Beyond Good & Evil 2 is apparently still being worked on (
Games stuck in development Hell thread?
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Oh god no, please dont rape beyond good and evil
Beyond Good & Evil was feminist grrrl power cancer before it became trendy. Guaranteed the sequel will be nauseating given what Ubi-Soft has become now.
Half-Life 3 not existing is a good thing since every other company in this shit industry just wants to run everything into the ground with infinite sequels. Not everything needs to be an endless franchise.
Beyond Good and Evil sucks.
Beyond Good & Evil was feminist grrrl power cancer before it became trendy. Guaranteed the sequel will be nauseating given what Ubi-Soft has become now.
Half-Life 3 not existing is a good thing since every other company in this shit industry just wants to run everything into the ground with infinite sequels. Not everything needs to be an endless franchise.
Tekken X Street Fighter
Is there an archive of all the times info was released about HL that seemed to point at HL3?
I'd be interested in reading that
I agree, but you might as well finish the story from your sequels instead of just dropping it for microtransactions.
I will never not be mad about this
Care to tell us what it was? I clicked it and exited out as soon as I saw the reaction.
JUST nukem forever
a game cant be in development hell if it isn't even being developed in the first place.
Episode 2 ended on what essentially is a cliffhanger, or at least a non-ending. That's the main reason why people want half-life 3, to continue or conclude the story, not because of "innovative gameplay" or anything like that.
Well, I have this theory that we have thousands upon thousands of games under development hell we just don't know that they exist, in fact, the only games we know are the ones released and successful (at least, commented). This thread for example will mostly talk about sequels of good or at least popular games, since the originals leave a good taste in the mouth making you dream about possible sequels that don't exist.
How so?
I remember masturbating to that trailer.
We can go back to talking about early access games if you want?
I know this real good game from these two Germans, you see…
Here's a good compilation video by CrowbCat, something definitely happened during 2008 to stop Valve from concentrating on Half-Life
There's so much fucking stuff in there. What happened? How far was it from done?
Also, OP is a fag for implying BGE2 is coming, it's not happening and considering the state of Ubisoft. no one should be sad.
Valve needs a kick in the balls for not being able to ship HL3/Ep3. There's no excuse.
What's this supposed to be, some kind of Dragon's Dogma-esque dungeon crawler?
I could get into this.
That armor is fucking sexy too.
It was realizing they could make more money being a fucking store front and that their fans are such fucking idiots, they'll cling to them forever in hopes that they eventually make a HL3.
This exactly. Anybody who thinks Half-Life 3 is going to be a good game is completely wrong.
Half-Life 2 isn't even that good minus the physics engine, and that shit is common practice now.
Ragdolls and physics puzzles are in a lot of games.
The only way Half-Life 3 would be good, is if they wrap up the story, and explain more about the Combine.
Honestly, even a fucking book would be good enough for me.
That's a mighty fine IP you've got there user. Be a shame if something were to happen to it
I remember journos saying it was muh soulslike, but yeah, it looked like a good old western fantasy dungeon crawler. I just wish they'd officially cancel it so I could stop hoping to see new footage of it at every games conference.
They can't show of a timestop that sexy and not make the game
i would bank that valve wrote themselves into a corner with trying to be SO MYSTERIOUS about the combine. half life 3 will be complete trash though so who cares, mark my words its gonna be meme-bait and more weak shooting and even lower enemy variety
The game already has a strong, black, female protagonist, giving (((them))) no excuse to mess with it.
I just want Valve to say whether or not HL3 even exists. I would rather HL3 be confirmed to not even exist than the endless silence on Valve's part for what's practically been a decade now. I'll be upset, but at least I'll finally have closure.
Somehow I think ending up in Cuckbox's hands is a worse fate than if it were just outright cancelled.
Hey, the PS4 can finally get its… what 3rd, 4th game now.
What they could do is have the resistance actually defeat the combine by finally closing the portal, only to realize they've been left with an absolute shithole of a planet with little to no resources or wildlife left.
This shit better get ported to PC.
Having a console with 5 games for it just isn't fucking worth it. Even a Vita is more worthwhile than a PS4 at this point.
I hope the game actually involves going to some Combine worlds or something. There's some pretty crazy, metaphysical shit that Dr. Breen says.
That's definitely another thing they could do. Either that or have it involve several worlds enslaved by the combine that Freeman has to liberate with his jesus powers.
That would be awesome.
Supposedly there's rumours going around that it's going to have RPG mechanics. Maybe this is why?
I mean "modern RPG" mechanics.
DNF was shitcanned and started over from scratch about 4-5 times because the director was an autistic perfectionist who always wanted to start over to put the new shiny TECHNOLOGY in the game. Eventually they folded and the shit that was left was passed around between multiple no-name devs before finally being kicked out the door by Gearbox.
Don't toy with my heart
Looks pretty fucking great in the trailer so you know the PS4 version's getting downgraded or will run at 20fps or both, but yeah, a PC port would be nice.
Dat dithering, bro
Didn't Ubisoft force a bunch of game journos sites to remove articles about Beyond Good and Evil 2 for the NX? Plus Ubisoft's CEOs said at E3 that we'll see it soon and it's still being worked on.
