Overwatch now censors "gg ez"

Other urls found in this thread: winner


That's probably the best thing blizzard has done in recent times, making fun of retards

and nothing of value was lost

New bread already?

Overkiddies are so sensitive that they fly off the handle at gg ez.

Blizzard is just as stupid as them for not seeing it coming, blizzkids are literally the worst.


That's pretty funny tbh.

I don't get it.Good game, easy?

gg ez is cancer though

you can say GG, and you can say ez but it can't be a good game if it was ez


Fuck off to your cancerous general

Oh, so you prefer a separate thread for every aspect the OW fans want to discuss about the game?


Don't you have your own thread to whine about this in?

Let's be real though, the gg shit is only used by shit heads that started in cancerous games like LoL and the like.

Only try hard pro gamers use tgat slang and I gladly shoot them on site whenever I can.

What's the point of playing these garbage games if you don't piss off as many players as possible?

Bumplock when?

I get pissed off by "gg" when the winning team and my teammates spam it after the winning team literally curbstomped us with little to no resistance.

Because some of us just want to play video games bro. Unlike you that just wants to shit post on Holla Forums all say acting like some wannabe sjw on petty shit.

The gg shit was always cancer only used by kids or lel ironic humor autistic fags

Perhaps you should improve your skills so people don't stomp you so hard.

Because some of us just want to play shitty video games bro.
ftfy bro, np fam

gg no re

Hol up, are you telling me someone got so assbalsted about simple, light banter that is GG EZ that Blizzard had to word filter it to protect their hurt feelings?

Me and my other teammates, but that aside, what pisses me off is how meaningless the "gg" thing is, I would rather be called noob and sucker or whatever, hell, I don't mind smug people being smug, or salty teammates venting off, but gg is stupid.

Wow, you're a real oversensitive little bitch, aren't you?

Apperently they have or had multiple threads wanting blizzaed to ban everyone who wrote gg ez or similar things after a match.
Last thread had some screencaps of it.

So yes, they get really triggered that hard by a little banter.

I get upset BUT I wouldn't demand a word filter, I am more pissed at the fact that people mindlessly spam it instead of saying what they really want.

Only 12 year olds say "gg ez" anyway, and their way of responding to it is pretty fucking funny.

Overall I am only a tiny bit assmad about this change and I expect it to change nothing for anyone.


What I don't understand is that this is the same update that gave all the heroes/classes/whatever laugh taunts.

Isn't shit like "gg ez" the same thing? Shitting on your opponent?

Not sure, besides, once the round ends you can't even emote.

Every faggot that bought overwatch deserves every bad thing happening to them


TBH they should remove chat entirely and be done with it.

the posters on Holla Forums are so cool and think they are all high and mighty for not playing the best shooter this year


I don't think anyone is OK with the retarded filter.

T.most upvoted comment from reddit

this generation needs to be obliterated by a meteor

As long as I can remember I had people get ass blasted over gg ez. Even if I lost and wrote GG ez as a joke they still got their jimmies rustled.



everyone knows that that point of mutliplayer games is to make the other team mad

But I have already played Doom 2 with custom wads

Getting pissed becasue someone mocks you is normal.
Wanting to ban them or limit their freedom of speech becasue you can't handle it though is hands on retarded.

Good, shit's fukkin cancer meme

there was this thread on the forums where a GAMR GURRRL was asking Blizzard to add voice changers to the game so she could mask her voice cuz muh wimyn harassment in the game.

Oh… I am going to have fun tonight.

what the fuck am I reading

What the fuck is this layout

On Topic:
Overhype got boring to me after a while, but 'gg ez' was always such a cunt thing to say when playing that even when it was a fucking roflstomp, I couldn't even fucking say it.

It's not banter - winner

The community in that game is fucking abhorrent, and the sickening thing is is that the rating and aesthetic makes it somewhat child friendly - when in actuality it's an online game so should be treated as such.

Oh, and blizzard didn't expect any porn of this game? Have they ever actually surfed the internet from their ivory tower? LOL

I'm just gonna chime in and say that, yeah, there's nothing bantzy at all about gg ez. The overwhelming majority of people who use that term are the biggest faggots to deal with to begin with, the kind of player who thinks they're the hottest shit and it's always their team's fault when something goes wrong.

Personally, Blizzard's response to it is much more of a troll on them than censorship.

I've also noticed a lot of genji players using it mostly. I've been enjoying the salt of his nerf so far.

