What Vidya Games are you playing, Holla Forums?
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Vidya Games Thread
Waiting for Dead Rising to get here because I miss it, couldn't get it at any used game stores because I'm an autist who despises the platinum hits covers and am too impatient to wait for the PC port, so the game with the original case is arriving via Canada Post who may be going on strike next week (again). Your second pic is very relevant to my situation.
Replaying this shit since I never finished it when I was younger. Really solid FPS with a unique style and Adam Fucking West voice acting.
Holy shit, this is the worst formatted thread i ever seen. Like GUARANTEED REPLIES type of formatting.
Fucking hell man it needs player trading badly. I have lots of credits and don't want to hunt around for components.
Goddamn this is shit is fun.
Still dead, RIP
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Playing through all of the patapon series since I apparently owned the first game on PSN despite never buying it and the 3rd one is "free" with PS+.
Shit is really fun despite it being very simple.
I lent that to someone a decade ago & they never returned it.
I'm playing Thief Gold. I tried it before but didn't like it, until some blessed user told me that the game was built around the highest difficulty. Trying playing on Expert now, and holy shit the game got infinitely better.
trying to figure out what to play, I just finished gravity rush.
I might hook up my 360 and play through catherine again, I wish I had it on ps3 tho
To be honest? I finally got into weaboo shit and I want to stick my dick inside this guy, and pretty much every character in the game, especially the "weird kid" that appears very early in the game, something about that stupid depraved face turns me on like a motherfucker.
I think I know the reason I stayed so far away from chink shit until this point.
It gets me mad perverted.
I just beat SaGa Frontier about an hour ago. Overall, I liked it, but the game starts to feel like a chore after the 3rd or 4th character. Too much of the side-content is the same from one character to another and it gets boring. The boss fights are really fun. I enjoyed how many bosses have their own gimmicks which make them a little more memorable. The music varied from fitting to really good. There weren't any tracks that disgusted me, and I didn't get completely tired of the main battle theme. The OST is pretty easy to listen to. The art style was nice and most of the pre-rendered backgrounds looked really cool. One of the main draws to this game's combat system is the ability to chain together different attacks to fuck up enemies and I had fun discovering which attacks flowed together and which didn't. Beating Lord Virgil in two rounds was rewarding. I don't typically play JRPGs, so I can't tell you if it's be better or worse than many other popular JRPGs, but you should give it a try.
One of my favorite fps's, shame it never got a sequel.
Vice City.
First time playing it. I appreciate everything in the game, but I can also really appreciate the technical improvements in San Andreas. Also, Wildstyle Radio is best radio
I was playing wurm, them got fucking bored of it and decided to make my own notwurm in unity, noticed it would take too long and now I am making bombermanwaifu in unity, to get dirty rich and the make notwurm in unity
I'm shitposting on Holla Forums
I beat Furi on Normal, including the space baby and now I'm on M7 or so in DMC3. Furi's not worth the $25 I paid for it, but it's definitely worth a pirate. It's one of the few games to come out recently where the music, difficulty, and focus needed put me into a trance.
Today I played:
Pretty nice Etrian Odyssey knockoff where you beat the shit out of dragons/dinosaurs in an apocalyptic near-future Tokyo. Put like 30 hours into it already. Not really anything to write home about but fun nonetheless. I especially like how they got some of my favorite voice actors for your characters.
Surprisingly fun fighting game, just about mastered the lightning cyborg bitch's moves. Holy hell this voice acting though. I'm not the type to usually throw a fit over not having the original voice track, but I might just end up getting the Japanese version for this, it's that bad.
Edgy as fuck Power Stone predecessor for the PS1 that EA shitcanned like a month before it was set to release because it would have tarnished their "family friendly image." Also surprisingly good fun, and if I had owned this I could have seen myself playing multiplayer versus all day erry day, though playing by yourself gets kind of dull pretty quick.
On a related note, what are some other games that were canceled and ended up getting leaked onto the Internet? I absolutely love stuff like this, even if the game itself is shit/bare-bones. I've heard about a few, such as that Oblivion port for the PSP and the cancelled Battlefront 3 alpha ;_;, but I don't really see much discussion about these things except for when they first get leaked.
Patapon is such a great game, played 2 a lot way back when. Just downloaded 3 but haven't tried it yet.
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I haven't played video games in days.
I lost four hardcore Necromancers in Grim Dawn, so here I am bitching out with a new one. I've wasted too much time trying getting to Homestead and I'd like to actually make it past level 40.
I guess I'm just shit at the game.
Downloaded Citra to try out Fire Emblem Awakening. Glad I don't have to pay a trillion dollars for just one game.
Been playing Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga as a bit of a break from Shadow Hearts: From the New World (trying to unlock Tirawa strikes me as going to be annoying since you need to have every fetish maxed out, and if it goes up to level 10 on each like I suspect it to, that's a LOT of souls you need to feed into them). Luigi is such a little bitch, but still a great character.
Love how expressive they both are, even if overall mute protagonists. Going in for some reason I thought Luigi was going to do the speaking for both of them, or something.
There's a trio of GBA games that got that treatment: Broken Circle, Anguna, and World Reborn. Not sure if they're all that good though.
I don't even play video games.
Nice ascii art.
Rise of Womb Raider, its a fucking movie i cant stand to play more than 20 minutes at once
Defiance, meh i have played worst TPS games
Is that the one Denuvo game that got a proper crack?
I started Just Cause 3 using the Voksi bypass, but people said it would eventually fail so I stopped playing it & started waiting for that proper crack to be applied to Just Cause 3 so I could play it again without worrying about a shoddy bypass failing.
