You know it's true. What other hobbies are you picking up?
Vidya is ded
Other urls found in this thread:
Reported for posting Cox
making vidy-
Hunting, fishing, work, dating
Especially last but not least acquiring shit taste
playin old vidya!
Suck it, cox
I'm writing a book about dorfs
What in the hell is a dorf
There is nothing wrong with coxposting
Post your first chapter, faggot.
Shitposting on imageboards.
Beats modern vidya, that's for sure.
im going to take up MMA fighting and woodworking. maybe i can do those fun things in vidya in real life for once.
Very nice, I hope it turns out well. I'm trying my hand in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi, but reality writes better tragedies than I.
Play old games.
After they manage to fuck up old games, learn programming, install gentoo and become Holla Forumsnician.
What a casual
I play the guitar, ever since I was 12, and i'm writing novellas. i'll probably make a video game eventually.
I already got the mechanics down, I just need to figure out how to make it.
I meant playing old games exclusively, i'm a toasterfag
Yeah, i dont know why i even bother anymore, its all either barebones "indie" shit or AAA shit that is just a fucking movie with gameplay as shallow as a toddler's pool. Im really considering giving up, like not even care about what is going to release and shit, total shutdown from this shitshow just like i did with television when i was like 10, never turned a tv on ever since.
The new hobbie i got this year was Road Cycling, i dont plan on becoming a scrawnny bitch like the pros or stop lifting weights tough, more like a track guy but there arent any tracks here so gotta stick with roadies and be the guy that is only faster than the others on sprints and descents
Good luck with that
I hope someone kills you
I wanna learn how to properly sing and play guitar so I can start writing rock operas. Too bad I'm too poor to afford an instrument and a teacher.
Maybe I'll just start a garden next year. That sounds pleasant.
if those rainbow haired troglodytes can pull it off then why can't I.
I'm a certified journyman electrician for fucks sake. Computers use electricity do they not?
But they can't. See you in AGDG.
to be honest I haven't worked a job in months
why you mad nerd? are you one those fat mangina homosexuals that talks shit while passing by on a car but is too scared to stop and get raped in his boipuissy by a dude clearly a billion times more alpha?
Oh I am laffin
cool meme thread faggot
I'm going to do pixel art and music. And I'm horrible in staying focus on it.
pixel art you say?
Do you take commissions?
Not until I feel confident to make something that isn't shit.
can you make something better than this?
I'm by no means an artist and this is the best I can actually do.
Only the apex alphas can show off their dongs in public, girls be miring my junk all day everyday. Im not surprise a fag boi like you is staring at our asses tough.
Sure thing, faggot.
Weeaboo trash.
I'll give it a try.
alright i'll monitor this thread then.
I also have the individual frames if you need a reference.
It'll help.
I'm enjoying my backlog just fine. If current year vidya gets no better I still have decades worth of vidya to play.
Lol why are you guys such haters XD
Just like wait for teh new Call Of Duty to come out jeez, it's like going to ahve mure stuff than the last one and the mupplitayet will be larger dan ever, you guys just hate everything lelz. Enjoy yur boring lives while I wait for konami's newst title kek, life wasters. Gayming isnt dead you know, we now ave e-sports and famous things like Nu mans' sky, stop hating and have fun lol or get a PS4 or something. Go watch some pewdapie or just wait for the Dark Souls DLC xdxdxd, gaming isn't dead you fools LOL
It's betar than evar!
playing older video games unlike you
Lol numales
Friendly reminder to never start shit with a cyclist while you are about on your bitch ass scooter. We will fuck up a faggot like you like its nothing. You can talk tough here all you want but irl you will get rekt kiddo.
soul-crushing depression
I'm playing good vidya and learning how to make mods.
If you think there are no good games left you are either blind or on a platform that doesn't support your freedoms.
Cox is from literal cuck series and is literal cuck himself.
As for anyone else, just play old games. There is literally so many games out there that you will never finish them in your lifetime so finish that backlog anons.