Got something to back that up?

I haven't even heard that specific phrase used before, I've only heard either gg no re or gg.

People say it a lot in tactical/strategy games. StarCraft 2, also blizzard, has a huge fan base of raging babies that bitch about "BM" in games. Usually in games with minimal amount of participants.

Good goys.

on one hand i get a laugh out of people who parrot the same shit every game being made fun of, on the other hand its just banter who gives a fuck why change it


>shitposters piss and moan about the board being a collection of generals "LEL >>>/vg/ IF YOU WANT UR PRESHUS GENRAL XDDDD"

They don't fucking know what they want and moderators are too lazy to wrangle them in

Good, now you actually have to put *effort* in your trashtalking.

What about 'ez gg'?

Game is shit, devs are shit, censorship is shit, your thread is shit.

Always say gg too easy lol. Always get loads of salt.

lol, overwatch babbies cant candle the bantz. they need to be coddled by blizzard.

It's not even banter, it's just being an obnoxious fag

okay but wait, who ever said they couldn't handle the bantz is my questions

i've played overwatch, i've played a bunch of multiplayer online shooters, people ALWAYS shit talk after a round. its been happening for fucking years. did blizzard decide that their players can not handle the bantz? cuz i never heard of any players getting upset over it (granted i do not browse blizz forums or similar outlets)

Obviously someone at Blizzard was getting rekt so hard they took it to the top.

How fucking butthurt do you have to be to get this implemented

Nah nigga, it was someone who worked there who was absolutely decimated

Also sage for overwatch

some overwatch babbies must have complained enough for this to happen. blame the players.

doesn't show up on my end

itt butthurt tumblrlards who can't handle even garbage tier banter


When will overbabbies realize they aren't wanted on this board?

It's in PTR dipshit.

It's only on the PTR right now so there's a good chance it won't make it to live servers but nobody ever cares about the details.

Fice years ago I would've taken any bet that this is just a fucking troll.
Now I can't say if that retard is honest or just trying to piss everyone off on purpose.

Nice downvote


Reminder that people saying GGEZ was such a giant issue in the community for months before this update.

This PC shit is going to kill us all man.

just get more creative with your "bantz" fag


when i play with pubs i generally don't talk much because pubs are animals, but i do witness banter and most of the time no one gets mad at "GG EZ"

Explain why anyone should get creative when 4 consecutive letters can do this

personally, in multiplayer games i like to spam ":))" a few times in chat when im winning. its a sure fire way to make the enemy mad. like really mad.

gg doesn't stand for good game

it stands for get good

People are just going to find ways around and piss people off. So retards get triggered and Blizzards trolls try hards. Why should I care?

I haven't bothered trolling in years but I'm really tempted to get on that forum.



well, now I see it means git gud maybe then I will be able to adapt to it, thanks.

The first 2 are funny. The rest sound like a retarded dev got mad he lost a game and added mommy joke.

Used to be, GG meant "good game". The classic gg no re was "Good game, no repeat" that you said after losing to commend your oponent and state you didn't want a re-match.

Now come Dark Souls "ebin hard PvP and game" as well as ASSFAGGOTS and a few more elitist communities, it's now "git gud" instead, with ez for extra salt on top of it.

Because these faggots don't care about the game or being good, just being better than you and being humble in victory is a concept that has been lost.
Instead we have insefurable pricks that think the low effort "gg ez" actually is quality bantz, when they know very well the only reason they post it is just because of how mad it makes other people. It has no correlation to how easy the game was, how bad the other team was or how good they are. I've even seen people saying this after losing.

Really wish faggots stopped caring and giving them the satisfaction. Low effort trolling doesn't deserve any answer at all.

Nice assmad overchild

Taunting is witty and makes people fucking FURIOUS.

ggez is spam. Its Twitch-tier bullshit only meant to be an attentionwhoring cunt.

"gg ez" isn't quality bantz, it's something you shit out in under 2 seconds that's nearly guaranteed to piss somebody off. It's so easy it's almost pathetic.

After watching the Mei trolling Hog video I couldn't resist, I finish kills using Mei with a salute, too bad I can't just emote.

Jesus the Blizzdrones ITT

Even if it is a joke, its retarded for them to be meddling with the chat in the first place. I they were still the same company they were 10 years ago they'd be making fun of the faggots who get offended by "gg ez" retards


Only if you're 12

"toxic" is a feminist buzzword

I'm not one of those faggots, but in TF2 I only see people saying this after a match ends. Are they really that much worse in Overwatch?

