Chaos is the only true answer anons.
Warhammer/40k Thread
Ready for Warhammer Fantasy Mods for Bannerlord user?
It'll ease the pain of Total WaWa
On a side note, Man o War looks like it may turn out somewhat decent
They really need to fix the stiff animations though
At Gamescom they showed off the Eldar Wraith Knight in DoW III. I would webm or embed it but it is 16 minutes long and from IGN.
guardsmen need more love man.
The question being who are the faggots in need of purging today.
Wouldn't consorting with Xeno's like that be considered heretical, user?
guardsmen are cucks. If you arent strong enough to become a daemon, might as well lick the boots of the more benevolent Tau masterrace
answer to what? how to get a boner?
I dread DOW III. Constant talk about MOBA audience when a fucking Warhammer 40k MOBA just failed big time and the fact it looks a bit like Starcraft puts me off.
i dont mind. it will either be worth playing or its back to dow1 again. nothing to lose
Are you not concerned user each time the devs open their mouths?
you mean imperial knights, the smallest titan you could possibly have, oh and btw it's piloted by a woman because lets get into that whole debate again
cover is also going to be nothing but designated circles doted around the map
Knights aren't Titans
not even slightly
Not really. at worst it can be a DoW II with day 1 DLC.
Let's face it, its the closest thing we can get to a decent, recent 40k game. (capt for maybe for battlefleet, if you're into it)
If it ends up being shit, we can always rollback to DoW SS with mods.
it does in 40k
Full-sized titans are meant for full-scale battles.
DoW isn't about full scale battles, there's *cough* WH Armageddon *cough* for that.
said who?
Said by the literal amount of shit it would take to enact every single type of military unit from the 40k universe with its respective animations, textures, etc.
It would be a mess made only supportable by game engines such as proper incarnation of Warscape (TW) that wasn't shit like the current.
Not to mention it wouldnt be DoW anymore in terms of gameplay at least..
There's UA for SS if you're into shitstorms. DoW is about tactics.
you're not wrong there's alot of engine limitations but UA and alot of other mods do prove that they only made it like they did because they just kinda changed impossible creatures around abit for it
Gotgutz,Machha lol, and Ol' Gabe are coming back.
I wish Bluddflag would come back Gorgutz is literally a Saturday morning cartoon villain as an ork
IG had some top contenders but around half of them are dead
FFG Only War RPG actually says he dies at Lorn VI in an eldar ambush
Dies in Soul Storms intro
IG win Soul Storm and Stubbs turns Kurava into Cadia Mk.2 so he could come back
Retribution is fucky but if the space marines won then the IG did aswell they could come back
Unless they do some CoH 2 shit and add in both Stubbs+Castor where each one is specialized in certain play styles.
and if they added in knights when the IG expansion hits we might get Scions
or they dont even add fucking IG and add in the Adpetus Mechcanicus Skitarili
what about these fags
Tarkus will probably come back as a Captain of a Company. Rest not sure, probably ran out of hair gel.
Sent on a penitence crusade in the eye of terror for actually being competent
Might be in full space marine armor for once or is still muh scouts
Probably a Captain
Became a pussy and listened to Kyras dead
Either dead or in deep hibernation eliphas fucked his dreadnought bad
Possibly a captain now or still a sergeant in an assault squad I could see him as a Chaplin though
Still Force Commander
errygit knowz dat green iz best
I was hyped for DOW 3 since I am not really a graphics fag but
only if she makes me a qt grill
You can become a daemonette, will that suffice?
It's like you don't even wanna have your skin rot
You just want to get fucked while wearing girls clothes don't you user?
It's like you niggers don't even like feeling good
Yeah I can't wait to get to the point where I have to rub broken glass and acid crystals in my eyes to get any sort of feeling.
Nurgle is objectively the best god to serve. Maybe Khorne if you go by the older fluff that portrayed his followers as honourable men out for a good fight rather than maniacs.
plus nurgle has a qt eldar waifu
Locked up in his garden, iirc. Truly the god of neckbeards.
You also get to hang out with these cute little fuckers
Man it would be a shame if I dropped some soap in this cess pool.
soap is the most important human invention
Nah, I'll pray for the Emperor to burn your soul from existence after they've done purging your ass.
Omnissiah is objectively the best god.
