CNN Proving Our Point

This nigger said what they're all thinking, the panic was evident. Sorry for no webm, on mobile, did what I could.

Other urls found in this thread:


Like how they put the quotes around culture, as if to imply there is no American culture. Very nice.

lel that's entirely true but good luck making kikes and niggers understand. They'll keep taking the bait as quickly as Trump can serve it.

It needs to go to Africa where there are no offensive statues of Washington.

Maybe that's because you're not fucking American, you crackwhore.

What's the difference between the USA and a pot of yogurt?

If you leave the yogurt alone for 200 years it'll develop a culture

oh yeah? well uh nobody keeps yogurt in pots

I am not even american and this made me angry beyond limit. The kikes really quadrupled down.

This is the most uppity I've ever seen niggers in my entire life. They just want everything gone except for their MLK, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela shit.

Yes they do.

the most important step to the abolitionist plan is to destroy the society so that a coup will become possible


They should have listened.

patriarchal Anti-gay peacenik, he gotta go
patriarchal, didn't want whites and black to mix, he gotta go
patriarchal, didn't follow through on communism, he gotta go.

Keep pushing and no man alive or dead will meet their standards. Their perfect world is a wasteland.

Yes. Please attack the founders more. Nothing will get normies and average americans to support you more.

The Russians have been trying to do this for decades with their active measures and support of black terrorists. I love it. The moment Washington goes down is when America itself goes down - he is literally the father of their nation and all it represents. It is over they tear down Washington they tear down America itself. Can't wait for Washington D.C to be renamed Muh D.I.C.K because US politicians are so cucked to their pet shitskins.

Also read this, something similar happened in Europe

It's basically a giant klansman with glowing red eyes. Beautiful.

Slavery wasn't a racial dichotomy, it was a class dichotomy.
Before African slaves were made use of in the Americas, Whites (the "surplus poor") were kidnapped, shipped from Britain and sold into slavery under the misnomer "indentured servitude."

But you have to be black to have been a slave user, you big goof.

indentured servitude was the system whereby a debtor could pay off his debts and escape debtors prison as well
its a very formalised system tbh

Reminds me of Reichtangle.

You obviously didn't read the article.
Men, women and especially children were kidnapped in broad daylight, taken to the harbour, loaded onto ships and moved like human cargo to become slaves in America.
They didn't call these people "slaves", but "indentured servants."
Just because a fraction of such servants were in a lawful contract doesn't mean they all were.

Sure but it also had a very high fatality rate.

The system only got stopped after a slave called Peter Williamson made his way back to Scotland and appealed to the legal authorities in another city.
The case is well documented.

well depends what class they're from
the Irish were fair game for anything after Cromwells land reforms made it so that an irishman couldnt legally own land

I dont dispute it
but slaverys such an ugly term Britain never really got into 'slavery'
all about indentured servitude which was far more socially acceptable as it was perceived that the situation you were in could be attributable as your own fault

Also the fact that there were thousands of blacks who never were slaves or freed long before the civil war.

Security should definitely be increased on the most iconic statues and monuments because there's a high risk of runaway escalation if they come under attack.

we call them yogurt cups

which nigger getting killed would cause the biggest chimp out? I just want to know in case it happens, I know when to start defending my neighborhood

Do mosques get pulled down now?

shouldnt cups have handles?
we're not savages you know


I'm not disputing the existence of legitimate indentured servants but tens, if not hundreds of thousands were spirited away (that's where the term spirited away comes from) against their will but on paper listed as indentured servants.
They were indeed a prime source of free labour.
Here's a decent book on the subject.

We can easily rule out rappers, though I suspect it is more the method in which they die rather than who. For example even a lowlife nobody is grounds for chimping out in their eyes if a LEO killed them.


Niggers are all niggers, even to niggers - doesn't matter.

aren't these phallic kike-sticks to show dominance, also 'erected' in other parts of the world?

Why contain it?

obelisks are Egyptian
I think they're originally supposed to be the ancient Egyptian equivalent of a billboard


Are you some kind of sand nigger? I feel like only a sand nigger would think yogurt gets kept in pots.

These dumb-dumbs have absolutely no imagination or empathy. They are all self centered, entitled cunts. It makes no sense to view the past through the morals of the modern day. The accomplishments of these great men is remembered centuries later and none of their accomplishments for which they are memorialized was done off the back of slaves. None of the monuments celebrate slavery, they celebrate the person.