OW players like to compare it to League of Legends

What do you think

It's just a bit of friendly banter, calling it trashtalk is retarded.

Come on you fucking redditor, just say what you want to say, "muh toxic players".

Knowing that it triggers you, I shall endeavor to persevere.

Its legit not banter though
Its like saying Hitler memes to try and offend Holla Forums or Holla Forums, its not going to work and it comes off as annoying attentionfagging

Whoa! That's almost as gay as your thread

That same co-worker talked me into buying GTA5.
Please bully me.


So type “Roast in hell, you fucking kike.”

Problem solved.

What is this gg ez mode?

Every single game, video or otherwise, needs to include a manual titled "Sportsmanship 101"

Seriously? At first I thought it was funny of Blizzard to do this but knowing that people were actually getting butthurt over gg ez and demanding it is just sad.

it's funny both ways. It makes fun of the idiots who were spamming "gg ez" seriously, as well as those complaining about it since it literally doesn't attempt to filter anything else.

after playing after this news, I can say with a 100% certainty that the amount of people saying ez in the normal server has exploded by 300% compared to what I was seeing before. The Streisand effect in action.
It wont change when the censorship is rolled out either. "too easy, please try harder :)"

Funny how people here complain about it being censorship when wordfilters are practically a staple of chan culture. It's not like reddit which shadowbans for every permutation of everything they don't like, which most definitely IS censorship. This is just a joke.

I don't think so, not after blizz showed their true colours during the tracer ass debacle.

this, those filters reek of butthurt

Where's the dictionary they love so much now? They don't understand the concept of harassment.

Their "true colors" being to release a better ass shot and leave the other characters with the exact same pose untouched?

Actually that sounds exactly like what they did here. They "fixed" the specific thing people were complaining about without actually doing anything about the "problem" and essentially making fun of people on both sides in one go.

The people that say "gitgud" and the like are always cheaters/glitch abusers, working with unbalanced teams advantage or have a massive connection advantage by abusing netcode.(see MGO 56k upload speed for instance)

I challenge these fucks to a 1v1 in quake and I curbstomp them into the ground every single time. Then they're completely silent until they crawl back to their hole.

What the hell happened to sportsmanship?

Yeah buddy. I challange them to 1v1 tic-tac-toe and not one dared to play against me. Fucking cheaters mang.

We don't want a tahxic environment just have fun u know. I think they should remove allchat to end all the tahxicity.

>>Someone says "gg2ez"
Why was the cuck option the right one?

Please don't try to breed.

gaming has to change
~anita sarkeesian

what sports? this is vidya.

damn the term 'player' is rly pushed hard. What happened to 'gamer'?

Thank god
Now they'll always know that I said gg ez :^)

They're all dead

So, in preparation, I've been typing "good game, losers." with a vulgar amount of emoticons instead, or long rants about how they suck.

This seems likely, the whole place is probably made up of power tripping GMs and they can't handle. Or just the fact they're used to catering to dumb cunt cash whales in their other products.

I can take both of you on in a game of your choice, doesn't matter to me. You play overwatch… I've already won.

Nah I just look out for retarded posts and respond to them no matter what thread it is.

Nice ellipsis and assumption faggot, I don't even play this garbage.

Okay so what is gg ez?

So basically
People who get offended by gg ez are:
I mean, if you know you're good, you would just laugh at that "gg ez" but when someone gets offended by it, it means they take it very personally because they know they're shit

I bet you're the guy who claims the enemy is cheating whenever you get killed, right?

"good game, easy"
basically means that the match was an easy win
It triggers people mostly when it's a complete stomp

gg = good game
ez = easy
good game, easy.

I don't care either way and I don't see why we've needed 5 threads on this.


"good game/get good" and "easy"
basically a sarcastic response at the end of the match used to further gloat. Basic smack talk.

weak bait

It's like they don't know the first thing about trolling.

they might think you're serious. the average overwatch player isn't subtle enough to be offended. got to really heap in on.

This is such an unbelievably petty thing for people to get pissed about.

Is Blizzard going to remove that too?

new meta: six ggoes spam swarm.

Hardly censorship.


I wouldn't say that.
Might also be that they don't like to be taken out of their special bubble where everyone is a winner and be told that they in fact just suck at a piss easy game and are worth nothing more than the next best pile of dogshit.
Works either way that those "offended" by it are unable to either take any form of banter or just don't like to see reality.