Do you not want to go around one shooting Eldar capital ships with a Ark Mechanicus or something?
Fixed that for you you filthy, cucked heretic.
Omnissah is just another name for the God Emperor.
Why bother?
Nurgle isn't worth worshipping because very other god sucks he's worth worshipping because he truly cares about every single one of his followers. Hell he even cares about the people he kills with his plagues that don't even know about him.
The Imperium treats you as a number, nothing more. Nurgle treats you as family.
Worshipping the C'tan does not end well.
The galaxy will burn again heretic, and you with it.
You sound like an abominable cross between a bug chaser and a cuck.
I'm sure they're happy he cared enough about them to kill them in the most horrific way he could think of, they must truly be grateful.
I'd rather take a bullet in the back of the head from a Commissar than have Chaos as my family.
sigmar isnt that bad especially now they added official points and shit to balance it out.
Its fun for quick simple games in between playing with my guard in bigger shit
I think it was fun
what are you trying to accomplish?
Fuck you GW.
You know I actually I kinda agree
Though the sigmarine models are shit GW streamlined the rules for the better
anyway nothing stops you from playing the old fantasy rules.
I get it though GW is the jewiest cunts and I wouldnt buy from them directly in my life but I kinda like the new sigmar rulesystem
Get a load of this ogryn.
At worst it's going to be like a mobile ASSFAGGOTS game. At best it's going to be Starcraft: 40k for retards wider audiences.
Id wish they decide to do the same with 40k rules no end times shit just make the rules better.
I love 40k but I moved onto Infinity for a reason
Deathwing coming out November.
Deathwing will be good. This will be shit.
I'd love a 40K game where you work as some kind of mercenary and just float around in space looking for missions from different factions. That'd be cool.
Time to see what the E.Y.E developers can do with the 40k license.
Apparently it's the second coming of Republic Commando.
Why has there never been a good corrupt chaos warhammer game yet Holla Forums?
If you say chaos rising counts, you're a faggot.
what destiny? getting rekt by orks, tyranids, necrons and chaos?
You might make a pretty corpse, but your soul is still going to the warp to be consumed by daemons and there is nothing your emprah can do about it:^)
guess they should have started worshipping grandpa Nurgle sooner so they could become immune to any disease. Its not exactly hard. tough love
found the cuck
what enemy types will there be in this. only genestealers and hybrids?
So many theories and you try and take the boring ones? What for? Do you just hate that you don't have the best technology in the Warhammer universe? Whoops.
I'm sorry but where is the cultist-chan porn
Oy vey.
Mostly, they have broodlords, mutations and I've heard of psyker variants too.
hail eris
Illuminatus oldfag gtfo
That Ark Mechanicus that went Super Saiyan and bitched slapped some Eldar around?
I understand your feel but good things never last.
I want to cum inside a cultist and start a happy Chaos family.
Picture not entirely related.
why so negative?
Nope. Like I said, at worst it's DoW II, which is more or less fine by me.
That's basically what space marine was meant to be before they removed the squad stuff because lolTHQ
You don't happen to have a link to those at all user? Every one I can find 404'd.
Can I get the key to that?
If you squint a little, you'll notice the lock is a bit different.
The probable answer is, you don't: You enhance yourself with logical cybernetics until you're able to brute-force the code. Or get her to tell you.
To be fair, women praetorians for titans aren't rare, but isn't a knight a SM exclusive thing? As in it is only operated by SPHRESS MAHRINES, and are in no way populated by females.
Knights as in feudal knights. Everyone with "money" and connections can have one. They are independent like knights.
you're thinking of the Grey Knights DreadKnight
Oh so DoW3 knights will have the same fucked up configuration as an actual titan where they have a human suspended in a tube with massive amounts of wires going into their head to interface directly with the titan's battle AI?
Just read this.
Why are Dark Eldar literal chaos worshippers?
What the fuck
How do you fuck up this bad
Because they are having fun, unlike the rest of the universe.
Hedonism's one hell of a drug
jesus fuck Amberly Veil can purge my dick off any day
don't forget
republic commando wasn't all that great past some fresh ideas, im pretty sure this would turn out to be better than a second coming
Reminder khornate champions have huge harems to fuck when they aren't murdering.
Heretics the lot of you
According to GW the Space marine ending is canon on Soulstorm tho
Why is a khorne berzerker fucking a daemonette?
