CIAlt-Right Vols?

Why are vols banning for exposing the CIAlt-Right?
Have the vols officially taken a pro-CIAltist side? They are the people trying to screw with whites and get us trapped in anti-white ZOG fueled drudgery.

The entire CIAlt-Right "movement" is phony and jewish, and I want to know why the fuck the vols are defending it
You never fucking check it, and you know it. You haven't even made a new sticky there and rarely interact with your userbase anymore.

shameless selfbump for importance, vols pls explain this faggotry.

bump again, vols need to answer for this bullshit.

constant bumps


Hello, CIAlt-kike cancer

Don't use the wrong pronouns please im a Leftist and a Feminist

you are CIAlt-Right cancer, stop trying to associate Hitler with your anti-white faggotry.

I bet you only watched Serial Experiments because some homo on uboachan/lainchan told you it was 2deep

I don't watch lain stopped at episode 5 because it was too gay

Nothing wrong with Feminism and leftism you bigot

I assumed you did because the first webbum you posted uses some models from the game.

Actually, I would ban you for ban evasion.
It's a long standing tradition to ban for complaints about unjust bans.

You don't seem to understand that Natsocs get called Leftists by libertarian kikes and feminists by mongols such as MGTOW. I find it fun to roll with their insults and redifining them.
shitty meme

I fully expect to be banned for ban evasion, however I wasn't evading a ban when I was banned for calling CIA cucks what they are.

vols need to explain why they banned me for calling the CIAlt-Right exactly what it is
exposing phony WNs is not 'chronic shitposting'

I don't really understand what you're doing at all at this point tbh.
NatSoc isn't leftism, it isn't feminism, and the Alt-Right is a CIA psyop.

As long as we are all working towards the destruction of the kike it's good.

Im taking their terms and making them mine you fucking mongoloid how slow are you

I'd ban you for that attitude and this behavior, too

Mods don't have to explain shit. We get far more interaction from them than w.t. snacks and the like ever did. They are doing ok.
But now I have a question for you;
On the day of the rope will you help us kill kikes?
If you refuse to to answer this question we will know you are a shill.


the CIAlt-Right is not working to destroy the kike, they are full on zionists.

Stupid idea tbh, it's been tried before and never even came close to working.

Depends on if it's going down under the CIAlt-Right banner. If it is, I'll fuck off to New Zealand and knock up a qt kiwi because the long-range endgame of altists is National Bolshevism which would make it hard for me to raise children under, if not, I'll be out there helping you all.

I don't care about your opinion nigger

stop dreaming you mentally ill hapa faggot, you will be stuck in front of your screen for life. Blame your dad.

Feelings mutual lad, I just want a response from the vols and know they never check /polmeta/

that board has been completely taken over by the two brainlets spamming at eachother accusing eacother of being common christcuck




Reported for chronic shitposting