Try complaining on their forums about it,
If it isn't too obvious they might take you serious about it.

Actually it's two seperate "Is this easy mode" and "Gee Gee" lines.

In other news, her new sit emote comes complete with dew and doritos stand ins (unlabled)

y'know…i'm starting to think that blizzard might just be a terrible company

what do you guys think? is that a popular opinion?

Are you fucking serious?
I can't even wrap my head around this memefaggotry.

Warcraft 2 and 3 were fucking great, if you ask me. I'm sure some people out there liked Starcraft and Diablo, but I never got into them.
It's just literally everything else they've ever done that's the problem.

It's a reference to this stupid meme that started on tumblr, Because's a professional gamer, they infantilize her as this 'gremlin' that's always drinking mountain dew and eating doritos and asking her lesbian moms for McDonalds. Kind of like Umaru.

Good job on avoiding the challenge. What's the matter, afraid of losing even in a 1v3?

I'll keep saying it until it stops being true:dva would have been 100 times better as a combat ai with meka being her real body

Man wouldn't it look cool if they didn't respond because you waited an hour to post again?

The chips are labeled "D.Vas"

I had to turn on my other computer just to get this webm. That's how disgusted I am. I put effort into this.


Nice digits, by the way.

Does Blizzard realize that by now making this fan canon actual canon the joke is destroyed? Since the whole reason it took off was because D.Va being portrayed as a small stereotypical crude gremlin gamer was a stark juxtaposition to the waifu bait she actually is? It's like if there was a Hatred 2 and the main character's name was revealed to actually be Not Important. It ruins the thing because the whole point is that it's separate from the actual reality of the video game.

Not to mention, this is already two dumb ideas Blizzard has implemented due to the dunderheaded fanbase. Me personally, I can't wait until it goes the way of TF2 and community input basically turns it into another memefest xDDD that no one likes but has to put up with.

Making fun of cancerous memes isn't censoring user.

It's like how Holla Forums filters n*ormies to normalfags

maybe that's the point. Probably not, but there's always the small chance.

Wow, you learn something new every day. I've just always typed normalfag.
normalfags normalfags normalfags normalfags.

Neat. I can save myself a few keystrokes.

cowards shouldn't have pussyfooted around then, the match would have already been over with me as the victor.

Real gamer grills play Counter-Strike on the touchpad one-handed.

I happen to know one who does actually play all her games on her laptop with a touchpad. They're exclusively top down sims, strategy games like Civ, mobile ports, puzzle games and card games though. I can understand the appeal, just not my kind of thing.


I played CS using a handheld trackball for like six months. I ended up getting pretty decent at it.

Yeah, I got her to install 1.6 a few months ago, both on our laptops. She fucking destroyed me because of the experience with the trackpad, never having played the game before. I'm worthless on the trackpad.



Maybe this is for the best.

I can just imagine some British guy sitting on a raft in the middle of the ocean, it slowly filling up with water as sharks circle and (somehow) vultures fly overheard, saying exactly that with a mildly concerned look on his face all while smoking a pipe.

I'm a girl gaymer, guys! I'm just like you!
I can't wake up

I would like to bury my face inbetween those cheeks and tongue her bumhole

highest grossing =/= any kind of quality

blizzard is full blown sjw

inb4 people start saying they arent for making a game with sexy women. Never forget they hired a diversity officer

I can't imagine the amount of resources wasted raising and maintaining subhuman trash like "diversity" anything.
We need to bring back public executions and child labor laws. Everything started going to shit when we stopped doing those things.
Time to instill some proper motivation in the public. Plus, when's the last time we had a good old fashioned beheading?

Here in europe they seem to be back on the menu soon.

Who gives a single solid shit about Europe though?

I do

Whites, you will never be one :^)

Imagine a world without Europe, where Americans are literally the last whites in the world. Being steadfastly replaced by minorities after they break through wall Maria.

And Europe never will be again. At least, not until it is repopulated by Australians and Argentinians after the nuclear fallout has settled.

Me too, user. We care.