Don't all chaos gods hate each other? Aside from Nurgle I mean, Nurgle loves everyone.
No but there's only one known female knight in canon and that was considered a big fucking deal. A second one with tumblr hair to boot is pretty silly.
I don't think SM have exclusive equipment per say (aside from chapter exclusive stuff unless we're talking Bloody Magpies here)
Everything in the Warhammer 40k lore that isn't a guardsman is considered a big fucking deal to be fair.
Imperial Knights are expensive.
what, DOW II stated Boreale Lost Soulstorm and the only ending that did not fuck them(Blood Ravens) over is the Imperial Guard and most likely its the canon ending
Khorne v Slaanesh and Nurgle v Tzeentch are special all time rivalries due to the incompatible nature of their basic philosophies: martial pride/honour/duty v sensation at all costs/do whatever you want and decay/death/inevitability/tradition v ambition/immortality/change respectively. Khorne also hates sorcerers in general so that's a sore point.
I meant more that her being female was a bit of a shock to everyone. But yes I seem to remember a team of hundreds slaves is supposedly cheaper than an autoloader (someone can't into the logistics of feeding generations of them for thousands of years, methinks). Human life is nothing unless it's a special human.
Land Raiders are supposed to be SM exclusive due to some rule Emps passed back during the HH that was never removed. I'm not sure but I suspect Land Raiders are SM exclusive too though I could be wrong on that.
Oh also Slaanesh hasn't gotten on well with Khorne and Nurgle since they both fucked with him/her/it nomming all the Eldar Gods way back. Nurgle's whole 'no pain' and 'look/smell like shit' thing isn't particularly compatible either. Coupled with Khorne's hatred of sorcerers you get the Chaos gods who are more likely to ally:
Khorne + Nurgle, Slaanesh + Tzeentch
Thaddeus was kinda implied to have joined Hairgel on his 100 year penitence crusade. Cyrus is still a Scout sergeant because he wants to shape the recruits after the Blood Ravens lose almost their entire fucking Chapter. Diomedes is still First company captain. Martellus is gonna be the Master of the Forge.
Yes, one of the big reasons you're back at the chapter worlds is because you needs new recruits fast since Boreale basically lost several companies worth of marines
Do you have a moment to talk about our glorious lord Kek Cegorach?
There is a bit more of a deep rooted conflict, Khorne and Slaanesh will never get along because they're both essentially different extremes of nihilism and expression. Whereas Tzeentch is all about change and hope, Nurgle is all about no change and everybody not really having hope and just being comfortable wallowing in stagnant misery.
Off the top of my head Tactical Dreadnought Armour, Land Raiders, Rhynos and Battle Barges are all things only Marines get IIRC
Maybe land riders (if we don't count chaos) but Terminator armor is widely used by the Grey Knights, Rhinos are used (and adapted) by Sororitas and Grey Knights and battle barges are also used by the Adeptus Mechanicus
And what do YOU worship eh?
A sodomite space tranny? A handicapped fatass with tourettes? An indesisive molusk? A lich?
Fuck you and your three sets of dubs.
How's that whole "closing the eye of terror" thing working for you?
Are there beings more revolting than the Choas Cucks?
A man of taste such as myself.
I have a lot of fun playing soulstorm with the Ultimate Apocalypse mod.
It actually makes the game playable.
Well, if you're playing multiplayer that is, the mod removes the cringeworthy campaign
Now I finally have an excuse for playing like shit.
That picture is Lilith Whats-her-name, this is the inquisitor that cockteased Gaunt then fucked off with some Eldar.
Amberlay looks younger and very rarely dresses as an obvious inquisitor.
Amberly is classier than her.
How are guardsmen cucks?
If anything, they are the faction of the imperium that gets more sex together with the imperial navy.
You've got me curious now
Basically: There was a massive reton of the Necrons. The old Necron lore was called Oldcrons by the community, and the new Necron lore was called Newcrons.
There is a divide in the commmunity right now. Some prefer the oldcron lore, some prefer the newcron lore, some very retarded people like both, and a lot of the newbs never even heard about this shit.
Read the 1d4chan article.
Why is there no such game? It's such a simple concept
Pretty much like STALKER 40k.
10/10 would play.
