Heavy metal was rotoscoped with an actual actress dressing up in the gear and is almost EXACTLY the same method that was used to make Samus in Prime

Prime 2
Screw Attack
Probably Rundas from Prime 3
Same as above
That's really tough honestly. I can't really think of one off the top of my head
The Stone Toads from Prime 1.
Again, can't decide
Honestly, mine would be the memory of snagging Prime Trilogy. At the time I had only played Prime 3, I had money burning a hole in my pocket when out of the corner of my eye, I saw Prime Trilogy on the shelf at a walmart in another town I was visiting. I bought it immediately and was pretty much trapped in my room for the rest of that summer.

I wish Nintendo would just give Metroid to someone who'd give it respect rather than rent it to hacks.

Why's her back all fucked up?

Someone get's it.