>wanting to be old and busted white
Yeah, no, I'm good. :^)

That would be true if the joke was made by people from one of the chans, but this joke was popularized by reddit/tumblr/imgur/etc. They'll see this as a reason to make even more jokes because creativity is lacking on those sites.


so many assblasted faggots who suck at this game complaining about how "gg ez is cancer ;(" as if the reason they would be mad isn't that they lost 6 gorillion games and got "gg ez" from the enemy
how can you suck at a kids game so much while not even being able to handle being made fun of for sucking so bad?

what are you going to go after next?
just "gg", "ez"?
then what?
"easy" "good game" "well played" "good job"?
people won't stop making fun of you for sucking just because gg ez is gone, they'll just use the new gg ez instead
please keep complaining about the newest trend used for making fun of you

gg no re is still a thing?

Not that I play overwatch but in multiplayer games I like to say "gg no re" or some variation, like "ggerino no rerino :^)".

they already have no self respect to begin with

wouldn't this just make it worse?

I mean when you see that shit on the screen you know they're making fun of you anyway.

can you imagine if fox mccloud was in overwatch


It's not even a TF ripoff, its a first person ASSFAGGOTS

I've never played overwatch but I would still stomp you in it. I don't buy shit games, so unless the pirate bay version lets you play online or you be the bigger man and buy me a copy you can't say shit. But why are you playing a shit game to begin with?

It's TF2 but with GURLLLS

Hey, the only reason I've come to this thread is to ask, did they release a Mei Summer Games Skin yet?

What part is the ASSFAGGOTS part?

Imagine being so fragile you break down in tears over four letters.

Someimtes I wonder what would happen should they wake up and realize how the real world actually works outside of their safe spaces.


Who cares, unless it's a burkha to cover up that disgusting fatty.

They censor that? That's retarded. Can't wait till we live in a future where anything with the possibility of being taken negatively gets censored.

Do they censor GamerGate like they did in that Ubisoft game? That was hilarious



Wow, is Ubisoft treating the gamergate thing like the holocaust?

It is the holocaust to them

The best thing about this is it'll just mean people are going to go out of their way to shit on the other team at every available opportunity.

If "gg ez" makes them cry about toxic players imagine what will happen when you say "git gud" or "you suck" or "you may be a dog rapist, but at least you're better at that than video games."

How many days before someone suicides over being called mean names in a video game they arent good at?

Then they all get stomped because dva is fucking worthless without her ult.

Im going to be honest with you now.
I have played over 70 hours of Overwatch and Its definitely the most casual and unskilled fps game ever.

But sure feels good when I unlock these legendary skins for free when other retards pay multiple hundreds of dollars.

Exactly. Clearly blizzard wants our insults to be special snowflakes.


Naw, can be a pretty decent harasser. Just don't play her like a tank, and instead play her like a really beefy Tracer. But the goal probably isn't to win, just be really REALLY annoying.

Whales exist in any game with microtransactions. I still remember the goy prime from Warframe with their 200 dollar pile of shit..

This is from a forum where people obtained Overwatch hacks. This post is a response after a wave of people were banned. Can you find all the things wrong with this post?

Doesn't matter if they censor gg ez. Everyone knows what you're saying, they know.

I'll help.

I thought you'd all appreciate this little gem.

The jews sure love their wars.

Eh, skill level in Overwatch depends on the skill of the people you're matched against and your role. Soldier for example has an extremely low skill floor, and a pretty low skill cap. Genji was probably the highest skill cap prior to the nerf, but anymore it's probably going to be Pharah or some shit.

IF you want a harder experience play a class that's focused on keeping your teammates alive. It's what I do

People did drop well over $100 on loot boxes on day one.

People are fucking crazy.


Dammit Holla Forums put the meme magic down, it's not funny anymore.

Oh right, and he's encouraging war. The post literally couldn't be anymore Jewish.

I don't disagree with you, but they did have to instate a 1-hero limit to competitive formats. They kept trying not to but some combinations became too defining.

They put in the 1 hero limit because 5 winston/dva and other similar combinations made for some bullshit last stands with overtime or steamrolled on sudden death before the enemy had a chance to counter.

With sudden death gone and overtime half-fixed they just need to adjust how the timer builds and prevent shit like Mei iceblocks from keeping it going and there's no reason to keep the hero limit.

Hero stacking is pretty much essential to a healthy meta with good counterplay. With the limit the meta pretty much stabalizes on a stale fixed-six that only ever change for specific points rather than to counter the enemy comp.


I think doubles should be allowed, but any more than that is a gimmick comp.

The only legendary I'm missing is Lucio's, and I'd never use his anyway because the frog is so much better. Whales are fucking retards.