Because Guardsmen don't get any pay. Serving the Emperor and the ability to fight for your own survival is all the pay a guardsman needs.
He is never going to return home again anyways, the best he can hope for is liberating a planet and being awarded a plot to colonize.
Because the new gear would get confiscated and the guardsman would be demoted for looting.
He may never return home, but he sure as hell does get monthly pay.
That's why one would have to be smart and hide the loot, and either be buddy enough with the rank and regiment's commissar to let him have the new equipment, or straight up bribe them. It's not like having a soldier with better than shit-tier equipment would make the regiment worse, after all.
No nigger. Guardsmen don't get any pay. They don't receive any money. They are paid with the honour of dying for the Emperor.
They receive rations, a place to sleep, clothes and the eternal love of the Emperor. That's more than most citizens can even hope to get.
Officers and generals receive payment of course, mostly to allow them to buy stuff once they are off duty, but a normal Guardsman will never be off duty again.
One a guardsman is conscripted, enrolled, or forced into service, they are just that. A guardsman. Most of them receive training while in the starship to the planet they are supposed to fight on, and since it would be too much of a logistical effort to form a pickup crew and transport the new, more or less badly reduced, regiment to a new battlefield after organizing and transporting replacement equipment, soldiers and officers to the old regiment, they are left at the planet they conquered. If they didn't conquer it, they died.
There is no need to pay a guardsman, and there sure as fuck is no way to pay every single one of them, if noone is sure, or even has a clue, how many guardsmen there are. They are fighting on every front, every battlefield and every hill the Imperium has to defend, take or destroy. You can't possibly figure out a way to send each and every one of them money on a monthly basis, even a yearly basis would be impossible.
Why would there be a black market?
not everywhere is krieg you grimderp idiot, read ciaphas cain or gaunts ghosts books
you are just talking out of your asshole aren't you
Deldar best.
They get to colonize the worlds they help to conquer
I don't necessarily hate the new necron lore, but the way they went about in doing it was classic GW retardation
It was already established that Necron Lords and nobility still had personality, and if they wanted to fit in the "independent" necrons, just issue a quick blurt about how there's only 3 or 4 c'tan left in the galaxy and they can't control all the necrons they left around, nor do they really care to control all of them
Instead they wiped everything out and went "muh tomb kings in space"
But guardsmen do get leave, no matter what GW tries to tell you, 40k isnt as grimmderp as they make it out to be, the thing is that people arent interesting in the boring wars or the peacfull planets where not much is happening, people are interested in seeing the shitstorms.
Every fucking time
He is retarded. Ignore him.
It's like you're actively trying to be a cuck
It ain't easy bein' green.
This image reminds me, how do Ork Gitfindas work?
Ork games could be really fun as fuck. Even if they were literally knock offs of shit like Mario Cart.
Speaking of Orks
Waaagh!-field, like literally everything a Mek builds.
That's a Squig though. Most of them actually work outside of the field.
And even if it didn't work outside the field, how would it work inside of it? Would it make the ork wielding it magically more accurate or something?
I'd play it.
As long as it's not the Beast stuff then it's fine
Where would you get that idea? How tiny do you think the field is?
That's how the field works.
That squig in that pic has obviously been tinkered with by a Mek and/or a Painboy and/or (maybe) a runtherd. Usually, gitfindas are orky bionics.
I just want a faction that is completely dedicated to fucking chaos shit up from the inside gain.
It was allways implied that ghazghkull was orky jesus.
No no, hold up. That's not how it works. Orks don't even know they have the WAAGH field, so they have to have a reason something will work, even if doesn't make sense to humans.
How do the ORKS believe gitfindas work, then? Some blessing of Gork/Mork?
Got the full comic?
datz easy, it finds a git for ya shoota to shoot
I'm just goign to come to the conclusion that nobody wrote fluff for them just yet
But that's exactly how it works.
No they don't, you idiot.
How do the orks believe red goes faster? How do they believe their guns work? How do they believe purple orks are sneaky as shit?
They don't need a reason. The only requirement for something is that it's a common belief among orks. They don't need a reason for it. They don't even think about a reason. It just needs to be assumed and that's that. Moron.
