""Secessionist, Black Nationalist Agree — Over Beer — to Peaceful Protest in S.C.""
posted by by Daniel Arkin on Aug 16, 2017
""Secessionist, Black Nationalist Agree — Over Beer — to Peaceful Protest in S.C.""
posted by by Daniel Arkin on Aug 16, 2017
Interesting. It'll be neat to see where this will go. Now, if James is smart he'll subtly redpill Shakem about the real threat.
The jews will likely offer southerners the deal of keeping their stars and bars in exchange for making white nationalism illegal.
Its just like the fucking Constitution and the cuckservatives.
i dont see why wed be adversarial to black nationalists. we both want the exact same things. freedom from jews basically, although im not sure the blacks understand this. everyone will naturally and happily segretavistock in their absence.
That's the problem. Everytime I've encountered a nigger who I thought was clued in, they still loop back around to it being white's fault. Not to mention they still want to be parasites and not fuck off to live on their own.
Who gives a shit, I have family in West Ashely Wich has got to be one if the more pozzed areas in Charleston Wich is already hard to top, that place is a cess pool and my state would be much better off if that whole city sank into the alantic
yea good point. the black nationalists wouldnt ever be dumb enough to voluntarily seperate for real, but their supposed goals line up with ours.
I find myself thinking that white nationalist teaming up with black nationalist to fight the jew is going to be the only real option to dealing with them. We can duke it out after the jew has been dealt with, but for now I don't think anything makes the jews happier than to see all the goyim squabbling among themselves. Imagine the destructive power of the niggers being focused on jew controlled media and banks with the white power of creation swooping in behind them to rebuild those institutions.
Are there any black nationalist who are hip to the JQ and outspoken about it?
the blacks deserve to be here. id prefer not having them but i dont think thats fair and we can deal with it later.
jews and mexicans deserve nothing more than being allowed to leave alive.
No they don't. They can have a little strip on land in Mexico, that's about it.
Not surprising, really.
I have more in common with Black Nationalists than white liberals. Black Nationalists want their own areas for their own people; precisely what we want. I have no desire to insert myself into a black community for any purpose. Black nationalists can respect that.
I like this guy, he has some pretty funny quotes any others?
There are already too many nigger islands/countries in the caribbean, central, and south America therefore giving that race more land is not rational or wise.
What needs to happen is the removal/destruction of these farm animals from this hemisphere.
Then I hope you really did not like that monument.
Niggers can't run shit. By giving them a country where they themselves have to run and maintain, we are basically condemning them to death. You average american porch moneky will likely starve to death within weeks if made to survive on their own without gibs or someone to rob. I'm all for giving black nationalists a place of their own, because it'll turn into Jonestown if properly segretavistockd from us.
The problem with this are jews and the emotionally retarded leftists whom will undoubtedly dump money and aid on them as well as fight to make this nigger country part of the US. Also I'm sure they would facilitate illegal immigration of niggers into the US.
It's time to stop proliferating these invasive subhumans in places they don't belong.
They have 2 choices:
1.Back to hell (death)
2.Back to Africa, where we will deal with them later.
All the black rappers and nigger ball players should just put all there money into Liberia. Then all the niggers from America would move to Liberia to visit cities called Lebron, Liberia could have a national cuisine consisting of soul food, and ofcourse the national sport would be basketball.
Its funny you say that because up until a few decades ago Liberia wasn't terrible. Then everything went to shit with general Butt Naked and other cannibal nigger warlords fucking the place up. However the CIA may have had hand in fucking things up. Whether or not Liberia's a shit hole due to CIA coonery or just plain coonery is debatable.
No they fucking don't you disgusting cuckold. They DESERVE to be in Africa, WHERE THEY BELONG.
Even Abraham fucking Lincoln thought as much.
Liberia should be ruled by a negro aristocracy of basketball players and gangsta rappers
This headline and article can get published without anyone having to trip over themselves to denounce black nationalism. The black nationalists can fly an anti American flag, and it's all good. But you can't have those pesky white nationalists who fly an American flag. That's just un-American
everything a nigger does is for show. Their brains cannot process any activity more complex than a base, animal urge. They only imitate.
Daily reminder Rockwell was willing to negotiate with the Black Panthers about seperate ethnostates, but (((died))) in (((bungled carjacking))) before it came about.
If these guys aren't controlled op, they're on death row.
Nothing good has ever come from Applebees, and this is just another example of that.
The blacks deserve to be in west Africa only. Anywhere else they deserve to be shot.
I have a strong suspicion that you are a nigger, so I reported your ass.
How many generations of whites need to pay for a mistake their ancestors made?
Such a shame that the common folk don't know the significance of the one raised finger.
God please just sink England into the fucking ocean already
Blacks could self-segretavistock into their own self governed "communities" today, and set themselves up for secession tomorrow without anyone so much as batting an eye. Why have they done nothing to accomplish this? Because they say they want the same things, but do nothing to accomplish them.
Blacks deserve what they strive for and accomplish, which is nothing.
Blacks have their own communities. Lots of them. And gibsmedat keeps them growing despite the retardation and violence.
