
Would females more genuinely be into quality games if they weren't held back for several generations of games? Sorta like how time has shown female excellence now that they aren't held back as much in society? Would females dominate gaming if it was tailored to their needs? Isn't crying about the loss of gameplay elements you happen to like just a further attempt to keep video games a boys club?

Couldn't we help build a better video game market by supporting female protagonists in games and getting female friends/family into those games? Why do we have to advocate for stagnation out of some fear of gender inferiority?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't remember anybody stopping them.

No, their brains and general energy is completely different from ours. Of course there are exceptions who enjoy good games, but most are tomboys and aren't wired like the average woman.

6/10, try to be more subtle next time.

Is this what passes for a 6/10 nowadays?

No, fuck the bitches.

Keep them in the kitchen where they belong.

Unfortunately the standards for b8 have dropped you can give a 1/10 b8 and people will fall for it

/r9k/ go back to your /soc/ containment board.

Then you were born after 2000.

Are you denying equality?

Don't they only belong in the kitchen because that's where they were forced to be?

Women are inferior

Majority females weren't into technology in the first place.
Majority females weren't into creating computers in the first place
Majority females weren't into programming in the first place.
Majority females weren't into making games in the first place that girls would like in the first place.
So no surprise majority females aren't into videogames.

Sage for another I hate femenism for the thousanth time thread

Oh, believe me, I gave it a shot once, I was both highly amused and disgusted at how easy it was.

Because they were told they should be into babies and baking.

Because they were told they should be into babies and baking.

Because they were told they should be into babies and baking.

Because they were told they should be into babies and baking.

No surprise indeed.

Feminism isn't the problem. Male centrism has been. Feminism only appears to be a problem because your male mind doesn't want to let go of its monopoly of power.

Why do you want to cater to woman so much OP? You seem like a pussy just from the way you write.

If women are equal to men then why would they allow themselves to be forced out of a hobby? No man would allow that to happen to him.

Women sure sound weak and useless if they let those dumb old men do that to them

You can't help what you are raised into. Society programs little girls into believing they have a narrow slice of life that they can live out, while society caters to boys from birth.

women are weak and useless. they're only kept alive as breeding stock

Women are evil.


A woman is about to be elected to the most powerful position in the world, how is that weak?

Check em

Thats because nature hardwired bitches to only make them breeding machines and ONLY that. (That changes though when they're near betas)

Nah, m8. Check these.

its very elaborate but will ultimately fail 4/10 bait, could be better.

No they don't, the entire education system caters to girls heavily to girls and is stacked with female teachers. The exact opposite of your claim.

Can you give concrete examples of your claim?

I'm…willing to give him a chance.

go back to reddit OP

Would niggers be human if they weren't held by several centuries of slavery?

And by that you mean Affirmative Action and gender quotas.

They already dominate in games made for them, walking simulators, the Sims and fujoshi VNs. They still need men to make these games for them though.

Isn't crying about the loss of a stable and civilized society you happen to like just a further attempt to keep the West a white only club?

Because otherwise we'd have one more arena in which to humiliate women, and that just isn't fair to them.

Most of the 'girl conditioning' is true though.

All the fun things in life are things that a woman cannot viably do without jeopardizing her ability to make and raise healthy children.

Even the most perfect superwoman capable of all the feats of strength, endurance and intellect, men can do will still be worthless if she cannot pass those superior genes on, doing which requires several years of her life devoted to tending the hearth, rather than living out childhood dreams of being an astronaut or a fireman.

good luck debating with him. i truely hope you win


Yes, user, nature is sexist.

Did you ever think about starting a petition for God to read?

That's like saying nature only hardwired men to be walking pensises and "only that". Women can do most anything a man can do, they are even combat capable in the military or hadn't you heard?

Female teachers favor boys because females are taught to criticize and hate each other. Female teachers treat their male students like their own sons while they treat female students like smelly orphans.

Race is a spook.

Is having children really that important? There's enough babies being born in the world.

You don't speak for nature or any diety.

Better than average, but still pretty shit.

4/10's the best I can give ya, user.

You overdid it, 6/10 it's the best I can do

No, for the same reason that getting any given demographic more represented as characters or gamers would improve things.

Even though combat units with women in them always underperform all male units?

You realize this board has heavy Holla Forums crossover right?

They always fail at the tests more than males do, you stupid cuck.

Bitches will never have the same strength men have.

But they would improve the representation of those demographics. In this case more than 50% of the population would see realistic examples of what females could be. This would have a profound effect on society.

They don't underperform, that's just alleged.

Ok you're terrible at this. You could have kept yourself and us entertained for a long while if you had put more effort in.

Now you're just making shit up

I am aware of Holla Forums tainting every board. I don't wish to engage in idpol though. Just focus on the issue at hand, please.