You don't need teacher, trust me.Tons of videos out there and how to play guitar and the best ones are better than most any teacher except the very best.
I already said i'm by no means an artist and i'm reaching out to someone who might have the skills.
read the fucking thread retard.
>for nothing
user you don't need another "artist", you need taste
i work out a lot more now, and make model kits. i keep telling myself to join a martial arts gym but i'm not good with new people and pussy out before even checking a place out
plus i'm 25, kinda past the point on trying to learn that stuff, shame i wasn't interested in it when i was a teenager
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Vidya is alive and well, just different. Just because AAA is garbage doesn't mean every new game is bad. (Good) Indie releases and past games continue to be enjoyable.
Anyway, I watch movies and anime, exercise, write stories, and make 8 bit music.
i wish i hadn't quit going to art classes 2 years ago, looking at all the job offers right now, anything that's code related requires 3-4 years of experience or a degree, while all the graphic design jobs just need you to have a decent enough portpholio
not to mention i miss talking to girls at the art classes, being the only male there was fun.
now my tablet is gathering dust, and i haven't touched a pencil/pain in ages
tell me bud, what do you consider taste?
don't video games already provide enough misery in your life?
Freudian slip?
do you have a voice?
Buy an acoustic and learn to strum along to your favorite pop songs like a faggot
If you can't save up like 200 dollars to buy some used ovation guitar then you are just too subhuman to be writing music anyway.
i meant paint
actually making a coherent image and not pixel puke
where are your panel lines?
I sneak through neighborhoods at night and watch women masturbate
my line of work is fucking dead right now, its so bad that i'm actually planning to move soon. I'm not complaining though, gotta keep your spirits up. I may be unemployed but I've got a fairly big nest egg so i'm not struggling.
don't turn this into a 4 am thread.
this is a 4 am thread.
Where is your paint and top coat?
i can't, i don't have any ritsu pictures
i don't really like anime that much
Do you tape it?
Doesnt avatarfagging get you banned? I thought it was in the rules
yeah but I'm not retarded enough to post em
you can't say that and not post some
Basically like shitposting, only some people take you seriosly and only call you faggot behind your back.
I've been alone for years, more years shouldn't be that bad
I will never play video games again. I haven't even picked up older video games, but what's the point. Video games are over. I will kill myself in the morrow.
you are a faggot though
oh ok, tell us how it went then!
It's my first kit; I just saw it at Barnes and Noble and got it because it looked cool. Now I know to invest in makers and tools before taking on my next kit.
Kit recommendations? The revive Gundam, Guncannon, Gouf, and Gyan all look cool. My main gripe with the Fenice is how finicky and unstable it is, so I'm looking for something study and easy to pose and play with.
Vidya will get better eventually right?
I know. If politics teaches you anything, it is that everyone is a faggot.
the only two things I miss are home cooked meals and tittyfucking.
you only want a gf because you don't know what its like. Be happy about what you do have instead of being remiss over a pussy drought.
Whatever faggot, either way my only other hobby after vidya is drawfagging but i'm still stuck on good ol'#2 pencil since i can't be bothered to practice on a tablet
plus i don't have the dosh to spend on it anyways. And i was planning to make a comic since i was in high school, but even now it seems like a pipe dream
this guy gets it
oh shit, angry pol posters in 3, 2, 1…
Fuck off back to plebbit
Sure. The generation that grew up post 2007 sure have played a lot of great games so of couse they're going to make great vidya themselves.
It's not happening
user it's not that fucking hard to make something better than that. First off limit your colors to a simple palette, whether or not it's an actual palette from a video game system or not. Then actually think about how light sourcing works in terms of your object. Then just fucking fill in dots.
No it ain't, but if you aren't a faggot you probably have another hobby or are doing something alongside enjoying video games.
Reminder that you should get /fit/ and at least try and find some skill to learn. Programming, carpentery, electrical engineering, something. Don't let yourself go to waste and if you think you wouldn't have time for video games think to yourself how much time you are spending on Holla Forums instead of actually playing video games and think to yourself whether or not you would enjoy video games more if you weren't treating them like a daily routine and instead something to enjoy and look forward to every day.