If they collectively think it works, it works
The Flashgit believes his gitfinda works because he gave the Mek a shitload of teef to make it. The Mek believes it works because he knows how to build fings that are ded-killy. Also, since I dropped my flag:
Mekboyz instinctually/"genetically" have engineering knowledge, since they are oddboyz. The Waaagh!-field actually just makes their contraptions work better and fail less. That fluff piece from Xenology about the gun that was just a metal box filled with loose ammo has been retconned, Just like the rest of Xenology
Don't know why I didn't just image search in the first place. Probably cause I am a lazy fuck
Found the artist and more related art.
I'm mostly rolling with one of the Gaunt's Ghost's novels (can't remember which one) which described this large group of scum that basically tailed a regiment using civilian transports and hitchhiking and such. Scum that wanted to make profit by offering goods and services to the guardsmen, who had little other opportunities to spend their pay. Whores, gambling dens, booze, but also really dedicated wives and kids that wanted to follow their pappy even at the cost of a nomadic life. Since it helped the morale and didn't do much harm, the comissariat supposedly tolerated it.
Thats not Deffwotch fanart, is it?
Is battlefleet gothic still pretty blah, did they ever get around to fixing balance?
No they made it worse. Shit the Imperial Navy can do now is borderline insane and broken. Including a 25% chance to take no damage to shields and causing a mutiny with each boarding action.
how the fuck did this get through, are they Eugen tier when it comes to faction playtesters?
Funny thing is there are people who aren't taking advantage of these abilities and still think the Eldar are OP.
you're forgetting that the BigE was an athiest
Well what religion would a God follow? Would he go to his bedroom and silently whisper for him to protect himself?
"Humanity will only be free once the last preacher has been struck down with the last stone of the last church"
t. turk in a golden loo
jesus believed that he was the god's son and also him, the emps didn't want any sky spooks
He wasnt an atheist, he was well aware of the existence of the chaos gods, he enforced atheism on the imperium to starve out the chaos gods.
Unless you can prevent emotion from being felt you can't do that
You can stabilize the warp to make them less dangerous, and you can eradicate their cults to avoid the shit we see them do.
Here's one of my favorite Warhammer Fantasy games. I thought Nagash was pretty cool though.
What is the best Imperial Guard regiment?
And wasn't there an Imperial Guard Aussie Regiment that defeats their enemies with weaponized shitposting?
Is there any lore on them? I know of a few guard regiments but never about a hidden one. Were they infected with chaos?
bushmen of serica m8
Hopefully we'll get a Bannerlord mod
That mod would get an instantenous take down notice.
The fantasy mod for Warband is still up and running. It actually had a full release earlier this year. Hell, even the fantasy mod for Medieval 2: Total War is still up.
i'll take ones from xenonia and the fuckers with exhaust pipes coming out their backs
That was a hilarious thread. Got anymore of those reaction images? Sadly I didn't save any of them.
I thought it was more like their frontlines got so fucked the skeletons were able to reach that point. But then again why is the lich there? Unless it's a Commisar on a tank situation.
Is that really why they got rid of the setting? GW seems really fond of making retarded decisions.
TONNS of them were corrupted. The Horus Heresy literally split the Empire into two sides, the loyalists and the rebels.
The rebels followed Horus, the loyalists followed Big-E. Half of the troops of the Imperial Guard (which used to be held under one organization together with the Imperial Navy, the Imperialis Auxilia) basically split in two and faught itself for the Entire time.
Most of the traitors were executed ofcourse, but a lot of them managed to escape to the warp or heretical worlds.
It's one of them
It boiled down to a few things
GW lost a lawsuit against Chapterhouse where they got laughed out of court for trying to trademark shit like Space Marine. So they went ahead and started to rename everything, which is why the Imperial Guard technically doesn't exist anymore and why everything in Age of Sigmar has a special name that's been trademarked
They also realized that Space Marines are their biggest sellers, so they decided to retrofit Fantasy to allow for space marines
Most importantly, GW is run by retards who proudly admit they don't do market research and who assume that most of their model buyers do not play the wargames
It's gonna be interesting seeing who ends up snagging their IP's when they go out of business
Although they did run an Age of Sigmar campaign not that long ago where you could win points for your side by buying models
I'm still mad the angels don't fucking wear shoes in that.
Thats an historical meme and also present in 40k, is supposed to represent them as humble.
