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Lots of beta's BTFO out when white cosplay girl is outed as fash supporter.
Rich Drees • 2 hours ago
"Amazing how unattractive a beautiful person can be when they reveal a hateful heart."
Top kek comment section.
Lots of beta's BTFO out when white cosplay girl is outed as fash supporter.
Rich Drees • 2 hours ago
"Amazing how unattractive a beautiful person can be when they reveal a hateful heart."
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I went to school with Alisa. She was extremely frumpy and had a retarded brother that went to the same school that basically kept anyone from associating with her.
missed out huh?
Yeah, I had no idea she would turn into a dime piece.
They will be cruel to her and lash out at her appearance, calling her ugly. They have already begun.
Best thing to do to protect her is meme her. Add Supergirl to our list of shield maidens. We already have an actual Nazi Supergirl. Spoiler for actual spoilers: She died during a crisis event, and was a sympathetic figure Comic book characters never stay gone forever. Clearly /ourgirl/ has finally found her way to Earth 33.
Erase the Gentry. Bleed war now!
I can't fucking take any of their arguments seriously. Everything geek related is too cucked for me to enjoy now. The people were always a little weird and socially awkward, but this virtue signalling cuckoldry is the straw that broke the camel's back.
Deeply admiring those digits. Digits of truth for the white babies lost.
Never discount frumpy women. Bit of spit and polish and they shine like diamonds and have the personality of a frumpy woman, being the best of both worlds. They think they're ugly and act like it, then they doll up a bit and they look great.
Leftists are tremendously stupid. They don't consider the literal action or events, but the connotation of a word.
I bet if you said "great bleach" to them, they would start chugging the substance just because it has a positive adjective preceding it. Completely devoid of using any common sense.
Never hateful to love and protect your country, your history, and your people. She has more love in her heart than any of those grotesque cretins. Look at the @Yesyoureracist guy, God gave him a fat ugly body to match his ugly personality.
Reported and filtered
No. They are malicious traitors. They aren't stupid, they are simply r-selected.
Did niggers figure out how to use Tor just so they can use DNMs?
Fucking THIS.
These genetically defective husks have no souls. Their words must always fall on deaf ears. It boggles the fucking mind how they have literally 0 empathy.
You niggers are arrogant because you're aware that you're inferior. All you're capable of doing is flaunting about your non-existent traits that you desire to have.
You will always be unintelligent and you will always look ugly because of your vindictive attitude. Look at Haiti and Liberia.
Let me guess, reddit?
wouldn't this article be considered doxing and harassment by lefties standards? (also, is she cosplaying as Emma Frost?)
another funny thing is that article keeps trying to paint her to be a racist, the only people her boyfriend mentioned were "Jews trying to replace them" how was that a racist slogan?
damn I'd marry her
i guess their hispanic spiderman action figure wouldn't approve of hover-handing a nazi.
You sound like a lying KIKE and that is why Jew children must die
Because kikes are, in the eyes of the brainwashed, the winners of the oppression olympics.
Wew shes a cute, no wonder the alt-left are so butt-hurt.
You're the kike.
Love and tolerance is obeying status quo. Hate is standing against it. Think about the language. Love is a term we can weaponize.
Right Wing Cosplayer thread?
Nikki Moxxi, Palmer Luckey's girlfriend
You make yourself look like a fucktard without us having to do a thing.
If I was lying I would go the full 9 and say I slept with her too. It was Shaw High School in Columbus, GA.
I don't have any rem pictures
Those are clearly slavic features.
Nobody wants your tiny shit colored dick
eceleb faggotry and white knighting
kill yourself OP
She has the face of a very plain middle aged woman.
Uhh, guys? Where in does this picture take place, and why do they have such poor taste in waifu?
At least she doesn't have aids.
It's from Luckey's house.
No idea who that autist is. Is pic related a good anime?
He invented the Oculus Rift. No clue, I havent watched it yet.
Palmer Luckey is the founder of Oculus VR
Creator of the Oculus Rift
Facebook bought out Oculus
And then Facebook fired Luckey for being a Trump supporter
This is the guy who wrote the bleedingcool article.
Why didn't you sleep with her? 'Frumpy' girl sounds like an easy score
The alt-left is running wild.
Top kek.
Looks like some goony faggot needs his myths busted.
Why aim low?
Wait wait wait is that Alisa Kiss? SHE'S PRO WHITE?! Sweet holy shit. I've been fapping to that ass for about 16 years. And now I'm going to fap that much harder.
What's next, are Tawnee Stone and Pattycake going to be caught gassing jews? I'm not prepared for this timeline
How about you get your fucking act together instead, and impregnate a white woman. Little shit.
Ready to defend your right to a white fap.
What can I say user? I couldn't pick my boyhood crushes and apparently I can't let them go either lel
So she's not just a cosplayer, she's a huge whore ?
It's disgusting watching people attempt to shame a person based on a moral system that is objectively bad and propatavistockd from the top down intentionally by propagandist elements within academia, media, and politics. These sub-human rats sicken me to no end.
Interesting. Must have had good male role models in her life or something, because she looked like the perfect target for University Marxists.