Now if we can convince the left to destroy holocaust memorials etc.
Is it not the same deed?

don't forget how the muslim world waged war on us and enslaved millions of Europeans
don't forget that most Russians are descendants of slaves, as the hierarchy had only a few masters.
don't forget that Africa has a long history of slavery to this day that started way before any European colonized that continent
We can go on

The founding fathers? What's next? your Constitution?Oh wait…

Read a history book nigger every race has been ensalved since before civilization and still happens today. you aren't special.

Can we get these idiots to go after the Washington monument?
That should really open the divide.
And it does look like a giant klansman.
If that doesn't start the happening, I don't know what will.


allowing the slaves to stay was a mistake

1. They want to destroy things created to honor racist whites.
2. They want to destroy things created by racist whites.
3. They believe all whites are racist.

We're going to war, there's zero doubt in my mind.

Someone with a Twitter please remind these niggers that they were slavers and that's why we bought them.


Trust yanks to call yogurt pots the wrong thing

Time to build America again.



let's do it

gas the kikes

You are not yet ready to ascend to the heights of culinary hipsterism.

Trust english to fail at english.

I'm so tired of their bitching.
They are literally a civilization destroying people.

I will show you what people stored yoghurt in before the era of buying it from a supermarket in a plastic tub
would you call this device a cup or a pot?

That's a jar, user :^)

"this country was built on the killing and raping of my ancestors"

This country is going to be built on the killing of you motherfuckers that are living right now


jars are usually glass
you dont say clay or earthenware jar you call it a pot when it is constructed of a material not silicon dioxide
the only reason yanks dont understand English colloquialisms is because they lost the ancestral connections to their progenitor culture and are no longer capable of understanding it intuitively
I am full of pity tbh

I'm getting tired of waiting for other whites to wake up.

Did you finish school at 14?

No hes American
they start school at 14 :^)

To the leftist mind there is no culture. They can't BE any distinct culture because everyone is the same. Kant, Hume, Machiavelli could all just as well have been African if it wasn't for the whide debbil.

Every single last nigger from everywhere on the planet needs to go back to Africa.
All white technology removed from Africa, everything, every last t-shirt and shoe, every last brick to be pulverised into dust, every book shredded and burned, each and every cable ripped up, melted down and shipped away to a human country,

Then to make sure, EMP the entire continent.
EMP it regularly for a decade or two to keep things quiet.
Let no ship leave africa, let no ship enter it.

Watch them starve to a minimal population, watch them revert to the monkeys in trees that they've always been.
When they are back as a species that fears the lion, the hyena, the elephant and the jackal, when they compete with the buffalo for water, and when the mosquitos drink their blood by the decilitre every night, then we can go back and build Jurassic park enclosures for the negroids.

They can be left in those as a curiousity, and the rest of the continent used for our purposes, as they really have no use for it.

Fuck America for importing niggers and turning the world into a negro infested shithole.


Don't be angry. Be happy. They're overplaying their hand. Let them. In fact, let them nignog and take down a few statues. This will make normies cringe. You can attack whoever you want, just leave the Founding Fathers alone.

14 words.
Then they said not to come back. Said I was done.

Another reminder that coexistence with blacks after all of this will be impossible. They're riding this wave, wanting to fully annihilate whites.

That's a yogy-wogy storey-worey cuppity potterydoo.


I guarantee there wasn't a man alive that would want to rape her monkey ancestors unless it was another one of her monkey ancestors.



lets just tear down all american culture and turn this land into africa.

now you're getting it
by developing an insular colloquial language foreigners are forever excluded from the native population no matter how hard they try to learn the common tongue

Dont forget this since weebly shoaed dontell, all our friends in BLM need to read it.

just send them all to hell, why turn africa into our progeny's problem.Starve the fucking country and poor phosphorous bombs over their filthy cities.

not hard tbh Botswana is a notable functioning African nation and the entire country is donkey powered

Hilarious, isn't it?

I'm watching CNN all afternoon, they've been calling it terrorism and ISIS (before muh confirmations) all afternoon.

The cunt presenter is quick to remind viewers that it's speculative, but holy o fuck did Cville change their paradigm.

Whomever is advising trump on how to play the media, I would give my left nut to spend an evening in a beer with them. Trump is on point with his facts regarding antifa commies, and I don't want to break out the MUH 4D chess meme, but for some reason, having CNN scream about domestic terrorism for 5 days, has made them MORE likely to directly call out islamic terror.