Anons, why do you do this?

Why the fuck does a bad bait thread like this get so much activity

I was telling you why he puts such an asinine importance on childbirth in a world full of 7+ billion people.



If any of you actually debate this shitposter after this you are a retard and should know better. Now to turn this thread into better discussion, what games gives you big anime tiddies?

Personally I think one's level of gameplay competence is based off of three things:

1 - Overall brainpower, brain reflexes
2 - Testosterone levels
3 - High responder to training

If you have a good head on your shoulders you're going to do well with video games as it's literally all mental gymnastics and reflexes. Those with quick reaction times do well with certain games, just like those with good abilities to plan.

Testosterone makes you more competitive, it also gives you have high energy and allows you to enjoy competition. If you do well in a competitive setting it's probably because your T-levels are spot on.

If you're a high-responder to training then you'll build muscle memory for advanced moves and combinations easier than someone who is a low-responder.

Some may say this could be linked to gender but honestly I just can't give enough shits anymore. So go play some goddamn video games.

Dude, the Olympics are going on RIGHT NOW.

You can't stand there and tell me that women can do the same as men. It's objectively not true and you can watch it for yourself. Sports aren't just physical, they're mental; and yet you can see quite clearly that men outperform women in nearly every single sport there is.

Women are undoubtedly different from men.
Women have tits and vagoo, and periods. Everything in life affects your psyche. Something as traumatic as a period would undeniably affect women's psyches.
I just IRREFUTABLY proved women are not equal to men.

Remember to sage when responding to shitty bait threads.

this is a bait thread but lets go anyway for a laugh.

absolutely nothing held women back in gaming but their own need for attention for being female. the physical ceiling for playing games involves having basic human functions and muscle memory, things women can learn. it's not like a physical sport where the male body simply outclasses the female one.

girls simply lacked interest in games, they could go buy a game and no one would care, at worst some beta would try to flirt with them, they could sit down and play the fucking game and learn how it works, theres no gender barrier on it, they can put in the time and effort and actually git gud and i believe some broad could be on level with a guy in games if they just put in the same time and effort

but a majority of women don't put time and effort in to something as simple as a fucking video game because either their brain is hardwired to just piggyback on other peoples shit, or years of western society just made girls grow up to be devoid of fucking interests and hobbies

This is wrong. Die. The nature of competition means many will not do well. Now don't think I'm advocating socialism, but at the same time don't sit there and act like everyone is a winner just because they compete.

Hmm…I'll give it a 2/10
1 point for posting and 1 point for spelling.
Sorry, best I can do :^)

fucking weeb anime posters are 100 times worse than this femshit posting. The 24/7 neptune threads and kojima dick sucking in unrelated topics is getting fucking old.

Bigoted science shouldn't really count for anything. Science has only just recently progressed to a point where bigotry doesn't reign in it.

Oh, thanks.

It isn't a fact just because it was in a report.

I'm sorry, but a lot of the things you believe in are spooks.


meant for

I don't know dude, I watched some late 80s/early 90s movies and shows and they always had a token black character, chinese and female, hell the american variant of Super Sentai kind of always has the following. I just think it's kind of funny we went forwards and backwards so many times, It's laughable.

If you have to constantly self-insert, fucking kill yourself. You don't see people bitching about Mr. Mosquito or Okami or shit like that.

And females can't into anything more complex than Tetris, in general. That isn't to say there aren't females out there on par with males, but if they want to be equal, they're going to have to man up, as it were.

And you were doing so well. Now the spell is broken, you've overreach yourself and trolled too hard.


I should be allowed to spam with porn.


This is basically common sense mate.

But that's my point. Representation of any given group is not by itself something good. So long as there aren't actual barriers in the way of minorities, lack of representation is merely incidental, and obsession with demographic makeup is idpol cancer.

No it wouldn't. There's zero academic evidence that fictional characters are actual role models. It's a canard used by would-be moral guardians to push their shit.

you should be allowed to die for such shit taste in 2hu smut

Now this is worthy bait. Using japanese stuff in general alongside the moeblob game argument to get maximum response from both people not knowing your baiting and from people saying they didn't get baited when they really did.

who would have fucking thought. keep your anime garbage on your own boards.

[citation needed]

Not that you aren't clearly pretending to be retarded to begin with.

Translation: The only time women and feminism have been successful at anything is because men gave them free power and shit just for having vaginas.

Men are better bakers than women too. How does it feel knowing that a tranny won Woman of the Year 2015? Men are better at winning even awards meant to be exclusive to female recipients than women are too.

The only thing women are naturally better than men at are giving men boners, and half the time they halfass even that.

Your entire post makes no sense.