Reminder that due to the absolutely massive reproduction rate required of the planet of Krieg, they no doubt begin impregnating lolis as soon as possible, if not sooner than normally possible due to medical influence
Imagine being the guys that get to be in charge of that
Reminder that current Relic devs are not the A-Team from THQ. Those guys already left. SEGA Relic is Nu-Relic; these guys don't know shit. They are responsible for making CoH2 a literal reskin of that garbage CoH:O.
The only thing I want is the old Flayed One models, the new ones look gay.
Big E is (and is aware that he is) just the pinacle of human evolution.
The only thing that he wanted was for mankind to become like him; he saw religions as retarded bullshit that only delay natural evolution that's why, even when he was aware of the existance of actual gods, he loathed them.
Consider the following: The Emperor, being still a human is on the same level as the gods, and he saw the potential in mankind to have the entire species become the same as the gods. Then why would you worship them if you know they don't mean shit in the long run?
I want to die, as if we didn't had enough furries in the imperium
40K threads on Holla Forums are cancerous.
Total War Warhammer is actually a decent game.
Are they they the same character?
anybody got any good eldar fap material?
I still don't get why they couldn't just make Gabriel teleport instead of jump.
fucking hell man
wouldnt her hips be massively wide and her tits be fucking giant
since the emperor is humanity exaggerated to perfection id imagine
and fem emperor would basicly be the perfect woman
They're clones since the radiation on their home planet makes them sterile
Mindless excess isn't perfection. Go back to slaanesh, you nigger.
Best glitch.
How the hell can that delay evolution?
It's a biological process or random change, nothing more.
Is this now a 63k thread?
Shouldn't he have just gone around and … spread his seed then?
Trips of truth.
Who says that he didn't?
Reminder that belief in "Sensei" or "muh starchild" is absolute heresy of the highest order
Oh, but he did, quite a lot in fact, is just that he never noticed anything weird in the children, so he wasnt there to see them become sensei.
seriously just kill yourself retard
Is the illuminati and the sensei and all that canon? I've never heard of them before now but the pages for them make them sound almost as powerful as the Emperor.
Well they havent been retconned, we just havent had anything new about them.
And no, sensei arent as powerfull as the emperor, they are REALLY charismatic perpetuals, but the emperor can tear the galaxy a new asshole if he gets pissed.
Isn't that from Heroes of Might and Magic V?
Does Ollanius Pius count as one(sensei)?
she would have very firm and large hips and a moderate bust I imagine. A noticable thigh gap and a slim waist.
Why is he so perfect?
We do not know if all human perpetuals are descendants of the emperor, so maybe hes just an oddity.
Because hes fantasy leman russ.
That's where you get into the iffy category since Black Library stuff gets superseded by rulebooks
I'm not 100% sure since if they've mentioned him in any Guard codex or main rulebook and flat out said he's a perpetual
Originally he was just a regular old guardsman with balls of absolute steel who dick slapped Horus, but it's been rewritten a few times to be a terminator or a custodes depending on who's doing it
I consider Ulrich to be the more admirable deity. Considering that he was basically the first god(Knife ear faggots aside who didn't really do shit) to openly oppose the Choas the Gods.
i think the "retconned" story is in-universe butthurt of both the space marines and custodes in which Ollanius save the emprah while they didn't and change the story because of said butthurt
What, the Elves in fantasy regularly get shit done in terms of actually fighting Chaos, and other threats, while helping the Empire unlike a certain spaceborne species who only mopes about their downfall
When humanity was at the brink of the first great chaos tide. Remember it was the god of winter who answered the call. Not some knife eared faggots.
In 40k evolution is something that can be altered and guided.
He actually did, in two forms.
First you have the sensei who are a bunch of autists with god-like psyker powers that are pursued by the inquisition for fuckall reasons and then you have the primarchs.
Fuck yeah, it could have a side-game where you build your own cart out of the wreckage of your rivals. As you progress through the game, your cart (which can have shit knocked off/ blown off during the races) potentially becomes this unwieldy, impossibly overstocked bucket of dakka. The races would play like mario kart with some twisted metal thrown in, plus the aforementioned sidegame (inspired by Chromehounds, but there's probably a better example).
What a shit series, everything's over the top yet a downer.
Plus lightsabers > chainswords
New TWW DLC next month:
Supposedly it'll be seven-fiddy. Which seems to be on the upper end of "okay" price-wise.
Carmageddon with Orkz?
