
It's looking fucking good.

Steam date announced.
Sorry console fags.

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I would agree with you if it was another pseudo-retro indie game with incredibly basic pixel art, but it's not. What's the problem?

back to the depths with you, minerva worshipping kike

here's a video of everyones favorite youtuber

What exactly looks good about this?

I remember playing the demo for this like over half a decade ago.

they have better games than this shit.

it's a PC game, it must be good. C'mon, suck the gaben cock. You know you want it. Reddit does it all the time, you should too. C'mon, suck it.

The backgrounds look nice but those characters look pretty shitty.

watch the video


I play sega saturn games, reddit

please take yourself back to r/pcmasterrace and stay there

awww little playslaves feelings hurt


I've never owned a console, I play all games on a PC. I've also never seen someone so assblasted about consoles

I can't imagine what it's like to be growing up without Sega. What was it like for you?

no thanks


it's not even an interesting platformer with good art. The dithering is so inconsistent even on the same objects, it looks so fucking amateurish. If you're gonna be a platform cuck, don't be a retarded pretentious faggot and praise shit looking games. There are far better looking PC exclusives.

What's up with these shitty indiedevs shilling on Holla Forums now?

you don't have any idea what that means, especially when you post toohooshit

Yeah the game looks generic and unfun as shit but the art is fine.

oh boy, its another 2d retro platformer

That looks pretty neat aside from the farming and the health bars.

it's not well done. They didn't even finish shading this piece of shit. If you think this looks remotely good you're an absolute idiot.

Are you retarded or do you not know how shadows work?

Card Sagas Wars never ever.

do you know anything about dithering and why only half the object has dithering?


That's not even dithering, you stupid cunt, it's desaturation because the object is in shadow.

that's not how it works silly, why did they (you?) give up on dithering for half the ship? Did you just not want to finish or think no one would notice how awful it looks?

Isn't it a beak? The game is called "owlboy", user.

PC gaming is the best. I just don't see how it looks good.

It looks nice but is the game good? Post gameplay or fuck off.

Yes it is. As objects are shaded they lose saturation because of lack of light. This is basic art.

Do I have to actually show you what dithering is? There isn't any fucking dithering in , dumbass.

I thought it looked comfy.
reminds me of metal slug a bit.

Sorry user, Metal Slug is pixeltrash indieshit

Reminded me of Iconoclusts.

looks comfy, hope gameplay is good

after what happened with "the Iconoclast" i hope this si not a let down

what's up with all these faggot notch emulators

it's always a smart idea to go where good games are being made, and currently that is not on the PC. Unless you are interested in slightly better (in theory) multiplats, which sadly are more often broken than taking proper advantage of the platform - you won't be happy with PC gaming. Even then, most multiplats aren't particularly good. There's some good PC games here and there, proper exclusives, but they are few and far between, and are at best a momentary distraction compared to a decent, fulfilling game like bloodborne.

Does everyone have a cold in this game?

Fucking tumblr noses.

have you ever considered posting after thinking? this isn't your blog.

Noone fall for it

So is there a PC release date or is this another case of shit-eating console migrants lording over a DRM-crippled Steam release as if they're any better than console users?

judging from the devs' twitter and their press relations, it's an SJW game.

Seeing a lot of cancerous garbage that has no place in 2D gameplay here, tbh fam.

Haha what a faggot


You keep using that word wrong.

found the casual, perhaps you'd like it if it looked more like fez?

moloch pls go


Listen you stupid nigger, looks to me like he's using dithering very sparingly on purpose. Not only that, but you even circled areas that are supposed to have very distict shadows. Best example of this, check the far left thing you circled. The railing is casting a SOLID shadow, it's not supposed to blend into the boat the further it goes down, because of the lighting. HE DID IT CORRECTLY. On top of that, do you not realize he's using the forms of the shadows to help show the grain of the wood?
TLDR You're a fucking faggot that read 3 pixel art tutorials and now thinks he's the MASTER of pixel art and his opinions on style are not subjective.

I remember seeing screenshots for this like 5 years ago, maybe more.
There's no way this will be good, it'll be another western indie game that tries to copy good japanese games (metroidvanias, in this case), but doesn't really get what makes these games good, so it'll just be boring.

hi @DPadStudio


No I just have a high-level appreciation for good 2D game design. I prefer actually well done 2D doujin games like Hellsinker, Mecha Ritz, La-Mulana, etc. Unclear footing areas and a fucking perspective-shifting camera in a 2D game, especially a platformer, is always a sign of developers who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

I know shills don't like being fought against, but if you think this makes a point you're more than just a little special


ah, you only like steam approved doujin games

Thread IDs are fucking cancer.

Uh no, I fucking hate Steam actually. Hellsinker has never been released on that and I hope it stays that way.

I'm just doing it to taunt his autistic ass.

they add to the same dilemma that was on old BBS where post count would be tracked. Many people used post count as a sign of authority.

EPIC rebuttal, friendo, you sure proved me wrong!


Got any more Comiket stuff?

Much preferable to faggots trying to autistically derail every thread with samefagging



I've seen more shitposting and discusion derailing focusing on thread identities on this shithole than any amount of samefagging I've encountered on true anonymous boards.

Do people really believe only "muh sekret pc gaymen master ryce" own computers?

It's literally a pixel game, I'll just torrent it if I wanted to play it.

so it's finally coming out? good for them. it only took what? six years?

my expectations aren't very high because that shmup they made was terrible but at least it'll be pretty

ITT a single man's crusade to prove his dithering is best. Was he an autist, or more probably yet another failed pixelshit dev?