Remember faggot look out for TRS refugees shitting up the board, no based Jews, no based niggers, no based mystery meats none of that shit
Fucking neck yourself old man. Dementia suffering cuck.
I have more respect for black nationalists than I do for self-hating whites.
Yeah, roll over on your back, faggot. That will make the monkeys respect you.
These are just typical cuckservatives shaking hands with the people who want to violently displace them and rape their children.
Weird. When you flex some muscle niggers ain't so uppity anymore.
It's ironic, both cut the same cloth but are not cut from the same windings. Negros don't understand obligations if no violence is involved they will break it and I wonder how many "black Jews" make up Tyrone's clique, it'd be a good place to put a few just like in the Confederates because which ethnic group owned the most slaves in the south in order to depress white wages? It'd be a real coincidence if it was Jews like the ones who brought them to market in the first place.
Bessenger is as dead as Rockwell.
teach the 3 smart ones that kikes are the enemy. they take the redpills and preach to their respective nigs. nigger army overnight, ready to fight for whitey's common purpose. once all jews are gassed, trade the niggers for the south africans
jews need to go to israel and leave this country alone
they won't go without a LOT of kvetching, user… and some ovens
Keep cucking you fucking faggot
We don't need real niggers to do it, just fake social media accounts. Attach God's name to it and they won't be able to viral it fast enough.
Or give an illitrate fresh-off-the-boater $100 and a bunch of Jew-naming, Antifa-attacking leaflets and tell him to hand them out at a nearby BLM rally.
even better
Those are the same woke niggas who unironically believe white people were created in a lab by a mad scientist.
"Black nationalism" = white giving niggers gibs for life. I'd entertain the idea just to get them out somewhere and then just say fuck off you aren't getting it and using their chimpouts as justification for military action. Make their lives so unbearable they WANT to go back to Africa.
You can't get the political capital to forcibly expel a population; convincing it to leave is easier these days.
Reinvest in the Liberia project if these Black Nationalists help against the Jews. Fair deal that everyone can agree to.
TRS harped on the Based Jews. There are Based Blacks, but no good Jews.
This is the Kike's worst nightmare, white nationalists and black nationalists uniting. They will do anything in their power to stop this
African stealing from niggers
Niggers ain't happy
Fucking based, indeed, Amerimutts. You destroyed /pol. Europeans will destroy your anti-White ZOG empire in return.
Holla Forums*
Kek what in the fuck is even happening in this timeline? I have no idea.
Look, Niggers are here, now, and it was genius of Lyndon Johnson when he said "I'll have the niggers voting democrat for 200 years". They decided that since they had to deal with the niggers, they'd make sure they belonged to them, not their enemies.
It is possible we need to do the same. The niggers are uppity, overly proud creatures. If we can make them see what the Jews have done to them, they'd never vote democrat again.
We may have to use them, like a hammer, just as the democrats did.
It's all well and good to say the niggers need to be sent back to Africa, and maybe in the future that may happen, but it won't ever happen if the Jews aren't dealt with first.
The nigger is a weapon, and we have to make sure it's our hands on the trigger.
It's you the ultra kike again.
This has happened before, to some success with George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party. White nationalists and Black Nationalists agree on just about everything, including the need to separate from each other.
The large part that gets in the way are the jews and the myth of successful multiculturalism which blinds whites and blacks who will then attack their own for being racist. Blacks have an extra layer of gibsmedats and whites have that white guilt complex.
this is true
I wish a topic like this could be rationally debated with normalfags but the overton window hasn't shifted that far….
This is such a ridiculous misconception.
Look at the large waves of European immigration. The large majority of white Americans today are descended from immigrants who came after emancipation.
The only descendants of slaveowners/traffickers are jews and colonial Brits.
I don't know about you, but my ancestors were still in the old country when slavery existed.
Bumping to remind that temporary alliance with black nationalists is A) really funny B) strategically prudent, especially because it's so funny C) a psyop planned by Holla Forumsacks since last year because it would be funny (and now paying off right on time).
Americans aren't white.
Only way to turn the inner cities is to fund the blacks. Democrats will turn welfare agents into recruiters by having them focus on handouts to blacks who will vote democrat. This would either take: A) Buying off the welfare offices to make them vote the other way, or B) cleaning house at the welfare offices to stop either party from taking advantage of poor voters
Of course a united front against Jewry is the most dangerous threat to the Kikes.
Don't forget, back in the 60's-70's the second a White Nationalist and black Nationalist got together… they both got assassinates.
The Jews do not want us to peaceful resolve out Nationalist ideas, they want to use us to achieve divide and conquer and greater Israel.
reminder that George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X essentially had the same agreement and both were killed
not a bad idea, though you forget to factor for the niggers. We need more self respecting African Americans like Malcolm X and Dr. Carson for that to work.
I'm sure we could come up with some.
user, we've tried that repeatedly. Look at Rhodesia and South Africa, then look at countries like Liberia, Sudan, Kenya, etc. Doing everything for the apes then trying to teach em to take care of it is impossible, it's been proven multiple times. The apes can either leave peacefully or through force, and after the past few decades I'd much rather use force than play nice