Cosplay is for fags and women who do it are either whores or equally retarded
Somebody needs to put white children inside her now.
Fuck, I'll do it if nobody else will
Cosplay beta underman losers and White Sharia beta underman losers united in butthurt, nice!
Brave user takes one for the team.
Is that a jewess or some old bitch who tanned too much ?
Thanks Hitler.
She started out as a cosplayer who vehemently denied she wanted to do anything sexual and then started churning out insane amounts of softcore a year or two later.
That's a jew.
What if your cosplay is traditional 50's family life?
What is this hoe doing in White nationalism exactly ?
Actually I'd like to take that back.
Her BF was at the charlottesville happening.
Foolishly showing up to a psyop and inadvertently triggering the fuck out of the alt-left, apparently
They seem to be a nice bunch of degenerates to me, girlfriend gets hit on by some nerd, he wait until she's really drunk, something may or may not have happened. Why is he dating that type of girl ? Why is she hanging out with awkward men and getting drunk with them ?
Kek get a load of this cuck projecting his fantasies.
AFAIK Luckey is/was a lolberg back then, but he did help finance some billboard used to push anti-Clinton memes, which got him branded as a Trump supporter regardless.
Nikki on the other side has always been full MAGA and she was also pro-GG. That's what got her some good old harassment from the so-called defenders of women.
That woman feels so empowered. That guy could half-ass a slap and knock her on her frail little ass. Women honestly need to start being punched and smacked when they step out of line. What a worthless sack of meat she is. Nothing but a whore for propagandists. She might as well not even exist, because she's mentally dead. Hopefully she gets raped and killed. That's the peak of worth her body will ever have–a cum dump for a man willing to use her empty vessel of a meat suit. That goes for every Leftist woman. Whores. The worst filth our civilization has ever known. They don't just sell their bodies, they sell their minds, their heritage, and their blood. He should spit in her face, knock her on her ass, and tell her what a worthless rat she is. She should fear for her life when she walks down the street for what she's done to us.
Beta underman loser cuckold, who would have guessed?
The leftypol beta underman manlet is triggered.
"2/10, would not bang."
Neckbeard detected
Every. single. time.
It is not "low-T"
It is not "r-select"
They are subhuman, they are not people. Even before jews, White society made mistakes, the mistake of allowing such scums to live.
I say this as an American: our people are ugly as fuck and half of them, like this girl, look like they're on drugs.
Typical of a girl into cosplay, and less so gaming culture and anything related to nip culture. I misspoke earlier thinking she may have been decent, before this was posted. Should have known if she's a cosplayer, or heavily into games or anime, she's probably trash. When people are heavily into anime they're on par with wiggers in regards to how they disparage and disrespect themselves as European peoples.
Who would that be, "American." You don't speak as a white man, so you're probably one of the local mud rats lurking around the board. If by "our people" you mean Americans, then that's a given, because we'v got over a hundred million muds in this country. They are ugly. Most white people however are not ugly in comparison. I'll admit most, but to a lesser extent, are fat, but they would not be physically ugly minus the excess weight. European genetics are better. We look better in an ideal physical state. It's just the truth.
He looks like some kind of Nega-Sam Hyde.
Are you handsome, leftypol? Doubt it.
Are you her boyfriend faggot ?
Fun fact: she was first discovered on Portal of Evil, her then-boyfriend showed up to whiteknight her. He was completely fucking insane and his every post was navy seal-tier x 100.
Is this what male yanderes are like?
are we going somewhere with this or are we still focusing on the logan kike exclusively?
She's still with him? wew
You should've seen his posts from way back when. They were like that except far edgier, much less coherent, AND IN TYPED IN ALL CAPS THAT SEETHED WITH THE FURY OF A MILLION BURNING SUNS
That's not what he asked you, you stupid commie faggot. He asked if you were an ugly little bitch and you have yet to answer him.
Give us the sauce user.
he seems like a pretty devoted bf tbh
There he is
He changed IDs
Fucking pick one
Women are children. They don't just grow out of the ground being a good role model. You have to shape them. If you're not willing to do that you'll never have kids.
I know what women are and this woman is irreconcilable, a woman who has exposed herself like this and dyed her hair neon colors on a whim cannot be trusted to carry on our thede
looks like all her social media accounts are being brigaded by the same 100 or so kikes kvetching over her being an ebil-nazi racist.
people used to be nude all the time user
Fuck off dumbshit.
Very huge difference she shows her naked body and shoves dildo up her ass online for strangers, how low can she get.
You must be either her pimp bf or an orbiter also we are not your personal army.
Who's the hot one on the left?
you must be new
Go back
You don't get a pass just because you're the president's wife.
so you denounce her because of her body? how faggy
I denounce nothing.
I don't get it. I see two attractive women.
TBH, I think hookers have more clothing on then most professional cosplayers do.
that being said, it's fairly typical for women (of any era) to dress like this or show skin to get attention or money. it really doesn't what political or religious affiliation women will always do this or attempt to do this (even in the middle east).
