Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe: 'We Will Not Prosecute Killers of White Farmers'

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe: 'We Will Not Prosecute Killers of White Farmers'



Jesus these dumb niggers choose to grow fucking tobacco instead of god damn food. And resisting getting killed means you deserve it. Glass the while fucking area.

Anybody have the article about niggers discovering new ways to store food by not dumping it on the damn ground.


I'm sure Cuck Matthews will discuss this with tears in his eyes on Cuckball.


Reminder the media will never talk about or acknowledge this, us whites in America are next.



This is its own 'redpill'.

I tried to warn them.
They didn't listen.

Nigger does a nigger thing, nig- I mean news at 11

Just remember that these white genocide types of events around the world will escalate as Americans are distracted in civil war.

Fuck sake. Either they need to be evacuated or Zimbabwe needs to be purged.


Ayo hol up hol up.
Where the whole video out my fellow jungle monkey?

This needs to be more widely disseminated and read.

I thought they were begging crackers to come back because they couldn't into farming?
Once bitten, twice shy, mateys. The chinks are welcome to you, you'll know what real oppression is when you send your kid to the Chinese doctor for the flu and he comes back missing a kidney.

They choose the tobacco over fruit and vegetables. That is so retarded.

I would meme that.


A weel ateas i av ma oder tweny keds. Gota av dat welfir

I feel as if just talking in a orc peon voice from wow gives off the exact accent


Id say kill all his family members that are in different countries. The faggot is too old to care if anything is done to him.

When he dies then the civil war will come.

I would say rest in peace Rhodesia, but I'm not a blackpilled faggot. Some Rhodesians are still alive somewhere. Live and reproduce bros, and at least your descendants will be able to retake your home.

Nah, that's South Africa. Then the US. Europe & Canada will be converted to Islam before niggerdom occurs, and Australia and New Zealand will be sold to China. Or we could just wake everyone else up like we've been doing and win the inevitable race war. Yeah, I like your option #2 better.

Can we complete that collection of article about this King Nog ?

This is real life? This America in the not too distant future after leftist idiots let the niggers get their way.

literally legalized murder of white farmers, how many steps removed from legalized murder of white people

Yeah but lets not let this distract us from the real issue at hand. Some white people went for a walk with some Tiki flames. I think you will find that is just a tad more serious than the sanctioned genocide of white farmers.

Funny isn’t it. Trump fails to drop to his knees and weep whilst, clutching an a menorah and incoherently repeat the word “Nazis” and the world comes to an end. Mugabe outright legalizes the slaughter of Europeans and it makes a single stub article which itself is free of any condemnation. And it only gets 29 posts in 10 hours.

Begging whites to give him shit while saying he wants them dead. African blacks seem pretty similar to American ones. Palm up in one hand, raised spear in the other.

End aid to zimbabwe, ship arms to the whites, and the whole situation would be over in a month. You have to work on the disease, not the symptoms. jew control over america is causing almost every single problem on the planet.

Wow so tolerant of them.

And he wonders why whites wont come back to save them. No when whites come back it will be as an army to conquer them.

I don't think I'm niggerophobic when I say this will happen in Europe if we don't kill these nignogs before it's too late.





Is that Ian Smith?

Thing is, tobacco would generate themselves a lot of money which they could buy food with. Problem is niggers are too stupid and would either fail the crop, not grow enough to substain themselves, or just smoke it themselves because they're retarded niggermonkeys.

The only Whites in that country are farmers. You wouldn't want to live in any urban centers because you'd be in nig central.

right in the feels…