Actually crying.
These dumb fucks are coming apart at the seems.
Actually crying.
These dumb fucks are coming apart at the seems.
more e-celeb shit
Always the first post.
sniff sniff
behold the master race
A lolberg lolsperg
Lolberg loser though he may be, I'd love to see the lowest tier of another race lined up against him for comparison.
Bonus points if the thing has figured out how to use its thumbs.
Let's recruit White nationalists from those who suffer form Anarcho Capitalism, the most severe form of autism ever documented, what could possibly go wrong?
Glad the majority never followed these knobs into the tavistocks of hell. This guy in particular is a special kind of degenerate.
Its okay user, because "we" are also lolspergs and "we" are legit and super-redpilled, right?
You should come up to NYC and meet "my" wife. Do you like African jewelry by chance?
He's an alcoholic junkie libertarian. What do you expect?
Cantwell is a gud boy he dindu nuffin.
It was a pretty intense situation, he was being set up. The only mistake he made was put this video online but I suppose he did it as a last ditch security measure.
But I'm sure you'd be a lot tougher and would go give your life in a police shootout without hesitation.
What an embarrassment. It took these dumb fucks 6 months to hijack and tear down everything we worked for.
They burned our victory and gradual progress in their bonfire of stupidity. Also these old fucking Tom Metzger type idiots came out of the word work. We were never them or anything like them.
OP is a cuck.
Weird how you black-pilling fags all seem to think this was all a huge loss when in fact it was a huge win. It was a huge show of force and we finally managed to trigger the kikes into full shutdown mode.
Go be a crybaby somewhere else.
Oh ffs. you fucking pussy
you will never be white
He was peppersprayed directly in the face. Why do retards like you try to milk this? Its going to backfire on you like with everything else when you jump on shit like this without second thought. The guy isn't even part of any natsoc/fascist/whatever movement.
Saged for spastic retardation.
OP is probably AntiFa. 3/10 bait, made me respond.
sounds like a stupid antifa nigger to me.
Cantwell is a degenerate, OP.
Why do you think Holla Forums shits on all e-celebs? It's for this reason.
He had been maced/peppersprayed twice in two days, possibly even a third time. Besides, it's obvious you've never experienced a Combat High and crash.
There's nothing degenerate about Christopher Cantwell.
lol fucking internet tough guy eceleb faggots. It's almost as bad as when that lead singer of Pantera was crying his eyes out when he said white power on stage
sage since this is likely a alt-left post. Also,
Kill yourself OP
also is OP
Hey faggot, you do realize that we have ID's, right?
reported for shilling
Kill yourself shill.
Hey retards, the guy was maced several times on Saturday. There is a vice video of him brawling with commies. He would get maced, go get liquids to put in his eyes and then go back and fight some more.
He's a degenerate, but he's not a pussy faggot.
Kill yourself.
haha made my day. I've hated this fuck for awhile now. What a pussy. Acts all tough in his videos but once shit gets somewhat real, tears lol.