So the Lords of the Fallen devs decided to say fuck it and make Sci-Fi Dark Souls

So the Lords of the Fallen devs decided to say fuck it and make Sci-Fi Dark Souls

This stinks of Brink, but maybe they learnt from their first shitty DS clone attempt?

I'm so tired of the souls like souls dark souls souls-like experience fad, Dark Souls will be the next RE4/COD4

Souls games need to die.

are you crazy
the next big thing is No Man's Sky-clones

I'm tired of people being tired of things that they are tried of.
Where are all you low energy cunts coming from.

Yeah i did hear they copyrighted fallout new orleans, the dissapintcore genre has legs!

Maybe for indie games, but AAA's gonna go in a different route.


And dropped,
I apologize, fuck this government funded leftist trash pushing an agenda.

it's just a convenient excuse to not make good hitboxes and not bother coding in animation cancelling.

Wasn't there hints that it was going to be an obsidian title as well ? Wonder how new vegas-fags are going to react when they realize that all the good staff of Obsidian left for InExile

Might be cool, hopefully they learned from Lords of the Fallen.

Gotta move that propaganda for energy production overseas.

In the future every will be a Dark Souls clone just like every MMO is an EQ clone.


The setting and the look of the game is lame, but the combat somewhat intrigues me. Need to get rid of the QTE shit; if you want finishers you need to make it where you're not invincible during them and that you've handily beaten the enemy before you're allowed to do them. It also seems very generous with the dodge timings, maybe make that shit a bit tighter. So far it doesn't look like it will be a phenomenal game, but it might be ok.


Can't possibly be worse than Dark Souls 3 so why not.

One of the devs, guess they couldn't get a sequel and why aren't there guns in the future? and guess what, its probably gonna have Denuvo.

gee I didn't see that coming.


The more darksouls-likes out there the better.

and by darksouls like I mean games with a lot of gameplay and very very brief cutscenes

Looks better than Lords of the Fallen
Looks better than Dark Souls III

They've been making games full of empty promises where you do nothing for a long time now

every time

this game started the whole over the shoulder shooter genre and none of its 1000 clones in over a decade have surpassed it. I hate video games.

I think it looks comfy.


I agree, I mean, I'm sure people here loved the many games that DOOM inspired even if they were similar, why can't it be the same for Dark Souls?

I think they could have saved a lot of breath by just saying "We're making a Sci-Fi Souls clone" but it looks interesting all the same.

I like the directional combat. I like the idea of breaking off parts, MonHun style. I like the Revengeance/Vanquish mobility in combat. I like that they are doing a PC version right away.

The power suit designs are ugly as sin. The enemies are stupid. The lore of the world is moronic. Why set up all this global warming and socio-economic shit only to end up with powersuit zombies and angry mechs that act like feral animals? Why try to be semi-realistic at all and copy that tacticool powersuit shit that's so overdone only to make it a game where you fight robots with hightech axes and chainsaw arms?

I'll probably check it out when its released, but I'm not going to pretend that their choice of art direction and design decisions aren't utterly fucking retarded.

You completely misunderstand by what casuals mean when they say soulslike. For them it means 3rd person camera, slow combat and some type of punishment for death. That's it.

Not that I would want another shooter or anything, much less another incompetent dark souls clone, but there's no denying the tactical advantages of just shooting things to death in a futuristic setting where long range weapons should exist.

Yes. They've hinted at this plenty of times. I just dont wanna know how the fuck they're gonna build up on whatever the fuck Bethesda did with Fallout 4 and there already shitty engine.

Who knows what they mean

Every fucking time


It's not the Dark Souls of action RPGs either

Although the article does speculate that a game released eight months after Dark Souls was "Capcom's answer" to Dark Souls

Oh wow what awful wide tracking obvious brain dead enemies have, I can only imagine what the bosses look like.
This is retarded, the first one was awful and they copied what made DaS bad not what could give it merits. Bravo why didn't these devs go bankrupt again, did people really buy this schlock?