I don't know which is worse. People who fall for the bait or the people who acknowledge that they're falling for the bait.

No wait. It's the latter by a million fucking miles.

I agree, but you need to realize most people on this board DO need that. I for one would liek a game where you play as battling insects.

Playing as a robber fly would be so cash. However, people only relate to humans so thats the only thing they want.

Postan cyclops

They are paid by big pharma to promote all kinds of silly things.

It isn't about self-insert. It is about good realistic heroic role models for little girls and boys to emulate. Why can't a sizable majority of those be women?

In general I would agree, but in this case it's half the human race that is being left out.

This simply isn't true. If it were there wouldn't be such an attachment to characters such as Link among those who enjoyed his games when they were younger. Not everything can be replicated or modeled after in modern society, true, but characteristics can be.

You are denying little girls positive realistic role models.

It's the kind of smut that's usually good at scaring newfags off, so I thought it was appropriate.

Hey, seeing them showcase their mental gymnastics is a good thing. Makes it easier to debate them in settings that actually matter.

[citation needed]


I couldn't give two tugs on a dead dog's dick about what some mental inferiors "need".
I don't play games to do things I can do in reality, like being a boring regular human.

What fucking power? Shit, was there another secret man meeting? I must have missed it. I told them I wouldn't be able to make it if the bus doesn't run to it.
Life is shit for every single living thing. Get over yourself, fag.
Now check em.

You didn't have much, did you? Still, they look adorable.

Citation needed on what? That's like asking for a citation on the fact that you breathe air. Some things are just obvious.

It is hardly a secret that boys look out for boys first. Bros before hos, right?

They exist. Just because you don't acknowledge them doesn't mean they don't exist.

That's not how it works, retard.

So you don't need citations for your claims, but the other anons do?

Obvious doublestandards are obvious, shitlord. Learn a thing or two about equality before spouting it.

My monster girl folder is a huge mess

Haven't had time to sort or find a program that allows sorting without headaches

Name some.

Why shouldn't there be a sizable majority? Almost 100% of them have been male up to this point, reparations are in order. 75% vs 25% is more than fair and a "sizable majority."

Equality applies to people, not scientific claims. Testosterone helps build muscle and causes your hair to fall out. It isn't related to video games.

Now you've done it, OP. You went and blew whatever tiny remnants of credibility you had left.

What kind of fucked off world do you people live in? Miss me with that collectivist shit. Humans are individuals. You will be judged individually, at least by me.

Post respectable women in vidya, anons.


That picture is imposing traditional female posture and docility onto a warrior woman. Not a realistic or favorable portrayal. Though her being a warrior woman character is an improvement over the norm.

We don't owe anyone shit. People are free to do as they please. If they're not strong enough to achieve what they desire, fucking tough.

Belay that request, anons. There is nothing to salvage here.

You're off your fucking rocker, mate. Take a break from the internet for a few days and go the fuck outside.

You are the prime example of what corporations have done to the education system.

You did quite well, but you'll need more training to defeat me.

Last I checked, I haven't personally kept any women from being game developers or whatever. Who is this "you"?

Here's a Lucina, in any event

What authority do you or anyone else have to claim that a societal debt exists, especially in relation to entertainment of all things? What financial, legal, and violent physical force do you have to successfully juxtapose such a concept upon the male sex?

What authority do you have to obligate others to do as you wish? What are you going to do, sic the rest of Holla Forums and Tumblr on people who don't want to go full SJW on vidya? If the only reason women have yet to create anything substantial or enjoyable is because they've been held back, why is it that we've seen absolutely nothing come to fruition while women are in places where they are not being held back at all? Are you a woman yourself, OP?

You might as well say "If you disagree with me and fail to adhere to my demands, I'll have you incarcerated, robbed, and murdered", since that's more rational than anything else you could say.

The Sims is fun. I just want to make my town to make my own soap opera.

That happens for being a seek attention faggot.

Sorry, didn't mean it. It's just what it is expected and also I like shitposting too.

Come on, couldn't you at least post traps or futas?

So… will we get jokes or anything amusing?

Shit, forgo to sage. Bully me.

Sure, have a bit of both.

Do you have any traps/futas fucking girls?

Looks like it's auto-saging.
Mods = gods.

Yeah, but 3+ posts with lewds will get you banned.

You could post them here

It was fair for thousands of years one way, why not try the other way for thousands of years?

The fact that you asked that question shows that you're more interested in "getting even" than any equality you proclaim to support.

Surely you got something better than that user?

Of course I do; I just can't post it all.

I figured as much

Getting even is equality.

Sounds like product/demographic marketing should be the ones being blamed.


This is my favorite bait of all time. Can I order it in bulk?

Good job bumping this thread, disgusting retard.