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I want a new F-Zero game

Chris Avellone left Obsidian because they'd become so incompetent that they let themselves lose the rights to Baldur's Gate 3

I want a western developer to make a sequel to Wild ARMS XF!

Thats not how you wish on a monkeys paw.
I wish for the Activision and EA games to become the most profitable game publishers to have ever existed.

The wishes always come true with an unfavorable twist, that is how the paw works. It doesn't just grant opposite wishes.

They make pillars of eternity in space

It's a ps4 exclusive, soundtrack's something like nudoom's and it's overall shit


it uses Unreal Engine 4

I want a Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat crossover fighting game!

The game fails, resulting in Obsidian being bought by EA and merged with Bioware


No fatalities, no fun, the special moves are wrong, every individual character is DLC.

The game is from the viewpoint of a British SWAT team in 2025
The only weapons you're issued are words of apology and money to pay the jizya

I live in Britain please kill me

Fuck you.


DC vs MK showed how bad it can be

I want a new metal gear game.

Anyone got that gif or webm of that British police squad being held at bay by a nig with a single knife, or whatever it was?

You get Metal Gear Pachinko.

Didn't he leave becasue most of his work for Pillars of Equality got thrown out the window?


I want to have fun again.

You drop videogames and go to enjoy the real world


co-writer of fallout shelter 2

Can't have that because new canon.
KOTOR is overrated storywise anyway, they supposedly picked the 4000 years before the movies period for artistic freedom, but they copied the movies too much anyway.
It was called the "expanded universe" and yet too often things were too close to each other. Good riddance.

I sure wish they'd bring back MST3K

But what if that's what you truly want?

That's not a paw, that's a hand.

I want Nintndo and Capcom to finish this trilogy!

Well looks like you got your wish with Metal Gear Survival

I want STALKER 2

I want a sequel to Dino Crisis 2



You mean Dino Crisis 3?

You're wrong: KOTOR was based on Dark Horse comics. It wasn't just made up by Bioware.


yeah no thanks.

Now it has Amiibos for compatibility!

That doesn't sound so bad.

I want Bethesda to make a new Elder Scrolls game.

It would take place in Elswyr and have 40% of the game removed as DLC

This would not be good, even though I grew up wishing this was true.

Ha even in my too civilised country the police has guns (and use them too). English are weird.

That's expected, let me give it a try

It takes place in Cyrodill again and features the Dragonborn. The leveling system has been simplified even more into Strength, Stealth and Sorcery with points that go from 1 to 100. Every point you put in gives you a new perk most of which are useless.
For DLC, Bethesda will literally copy some more popular mods from the Nexus, including Vilja and Falskaar. The last DLC will be revealed as a paid modding system where you have to pay money to even mod the game and then pay money to modders to play their mods.

Just release the source from the first two games and let people do what they want


I want a sequel to Tribes 2, but I'm running out of fingers to curl. Anyone got a spare paw?

I want Prey 2 to come out!

Itagaki makes another action game with solid gameplay depth that's at least a 8/10.
Devils Third was meh, but not god awful.

why can't good boxart happen anymore?
It's always a serious looking person walking away/standing with a gun.

I hope you're having fun playing Survarium.

I’ll make a wish that can’t backfire. I wish for a turkey sandwich

the turkey's a little dry


I wish for Nintendo to drop out of vidya


>Hidden fun stuff is now The Patriarchy

I want my meth dealer to get out of prison. Part of life is disappointment, user.


the wish comes true, but all it does is guarantee the game will eventually get finished, just not when, where, and how
So basically how it is right now

See? I can be nice.
I'm using my wish to help someone else, I think. I hope. I think I worked around the treacherous nature of the paw.

No tengo idea de que estoy haciendo, pero lo estoy haciendo con entusiasmo.

Don't even joke about that user. If they died out then the best we can hope is that all their IP's are lost forever and nobody follows their influence worst case scenario, microsoft buys all of their IP's and grows more popular making increasingly crappier, casualized and "hardcore" versions of the Nintendo games.

I want to reset the universe and make it less shit.

That happened already. In fact this is the fourth try.
You should have seen universes 1 to 4 if you think this one's shitty…

Pucci go home get railed by Dio, nobody likes you

Mate, we're stuck on the BAD END path, there is no GOOD END

I wish Sony had never mortally crippled and slowly killed SWG.

I could still be a master creature handler ;_;

I don't think the paw can change events from the past.

Then I want Sony to unfuck itself right quick and get the rights to SW back and make it again!

My wish doesn't have to be defined by logic! It's a wish!

OK, but keep in mind the paw will find a way to grant your wish and at the same time fuck with you.

It already happened user, the only issue is that you aren't on the universe that was reset, you are still on the shit one.

Why the universe and not just this planet? There is nothing wrong with the universe you self centered fuck. The universe doesn't give a shit about you or this planet.

They are working on Tyranny and VTMB 2

I want another Sly Cooper game.

Speaking of Barenstain: do you remember if the car that JFK was assassinated in had four seats or six?