And this is why 40k threads on Holla Forums are cancer.
What this?
It hurts everytime user
It's still has no connection to your thoughts.
Does Chapter Master have a new dev yet?
What's a good game/book to get into fantasy?
I've just beat DoW so I get the gist of it, but I've never done anything other than that.
Meant of the universe. I've never played anything from fantasy.
If you're happy with generic action then Gotrek and Felix isn't half bad
Whatever you do, pirate the books, BL is top tier jew when it comes to their stuff
But what if I actually like playing the Risk meta-game in RTSes?
What the fuck, they aren't.
They hate Slaneesh just as much as normal Eldar.
They laugh at other Eldar because technically, the other Eldar -are- retarded.
Is there any Warhammer games coming out worth actually looking forward to? Deathwing looks promising but the lack of gameplay footage keeps me skeptical.
Well, the closest you can get is Ultimate Apocalypse
Are there a lot of Ultimate Apocalypse players?
I'm playing normal SS multiplayer and I can find a game in about 10 mins tops, at any time of the day.
I usually don't, but those looking interesting. Thanks.
I like to buy books, but >30 bucks for a used book I guess I'll pirate it anyway.
Ever seen a dog?
Lightsabers are impossible. Chainswords aren't.
Check mate, Jedi-ists.
No idea m8, I normally don't play multiplayer in RTSs, though if it takes 10 tops for SS then it's probably going to take thrice the amount for UA
Thing is, DC's campaign was fine and dandy, but SS campaign made some pretty retarded design decisions.
Oh God, this shit again. 40kids are the worst.
A chainsword would just be a chainsaw with a thicker "blade" for the teeth so it can handle being swung around.
I always liked the idea of Malal being reintroduced to 40k as god of anarchy, contrarianism, hypocrisy and paradox.
His worship would be unconventional as he is usually not directly worshiped. His followers seek betterment of themselves by combating their own evils and vices. They hate Malal and don't worship him as a god, but believe that he represents the concept that everyone's' true worst enemies are themselves and therefore constantly fight against their own beliefs and self-images. Because of this, they get into fights with the other forces of Chaos often despite being aligned with Chaos themselves.
However, even though they claim to not worship Malal, their contrarianism, hypocrisy and desire for personal development powers him nonetheless.
He draws power from every time Tzeentch and his forces back-stab themselves and others; he draws power from every time Khorne and his minions start to slaughter and in-fight; he draws power from every time an inquisitor summons a daemon or uses heretical means to fight against the forces of Chaos. And over the millennia he has drawn great power from the Imperium of Man: he grew stronger as the Emperor outlawed the worship of all gods despite creating legions of fanatical followers who followed his words as dogma, and even more so after his fall when his empire worshiped him as one against his wishes.
His followers may not even be aware that they are followers of his ways:
They are the berserkers of Tzeentch, the psykers of Khorne, the sober Daemonettes, the sterile Nurglites, and all manners of anarchists and Chaos Agnostics. His domain is home as well to every other denizen aligned with Chaos who were refused and cast out by every other god within the Chaos pantheon.
Malal as seen from multiple people at once is to see a writhing and pitted mass of teeth and flesh as it tries to contradict and fight against it's own frame, yet if one were to see Malal by themselves, which as a worshipper of Malal would be virtually assured, Malal would have very definite and familiar form: yourself.
But we already had the perfect chaos god of paradox
Here's the new Total WaWa DLC. Video includes lore analysis and content details.
The centrifugal force of the chain spinning would make it incredibly hard to control. also the force of the chain hitting and biting into a material would probably rip it out of your hand.
Mechanically? Completely and totally possible to build a one handed chainsaw. One that would be anything like what you could call 'effective'? No.
If anyone isn't aware, keep up with The 9th Age. It's a fan continuation of the old Warhammer Fantasy universe that ignores Age of Sigmar.
Two set of teeth spinning in opposite direction from each other would neutralize the centrifugal force that would rip it out of your hand, but a human might not be able to handle it, a space marine would easily swing it around.
But the implication was that its impossible to build when it is, usable is another matter entirely
You can say that about pretty much every DLC for every game.
Due, there's no greater retards than Dark Eldar.
They continue the same lifestyle that ruined their race and created a god that will eternally rape them when they die.
The normal eldar were smart enough to realize that shit has to change.
