delete your shit thread.
so close
one day you will understand
While OP could at least pretend to put effort into his thread, this topic also interests me.
What is the mentality behind "backlog" concept? How do you get one? Is having one a good thing or a bad thing?
What's the point of not playing a game if you want to play it? What's the point of playing a game if you don't want to play it?
If the game was released in shitty state and you ignored it, but then devs fixed it and you played it much later, does that mean that said game was in backlog?
I think there is a discussion to be had.
Probably because people like me are retards with poor self control who buy tons of games thanks to constant sales and barely get around to play them.
Too many good games to try, not enough time.
I like to think of a backlog as games you need to get to or have been on your radar for some time. Not necessarily something you've bought yet (though that can certainly be the case), just games you've meant to get into.
Not good or bad unless you're someone who compulsively buys games during sales, just a thing that can happen when you're busy and have income.
It's good to have a backlog if you're interested in a game by what people are saying (be it Holla Forums or friends) and you think it'd be a good game to try out at some point, but you're currently occupied with some games that have massive replay value/ no definite conclusion.
It's bad to have a big backlog if you just buy a game that has a decent sale and then feel more obligated than interested in playing.
I've got one smaller backlog of games I've actually purchased or torrented and a much, much larger one of games I've got some degree of interest in playing in the future. Luckily the shit nature of the industry in recent years has helped me cut down but combine both lists are there's a good 600+ games yet. Even if only 50% are enjoyable enough to keep playing past the 2 hour mark I'm set for the foreseeable future (not counting new releases) so on balance it's probably a good thing.
Were you that kid that kept all of his game discs in a big pile on the floor? I'm never lending you a game again
I never held onto discs at all. I could break them or lose them, they're just plastic. As long as I had information from them on my PC I din't care.
When good internet came to me, I just god rid of all that plastic shit altogether as well as cleared out my HDD, because now I could download whatever the fuck I wanted and whenever I wanted.
Why stockpile garbage that you can access anytime anyway?
Right now I have more money than common sense.
Maybe when I become a poorfag again I'll appreciate getting the absolute most from your games again
It doesn't have anything to do with money.
Getting games from steam nowadays is less hustle than from trackers, so I don't see problem with paying for not fuck around and just play your shit.
I can't get why would you download, for money or free doesn't matter, something and then not touch it. Or buy and not even download.
Have 100% all your games. Holla Forums?
I've 100%'d 0% of my games
Around 15% or so that's the most I have patience for
Just 100%'ed Jak & Daxter. and am Currently trying to get Jak II running on OPL.
kill me
I don't play RPG's so that cuts out about half of all existing games and about 90% of the time it would take to play them all.
That's basically how it starts and it just snowballs from there since there are tons of games you may want to play, but there's only so many you can play at once.
Geez, no need to be an anus.
With the TPP looming, is it viable to keep some games for my emulators that I don't like just in case the TPP passes or not, since Trump is going to win despite the media's attempts?
I forgot to mention that I'm thinking of keeping them so that my friends still have a source without having to download huge files online.