Some cool shit was announced at Gamescom for Elite Dangerous, a bunch of fixes and improvements, more ships, passenger missions and a lot of smaller things.
Most interesting part though is that it seems that aliens are going to be added in the next update and there's going to be some kind of in-game ARG to make contact. In an interview released some binary was found and it translates to
Most of the other shit has been documented here
What do you think? I still haven't even bought Horizons but at least it seems like they're adding stuff to make it not completely pointless.
E:D will never be anything more than a glorified space trucker game
Brandon Long
A man can dream.
Juan Carter
You can solo play though
Fair enough for the rest I guess, but don't be such a negative nancy
Jaxon Reed
Look at him and laugh.
Jace Brooks
next level autism there, tip of my fedora to you
Matthew Robinson
Brayden Stewart
I like you
What I do understand from this just yesterday is the always online problem. He doesn't mean "there are other pilots who keep interdicting me boohoo" he means "if my internet is shot I can't play anymore". Everyone knows there is solo play, but it won't let you play the game without Internet.
Ryder Powell
So will it just be NPC crews? No multiplayer crews?
Jose Bell
Well yeah that's how it works isn't it :^)
I guess always online can be a bummer, but at least it's not as invasive as some other games. I can get past it, but I understand if someone else wouldn't.
I don't think there has been an official announcement yet I think, but Steam does say
Cooper Wood
Wait, that's what E:D is? Then sign me up. I've avoided it since the negative feedback, but that sounds comfy as fuck
Cameron Foster
is this game playable on kb&mouse
Joseph Gray
It's basically Euro Truck, except you can take breaks inbetween trucking to participate in big battles or bounty hunt.
It's not for everyone but it's got me hooked.
Nathan Johnson
Well shit, that sounds pretty nice, actually. Are the battles or bounty hunts any fun?
Grayson Fisher
When the fuck are any of these "space sim" games going to add ships that are actual ships and aren't just fighter jets in space I want to fly something I can fucking walk around inside of, goddammit
Parker James
Big battles are pretty hard to find outside of community events, and even then you have to travel pretty far to get there. Smaller 2 on 1 or 1 on 1 battles are really fun, you actually have to learn how to control your ship in order to win, so it's not completely casualized.
Watch a few videos, see if it's for you. I'd tell you to pirate it but it's still uncracked.
The next update will add passenger ships apparently which look more like normal planes. I don't think I've heard anything about walking around, but people say it's coming.
Cooper Hall
Star Citizen
Leo Cruz
I honestly want both. A big ship to walk about and chill in while I get somewhere and a smaller ship for when I want to explore or grab shit.
Will do. This game went from zero interest to something I might actually want.
Jacob Lee
he meant the DRM
Jordan Butler
whew, I also forgot to mention that this doesn't look like it does anything to either lessen the grind, or justify the grind that's currently present in the game
Christopher Richardson
So this game is basically Truck Simulator in SPACE right?
Jace Roberts
How many times before you learn?
Adam Sanders
I still kind of want it. Ever since that No man's buy shit I've been getting interested in space games. This, X3, and space engineers have gotten my interest so far.
Ayden Perry
Look at the casual everybody, look at him and laugh
Ryan Wood
Just play X3 for space trucking
Alexander Clark
Definitely wait for a discount. The steam version was very discounted at a certain point, I'm sure it'll happen again
Well you know some people like it. I personally hate monster Hunter because of the grind, but for some reason I really like ED's grind.
Aiden Fisher
I miss the original X2 for space trucking. That was back when the game had progression and you started out working your way up doing trades. They ruined the series with their questing gameplay that gives you easy millions from the start and the ridiculous free everything plot missions.
Jaxon Morris
I bought X Rebirth instead. I can't even do space trucking in it, I can at best be the space dispatcher. Into the regret category it goes.
Liam Walker
dear god why user
Nicholas Ward
Why would you not torrent it before
Jose Harris
There's shit like Elite Trade Net that maps out the most lucrative trade routes for you and all you have to do is head to the closest port, pick up the supplies, and deliver them to the highest paying port nearby. I just load up a nice playlist and kick back to music while I waste my time making virtual money. It's not really awesome so much as super comfy.