It's like, not a 180 degree shift, but it's like they took a 90 degree turn.

Like niggers?

Obelisks are symbolism pulled from the mythology of Osiris and Isis. George Washington was a 33rd deg. Mason so it's fitting his largest monument uses ancient mystery school symbolism, rather than something like Christian or Anglo-Roman art.

thats getting the ol'noggin jogging

Nice catch. African Americans have been around for the same amount of time and part of their culture is from our culture, but "we" don't have a culture and they do, plus it's "wrong" for us to identify as white, but they have to identify us in order to name their past and "current" "oppressor".

this really gets me dude. it seems that most of them are so ungrateful for all the crap america before has done to make sure they fit in all nice and cozy and all the places they inhabit just get turn to trash. whatsup with that?

Niggers were never intended to be Americans.

if murican werent such beta manginas there would be already a civil war going on

damn, you betas are boring as fuck, this shit been brewing for years and nothing happens

Dumbfuck, yogurt IS a bacterial culture.

That the thing with niggers, they have no culture. They have nothing in the past to be rooted to, other than, being slaves. It why they cling onto it so dearly.

They have no great works of art or architecture, they brought nothing to the fields of science or mathematics. So when these coons see a statue of Washington, all there ape brains can process is 'DAMN CRACKER WAZ A SLAVE OWNER N SHIET TEAR THAD MOTHAFUCKER DOWN', because american niggers are products of a cultural void. They where 'created' to pick fields in hot weather and that is it. When they got freed from the fields, they where doomed to have a existence with no meaning. It why they want to destroy whites heritage so much, because its a constant reminder they are nothing.

How can you be this stupid?

It doesnt take 200 years to develop, it is a culture to start. Or do you have pots on the brain?

The funny thing is that Americans didn't really used to consider black people American up until the mid-1970s that they started to push this idea hard.

Take away the tech and they starve anyway.

Air-drop violence gas to make sure they all kill each other.

So basically they want a completely different country on the land of the US? In that case they should just go to a different country. But enough pretending, we know and this makes it obvious, that what they really want is to replace us, to become us. But they can't be. We could win or lose here but our enemies can only lose because after we're gone it'll all come crashing down.

Imagine what the world would look like right now if Hillary would've won?


Negros are not human, and have no history whatsoever.
History is recording and developing. They have done neither, for the eons they have been there.

Same with aboriginals in australia.
Nothing. Absolutely changeless.

Should have been thoroughly observed, examined, then wiped out with impunity as a dangerous relic.

Disinformation by libs and their pets will fuel this shit to civil war. Even if you bombard them with facts the narrative they espouse remains unchanged.

Look at the reality of the situation:
Given that parasitism, criminality and other burdens are what most Africans have to offer the U.S. it is not in the interest of the majority to allow Africans to remain in this country. It is no mystery (((why))) immigration was never put to a vote and (((who))) is keeping Africans in a country that they are neurologically incapable of producing on their own.

The negro can never win.

The human has conquered the earth, the sea, the elements, outer space and the human body.
The negro is a monkey wearing people clothes that believes it is a person.
It will soon realise it is not, when the fist of the maker of those clothes comes crashing down on their subhuman skulls.

>It will soon realise it is not, when the fist of the maker of those clothes comes crashing down on their subhuman skulls
China is going to purge Africa?

A nuclear wasteland I assume since she would have declared war with Russia months ago.

Because outside of the WASPs on the East Coast, most Burgers are descended from Irishmen or Germans.

Then why do I hate niggers even more than before after watching that clip?



Someone tell (((weev))) to take down EBT.

The Nigger and Jew will rue the day they crossed Those Who Do Not Poo in the Loo!


America hasn't been majority WASP since the first three decades or so of the 20th century. Letting in c*ntinentals at all was a mistake, to say nothing of the catholics, micks, wops, kikes and slavs in particular.

That said, living languages have always changed over time and there have been people trying to reform the English language on both sides of the pond for as long as the English language has existed; they just had more success in the US.

Yogurt faggots kindly fuck off to Holla Forums

What gets me most about this shit is the opening… "America has a violent history, muh slaves"….