Unfortunately, I haven't seen any proper cracks of Just Cause 3. Only the Voksi bypass. People made out like that Tomb Raider game being properly cracked was going to open the floodgates to more proper Denuvo cracks on newer games, but it isn't happening apparently.
Been exploring the exciting world of h games.
Been slowly traipsing my way through this. I play for about 20 minutes here or there, mostly while I wait for whatever album I'm listening to to be over. Just hit floor 4 earlier.
I'm actually really sad that I can't play with the purple haired cute girl MC and the gruff bro defender. If there's anything to curse story mode for, it's that.
Reaper's shotguns are fucking hot bullshit. They are infinitely better than Roadhog's without any justification for it.
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death review copy, since no one else on the site I write for wanted to touch it.
It's a pretty damn simple DRPG, probably the simplest I've seen on the system, but it has some decent music and it looks good at least. Hard mode is the wrong type of hard - much like other Compile Heart games, it seems balanced for NG+ or something.
I might've underestimated just how much Compile Heart likes to re-use assets.
Recently began playing D2 at 1.04, because I can't seem to find my LoD disc. Good fun, especially considering I used to only play LoD patched to 1.09
I also started ArcheAge about two weeks ago. For a freemium Korean grindfest, I find it surprisingly comfy, but I haven't really done anything of note yet and the waiting for labor points is terribly boring.
But of all the games I've played over the past month, none has been as enjoyable as Sonicomi
What, are they all the type of "not even the official ratings panel in Australia will touch it, I'm not touching a game this 'problematic' either" type, or was simply no one else interested in the genre (or subgenre, whatever)?
What site?
There's only a few folks on the site that even have a Vita, and the other guy that plays shit on it is busy with KoF XIV, and soon SMTIV:Apocalypse and Dragon Quest VII. (I pity this man, since we have to actually beat the games we review for the site)
I've got Trails of Cold Steel II review code coming… soon. I might actually be getting a test cart but I don't know yet, but regardless I figured it would be kinda shitty for us to have covered so much of the Australia shit without actually giving the game a preview/review. I asked my boss if it would be alright if I grabbed a code from my contact at IFI, did a preview, and then wrote a proper review when I get the time.
I can assure you the reason that no-one else wanted to touch it had nothing to do with SJW bullshit. There are a few folks on our site that openly admit to donating to Trump, and one of them is an editor.
I got through the first one as well, was kinda disappointed at how much goddamned grinding there was, but still had a good time. It would have been nice if every time you got a new class it would give you some basic units.
Good, was just curious. If it's an actual issue of few people there having existing access to the system, that's valid.
I can certainly understand that and appreciate that people there do. Hell, on some sites that have a policy about that, on the rare occasion no one can actually get through a game, it's rather telling (I think that happened with RPGfan in regards to ToS2; the reviewer said up front that no one that was on staff could actually get through to the final boss without dropping it, including himself). And some of those JRPGs can certainly take a long time to get through, even if you're not doing so to review.
How exactly do you handle "beating" a fighting game though for being able to have a review where you're at? Is it whatever campaign there is, X hours of singleplayer and multiplayer matches, or something? Just wondering since the big draw for most isn't going to be story mode, or whatever.
In a fighting game's case it's too hard to pin down any sort of guidelines, especially since stuff like netcode can be different depending on how things work out on launch.
As for the RPGs length thing, the main thing about Dragon Quest VII in particular is the fact that it's 120+ hours long. If he's playing 5 hours a day (unlikely) it'll take him at least 3 1/2 weeks to beat it. I actually imported DQVII and it's a great game, but fuuuuck reviewing something that long, personally. Only reason I manage it for MonHun is because I've been playing since MHFU and I've been importing the games for a while now.
Running through Fallout New Vegas with a couple of choice mods, and alternating between crushing filthy commies and capitalist pigs in Wargame Red Dragon.
I'd heard something like they trimmed the main plot of DQVII somewhat with the 3DS version given how long it was originally, but added in additional content or something to make up for it. That true?
I really ought to have picked up that PS1 copy I saw one day for like $12 locally a few years back, but I was already at my spending limit with other inordinately cheap finds that day (Super Mario Sunshine for $12, Koudelka for $12, Xenogears for $5). Especially since I later found out that for some reason the game isn't PSP friendly as an eboot.
i mostly have fun but i constantly bump into glitches or poorly designed game mechanics
Do yourself a favor and wait until someone uploads the DQVII CIA with the orchestrated soundtrack re-added. The PSX version aged like milk aesthetically and the 3DS version has a lot more QOL improvements.
Anyway yeah the game is still ungodly long.
I don't have a 3DS just yet as NoA and Treehouse put me off of it (just like they did with the WiiU), and given the recent track record (at least for the DS) that Dragon Quest's had out here, I'm expecting unnecessary accents and probably some censorship. But I suppose downloading the CIA when it makes its way into a share thread wouldn't be a bad idea for when I do get a 3DS somewhere down the line.
Rome: Total War with various mods.
tfw hunched back in real life
I've been playing robocraft, and I like it.
Building mobile weapons platform with 5 different guns or helicopters that do nothing but drop plasma grenades.
So far i'm having fun.
Story Mode is objectively garbage tbh.
I just beat Morrowind for the first time, as a proper racist Dunmer Nerevarine. I've played it a lot in the past but never really paid attention to the main storyline. It was real damn good.
I had a few character ideas to play after I finished, but now that I've actually completed the game I've lost motivation to play it. Looking for something else now.