The rending and bleeding + unbelievable pain beats that disco stick. No cauterized, nice wounds.
Bonce chuck, flesh bit and blood everywhere!
Not to mention that chainsaw sound and the sheer terror it creates.
So the Eldar support Trump and the Dark Eldar support Hillary? :^)
Dark Eldar are degenerate retards while Eldar are just Retards.
They bothe get fucked over in the end.
It's 40K. Everyone gets fucked over in the end.
Because continuing that lifestyle made them immortal and kept Slaanesh away. How is that retarded? They didn't have to become space-prudes, didn't need to completely change their culture, didn't stop breeding to the point where their race is dying and still get to party like it's 19,079.
They apocalypse hit them and they kinda just laughed it off and kept on doing they thang.
They are just postponing the inevitable and making Slaneesh stronger.
They are not immortal, and according to the latest lore, the wards protecting their great city are being slowly destroyed by Slaneesh - in no small part because the city is reeking with decadence and corruption.
She Who Thirsts is knocking on their door.
They do have a secret weapon though, something that could fight Slaanesh and show her who is Boss♂of♂the♂Gym
A champion that will make Slaanesh weep.
Matter to think about. Ork inventions built to fail.
Pitiful. Reliance on others for their victory.
So a non-retard to you is someone who gives in and lets Slaanesh devour them?
I wonder who's behind this post…
Slaanesh can't get to things stuck in the webway, she doesn't grow stronger with what they do so long as it's done in their cities.
Once their cities fall they can just prowl around in their ships. They can handle being outside the webway for extended periods of time. They don't really need to live forever, they just need to outlive the fuel for Slaanesh, and knowing the Haemonculi, they've probably got some shit sorted.
Oh, and the Dark Eldar are probably going relearn how to make new webway stuff by 'fixing' the Golden Throne.
Dark Eldar are edgelords, but they're not retards.
Everything outside the imperium is returning to death.
The imperium is anarchy. All fight by choice or are chaos.
The Golden Throne is failing, the eastern part of the Imperium has vanished, and everything that is deadly is make a beeline towards Holy Terra and overwhelming everything in their path.
I can't say for what'll happen afterwards, but the Imperium is the only thing that is dying thoroughly. Except the Eldar but who cares about them L O L
Paying for history honours what held it, whom you will need to exceed for your hands to have it similar. Accepting the task of honouring it further is the first triumph required to hold it correctly.
Everything else has already failed and must be purged.
The Imperium failed long before most other people did, other than the Eldar but who cares about them L O L
When the Emperor died the Imperium twisted into a cruel parody of itself. The Imperial Cult was literally written by a Chaos Worshiper. It failed a long time ago.
We getting 40k Goat Simulator now?
It would have been okay if golden boy sanguinius made it. F
It's a allegory in real world religion. Goats, lambs, calfs; little animals are always seen as some aspect of a god or symbol of purity or innocence or some shit.
RIP in peace our precious angle never forget
Things would've been real different if Rowboat Girlyman actually tried to help the Imperium instead of continuing to be a big loser who was only interested in making Imperium 2.0 instead.
Or Rogal Dorn failing that.
Edgy as fuck
Well we could also turn user into a Sororita…
MILF Slaanesh is where it's at!
Yes, much better for them to be properly blessed…
Do you noobs even Vitawomb?
That's not a Female Emperor though, she's clearly got the Fleur-de-lis boobplate of the Adeptus Sororita.
Well I can MAKE it one!
Post moar?
Which, Warhammer 40k lewds in general, or Lesbian 40k lewds?
The craftsworld eldar are the ones who risk extinction, dark eldar reproduce in vats and are growing in number quite rapidly.
Also, they can technically live forever since the haemonculus can revive and recreate their body (and their soul reattaches to it) as long as a small part of their body still remains.
We need more 63k.
>I wish Bluddflag would come back Gorgutz is literally a Saturday morning cartoon villain as an ork
Aye, Gorgutz is pretty much an Ork Warboss with bantz piled on top of him for added hilarity
Well I've got that in spades!
This thread demands purging and discipline.
Compared to his current iteration as the chaos god of "fear, darkness, anarchy, and self-destructive urges"?
Discipline yes, but purging?
The necrons aren't really trying to take terra
Talking about joke rules, somebody post Pie Day.