Dear God, I wish just once, JUST ONCE, someone would tell the trust, and turn to these ugly mudtwats, and say sincerely:
There is not a country on Earth today which does not have what could be called a 'violent history', and the VAST VAST VAST MAJORITY of slaves who were obtained from Africa WERE PURCHASED FROM AFRICANS. Africans sold their own people into slavery, slavery being ubiquitous in Africa (it still is in many places on that continent), but the fact is - only about 400,000 slaves were ever brought to North America… A population which has ballooned to over 40,000,000 (10x increase!) AND which was freed BY WHITE AMERICANS. Have some respect."

You have pretty serious problems when the editor of the Daily Beast is shaking his head in bewilderment as he's being shouted down, not because he disagrees but because he's stunned at why his colleagues continue to back themselves into a point of no return over a single death that will be forgotten next week if it isn't already.

The first slave owner in the colonies was a black man, who went to court for the right to own slaves.

Why are niggers so fucking stupid? They live in a white civilization, in a white country, and a white culture, where everything was built by white people, and we're supposed to erase our entire heritage and culture because they're not white. They're so fucking dumb. They don't deserve to live anymore.


but who's gonna build america, then?


according to them, or to their handlers, yes.

They're as smart as they ever needed to be.

But white nationalism is so un-american!! That's what the cuckservatives told me!!

They want their people in charge. That's what every minority wants. We might be the only race so checked that we voluntarily hand it over

remember the niggers are one of the symptoms of the problem, the real problem are the jews whom have shipped in millions of more niggers from third world shit holes since 1965.

which would be the end for whites, see South Africa or hell obungo who caused this unabashed mordern surge of nigger, freak ( fags, sjws,cucks, etc.) , and communist "uppity-ness" to begin with.


I think also the first slave owner ever in NOLA was nigger owner.

Why even listen to niggers, honestly? They are such an insignificant voting bloc and they are so childish and needy.

kekkimus maximata

Change niggers to jews and explain to me how they are such a powerful voting bloc when there are 10 times more niggers?
Everything else fits though

Weak. & if you leave yogurt out for 200 years it go's bad fool. Also U.S. is 225 to 500 years.

Jews aren't a powerful voting bloc. They are a powerful lobbying bloc because they have a lot of shekels. Pic very related.

user you and I both understand this next big election listen to how the (((media))) describes them.
But then we already know what they will say.

The only reason why

are so extremely potent and effective for manipulating white people is because of white guilt. Possibly related to altruism, especially the pathological variant.

White guilt should be reserved for fellow whites only.

If the normies could be vaccinated against the white guilt vulnerability, things would improve bigly.

Problem solved.

That voice. That incredible, quivery, manic, sheboon-crackhead tone. Just wow. Held milliseconds away from full-on chimp. So incredibly well trained.
I wouldn't mind examining her teeth.

Oldfag here born in the 50's as far as I can tell this started to be really pushed in the 60's. I cant think of anything before that.

Ein was a very under utilized character in HNK2, so was Bat

Sage for off topic

What is WW1 and WW2 and the flowing marxist shit that followed which pushed integration of niggers in schools with whites, the army, layed the ground work for the communists in the 60's, fags, degeneracy, etc.

That seems about right. My Dad grew up in the 60's and his parents gave him a doll to play with as a kid.
Also, it's an honor to meet a truly oldfag, sir.

Because they're niggers.


"democracy" needs to end as well. No one should suffer through jewish controlled communist governments..

A man can dream.

(heavenly checked)
It was not really WWI but rather WWII where the army started to integrate, but there was not open integration in the barracks they had colored divisions and shit that were more reletavistockd to supply and support. All the other movie shit is just that. Vietnam is when the barracks were truly integrated and you could get a black DI telling all the crackers they were pussys. I remember my mom had a copy of the paper back "Black like me" and I read part of it where they were calling him nigger and shit head.

My grandpa gave me a red pocket knife, my dad gave me a pocket knife that he broke both the blades off of some how before I was in kindergarten must have been a practice knife and I got a BB gun when I was about 10.
I hope I meet your expectations young user

It might or at least recolonize it.

Technically they didn't.
African "societies" were a complex mix of tribal and caste systems. You have slave tribes and warrior ("noble") tribes. It's the noble tribe that was selling people of the slave tribes to the (((slave traders))), quite often to near complete
exhaustion of the slave tribe (then the warrior tribe would go out to subjutavistock another tribe making them a slave tribe. Rince repeat).
Even today the old divide still exist and constantly lead to war, when you hear "tribal conflict" that's typically either the old slave tribe rebelling against the warrior tribe or vice versa.

