Nuclear Option - Repeal Net Neutrality

Is it time to unleash the nuclear option and destroy the internet? Is this anons true purpose? To annihilate web 2.0 and return the internet to its previous unsullied state before it was overrun by normalfags?

If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction.
If we can't have the internet, no-one will!

Don't care. No .webm, won't watch.

Whatever faggot.

This is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

If net neutrality goes then it'll become worse.
So much worse.
Net neutrality is a holdover from the old days. All traffic is treated equally.

If that goes then we'll wind up with a corp and government controlled with very limited paid for access. Most people won't have anything more than the most basic access to a more restricted wikipedia and a few entertainment sites designed to dull the mind.

For anything more you'll have to pay more and more.
Accessing a site like this will be impossible. We'll be forced to find ways to subvert the new system and host our sites illegally.

There's already chans on the darknet, we'll be fine. This will crush silicon valley. And by having the government oversee the internet it will, at least nominally, be under the jurisdiction of the constitution meaning we get free speech.

Of course Jim is just suggesting using this to threaten the tech giants rather than actually follow through but I'm willing to burn it all down for everyone.

That's just it.
The darknet as it exists will no longer be able to exist.
It requires that net traffic neutrality in order to function.

In a post neutrality internet you'll have to disguise your traffic to look like government or corporate approved traffic with shifting proprietary protocols to account for and bots searching all traffic for anything suspicious.


Is Jim a plant or just retarded?
I hope his followers don't fall for this.


If something like that existed already then china's great firewall would be useless. You literally just described china's firewall. High level corporation/buisness and government traffic is approved. If it's anything else throttled and deep packet inspected or blocked. Normies there have to set up local web sites like p2p to get around it to a extent and even then just look at the windows xp only mess.
A user should invent a proxy that hides packets in http and https in preperation should this happen. Http for if they block https. So that you could use anything over http/https which is what most government and corperations would approve anyways.

It's been a while since I was into Holla Forums stuff but I think the word for this is tunnelling. You hide data in another protocol. I think this is how I2P works so if we pull this off we can still use changolia.

Difference is many Chinese are against censorship, the west wants censorship.

Losing net neutrality hurts small sites, not big ones.

No he doesn't.

Good point

Oh? I thought he took over from hotwheels.


The point isn't that they're on our side, its to use them as leverage against the tech companies. Basically, if they keep fucking with us we'll take the whole place down.

Problem is that Chinas great firewall doesn't really change how the network actually works within China itself.
Because the Chinks can't create.

Yeah but that only works if the data isn't being checked.
Imagine a future internet where everything is proprietary protocols and all data is scanned, searched and catalogued by company or government bots.

You'd have to not only hide your data within another protocol but you'd have to make the data look like information that belongs in said protocol.
So you'd have to hide it as Youtubes new shiny proprietary access protocol and then further hide/sten your data as youtube videos and comments.

No. ISPs and big net companies both want a tavistockd internet.
The big net companies didn't want to but their views have shifted as their power has grown.
Google now quite likes the idea of being able to charge an outright fee for its curated services in addition to ad revenue.

Would/could they really create proprietary protocols? Most of the internet code infrastructure hasn't really changed since the 90s, literally every computer program would need to be rewritten to be compatible with new protocols.

I'm not Holla Forums but is there a way to make a pirate internet, like pirate radio stations? Using your own limited infrastructure?

Fuck it, getting a Ham Radio, radio memes best memes.

Well since most internet capable software will be obsolete and no longer able to access the internet?
Yes. They could quite easily do this.

The move will be towards an "app based" internet sort of like the modern smartphone.
You won't access Youtube through a web browser you'll access it through the Youtube app. Which will communicate with the Youtube servers through Youtubes proprietary YouAccess(tm) protocol. Guaranteed to provide high quality video at high speeds.

In all probability the basic level of access and thus most affordable level won't even allow the use of a web browser. Only a selection of pre-approved apps for your access level.
That you can top up by either upping your sub level or by paying for temporary access to content.
Data caps will also make a comeback. The public are already used to them via smartphones.

Some would even say the ideal scenario would be for your smartphone and general internet access to be in the same package and using the same data allowance.

Just imagine how much you could limit peoples access to information this way.

Sure it's relatively easy. And it's unlikely anything will change enough on a hardware level to make it impossible.
There's even open source software we can use. Mesh networks are a thing if somewhat shit.
But this global and fast network we're so accustomed to? The global user?
That won't survive.

Free independent networks will be mostly regional. Covering a few neighbouring nations at best. And subject to considerable sabotage and subversion efforts by governments.

this thread does not deserve to be anchored, and is a good source for new perspective and valuable discussion


some normalfags over at reddit figured out how to get normal internet programs to work with meshnet-style networking and have been building their own networks ever since, but they don't have any DNS servers yet, the biggest one is known as hyperboria and is made to prevent censorship

Jews have finally weaponized autism to destroy the one thing they could not conquer.

It's probably going to happen on 23rd of sep. happenings and such
In this modern day modern age the Prussian way is best