Is anime the lowest form of art?
Spectacle thread I guess.
Is anime the lowest form of art?
I refuse to believe a Nazbol has an accurate conception of the spectacle.
Prove me wrong
It was just for shit posting, forgot to take it off.
No, EDM is.
instincts 1
Nazbol 0
That would be modern art.
No, you just have shit taste. Don't watch shows specifically made for the age 12-16 and expect good shows.
Consumerist garbage produced under capitalism
Anime is the most depressing form of art because the workers are horribly exploited.
these are probably the same posters that rush to fanboy black rappers anytime they say "inequality iz bad"
I watch it for the cute girls.
t. childless single man who masturbates to anime
It's subjective!
It is among the lowest denominator "art", but this is obvious. Of course consumers, and fans in particular, get butthurt about it because they want pure enjoyment of it without anyone challenging its ideology. You see this everywhere every day.
No, 30-second jingles for local car dealership commercials, cuckcha text and Sanic fetish art are.
If you mean that DeviantArt kids doodle level shit, yeah. But there's a ton of genuinely good Sonic porn on the internet and Tails is best shota
Get out and don't come back, faggot.
Reading is a spook
Reading is a spectacle.
this the right answer
You're a fucking retard if you honestly believe that.
Even Futaba, the most hardcore otaku imageboard there is, doesn't push weeb shit everywhere.
Reading is bad for your health!
poof that this is poop form of art
Fuck off underage retard
Holla Forums is the lowest form. Anime and Holla Forums belong together.
Not like it needs to be """art""" to be enjoyable.