People did. There are lots of retards out there who will pay to get fucked in the ass by RNG, that's why Blizzard went with the loot box model instead of just letting people buy the skins.

as a professional bully, i can tell you that this doesn't do anything because if someone SEES that they KNOW what i typed in to GET that.

i like this change.

I once played against a team who went 4 Winston/2 Bastion on offense in a payload map.

That was not fun. That was not fun at all.

Has Overwatch porn gone too far?

Quads of truth


Why does that thread have to be titled "SportsMANship"? smh

objectively wrong. highest grossing = best marketing.

thank god thinskinned overfaggots have uncle blizz to baby them and change their nappies

What did you expect from people tone policing so much they removed chat communication in their last multiplayer game all together.

Or just keep all your cancerous shit in your one general. Its a containment board for a reason.

That would be SMASHing.

shes white?
only black womyn have big ass now?

This seems horrible. What if they all started farting?

Yeah she's white although she seems to have some weird obsession with Shadman which is just as fucking disgusting.

i don't know what that is, for real, but i like big butts, regardless of skin color.
womyn only

i think its a jab at both their whiny userbase making threads on the forum asking them to punish bad manners all the time and the low effort schmucks who make a bad name for all the bonafide shit talkers. besides, one user in a previous thread mentioned how its basically a shit posting shortcut to spam

There's two mp4s of her sucking dick and some anus pics.

yes, wouldnt want to interrupt you as you talk about pokemon go, fangame dmcas, fallout 4 and no mans sky



Why do you care about four letters in your screen lmao???? Like turn off your screen nigga hahahaha



whenever i watch fps being played on console it makes me mad.


whats wrong with those people

gosh darn time splitters

Blizzdrones in action.

blame Mark for allowing Overwatch shilling scum to shitpost freely on Holla Forums instead of fucking off to their own board


man this shit is heresy ffs.

we are merely servants and messengers of kek.


Anyone else getting this? I'm guessing it's the map and new emotes.


Fuck off

it means good goy

Overwatch becomes F2P next year.

Being out of touch never felt so good.

Don't forget those bizarre father/child bondage they make.

Even gay people are better gamers.

Sucks doesn't it?

The real question is tf2 has gone too far?

Source or no dice mate

If it's done enough for people to download why don't they just patch it now?

I give it until the next mass-appeal shitfest

I swear if its just another "prediction".

The appropriate response besides not playing this piece of shit game to begin with would be for the player base to keep ramping up the smack talk butthurting Blizzard into censoring more and more phrases until it's near impossible to figure out what anyone's saying.

Why the fuck did this shit thread get so many replies? Just make a new word and phrase like in every other game with filters throughout history. Censorship only encourages creative ways around it.

this is awful

I miss Unreal when it would actually verbalized gg as Good Game

no shit there's cancer on console, doesn't even matter what game

I agree with most of what you said. But to be honest, to the extent I care about winning, (not to mention playing multiplayer game at all,) just being better than the opposition is all that matters to me. When the goal of a game is to beat the other player/players, and thus difficulty is highly variable, all you can objectively be sure of is that you were better than the person you were playing against. So with multiplayer games, that's all I shoot for. Otherwise, what, you end up on an endless quest for perfection that could never be truly defined anyway? You could never absolutely know if you're as good as anyone could possibly be, but you can be sure you're better than the other players. So that's the only victory condition that matters to me, it's not about absolute skill, just relative skill.

Before you jump to conclusions though, I'm not saying I'm the type that absolutely must win though, I can lose over and over and still have lots of fun. Just, as far as winning goes, being better than the other guy is all that matters to me. Being the best player in the world would be equally good to me whether I was absolutely amazingly skilled at the game, or sucked but everyone else just sucked even more.




Well like most game company's they will say it's so they can fix up the map and any bugs they find. But from what i've seen it's pretty much done, they most likely just want to hype it up.

what is this

In the Play test version of the game, when you type "gg ez" it will replace the text with one of those lines.

Just realized it was different, idk just a joke. Wouldn't be surprised if blizzard did some shit like that.

The future you chose.

Soon everything will be like the film Demolition Man, trust me.

What the fuck man. I sugest we do some digging. We need to meme RWDS soon too lads.

I'm laughing, and I would laugh more if it's legit.

You mean the close future?
Don't worry, it will all be handled by the Chosen People.

Why even play the fucking game? I'm not playing to win, I'm playing to make other people lose.

Can't you just say "GG" then "EZ" but just not together?
They try to censor it, yet they half ass it.