Actually the opposition to French/British colonization in senegambia area mostly came because both by then were completely outlawing slavery and the local niggers revolted and made war against France and England because of it, since they were depriving them of a very lucrative business.

That's a nuance that some sheboon wouldn't understand anyway, so why bother?

Pots shouldn't be tiny.

The English call "sweaters" "jumpers". I never understood what they were jumping either.
I am a WASP, not that it matters.

Pick one

Trump is a genius. He baited all of these retards. Do you know how these people look to NPCs right now? These people can now be named vandals and book burners. He has already won the 2020 election

Capped, because this is very insightful

unfortunately it's not just black people that want get involved in this insanity. Plenty of retarded white people that want to rip down their own history too.

sometimes I wonder if this is some Eastern Star bullshit.

Can't wait for summer to be over

Nignog We need to learn from history, or we might repeat it. We're very close to repeating it right now.

I keep mine in a pottle

people need to push them into on taking down george washington. statues.

Same thing different spelling
granted one is true english and the other is fake english

I've never felt this close to snapping.

not sure if I should be angry or sad with how far the Marxist cancer has spread

i love their complete lack of understanding of where their "people" came from.

raped, killed, etc.
what did they think was going on in Africa where the jews picked them up to begin with?

All countries have a violent history, this one was forged on blood hence the red in our flag.
Everyone has done slavery too, if not enslaving them self they have bought slaves.
We founded fucking Dublin as a slavetrading post, it was never under our King but other King's from here. Other cities too were founded basically only for this as well.
The irish in particular were enslaved for over 300 years, do you see them bitch about it?


Also, the whole idea of looking at American history through the very narrow lens of "denounce anything that we consider not politically correct", is downright insane. You shouldn't take these complex historical situations and boil them down to a single dichotomous issue. That's disingenuous and only serves to further pollute the minds of the people and lead them away from accurate historical discussion that they'd benefit from. We're headed down a path of destruction if people think they can shape "history" into anything they need for their own narratives and nefarious purposes. But I guess that's what (((they))) want.

So true. They might have invented slavery though.

My fucking side(dishes).

Do you know what was even worse than the holocaust?

Six million Jews

Very eloquently dissected.


I'm starting to feel like these Cultural Relativists on a primal level believe in a kind of semiotic Magic: signs and symbols, including all these despised graven images, are felt to emanate a sort of unconscious, subliminal energizing life-force to different "groups". The whole group taxonomy is mainly just a weaponized figment of the imagination of the top group, which it then imposes onto everyone else to D&C and vampirically exploit. It does this by reconfiguring the Culture in its own favor through careful placement of these talismans, shibboleths, icons everywhere. Now who does this all remind you of?

The Culture I guess is supposed to be the Marxian superstructure acting as a direct proxy for the material base of resources and production - or real power. But I feel like its extreme psychic potency comes more from something like I have described. It'd be hard to not feel insecure if you were defined by the negative image of a malevolent domineering alien like this. "Cultural appropriation" then is literal theft of the special power-symbols of one of these subaltern groups. This is what they're trying to redistribute in a zero sum fashion in the hopes the base will follow, or the chaos and real contradictions will reach enough tension to foment the gommunist Big One.

That was the nigger population in 1780. I've heard a few niggers, and their occasional white-traitor enablers, quote numbers as high as 10 million transported. Not in a bar, either – the 10 million figure was something Elijah Cummings used during a speech in Congress. To be perfectly accurate, he said 10 million stolen African slaves died en route, and this is why today sharks follow ships; they were trained to do so by all those dead bodies being thrown overboard.

I'm not mad. I just quietly insist that niggers don't belong in positions of authority. It goes to their heads, and they never know what's going on. Repeal and replace them.

This is why we are at war. Reality vs delusion.

ITT: We predict how long it will be before the Africans and communists start going after the statue of liberty (for representing whitey or something).

I'd give it 5 years tops.

I doubt it, they're currently using that poem on it to justify their message.

But user, they represent white privilege and slavery.