Those no name devs were what remained of 3DR and Gearcucks did jack shit to the game besides throwing more money at it and cuting 40%
Half-Life 3 is basically the new DNF at this point.
The wait has been so long that what is/was being planned for it could never match what fans could ever want from it. It seemed like VR would be the motivating force for a new HL to exist and that hasn't happened yet.
Is there anything revolutionary HL3 could actually do to redeem the long weight wait for it's release?
Apart from some sort of crazy futuristic neural brain interface that allowed you to do anything in the game like you could in real life. Or just a VR porn mode.
Seamless game world with full day night cycle, no repeating NPCs, semi open world and multiplayer hybrid with very strong focus on the peristant detailed campaign.
Seems what they could be doing
They were talking about the other one
Star Citizen
How has Hellraid not been posted yet
I thought that was cancelled
(((On Hold)))
Oh ok, at least its better than outright cancellation.
has a good game ever come out of development hell?
didn't the main writer get cancer or something?
This raises the question of how badly if at all Valve was affected by the whole financial crisis thing. They may have decided to play it safe with hats and then realized it prints money and requires no real investment of effort.
Beyond Good and Evil is overrated
with that said, this is current ubisoft we're talking about. IT's gonna be SHIT
Overgrowth has been in development forever. Probably because the dev is a patreonbux scammer though.
Didn't that fag literally stop developing the game to start a career bitching about GamerGate on twitter or something?
That's lewd
Marc Laidlaw left Valve but I don't know anything about cancer.
I think its time to let it go
dat net hack i swear to gawd been in development fo eva
GG caused a strange amount of butthurt.
You know, OP, a funny mental image just poppedin my head: Jade with a psychotic expression on her face castrating Pey'j with a chainsaw so that she can make Rocky Mountain oysters and, all the while, Pey'j is saying "Now what in tarnation are ya– WHEEE!! WHEEE!".
It's making me laugh to the point of hurting my lungs; I should request this in the next drawthread.
Could you make it any more obvious you're baiting for replies?
Fucking nobody makes posts like this unless they want attention.
Cheeki Breeki
Card Sagas Wars.
Never ever.
Oh god no not beyond good and evil, the first game is one of the best things I've ever played 5 times by far, dont ruin it with current year vydia standars please
Never played it mainly due to it being the SJW favorite games, Anita rages on about it so make me want to avoid it.
How much of SJW indoctrination is that game?
Ur a faget
Anita held it up as one of only true feminist progressive games along with the stick figure game.
The best fighting game I'll never play
Whatever faggot, enjoy missing out on a great adventure game. Be sure not to check out other older games with female protags
The ubisoft that ruined far cry, assassins creed, and keeps making shit games like watch dogs, is not the same division that made the recent rayman games and beyond good and evil. BG&E 2 is going to be made by the same studio that made the first, so theres at least a chance it wont stink. Still, development hell is never beneficial
BGE is one of those games that just came out at the right time and impressed way to many faggots
The game itself was mediocre as fuck
It has nothing to do with feminism, the MC just happens to be a woman. Ignore the SJW fucks as they've likely never even played the game.
Bullshit. The game wasn't even that popular at the time, it started gaining a following a few years after release.
GamerGate though me not to try anything the SJW try to push.
I think the devs couldn't try pushing any of that shit because it came out before it was popular to be a soggyknees
… Thankfully I've found other things to do with my Vita since, I figured I'd have to end up importing it since the NA region hates SaGa, but I didn't think it would come to this.
It's a 2006 game. Or even older, the only sjw related thing is the female character
She never states she's a woman, she never says I could do it even though I was a woman, there's no romance, no stonk womin moment, the entire game revolves around stealth and being really weak in fact
Plus the story is excellent and the gameplay's really good. Go download it right now, it's just 2 gb
It's from 2003.
Who cares it's a feminist SJW darling, Why would you recommend it to anyone.
And if you don't think the Ubisoft sequel will be aimed at those same SJW you are to far gone and should go back to cuckchan.
End yourself.
that's what I fear, but if you think the first game's anything related to social justice then you need to play it
Because it's actually a good game you fucking whiny bitch.
Your favorite games are shit
Just because it has a female protagonist doesn't automatically make it sjw shit.
Anita loves it, it's SJW cancer.
The game itself has no agenda, it was made before shit like Tumblr or SJWs even existed. Fucking Hell, user.
There was feminists in the 60's. The fact the SJW cancer and Anita like it tells me all I need to know, now fuck of back to cuckchan why did you even come here if you don't follow GmaerGate.
The worst part is that they'll never ever release any of the early builds to the public, and they've no doubt deleted all the files a long time ago.
You're going to hate a game you haven't played because some asshole likes it? Don't let them ruin it for you user, its pretty fun.
Confirmed for never having played the game. At no point in the game or cutscenes is Jade's sex used to push an agenda or show that women are leaders/as good as men.
Ironically, BG&E is in part about ethics in journalism
Shush user, you'll break our newfag friends' cover! :^)
I'm still mad.
Well, I certainly had gotten your attention, now didn't I? Fucking gnomeposters running their mouths off like their hot shit.
kys tbh fam