Satan, go to bed your drunk
That's not even the problem, it's all about the behavior. It's like the only thing about them is sex, no personality, no brain, no morals, just muh vagina.
Oh yeah, the Trump family is really a model of morality…
Fuck off, you're completely deluded.
typos, lol
it's not just "like" that. it "is" that.
how so?
I wanted to masturbate the fedora webmaster blueballed me.
0/10 would not waifu
whatever, we need more and more people to come forward with right wing views in popular arenas.
Yeah. I don't understand the mentality that.. "oh she's not wife material." Who gives a fuck. I'm not trying to marry here. But you win the plebs by taking their women. This is just a good sign/symbol.
heh, cuck was probably "doing it for free" anyway, lol. also posting that clip with zero self awareness of what's going on in the world. poetry.
no she was/is alt-right, thats not a fast movement. she's in the same camp as people like milo yiannopoulos and sargon of israel.
Dropped like a brick.
don't all the women that are supposedly on our side turn out to be literal whores? (thats how it was for G.amerG.ate too)
Emma Frost is racialist as fuck anyway.
by the divine right of your digits, I must agree with you.
Go back to cuckchan
eh, I guess you're right. it's not so much a "side" as most of us (here) have a (((common enemy))). thats really the only thing that unites us. (and the bound of the mongolian spearfishing bulletin board).
Double trips has the blessing of the gods and speaks the truth.
I think she's German and Danish or something.
Looks at least semi-slavish to me. The forehead, the round face with slightly angular jaws etc.
tfw her vote counts as much as yours.
Literal whores vying for fame and attention latch on to a popular movement or idea to sell and brand themselves. Wasn't the first time, won't be the last.
triple dubs
double trips
That's one helluva blessed thread. It seems like Lord Kek is trying to tell us something.
triple dubs
double trips
That's one helluva blessed thread. It seems like Lord Kek is trying to tell us something.
How the fuck did that doublepost? I only clicked the Reply button once…
I bet that guy is one of those people who obsess over photoshopping dicks black in rule34 images.
underrated post
i hope she stays safe.
I keep telling them hate and love are the same thing, we love what is ours and hate not having more. Being a racist nationalist is more honest and endearing than claiming to care about everybody who happens to make the same as you at the time.
Eh, women just want attention, they don't know anymore, if you can give it to them they'll stop wanting more.
The first family is moral compass the folk relies upon, if it is corrupted so to will the folk become.
What they want is social gratification. Easy to get in the world of social media, post some pics, and you'll have people all over saying nice things in many cases.
Liberals and progressives might believe that, most conservatives don't. And that's a good thing.
Since you degenerates are fapping over waifus, here is an actual /ourgirl/
>makes joke about (((boss))) and free bacon
Faith Goldy
Why do you think they started herding everyone into the nerd pen in 2005? Then, they placed nerd role models to tell everyone what they needed to think as this identity. It's the same scam they ran in the sixties where the movies told people they should be hippies if they wanted to stop the war they started then to dictate to them their thoughts and values from Hollywood movies. They even subverted farming and folk music for fucks sake, our very culture sold back to us after deciding it wasn't fashionable and being tossed out.
That's the Prussian look best features of Germans and Poles.
Not in Europe dumbass
it makes me very angery that niggers are able to have waifus
How about no.
Of fucking course. The apex manchild.
Eva Braun was a model too before NS saved her.
Sam Hyde crossed with Louis Cuck King
OK, well see over time.
Remember how degenerate shit was "very european" in the 90s?
That was thanks to the fall of communism and the instant transition to liberal capitalism.
Fucking retards drooling over some literal whct's going to interracial porn for a quick buck.
Yes, yes she is.
Also known asThe White Queen, 2nd pic related
That's new.
drop the whole list
Ehh, it amuses me.
black guys only come to anime conventions because.. "where da white women at?"
Sadly untrue. There are tons of black weebs.
Because they saw dragonball Z on TV. Possibly the worst anime of all time.
I busted my ass to get this rock-hard body and I'm not about to NOT flaunt it by dressing up as shirtless dudes.
You know who actual /ourgirls/ are?
You don't. Because they aren't e-celeb attention whores doing podcasts and posting vanity pics on the internet.
There's a fine line between eceleb worship and being supportive of a girl being hounded by the so-called protectors of women for disagreeing with them, while not backing down from her statements.
You would think she would be already distancing herself from her bf or white nationalism in general, so far she hasn't done such a thing. I can respect that without making her /ourgirl/.
Nude beaches and other far more degenerate things were in European countries (and non (officially)-communist ones at that) long before communism fell. Although communism never really fell anyway, it just became more moderate in some countries, which led to the collapse of the USSR & Berlin Wall, but spread more throughout others which bolstered cultural marxism in them.
celebshit whore. who gives a fuck, honestly?
Pic related is from MGSV, that's Quiet.
Is she actually white? I get the sense that she's got something else in there.
Nudism has nothing to do with degeneracy, you disgusting burgercuck. It's about the acceptance of the healthy human body and being one with nature, an ages-old Germanic tradition.
americanistic christfags ruined the beauty of the human form.