Every once in a while you'll get pulled out of hyperspace to do some dog fighting and they'll blow up your ship if you suck but there's insurance for that and all you lose is your cargo.
John Hughes
I think that really defeats the purpose of the game honestly.
Cameron Williams
Sounds perfect. Space truckin' is my bag.
Angel Hill
going to tons of stations to get data and spending time going through lots of annoying, slow to load menus is not fun
Owen Hill
I liked Eurotruck Sim 2 because it felt like space trucking on the Earth.
I've been space trucking since around Frontier.
Ayden Harris
That's why I think that part of the game was supposed to be played in a way where you check the stations where you stop, and if they have good prices you bookmark them and then come back to them.
It just breaks the immersion for me
Kevin Lewis
If you don't use a trade route planner, you're doing the exact same thing but for less money
Jackson Flores
Well that's because you're not supposed to know everything that is happening in the universe. It just makes more sense that you use your own planning to make more money rather than cheating. It's more fun and rewarding
Lincoln Morgan
Have fun, user!
Zachary Watson
I'm not in it to get the max upgrades, I'm in it to explore space and fuck people up.
Gavin Powell
I think that is the purpose of the game.
Bentley Scott
Using an external non-official site to exploit the market? I honestly doubt it
Oliver Brooks
why not in a real space trucking system I imagine everyone would post where they get the best prices for what on the space Internets all the time.
Andrew Mitchell
The most arbitrary "I win any argument about video games" excuse ever
Hunter Diaz
Rebel Galaxy also does the space trucking thing. There's even a faction that does nothing but deliveries and offers ships designed specifically for that task.
Benjamin Barnes
I guess that would be fine, but consulting a database is not really comparable to hearing something from another player
Daniel James
not even a sniff of the X series?
Gavin Ramirez
Wake me up when it's finished and a collector's edition is out with all expansions for no more than 30 bucks.
Ian Brown
Set an alarm for 2020
Kevin Reyes
Get it, user. If you want to be a trader, you could get a designated trader ship, but I recommend getting an Asp. Best looking / sounding / feeling ship in the game. It's primarily used to exploration, but it can function as medium capacity trader.
Julian Hill
Sorry, an Asp Explorer. The other model of is just a cheaper, shittier explorer. Make sure your first ship you buy is the Type-7 transport, though. Think of it as a stepping stone to the Asp.
Mason Stewart
Why would anyone play Elite Dangerous when games liek Rouge System and Rodina exist?
Kill yourselves.
Noah Taylor
I got an Asp Explorer within 50 hours of game time, don't exaggerate.
Jackson Jenkins
What do these games do better user? I know you're just shitposting, but at least try better next time
Juan James
Hudson Torres
Why are you on this board again?
Owen Roberts
Kill yourself.
Jackson Moore
You mean Rogue System.
Unfinished early-access shit, that the dev has forgotten about.
Ditto buddy.
Eli Carter
That's just weak. Don't do that dude.
And yet it still contains better gameplay than Elite Dangerous. Pathetic.
Michael Torres
If you're gonna make a claim that something is better then you should probably support that claim with, you know, anything. you posted two webms of nothing happening and clicking on two of 50+ buttons, does that make them good?
Then why don't you make a thread about a game you like? Are you stupid?
Dunno user you seem like you're shitposting and you're either really autistic or really angry. Can't pinpoint which exactly.
Andrew Gray
If threads about good games were successful on this board I wouldn't be raiding this one.
Satisfying controls, more challenging, better suspension of disbelief, better gameplay mechanics during combat, etc
Connor Garcia
Back to 9gag with you.
Joshua Cox
So you're not even gonna try and you're just going to shitpost.
Please feel free to post any examples of these. From what you posted it neither seems more satisfying, challenging or to have better gameplay.
Nathan Carter
You'd have to go play them. I played Elite Dangerous. If I hadn't I couldnt talk shit on it. Neither can you in this case.
Dominic Williams
Elite Dangerous as shit, even /edg/ on 4chaim admitted it was shit before the exodus.
Let me give you the rundown.
Anyone who defends elite after everything they pulled is a fucking idiot with absolute godawful taste.