Four, I think

Here's the photo…

Nignog snaps and releases a tape of him & his buddies rapping a rainbow hair and her faggot friend zone nu-male landowner (read: she took over his apartment while he crashes on the couch too small) to blingee themes decked out in Miitomo. They then force them into a game of Live Splatoon with real acid—both die in the hospital from their aggravated wounds days later. Jury finds all offending parties not guilty

Rainbowhairs all over the globe demand blood in response—a platform is built discussing the evilness of both uneducated and unchecked blacks who have let an entire generation of their kids be babysat by drugs and television. In response, the Nu-Party is established away from the left and the right in the US, gaining fanatical numbers and support. In the following terms, they're able to completely overrun most offices in the land, turning daily business connections on their heads.

The first act is the new head of the CIA, P. Hernandez, work with the State department, headed by J .Macintosh to file charges against Nintendo through the TPP, newly-revised for the language to better read and appeal to all ethic and equality businesses.

Nintendo is quickly found guilty and forced to pay reparations that make them utterly destitute as a business. In shame and regret, Miyamoto records his own suicide in hopes that it may somehow appease.

It does not. The American government flushes and rebuilds the Software Entertainment Association and the ESRB into an unprecedented level. Any game bearing the slghtest hint of sexism, violence, unapproved sexuality, defamation of casual marijuana, exploitive behaviors, or promotion of triggering material is subject of refused rating, which will garner an investigation by the new Department of Innovative Care panel. Companies and developers will pay for the investigation and any appeals from their own pockets, as well as a mandatory donation toward the progress of making America sensitive again.

Needless to say, the face of vidya will be irrevocably changed, Microsoft quickly pulling out (and calling it a creative sabbatical to avoid triggering any misogynistic claims), and Sony will dominate only in its own land, seeing harsh treatment from any US-related ally as a result of the flip in regimen.

20 years after the death of Nintendo, vidya will cease to exist in little more but underground forms, as being caught with contraband made prior to the landmark case will be subject to a 10 year bid in the newly-minted behavioral correction facilities around the country, run by our friends from the middle east.


No. It was set in the same general time period, but the KOTOR series was its own series that only mentions the events in Tales in passing. As much as I liked the games, KOTOR modernized a lot of the Tales canon for EU newfags who would go in expecting settings and designs similar to the prequels since they can't grasp how much tech can advance in 4000 years.

>Chris Avellone (starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Basilisk_war_droid)


I want a new Duke Nukem game made by Flying Wild Hog.

I remember it has six because I keep hitting the governor and his wife and they're in the other two seats that aren't the driver's or JFK's.



It's 4 seats, but seats 6. The front and back are one whole seat.

Is that a pic leaked from part 4 of JoJo?

Your wish is already granted :^)

They got it funded through kickstarter and got an extra backing from netflix right? Seems the only mastermind controlling them to watch shitty movies are the jews.

I want Fallout 3 to be made.

Is it even worth it anymore?

I mean what they had was magical but at the same time will it be the exact same quality?


I want Monolith soft to return to Namco and actually finish Xenosaga.

You're not far off. Dwarves can be gay now, and if you look at a 100 dwarf strong fort in Dwarf Therapist you'll notice around 20% of dwarves are homo/bi/asexual. Plus Toady follows a bunch of pinkhairs on Twitter.

You're brought back from the dead as an immortal cyborg programmed to make endless federation force sequels.


Last one might not be true to an extent, but fuck the guys they brought into the show.

Still better then the alternative

That's pretty much RL statistics, so

The pinkhairs are worrisome, but pink usually isn't as bad as bluehairs




It'd be great. Matumbo the gay trans Muslim would finally bring balance to the force.

Prove me wrong

I wish Sony bring back Zipper and release a new SOCOM and MAG

Even with statistic fudging by proud numales defending their comrades and the like it's still far under. If you're talking livestock then that's dependent on species. I believe there are more gay birds than anything.

Xenoblade on the wii/wiiU is such a fucking waste.

Monolith should be independent again and release their games on PlayStation and Steam were the fans are.

Maybe in some other dimension

Granted ,Disney creates a new KOTOR with Obsidian.

Plot is episode VII tier, about a mary sue female hobbo kcking Revan ass and destroying Starforge III and the patriarchal siths.

Only romance is a forced one with a male Wookie.The characters are the same of the episode VII with other skins .

Gameplay is JRPG tier,heavy grinding is needed to advance.

for the Vita

here is proof, took longer to archive than to find this archive.is/ZBZA3

the monkeys paw fucks with the one who makes the wish.

After the untimely death of his wife and her participation in the feminazi Ghostbusters vomit, he's gone full sjw.
He's one with the dark side now. It killed who he was. He has a child. He's now a single dad. His days of "uncle touchy" type jokes are gone and he's lost almost all novelty to me.

I wish the SS13 remake with better graphics didn't turn into vaporware and got finished.

What for? The old EU is gone so it's impossible to make a new game following the last ones.

New Vegas was basically Fallout 3, try to be happy with that.

Yeah, I really enjoyed Patton Oswalt, especially his early stuff. But I think he's really lost his edge. I went the same way with Louis CK, except in that case I think it was partially that he changed and partially that I got sick of his style of delivery. The only comedian who can consistently make me laugh, and that I've never gotten sick of, is Doug Stanhope.

why? you want to play as a tranny?

easy peasy