Unless you're a father, then your free time is their free time.
You would have killed yourself long before if it was like that. Might as well wait for the inevitable change of global order while you're at it
That means you didn't find the right woman fam, and you're of course happier by comparison. Either way I don't dream of marriage or shit like that, it's too much of a risk nowadays
nah, i'm not angry.
quite the opposite, the past year has filled me with more hope than ever.
I didn't divorce her bud, she divorced me.
I was perfectly happy with the way things were. I'm very easy to please.
i haven't reached that stage yet, also i don't have any fucking room to paint right now which is really killing me
don't ever get a taste of love, you'll crave that sensation for the rest of your miserable life
the newer high grades are fucking fantastic
i don't want to go full /r9k/ whiner here, but in western society women can get whatever they want and get away with whatever they want, it troubles me how easily we can be replaced
what wizardry is this
you should be a divorce lawyer
oh don't be so fucking melodramatic.
she couldn't afford a lawyer
my cousin is fucking ruthless
it also helps when you never had kids
What a shitlord
Wew lad, what kind of kinky shit did you reveal to her. What I said still stands though, if it was the right woman for ya you wouldn't be divorced. Also how the fuck are you not paying alimony now? Did she want rid of you that badly?
Indeed, though I believe there are still woman with principles out there, they are probably pretty fucking rare though
i'm gonna assume he was smart enough to not have kids
that's what i get for bein' a cunt i guess.
called it
Those nerds have two days left before the board is washed clean of them.
Hopefully they'll stay gone.
I liked sticking GI joes in her cunt and pretending they were spelunkers.
we barely knew each other and got married because, fuck I don't know. It wasn't bad at all but as I said i'm easy to please. She more out of life than me, i'm perfectly content to work a job then come home and play video games then sleep
my only fetish is tittyfucking, can't get enough of it.
actually im picking up skateboarding since it seems so fun gonna get them nice tony hawk combos up in here
embed related
I am going to close this thread, masturbate to Aventadors, then play some vidya.
Well that explains it. You did luck out with alimony though. Marriage is a risky proposition nowadays, and should not be taken lightly at all
Watching pirated old and somewhat new films alone. I recently watched one (pic related) from Sweden about musical terrorists. It was fun.
I'm surprised that we haven't had a visit from the guy who makes foot/insect porn yet.
Wanna watch a movie?
I take everything lightly.
we were together for a little over 5 years, longer than any relationship I've ever had. Hell I ain't even mad it didn't work, now if I want to get back in the dating scene I can say I was married so women will immediately assume i'm serious.
So you're that kind of fam
I guess women do like divorced men that way, but I wager it'll be a while since you miss it enough to get back in it. Though with that mentality there is no real reason to marry
Guns if I ever manage to get enough money to actually buy them
Retro vidya.
I uh… I guess I like art?
Lockpicking, programming, and hypnotism.
I know that feel.
Dungeons and Dragons. I am unironically enjoying Pathfinder.
Going to make my own campaign soon, based on some Napoleonic Wars. Might be fun.
St. Helena Island & Dragoons?
Learning how to digitally color shit/catching up on backlog
Is it looking alright, user?
is being a worthless, virgin neet leech and consumer of entertainment media a hobby? Maybe I'm a method actor, and acting is my hobby
Vinyl record collecting.
Your job can't be your hobby no matter how much you enjoy it user
Try again
its actually quite a step up. a lot more definition.
Trips don't lie, shutdown Holla Forums, Mark.
I thought the big pixels were messy and made it boring to look at so I did my best to detail it.
I'll be playing old vidya, of course. Finally got around to pic related, it's pretty fun
Yeah, I like this level of detail actually, its better than most of the pixel shit you see floating around. It just needs shading and the smaller touches and it'll be perfect.
when I say details I mean
this is some good shit though
That's good advice.
