Man, 56, carrying a loaded gun pepper-sprays Confederate Civil War re-enactors at North Carolina parade

Man, 56, carrying a loaded gun pepper-sprays Confederate Civil War re-enactors at North Carolina parade
Karl Smith, 56, was arrested for pepper-spraying Civil War re-enactors Thursday
Police stopped him and found he had pepper spray and a loaded revolver
Assault happened at 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade in Newton, North Carolina
Two Confederate re-enactors were treated by medical personnel at the scene
Smith was charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault and was released on written promise to appear before a magistrate
A man pepper-sprayed Civil War re-enactors during a reunion parade and was arrested, police have said.
Officials also found a loaded gun in his possession.
Karl Smith, 56, of Morganton, North Carolina, has been charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault.
Authorities say he assaulted the Confederate re-enactors Thursday afternoon during the 2017 Soldiers Reunion parade in Newton, North Carolina, where thousands gathered to watch.
According to a police report, Smith sprayed the re-enactors when they stopped to fire their weapons.
Two parade participants notified officials around 5.30pm about Smith's actions.
Police seized a small canister of pepper spray and a loaded .38-caliber revolver for which Smith had a valid concealed-weapon permit.

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He does know those people are usually history buffs and not actually pro-confederacy, right?


Attacking someone with pepper spray for no reason while carrying a concealed weapon seems like a good reason for immediate revocation of that permit.

First post, every time

This HAS to be mindcontrol of some sort. MKUltra, suggestive programming, something else crazy. Maybe he doesn't even understand why he did it.

Nazis watch out!

Is that guy a Jew or a giant Ant eater? I can't tell.

Exactly what I was thinking they normally are history/weaponry buffs from my experience. What a pathetic piece of shit.

If he did it to faggots at a gay pride parade they would charge him with a hate crime.


Why would you attack reenactments?

Dude is clearly nuts it's a shame he didn't start using his revolver otherwise he would have been goodified with a ramrod through his head.

Unrelated, and I forget which comedian it was (Likely some cuck) but he had a pretty good bit about how he'd be more dangerous with pepper spray than with a gun. His line of reasoning was:

They're re-enactors, dude. This was a reunion parade.

Notice how the one time kike faggots don't scream about larping is when it's literal roleplayers being assaulted.

It's ridiculous. You can't have reenactments with only one side. It's like getting angry at a kid for being the 'bad guy' when playing cops and robbers with their friends.

I'm so afraid, alt-left. Don't hurt me :^)

looks like a clone of the guy who tried to assassinate those republicans.

Yes, and allot of them switch sides every year or the next day to play as the other side.

Leftism is a mental disorder.

btw Morganton has a mental hospital:

Ever notice that the people making these attacks are baby boomers?

Leftism is the most effective and well established form of mind control out there.

How is this not felony aggravated assault (aggravation being the possession of a firearm)?


Because it is the current year and you can attack anyone who appears to disagree with you as long as you are leftist.
I always find it humorous how Holla Forums has been saying ZOG this and ZOG that for years but still acts surprise when the ZOG does ZOG shit.

Have you ever had somebody accuse you of knowing "suspiciously too much" about WWII? I have.

Boomer cucks must be purged.

Left-wing prosecutor, very likely jewish.



from nu yawk?

The flag is offensive.
It's hate speech.
It provoked assault.
I don't like you.

Mark, Mark, Mark.

Now there are hundreds if not thousands of the pteradacytl people. The world needs more Marks.

Who would hate the confederacy though? :'^)

history is the communists enemy, why do you think they took over schools?

Not a Cantwell dick-rider, but that's a pretty stark contrast to how Chris was treated. It's even worse considering this wasn't mutual combat; he just attacked some dudes in a parade, while armed.

Ever notice that literally no one in antifa is a baby boomer?

Are you sure ? I'm pretty sure I've seen a bunch of these fags trying to recapture their youth in riots.


Every single middle aged decadet frumpy leftist has that same fucking look to him.

Nigger they run Antifa.



If you told me that the guy from today was the congressional shooter's brother, I'd believe you. Almost an uncanny resemblance.

Liberals can't discern between reality and fiction.

Same facial expression as the guy who shot his GOP neighbor in Pennsylvania.

Fat chin and sad mouth

this is the song that goes with them facial expression

The CIA must be growing these guys in vats.

Are you seriously this stupid? Do still think the left isn't batshit insane after all this time?

A lot of normalfags freak out of you go off script at all. They can't have people saying things to them they don't know the prerecorded response to. These are the same people who pay 15 bucks to see a movie then end up texting during the whole thing.


Underrated post

They are going to try and FUCK Cantwell

As an actual civil war later this is retarded. I dress up blue or grey. Depends on the week. Think I should never wear the other color? What does 50 larping Yankees dominating a battle lost by 500 larping Confed look like in Georgia? As I said. Retardation.

larper* phone poster dont worry I will kill myself

Are you some newfag in for the summer of fun? Destruction of a people's history is right up there in the handbook of genocide. That these are some random historians instead of actual neo-confederates is even better, they're less likely to shoot back and you can terrorize the rabble with your violence.

That's actually a very good point, mein Fuehrer.

Not that long ago, less than a century from now, people could tell what profession somebody had by looking at their hands and would start a conversation with that man by talking about it. Just like you can tell what work a man does by his hands, so too can you tell the disposition and quality of a man by his face. The saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover" only applies to cover art of books. You can guage with a good degree of accuracy, if you have the IQ, knowledge, experience, and wisdom for it, who a man is by looking at him and talking with him for less than ten minutes. If a man believes human health has been made redundant by machines, he will stuff his face and then grow large and overweight. If a man is extremely skinny, he'll likely lash out at anything related to will and power, because he is not strong. Your physical appearance will eventually echo your convictions, if you truly have convictions. Of course, as we all know, it's nature rather than nurture who selects who you will become as you grow. But if you replace nurture with will, it is nature and nurture which shapes a man outwardly. A race's genetics and a man who has the same blood as the rest of his race, regardless of how seperated that man is from his people, will eventually exhibit the behaviors of his people, and recreate parts of the culture and mindset, of his people even if in complete isolation.

Would that count as assault with a deadly weapon?

Marks can become Holla Forums's board owners though.

what am I looking at?

Oy Vey!

Well, it begs the question: why carry an unloaded gun?

"You're allowed to re-enact history as a hobby, just not the parts I don't like"