Benjamin Harris
If this game was Eve: Dangerous it would be the greatest shit ever
It's such a dick tease. Basically perfect controls, awesome in VR, nice enough graphics and all that, a huge universe..
and fucking nothing to do.
All it needs is PVP for conquering systems, and establishing stations there for modest rewards.
Also the game needs more shit to spend money on, there's nothing to buy but a new ship and equipment for it.
Asher Barnes
So you can post no proof to support your claims but you do have two really boring webms makes sense
Adrian Thomas
So you mean like most people currently posting on Holla Forums?
Cameron Cook
Talking with yourself much?
Jordan Miller
You do know we have IDs and timestamps for posts right?
Adrian Green
Ian Wright
The guy admitted he was actually raiding the thread because he doesn't like it, I don't think you should bother
Jace Bailey
Why though?
Is there any reason besides balance why they don't just let you toggle flight assist for translational movement? Why the fuck would those features be linked?
Kerbal space program, for instance, has "SAS", which makes the ship stop spinning, using whatever control elements are available, but otherwise flight is still newtonian.
I'm sure I'd get used to it if the game was actually interesting enough to play, which sadly hasn't been the case. But why would you make the feature that makes your combat slightly more interesting also turn off rotational dampening? It's like they WANT to scare off all newbs.
It's not like they don't have a whole fucking UNIVERSE full of useless, lifeless empty bullshit if they want to go full patrician somewhere else.
John Brooks
Wait, what's the problem with this?
Thomas Hughes
Horizon was a fucking mess of lies, unfinished features and a total waste of time. They're most likely going to charge 50 bucks for this shit as well and release it in "beta" so it can't be criticised because "it's in beta, they'll fix it". The game will remain an empty copypasted grindfest.
ED is fucking junk.
Josiah Reed
Honestly, I had a lot more fun with X:Rebirth.
Back when it launched, it was horrid. No question. I pirated it to test it out, deleted it an hour later, and I STILL felt ripped off.
In the two years since, though, they've patched many [though far from all] of the most egregious issues, and there are a number of mods that help too. Picked up a copy from GOG in the summer sale for like $7, and had a decent amount of fun with it.
Fair warning, the story campaign is a bit shite. It ends on a cliffhanger, too, and none of the expansions or free DLCs continue it. I think it's meant to essentially be the tutorial or something. You also only ever get to fly your one ship, and you don't even get to rename it. You can order around as many other ships as you want though, and you can land on a battleship and command it around from the inside. There's a mod that replaces the generic hanger bay environment on a battleship with a bridge, so you can captain it around properly, which is fun. Ships AI is pretty dumb though.
It's probably still shitty to people who played the previous X games, but I think it's a bit more accessible than them now. I might try again to get into X3 now that I'm done with Rebirth.
Brody Cooper
I've been wanting a decent space sim for a while. After waiting until no man's sky came out so I could weigh all my options and it being terrible this looks to be the best option because Star Citizen at upwards of $100 million production costs and is quite honestly NEVER EVER: The game
Gavin Thomas
It's not a real space sim. is the closest there is.
Jason Campbell
Hey, give it a shot. You can always refund it if it's not your cup of tea
Blake Bell
Everyone that disagrees with me is the same person! Funny how you didn't address this guys points.
Nicholas Rivera
What? It was you that said you were raiding the thread. Do you have brain damage?
Also that guy's points are pretty subjective, they don't really make the game bad. I mean shit most of them are just criticizing a DLC, which I think everybody can agree was pretty shitty.
Jace Brown
Needs player trading tbh fam, especially with engineer commodities. I'd happily pay straight credits to other players it exchange for mission reward stuff like modular terminals.
Gabriel Green
He probably won't be able to figure out that he does not like it in only 2 hours.
still want them to actually add gameplay, fun missions, large scale battles, player trading, pvp, player factions, conquering territory, mining to not be awful, grouping to not be awful, more social features for the online segment, and I'll just stop now because yeah.
Landon Carter
You sure about that? I thought it was 2 and indie devs were already complaining about it.
Cooper Reed
Game got potential, maybe one day the devs will fix it. For now I can only see myself playing it in burst from patch to patch.
Anthony Richardson
I just set goals for myself. Getting a Python is my current goal. I'm about 20m away.