I can't stop seeing swastikas in that carpet pattern
shitposting, drinking, shooting, and lifting.
fuck, now you got me seeing it.
that movie seems pretty cool
where did you pirate it from
No, friend.
Revolutions the world over & Dromedary Hussars.
Reading, redpilling, downloading "troublesome" websites, videos and texts, kundalini yoga
That's not how it works you retard, you may as well say art is alive and well because you can always enjoy shit made thousands of years ago while ignoring modern art.
Even Snarkestein can name 3 games.
You don't know what you've got until it's gone, mate. Luckily I got out when I had the chance.
My only regret now is that I didn't keep my engagement ring. That thing was classy.
It's true.
The hobby I picked up is gamedev, to bring it back on track.
Also, vidya is just as shit as ever. Just like with all artforms in all times, you have to dig through shit to find anything worthwhile.
Also old games don't stop existing.
Political activism, redpilling, practicing my shooting, plotting how to murder all spics and niggers, whining why aryan qts won't choose me, a superior male.
You know, usual Holla Forums things.
I might try working.
Go innawoods, steal all you can from inferior species, that's the true Holla Forums way.
I'm not good with lighting and shading but here are the little touchings I did.
On that note, how's the gamedev coming along
i can do shading, just finish the touches and I can do the rest
do you have an email I can reach you at? a throwaway is fine.
Drawing. This is the first thing i've made with my little tablet doohickey, so I have a WAYS to go.
I started urban exploration and will be recording my explorations soon enough.
I'm going to be going to haunted locations too, to have some IRL fatal frame.
I'm to lazy and besides nature is full is disgusting shit.
this is some "concept art" for muh game, as you can tell its not very good but however.
I'm no artist as i've said many times.
[email protected]/* */
sent :^)
I still got a gigantic backlog to play through. I was playing Killer7 and I'm about halfway through, but also started the Alien Vendetta .wad which is fucking great. Fuck me, ultra violence is fun as fuck. I can't believe I stuck with hurt me plenty for so long
I've started reading again. Finished Hell's Angels by Hunter Thompson today, it's breddy gud. Gonna start reading his other stuff tomorrow.
The Duel Assault Shroud and the Dom R35 are two of the most sturdy kits i've ever built, but generally any HG is good. I liked building the Raphael Gundam a lot too, but it's nearly impossible to pose in it's complete form without a stand. You can take the hat off at any time, though.
I ain't got no cardboard boxes, nigga
Work on a portfolio then. It helps to just work on it bit by bit.
Gonna vouch for fishing. Damn fun hobby as long as you're not stupid about how you do it.
I picked up two new hobbies these last two years, I learned how to build computers and write letters to advertisers. Both were a success.
I am going to try reading next. Apparently if you get a library card, it is free.
Aw shit nigga, I've been wanting to try urban exploration for months now. I can't find any neat locations near where I live.
I'd be interested in watching any recordings you make.
Do you go anywhere in particular? Like, abandoned places only or do you dip into some more "active" places? I've wanted to go crawling through subway tunnels ever since I read that Access All Areas book.
Any tips to avoid hobo rape and meth stabbings?
I've taken up taking supplements, hopefully enough to either become post-human or destroy myself in the process.
Shit, I already installed gentoo.
Swimming, range shooting, camping, hiking, carpentry and CAD. Always wanted to get into spelunking but I'm a huge pussy about weird bugs.
Whatchu takin? Are you making gains?
It's going fine, working on basic assets right now. Need to make some semblance of art direction to go into, FPS rig etc.
Every time I post about the game now on Holla Forums I get faggots that call me cancer and an ideaguy for discussing game mechanics despite the fact that its something that actually goes into the design doc and me actually working on it every day.
There's just too many ways for around these parts for someone to make you out to be a faggot, user. It hurts
So, what's the game supposed to be? Is there a main gimmick or something like that?
no kidding, that's why I don't discuss my game around here.