Benben stones are the original obelisk and are part of an Egyptian creation myth. Benben stones were displayed as either mounds, pyramids, or obelisks.

it took niggers this long to read a history book? wew
also damn they are annoying

native Irishmen understand English colloquialisms as well
the Anglo has a natural craving to sail the seas and leave home to explore the world
but its like if he doesnt come home and ends up settling somewhere thats not his native shores he goes a bit peculiar

yeah (((people)))
Dr Johnsons books are good enough for me everything after that I consider slang

those two octaroons probably have more slave-owners in their family trees than they have slaves.

the two of them put together probably amount to about 1/3 of a whole negro, and only that much because one is so fat.

you are sheltered

that would make it a mug.

its only a mug if you're drinking something hot out of it

they start school at 14

ha ha, very funny.
actually we start at 18 (if at all).

Well it's settled then. We should ship them all to Antarctica.

too unfair on the penguins
send them to the Arctic during summer

Daily Beast guy is so, so close to being redpilled. At some level part of him was pushing back and saying "no".

If you're reading this thread dude, take the step. Take it. You're enabling this cult by debating with it as if it was a legitimate position. It wants everything gone. The Jefferson Memorial? Gone. Washington's name? Reletavistockd to shaming. This is a sick cult that wants to smash history and culture and replace it with their vision. They're not kidding.

We've entered a vile and dangerous time.

i'd be very surprised if we went that long without DOTR and/or WWIII

Welcome to "multiculturalism"

After whitey is gone (we won't be) they will start going after Mexicans for having lighter skin.

That's communism at work. These socialist are already reaching communism and want their own "revolution". Part of that includes destroying the past to keep people loyal to the state. Just look at China and the thousands of years of culture that Mao destroyed.

But then Black Nationalism in Amerika led by Marcus Garvey in the 1920~'s in then also not US culture, right?

It's very simple:
Africa for every single black.
No excuses.

What's worse than a bee sting?
Two bee stings
What's worse than two bee stings?
The Holocaust
What's worse than the Holocaust?
Three bee stings

There won't be a 2020 election, retards. There will either be a Secretary of Communist Party if you keep sitting on your asses or a Reichsfuhrer if you finally decide to do something. You are now in 1918 Germany, quite literally.

In any case Trump is the last president of US and this is his last term.

This shit is why my waifu is a nuclear weapon.


Kill yourself.
Accelerationists get the rope.

Lol point to one civilization that wasn't built on violence. Go on, I'll wait.

Sometimes I doubt that women should be in politics. It's like they take the "motherly" perspective and apply it to everything. Where as while men are incredibly biased, egotistical and selfish, I think they are better at sitting down and saying "okay, what actually WORKS here?"

kek. i'm not gonna take the time to look for it, but i remember a tommy sotomayor video where he was bitching about niggers biologically hard-wired need to destroy things. and cussing niggers for their cognitive dissonance of simultaneously burning the world while bitching that they ain't got nice things. you could see the hatred in his eyes - pissed off that he was a nigger and there was nothing he could do to change the fact.

Been lurking here for some time and sitting on the fence. I'm fully alt right now. These people have to go.

You don't belong here

Good job being Spencer and his kike masters' little bitch.

I agree that Spencer is a plant…

I'd actually argue that Duke is a plant as well.

I honestly think most of us would be dead by now, or at least in 6 months-1 year.

Stop using that fucking term. Some better alternatives include True Right, New Right, Classical Conservative, Paleoconservative, National Socialist.

Well that fucking sucks. I wonder how many of those slavers were kikes.

Slavers deserve the rope too, both on a micro level (single farm) and macro level (global bankers). The niggers would never understand this, but we actually do have common cause with them on this particular issue on principle.

Chinks don't give a flying fuck about political correctness, and they hate niggers just as much as everyone else.

So yeah, they probably will… if we don't beat them to it.

If you're truly 60 or so years old, what was America like in the 60's and early 70's, user? Do a lot of boomers support National Socialism, or are you just not retarded?

Wait a minute are you saying that Blacks aren't actually informed about the nuances of the Civil War and just hate White people?

Children were taught it was like that for Africans, where whites would go into Africa and kidnap slaves to be sent on boats.

Black slaves were captured by other tribes. The Aztec did this as well.

That's basically what they are saying. 12% nigger population, but everyone has to destroy everything non-nigger because these fucktard's ancestors were the slowest runners.

This shit is going to have to end soon. The cuck politicians calling for all these monument destructions are going to find out that more right whites vote than niggers and cucks. And that nigger don't pay taxes and are a net loss if they make up the majority of your constituency.>>10434102

"culture" is the kosher term for "race" or demographics for baby boomers.

When they say they want to preserve the culture of America or Europe they're talking about race.