Its not like anyone can provide helpful insight anyways. You'll just get asked if you can fuck the robots or the enemies and then someone starts dumping porn.
I'm taking estrogen
I'm gonna become a trap
My hobby is my career. Pic related
you make dildos?
Well that's probably because there have been some problems with gamedevs in the past. Hell, I remember some user made a thread about his game and got a good deal of serious opinions and advice, but he showed he was a narcissistic autist so we ended up shitting his thread up
Rainbow snek?
Nice try fucboi
No, I wish.
rainbow welds user, welds
I picked up 2 jobs. I just work 50 hours a week. Sleep the rest of the time.
Bone-Up, Choline, Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Selenium, Pramiracetam
I get that.
There's no point in posting game development on an image board unless you're looking for attention.
you're a welder?
what the fuck kind of weld is that? Why is it so fucking huge?
Basically I want it to do the following:
- Have whimsical weapons (double-barreled pistols, magical cards to cast spells with)
- Play either like CS or Quake based on the character build you make, stats being dependent on the gender and age of the character you create.
- Realistic death animations and gibbing
I'm making it in UE4, and am not too bad at art, animation and coding so I'm confident I'll be able to do all of these without too much hassle.
Huge? The welds are only about 1.5 inches long. It just looks big because I took a real close picture of it.
Rainbow Welding is for designs it seems.
I'm still sticking with video games. Just playing less and being really selective while I watch anime, movies and shows that I missed out on. The Yakuza series is still fantastic though.
I also volunteer on the weekends at a charity book store since reading books is another hobby of mine. Finding work is still difficult in my area, as usual.
Hi Bismuth.
Damn you.
I like it when people dump porn. Coming up with ideas to sexualize various aspects of you game is like lacing it with honey - you attract attention and increase the PR value.
Just look at Overwatch. They knew what they were doing with the porn thing.
oh, maybe you shouldn't zoom all the way in like that.
I was actually going to be a welder but I decided against it, I prefer working a job that won't kill me in 8 years.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the hedonist autist from that thread a few months back? You can't really complain about your reception here if you act like a faggot
What the fuck that's not what I posted.
I have mad respect for artisan welders who can pull something like that off. Getting reliable oxidation like that isn't easy.
The problem with not being upclose to the weld is that stainless steel welds with a camera phone in a shop aren't very photogenic. My camera is such a piece of shit if I don't get close enough then you can't really see that it's a weld at all
I didn't act like a faggot towards anybody. People had a problem that I didn't want to make it literally free and thought it was "immoral" for me not to put work into making a mod API and charge money to play the damn thing.
Stay there, you fags are the new /homosuck/. You faggots dragged down the quality of Holla Forums moreso than the fucking Gravity Falls General, FOP General and The Loud House General combined. Do I have to resort to posting a prog rock band multiple times to get you fags to stay in your pen?
you irl
HAHHA!! Funny thing is, that's the EXACT same reason I left Holla Forums, I used to make generals, then the threads got so bad, I jumped ship and let the fags scramble. Seriously, fucking christ. Those people got so damn shitty, they reached 4/co/ levels of bad.
I have a few screencaps of another guy telling them off right before I left if you care.
Best way to become a welder?
i'm not worried about my game being lewd, hell i'm fairly certain the reception won't be too positive when it comes to release since the games plot involves a race war and there's rape at several points in the main plot.
I want to make a game set in the post apocalypse that actually feels post apocalyptic, i'm fucking tired of games that don't even touch on the setting and just use it as an excuse to pull out the mad max design catalog.
M8 you were acting like a narcissistic faggot, everyone there could see it. I already argued with your sorry ass once, there is no need to do it again. As long as you keep your shit in the idea threads, people might not become aware of your autism and actually give you something of value.
Why would that matter to me? It's not like I play modern games anyway.
That's a very vague question user. The best way to become a welder, like anything, is to learn how to do it. If a local college or community college has welding courses I'd say give it a shot and see if its your thing.
Make me a weapon
Posting smug anime girls doesn't make your arguments any better, neither do I have to keep it in the idea threads. Most of the threads I posted were mostly dump threads like "dump weird guns in vidya" etc.
Have you considered the fact that expecting people to behave in a way you want makes you out to be the entitled faggot, not us?
Wait shit, that's a BLACKSMITH, no a welder.
hey you guyssssss.
watcha talking abooouuuut?
Welding guns is a thing, though.
I made a thread to gather ideas for my game, and they didn't like it that I didn't feel morally obliged to provide free copies, make it open source, make a modding API, etc.
I am not arguing with you, I already said that. I remember your little "y-you have already gave me what I need without y-you being aware" shtick too. And I am not expecting you to behave like I want, there's a reason I'm calling you an autist. Also, where's the "us" in such a statement?
i know, that doesn't make it okay though.
He made a thread about his game, people didn't like some aspect of it, and add to that wanting to go full jew with it. He sperged out about how Holla Forums doesn't buy games, that he'll get everything he needs regardless, and that he's an hedonistic faggot
Gunpla, cooking, fantasy novels, buncha /tg/ shit.
us as in people that don't follow autistic Holla Forums requirements of sucking cock of the backseat critics if you come in from a position of a developer
Then don't, but always remember that these things have consequences and what you choose may have a negative reaction.
Think it through, don't act surprised when people get mad. Even if you rightfully think you should keep it locked.
Personally, it depends what you're trying to do, but choose what benefits YOU in the long run, as selfish as that sounds, it's effective, people are going to hate you, but it's effective.
Don't go full sperg like YandereDev either, or else I'll be the one to make fun of you.
i'm not in the mood for this shit.
let him do what he wants, if it bites him in the ass, then laugh at him for it. If not, then whatever.
- Hey I want to add cosmetics to my game to get normalfag money
- We won't buy that game
- That's okay, normalfags will
Yu-gi-Oh, D&D and JoJo do a pretty good job of keeping from occupied from reality.
and talking to you faggots
Yeah, that's the attitude I have, and for being honest about having such an attitude I basically got crucified.
Thing is, if those people don't behave like autists, they're going to get ideas and even support. You failed at that crucial part m8, so you didn't get it. That's why you arguing about "Holla Forums doesn't help muh devs" is laughable
I'm not keeping an eye on him, he can do what he wants. I reserve the right of pointing out his autism though
Don't pull things out of your ass fam, no talk of cosmetics was really had in that thread, and even if it was it wasn't really the reason.
I count how many times a day I think about suicide
sage for /r9k/ thread
My point isn't that Holla Forums doesn't help devs, my point is that I'm not going to fucking modify my behaviour to make you in particular happy
backlog then suicide
Going to focus more on my music production. I'll always have my PS1 and PS2 games to play, so I'm happy.
That's because you went full retard with it. You can't expect to get love if you proclaim yourself to be a jew and be in it for the money, that's downright silly
Then why are you arguing? Why are we the ones that need to pander to you if you're unwilling to change?
A direct download link (possibly dead). I'd like to upload it to volafile, but I don't know where.
wew, multithreading is hard
last one is for (you)
Me and my dad used to play this all the time when I was a kid, fond vidya memories
I'm getting into blacksmithing myself, made my own forge and gathered all the random bullshit I could to poorly attempt to substitute for the actual equipment used to actually make things.
Maybe in a couple years of practice I'll be able to make a shitty desk toy
Why do you expect a positive reaction?
Do you expect people to pat you in the back? That's not the world we live in. dude.
Just do your own thing, and if they don't like it, then that's on them. It isn't that hard to grasp. Just let go of this shit and work on your project immediately, you're already taking a bad route by paying attention to this entire thing.
That's what I'm saying. I don't support, nor go against him.
theres an actual blacksmith that used to post on Holla Forums. I wish he'd make another thread.
Well I have a natural disdain for stupidity and people that are full of themselves, so I can't help but have fun pointing out his faggotry
>accidentally slipped into relationship with cute virgin religious girl who love hitler and me
sorry for blog posting
Seems like a nice craft, are you going to produce novelties?