If you live in an area where people still store yoghurt this way, then I'm fine not having a "culture". I live in a part of the world that invented the refrigerator and in-house electricity.

We're going to turn into Latino Land.


That also shows that modern fucktards that are making modern laws contrary to the founding fathers never make anything better. Giving niggers and women voting rights, letting in muslims, tearing down history, etc never turn out well. Throughout history, just about every liberal "progress" has eventually resulted in destruction and a net loss for the country.

Reminder that Mt. Rushmore will unironically be next. We need to remove all niggers from the US as soon as possible through multiple means


What if Monday's Happening is them blowing it up?

Much more destruction of these monuments and the National Guard will be sent in. This shit is getting out of control and can quickly turn into niggers burning cities again. The Federal government needs to step in before the nog chimping gets too hysterical.

Not the user you're replying to but there ain't no sauce as far as I know. I heard the shit all the time as well, especially in school. Only sources I ever found were anecdotal ones. It's typical libshit and kike trickery my friend, they pull a number out of their ass and make it impossible to disprove or prove

Mt. Rushmore going up in smoke and blaming it on 'Nazis' is probably a solid plan for enacting the old FEMA plan.

Lel, even funnier if you have a lick of common sense and know how full of shit they are to say that. Sharks follow boats because the norm back then was to dump not only bodies overboard but any bad food or other garbage as well. Once again it ain't just niggers that died on boats, but if they lose just one aspect of their pathetic victimhood ape-culture then they'll lose it all

The Courts are going to find the driver to be innocent, aren't they? Why let that potential of agitating the left just walk out of the door by having him be deemed guilty?

They might. There's a reasonable case for self-defense/accident. I doubt they'll be able to get the brass ring of a murder conviction, there isn't really any evidence of malice aforethought.

That dumb MD nigger Cummings seems to think that this phenomenon is commonly happening to this day. Either he thinks that sharks from the 1700's are still alive, or that sharks train their young to follow boats because their great, great, great grandpappy shark told them all about the free nigger chum.

Either way, that's some stupid shit, even for a nigger.

keep going, reading these are pleasing so I can silence people who argue about this

Would fucc da pucci-juice right outta dat dere fake blond bitch (((Kate Bolduan))), dat bitch wouldn't walk straight for a week, brah.

Kate Bolduan's pucci would call da ICU ta give em a heads up cuz muh dik wuz bout ta hit dat CNN pussi.


Yep. And all at the spurring of the kikes.

Send these moolies back to Africa.

I dont even know where to start to tell you how things used to be.
I grew up in the country not the city we could not lock our house if we left for a few days even if we wanted to, no keys for any of the door locks. No one locked their houses kids could ride their bikes anywhere and no kid had to lock up their bike either. We played baseball, we all had bb guns, we had 3 channels on a b/w tv, and I didnt have a radio until I was older. I spent almost all my time outside winter and summer. In the summer was fishing, building a fort/tree house, baseball etc. Winter was sledding and skating on the pond near my house at night later was snowmobiling all night long. All houses had one telephone, MAYBE one in the bedroom.

Boomers Nat Soc
The best I can ever do to the people my age is first show them 911 was a huge ass hoax after that and only after you can begin to show them the hall of cost is also a hoax. 911 always starts at bldg 7 and almost no one ever knows it fell down.
So once you show them 911 lies then you can start on all the other ones but you have to dribble it in very slowly.
You have to remember we were the first tv generation just like a bunch of you younger anons are the first internet generation and tv is not interactive. Now go and search for all the WWII movies and see which ones show Germany in a positive light.

I have told young anons before make a thread ask us anything I am sure all the oldfags will be happy to share what we know. You little bastards have no idea how lucky you are to have so much knowledge thrown in your laps effortlessly.
We had no idea many of things you take for granted to understand even existed IE Japan petitioned the Russians for armistice for 18 months prior to the US nuking them and on and on.

Pretty sure she only sucks dicks that ejaculate promotions.


cups should be rounded, femininely curved


t. knower

You think? Female suffrage was the starting point of our decline. Every major civilization in world history has removed women from politics for the majority of the time they existed. That's not arbitrary, it's selection for systems that work.

The first registered slave owner in the US was a nigger. Around 4 thousand niggers owned niggers.

The niggers that the niggers bought were niggers who were sold by niggers in africa who learned how to sell niggers from sand niggers who owned way more niggers than hank ever did.