I never caught him myself, what sort of work did he do as to post of it on Holla Forums
i added some more detail myself, I fear i might have overdesigned it though.
And? Is it good or is it bad?
He made stuff that people requested, such as swords if they could pay, but he also made more typical stuff like nails. He was complaining that people would ask for stuff like the master sword, and was even once requested to quench the metal of a sword in goats blood.
The fuck are those supposed to do?
that's a very bad idea for many reasons
That sounds like it would smell fucking terrible.
welding is pretty cool
That looks pretty good, user. I wouldn't call it overdesigned at all, just detailed. That would look great with a consistent style.
I've put barely any thought into what I want to do with it, and made an effort to spend barely any money on it.
I just think it's cool and am probably going to just make whatever I can.
Though I am pretty interested in survival if the happening comes.
Maybe I'll learn to make farming tools.
the guy thought that it would make the blade stronger apparently
My 50 year old dad says hi, pussy.
dat cobra weld
so sexy it made you hard
shadow of throbbing erection on the right
Could somebody please spoonfeed me some backlogs? I always get told to play old gaems, but never which.
50 isn't that old, my dad's 70 and almost every guy who knew who was in the welding business died in an accident.
Actually, now that I compare it to the last version, you really did a number on it, man. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Not surprising really
He had some sort of external site where he did smithing requests? I always wanted to have a full plate helmet
I don't think we'll need farming tools like that any time soon, and if the happening is enough to make us need it we probably won't survive it. For now if you want to make a profit you should make novelties and ornaments. That should help you refine your skills and earn some dosh on the side
pretty good it's our first relationship for both of us but she loves me back so i'm happy
no idea, but that would probably cost thousands of dollars
i'm confused, are you saying I made it better or worse?
Can't even find video of someone attempting this.
Might as well keep at it then, though be mindful it doesn't go over to your head. I've seen people do stupid shit and almost pay the price when in love.
As I was watching a friend play vanilla Skyrim recently I realized something… people had a point complaining about consoles. The game is so dumbed down, so uninteresting in every possible way, that it is hardly a game. The more I look at games that came out after 2010 the less they seem to be games. There isn't really any challenge or reason to play them, most just play themselves. Also, this may just be a personal thing, but I think the new games look ugly as hell. The graphics look blurry, and the art directions are lazy and streamlined. Games just haven't felt like games for a long time. I really don't know what's a better thing to call them, or how to put it better.
My dad almost had his finger torn off when his wedding ring got caught in a conveyor, it's surprisingly common that he used to work without something securing him when he was doing work over active "processing" equipment.
It was just a matter of him taking safety seriously. My mom becoming a union rep probably helped that a bit.
The only way it gets better is if you stick it out my friend
no hobby ever truly dies, there will always be someone to bastion the cause, blacksmithing is still around, pottery is still around, fucking anything is still around, even if it's only a few people, it will always be around, never forget, you're never gonna be alone in this shithole, we're all in this together, some day we'll all have fun again
Reading the Bible and working out.
Basically just keep at eye out for moving blades and never take off your steel-toed boots and you'll be fine.
Pretty damn good, here's the other one you sent me.
oh that's not supposed to be a revolver.
Its actually a flare gun that fires a 12 gauge shotgun shell.
First time through the book?
I'll make the adjustment then.
Shouldn't the barrel be more round as a flare gun?
that's what it looked like originally.
My first time was listening to an audio Bible while playing games.
Didn't really pay attention but had an idea of what's it all about.
Now I'm actually reading it and applying it to my life. Almost done with the Old Testament (currently at Daniel).
It's alright. I'd make the tip of the barrel a bit larger myself
I'm sort of confused on how it reloads. Do you want it similar to this design?
I've never hear anyone call it anything other than a weave before, the fug
good shit mah tigger
the line of thinking was that the protagonist should have a sidearm but I didn't want to just give him a regular old pistol so instead I'd give him a hand canon.
fun story, I actually took a old ass metal flare gun and converted it to fire a 12 gauge shotgun shell, it was pretty much useless but I thought it was fun.
yes pretty much like that
Well, it depends on what kind of ammo it's firing. I'd make the tip of the barrel a bit wider like it looks in if you're going to fire shotgun shells
yeah I getcha.
Bone-Up, actually helps support bone growth unlike dairy.
Selenium puts lead in your pencil.
Pramiracetam is a nootropic that boosts nitric oxide in your brain, helps with memory.
Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane is for maintaining healthy joints.
Choline is just a generally good thing to take for health as it can boost efficacy of other supplements.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine makes the nightmares real.
Best I can do.
Dog breeding
do you breed with the dogs
i'll touch it up.
I'll send you an email again, thanks for the help.
Neat. Any noticable improvements, or just the constant pain?
Would u a dog?
Hiking, Skiing, 3d printing, and recreational shooting.
OP is well known for liking Cox
depends on the breed
I do Pembroke Corgis
cute doggos
pain was always a constant
but shortly after starting the bone-up supplement I noticed my last wisdom tooth finally starting to come in, perhaps just coincidentally
knees don't feel like they're gonna blow out every time I gotta kneel down any more
doesn't seem like selenium does much though
but jesus christ the nightmares, I was pulling large black beetles out of my eye socket, what the fuck man
for real though i'd love to have some people to study with, it's hard to stay motivated sometimes
bretty gud
skiing is fun. i need to stop being a poorfag so i can get back into it
learning Russian
I'm sorry
Russian is arguably more useful.
сука 馬鹿
Shit man, hope it calms down a bit. My roommate has excema so he wakes me up with how hard he scratches sometimes, and my uncle has had krohns for years. He's been in the hospital twice since I was little, and I remember hearing that he's only got a few feet of intestine left. He also lost all of his toes on one foot, but that was him fucking around with a lawnmower when he was a kid, so that's not genetic
a tip
if you want to avoid dreaming, avoid sleeping on your back, i don't know why, but i did a little test over the month of June, 15 days i slept on my back and 15 days i did not, the 15 days i did i ALWAYS had dreams, the other times it was very infrequent, it might be different for you, but try it
It's not. Only a faggot would believe that.
With that said, drawing (please give /loomis/ some love), music composition and learning Python
First off, start with relatively safe areas during the day. Take a knife; always go in groups of at least 5 (plus you'll get more footage). I'd recommend a DSLR camera that can record in low-light.
Never ever, EVER go alone and don't ever leave the group.
Take everything you'll need with you (and more), which should ALWAYS include a respirator mask, LED flashlight, and nonperishable canned goods.
If you're going into haunted areas, I always take off my shoes and ask permission to enter. Things go better and I don't feel scared. Plus, I've had some awesome shots that way.
there are more kanji in the japanese language than planets in No Man's Sky
Learning Japanese is a shit meme. 2 alphabets, thousands of characters for a small amount of sounds, it's an utter shitpile of a "language".
It has three alphabets, actually, and one of them isn't an alphabet, you jew
get your facts straight before you try to shitpost about a nation
So old, so ready to die
I know MTG has been dead for a while but apparently we have a drafting block coming up and I love me some drafting.
I got qualified for Lyft a while ago, so I can always go make money.
College is starting up. Audition season for us theater majors.
When all else fails I'll cuddle up with my delicious brown girlfriend and watch cartoons.
You're fucking disgusting in more ways than one
I never said she was black. You actually know me, don't you?
Are there groups or forums where you can find people for it?
What kind of mistakes do fishermen make that constituents 'stupid', user Asking because I'm interested in picking up fishing.**
Nice evidence, faglord.
No, don't just group up with strangers. Always go with friends, and only friends. Go with people that you know won't piss their pants and run at the first noise they hear.
puzzle magazines (sudoku in particular), mini golf, driving range, recreational shooting (rifle, bow, slingshot, you name it).